Komal Sri-Kumar of Sri-Kumar Global Strategies says if the U.S. Federal Reserve doesn’t raise interest rates in March and inflation picks up, the market is “no longer going to believe [it].”
Inflation is going be so high that the U.S. Fed will be ‘boxed into a corner,’ says consultancy
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Thank free market Capitalism and large comps on Corporate Welfare for inflation getting gov $$$ for decades. Any company that gets Government dollars should be nationalized.
You’re living under a malignant cancer of capitalism, common in the early 1900’s, and you’re alluding to a time of actual free markets. The US hasn’t been a free market since Nixon, as soon as we handed them the keys to the money supply, America as an empire was set to die.
We don’t have capitalism, and haven’t had it for decades. When you vote for politicians to get involved it’s by definition no longer private.
How is that free market? That’s a controlled market
It’s not capitalism when the government merged with corkporations that’s facism
This is not “free market capitalism” – As much as your master Pelosi wants to convince you of that.
I clicked outta curiosity. This is so CNBC. The guy is dazzled by what he’s hearing while it being the most obvious turnout. Comedy channel. CNBC is light years away from being an economic channel. Lmfao 😆
for sure.
The Liberal Elite will continue to create more inflation as long as they can get away with it,
as long as ignorant voters keep electing evil politicians
I’d like to see any of these “economic experts” put their money where their mouth is. Have them bet their paycheck on their expert predictions. The ol’ “put up or shut up” challenge. They’d stop running their mouths.
Tbf the guy was telling you the truth. He’s literally telling you that the fed will rate hike during a recession and send us into a depression.
Lol . let me guess you dont see inflation?
We are going to see inflation continue to rise there is nothing that can be done because the money supply is far too high. We will end up in hyper inflation. It wont happen over night but one day soon this house of cards collapses and when it does they will force a digital currency. There is nothing transitory about a 600 trillion dollar derivative debt. Look at the U.S. Debt clock it is right there for everyone to see. That is the money all those corporations pissed away gambling on all kinds of futures and the credit default swaps etc from 9/11 till 2008. We are paying for that while all the covid crap is the smoke screen to keep people from seeing that the fed deliberately pissed all our money away. They are going to collapse this on purpose because it is no longer sustainable. When that occurs you will be forcedto get either a chip or some other tracking device or you will not be able to participate in society. They already started with the covid jabs/passports and will end in total enslavement. This is the global end game for all fat money.
@Viking Life . smart man
@Viking Life before 2024.
The only way to solve this will be create a depression enviorment like China. Bring back over seas fabrics with the excuse of future lockdowns, shortages and produce a lot and cheap, meaning DEFLATE the U S. Economy.
Think the conspiracy about a comunist model was not a conspiracy.
In China, firms that survive predominantly off public money are called state on enterprises. There are pros and cons to state ownership. Quite a few pros. In America, firms that survive off public money are called capitalist private firms. It’s really funny stuff
@否定する自分を That means they’re smart. Blame our leader here in the US for allowing that.
The US Stock Markets have been propped up by the Fed and and federal bailouts where the companies used to buy back stock. Three of the major stock fallouts, outside of pandemics and acts of terror, have played out near or after the Fed raised rates. One event a few years ago I remember following where the Fed had only suggested the rates would need to be raised followed by the markets plummeting and the Fed to backout of raising rates. Not that I am going to enjoy the hit to my 401K, but it will be interesting to see exactly how much fluff is actually in the stock market when the Fed has to act and raise rates.
Inflation in a fiat money system
In a related story.. water is wet
all money is fiat money
Left-wing media is as useless as tits on a bull when it comes to informing us about the markets in a timely manner.
Scumbags 🤮
Anyone having fun yet?
China smiling, when receiving truckloads of corn, wheat, gold, copper/// in the exchange for knick-knoks
We are so Joe Bidened!
Lets go Brandon!
Got me jobless and in debt.
“Let’s go Brandon, I agree!”
This when Bitcoin ,ada ,xrp , and truefi come in to play 🙏🚀
@否定する自分を dollar is. Stock mkt prices are.
Lots of leverage. they will implode when their credit line gets more expensive with the raise of interest rates.
Someone must have been listening to the Peter Schiff podcast
End the FED
lol they are going to never raise rates…….. they can’t afford the interest payments if they raise……. Our country is run by dumbasses and the dollar is dying, buy gold silver and crypto and sit back and relax… buy up all the assets from all the dumbasses that stay in the dollar
The fed is thrusting us working people into poverty fucking. Pos
a government will stones would pass wage and price control measures ——but of course their donors heads would explode
These ppl are lying us all. There will be no tapering.
America’s founding fathers said the United States will never have a federal reserve bank a federal reserve bank always ends up destroying the economy
..unless they are actually out to destroy the US cash in hand $ to usher in they’re own digital currency..
It has been forecast..(..So that man will not be able to buy nor sell without the mark of the beast upon him.Let those who have wisdom..)
End the Federal Reserve
Watch the Govt. Declare a new Pandemic next month, canceling the feds plans to taper and raise rates. Inflation will continue to skyrocket and we will all suffer while they get richer
He might be right, and then he’ll get his fifteen minutes of fame, otherwise he will be forgotten amongst a blizzard of predictions from other prognosticators of the future.
inflation did not exist, its made up by the US