Neuralink founder Elon Musk tweeted on X that the neurotechnology startup had successfully implanted its first device into a human subject. The implant aims to help paralyzed and disabled patients to quickly and seamlessly operate digital devices simply by thinking. Yahoo Finance’s Dan Howley broke down the details on January 30, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #ai #tech #technology #humanintelligence
Alphabet’s Google (GOOG, GOOGL) reported Q4 earnings in 2023 and missed analysts’ expectations of $65.94 billion in ad revenue. ‘We are going to bring in more AI features and look forward to more strong growth,’ said Google CEO Sundar Pichai. Pichai discussed the company’s earnings call on January 30, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #stocks #google #stockmarketnews #q4 #earnings #results #q4result2023 #google #alphabet
Kineo Capital Managing Partner Jim Strugger discussed his tips for investors who wish to trade stock options. Strugger joined Yahoo Finance Live on January 30, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #stocks #stockpicks #stocktrading #2024 #predictions #outlook #investingforbeginners
Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick explained what stock options are and what the risks of participating in them could be. Sosnick joined Yahoo Finance Live on January 29, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #stocks #explained
A recent incident involving AI-generated explicit images of Taylor Swift on various social media platforms has reignited the conversation about better safeguards, guardrails, and regulation. Yahoo Finance’s Dan Howley reports on this story and weighs in on the increasing urge for U.S. regulation of the quickly evolving world of AI. Segment is from January 29, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #ai #artificialintelligence #2024 #tech #technology #updates
Strike CEO Jack Mallers discussed his thoughts on why he believes bitcoin to be legitimate in comparison to the rest of crypto. Mallers joined Yahoo Finance Live on January 23, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #business #stockmarket #financenews #bitcoin #etf #etfs #strike #ceo #ceovision #bitcoinnews #bitcoinprice #bitcointrading
Microsoft Co-Founder and former Microsoft President & CEO Bill Gates discussed vaccines and global health care progress. Gates joined Yahoo Finance Live from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 16, 2024. #yahoofinance #finance #news #youtubeshorts #youtube #shorts #shortsvideo #businessnews #billgates #interview #billgatesquotes #2024 #healthcare #health