I’m going to help you stay focused so that you can achieve your goals. If you dabble your way through life, you won’t ever finish anything. Now is the time to take action and build a business you love. Take my FREE business quiz: http://projectlifemastery.com/quiz In this video, I talk about how to stay focused to achieve your goals. If you find it difficult to stay focused, you aren’t alone. Let’s face it, we’ve all had days where, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to focus. Unfortunately, these days are the norm for a lot of people. We live in a world where we are bombarded […]
This is why you will fail (and what to do about it). If you’re feeling stuck, watch this video! Join Life Mastery Accelerator to discover cutting-edge strategies for how you can transform your failures into opportunities for growth: https://lifemasteryaccelerator.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=life-mastery-accelerator-promo&utm_term=why-you-will-fail&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video I share with you why you will fail (and what to do about it). Have you ever wondered why you aren’t achieving your goals? It all comes down to your mindset. In my opinion, there has been too much focus on teaching people how to set goals, and less attention on how to actually achieve them. Don’t get me wrong. Setting goals is important, but a goal means […]
Join Morning Ritual Mastery: https://morningritualmastery.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=morning-ritual-mastery-promo&utm_term=master-the-process&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video I share with you that if you master the process the results will follow. Setting goals is critical for achieving success in life, however the process for getting there is equally as important. Oftentimes people become so emotionally attached to the end result that they fail to enjoy the journey. When they don’t achieve their goals, they end up getting frustrated, angry, and feel defeated. You may be thinking, “But doesn’t this defeat the purpose of setting a goal?” It may seem counterintuitive, but you will actually achieve your goals faster if you focus on the process, NOT the goal. When you […]
Join Life Mastery Accelerator: https://lifemasteryaccelerator.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=life-mastery-accelerator-promo&utm_term=become-who-you-want-to-be-now&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video, Stefan shares with you some of the reasons why you shouldn’t wait until tomorrow to make a change in your life. Become who you want to be now! Have you ever looked back on your life and thought to yourself, “If I had only committed to making that change, life would have be so different now?” Inaction is what creates doubt and uncertainty in people. If you want to be successful in life, you need to have a life plan, which requires that you set long-term goals and stay committed to achieving them. Self-belief is the foundation on which success is built. […]