Archive List for belief system

Change Your Belief To Change Your Life

Join Life Mastery Accelerator: Do you want to know the secret to success? Change your belief to change your life. When you believe something, it becomes true. Our beliefs about who we are determine the choices that we make in our lives, which is why it is so important that we choose wisely. One of the biggest obstacles that hold so many people back from success in life is limiting beliefs. These are toxic, success limiting stories that we tell ourselves that prevent us from taking action. Your limiting beliefs are all B.S. Here are some examples – “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not smart”, “I can’t do that”. […]


0 Comfort is the enemy. Everything you’ve ever wanted lies outside your comfort zone. That is where the magic happens. Get my FREE course that walks you through the 7 online business models that made me a millionaire in 3 years: Comfort is the enemy. When you really think about, there is nothing comfortable about a comfort zone. Eventually you become stagnant, lazy, and bored. We are creatures of habit, and familiarity is what breeds comfort, but unfortunately, nothing grows in a comfort zone. If you aren’t where you want to be in your life, it is most likely because you are stuck in your comfort zone. Comfort is […]