☀️ [FREE]: MORNING RITUAL CHEATSHEET 👇 https://projectlifemastery.com/cheatsheet/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=morning-ritual-cheatsheet-promo&utm_term=you-can-never-lose-your-value&utm_content=lc-youtube-description 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about why you can never lose your value. If I told you that I was going to give you a $20 dollar bill, would you take it? Most people would say, “Yes.” What if I were to take that same $20 dollar bill and crumple it into a ball? Even worse, what if stomped it on the ground? No matter what I may do with that bill, there is a huge likelihood that you would still want it because it did not lose or decrease its value. There is an important lesson here […]
An online business allows you to create your ultimate dream lifestyle. It starts with committing that you’re ready to take massive action. Download my FREE quiz to figure out which online business is best for you: http://projectlifemastery.com/quiz In this video I share with you how to create your ultimate dream lifestyle. A lot of people sit on the sidelines of life, hoping that their dreams will come true one day, but nothing happens in life unless you take action. Your dream lifestyle isn’t going to magically show up at your doorstep. It requires that you design the life of your choosing, and then start moving in that direction. This is […]
Learn How You Can Master Your Life: https://projectlifemastery.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=homepage-promo&utm_term=2017-highlights-of-project-life-mastery&utm_content=lc-youtube-description These are the 2017 highlights of Project Life Mastery! This has been a year of epic memories and unforgettable moments. As I reflect on the last year of my life, I am so grateful for the people that I met, the experiences that I had, and the goals that I achieved. Self-reflection gives our brains the opportunity to sit back, celebrate our accomplishments, and create meaning from our experiences. Are you ready for a snapshot of the 2017 highlights of Project Life Mastery? A New Year is upon us, which means a new opportunity to learn, grow and become more. What magic […]
Join Life Mastery Accelerator: https://lifemasteryaccelerator.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=life-mastery-accelerator-promo&utm_term=manifest-your-dreams&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video, I share with you the power of using the Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams. The Law of Attraction states that whatever can be imagined, is achievable. I am a big believer in the power of manifestation. A lot of people have goals and dreams, but they never achieve them because they have limiting beliefs about themselves and the world. It creates a self-sabotaging cycle that can result in a life of regret. We all have the power to manifest our dreams, but in order to do, so we have to shift to a more positive way of thinking. Using the […]
Join Life Mastery Accelerator: https://lifemasteryaccelerator.com/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=life-mastery-accelerator-promo&utm_term=become-who-you-want-to-be-now&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video, Stefan shares with you some of the reasons why you shouldn’t wait until tomorrow to make a change in your life. Become who you want to be now! Have you ever looked back on your life and thought to yourself, “If I had only committed to making that change, life would have be so different now?” Inaction is what creates doubt and uncertainty in people. If you want to be successful in life, you need to have a life plan, which requires that you set long-term goals and stay committed to achieving them. Self-belief is the foundation on which success is built. […]
FREE COURSE To Start Your Online Business: https://projectlifemastery.com/freecourse/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=free-course-promo&utm_term=how-to-believe-in-yourself&utm_content=lc-youtube-description In this video, Stefan shows you how to believe in yourself. Everything created in this world starts with belief. Nothing that you accomplish in your life would be possible without first believing in yourself. I am confident. I am happy. I am enough. I am loving. I am successful. Whatever you attach the words “I am” to, you will become in life. Whatever your core beliefs are, make sure they serve you and cater to them in your everyday life. It may sound simple, but that’s how to believe in yourself. ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ How To Believe In Yourself […]
FREE COURSE To Start Your Online Business: https://projectlifemastery.com/freecourse/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=free-course-promo&utm_term=your-limiting-beliefs-are-all-bs&utm_content=lc-youtube-description I want to talk to you today about one of the biggest barriers that holds people back from success in their lives. It’s what keeps people stuck where they are in life — struggling, broke, in debt, and unhappy. It’s the same thing that had me down on myself just a few years ago. In fact, it still holds me back from the next level of success I desire in my life. I’m talking about limiting beliefs. Most people aren’t consciously aware of them and more importantly aren’t doing anything proactively to change them. They’re a story, they’re an excuse, they’re a […]