Archive List for ETF investing

Major AI themes for ETF investing in 2024

#etf #ai #yahoofinance #magnificentseven ETF gained major ground among investors in 2023’s volatile environment. Pacer ETFs President Sean O’Hara discusses 2024’s ETF outlook with Yahoo Finance Live, calling this past year “unique” with the dominance of the Magnificent Seven tech stocks. O’Hara cautions that “it never lasts.” O’Hara suggests investors opt into diversifying portfolios through equal-weighted versions of holdings. With AI revolutionizing markets, O’Hara says “we are in the midst of a technological revolution” as AI “eats up so much data.” However, he advises “a diversified approach” when investing in AI, including both key tech players and the chipmakers “that do all the computing work.” For more expert insight and […]