Archive List for perfection

OUR 3 BIGGEST ONLINE BUSINESS FAILURES (so you can learn from them)

These are our 3 biggest online business failures so that you can learn from them. Watch this video to learn what they are! Take my FREE quiz to discover which online business best aligns with your strengths and purpose: WATCH PART 2 ON TATIANA’S CHANNEL: Online business failures are unavoidable. How you deal with those failures and move forward is what counts. My girlfriend Tatiana and I want to share with you the challenges and mistakes that we have each faced while building our online businesses. In doing so, we hope that you can learn from them. Why would we want to highlight our failures? Well, because there […]

5 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants To Admit

Do you want to know 5 brutal truths about life no one wants to admit? You may not want to hear this, but I promise that the truth will set you free. Sure, ignorance can be bliss. However, if you want to be the master of your world, you have to first drop your ego and get real with yourself. Only then will you feel empowered to take control of your life. Ready to start living every day with confidence, passion, and energy? Join my Morning Ritual Mastery program: In this video I share with you 5 brutal truths about life no one wants to admit. It’s easy to […]