Archive List for procrastination

It’s Time To Do The Things You Keep Putting Off. Here’s How…

It’s time to do the things you keep putting off. If you’re someone who struggles with procrastination, you need to watch this video! Ready to start an online business? Take action and download my FREE online business quiz: 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 👇 7 Online Business Models ► 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about how you can stop putting things off and start taking action. Procrastination is the enemy of success. It keeps you stuck and incapable of reaching your true potential in life. Success doesn’t come to those who wait on the sidelines. Nothing in your life will work unless you take action. […]

If You Think You Are Going Nowhere In Life, Take A Deep Breath And Watch This

If you think you are going nowhere in life, take a deep breath, and watch this video! Join my Life Mastery Accelerator program to discover how you can create a compelling vision for your life: If you think you are going nowhere in life, take a deep breath and watch this. In this video, I talk about how to create the future that you desire. It is so important that you accept that the past is ancient history. It’s okay to remember your past, but don’t live in it. It does not dictate or determine your future in any way, unless you allow it to. When I was 17 […]