Archive List for successful people

From Broke To Financial Freedom | Money Motivation

I used to be BROKE. Now I have financial freedom. In this video, I share how I did it! If you’re ready to go from broke to financial freedom, take my FREE quiz and find out which online business is best for you: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about how I went from being broke to financial freedom. If you’ve ever been broke, you know how much of a toll it can take on your mental and emotional health. How would your life change if you never had to worry about money again? Ultimately, pursuing financial freedom is about making a decision that you […]

It’s Time To Do The Things You Keep Putting Off. Here’s How…

It’s time to do the things you keep putting off. If you’re someone who struggles with procrastination, you need to watch this video! Ready to start an online business? Take action and download my FREE online business quiz: 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 👇 7 Online Business Models ► 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about how you can stop putting things off and start taking action. Procrastination is the enemy of success. It keeps you stuck and incapable of reaching your true potential in life. Success doesn’t come to those who wait on the sidelines. Nothing in your life will work unless you take action. […]

How Bad Do You Want It? | Stefan James Motivation

COMMIT TO MASTERY: HOME 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 Success is within your reach. How bad do you want it? If you want to achieve your wildest dreams, you have to be willing to do anything in order to make it happen. If you are willing to put in the hard work, you can be, do and have whatever it is that you want in life. It’s not a matter of can you. Rather, will you? When it comes to success, you’ve got to be all in. There will be tough times along the way. That’s a guarantee. Whatever you do, don’t quit. When you fall, get back up again […]

How To Create A Mastermind Group And Surround Yourself With Success

Proximity is power, meaning that your environment and the people whom you surround yourself with predicts your success in life. Being a part of a Mastermind is one of the fastest ways to accelerate your progress. Would you like me to show you how to create your own Mastermind Group of highly successful people? Check out my FREE Mastermind cheatsheet: 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 👇 Online Business Mastery Mastermind ► 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about how to create a Mastermind Group and surround yourself with success. A Mastermind Group has the power to change every area of your life. For those of you […]

How To Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals

I’m going to help you stay focused so that you can achieve your goals. If you dabble your way through life, you won’t ever finish anything. Now is the time to take action and build a business you love. Take my FREE business quiz: In this video, I talk about how to stay focused to achieve your goals. If you find it difficult to stay focused, you aren’t alone. Let’s face it, we’ve all had days where, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to focus. Unfortunately, these days are the norm for a lot of people. We live in a world where we are bombarded […]

Success Is SIMPLE… Repeat These 2 Steps To Become A Millionaire 💸

Success is simple. Watch this video to discover the 2 steps that will help you become a millionaire. Join my Life Mastery Accelerator program to get cutting-edge strategies for accelerating success in every area of your life: In this video, I talk about why success is SIMPLE and I discuss in detail the 2 steps that you must repeat if you want to become a millionaire. A lot of people make success more complex than it needs to be. As you can imagine, this mindset can cause a lot of frustration and inaction. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way saying that achieving success is easy. However, […]

WHY I DO WHAT I DO (is it just for Money?)

ONLINE BUSINESS QUIZ: If you’ve ever wondered why I do what I do, I’m here to answer that question. Imagine that you didn’t have to work for money anymore. Would you still work? When I first started learning from other people I remember being curious about this. People always ask me, “Stefan, if you are so successful in your life, then why would you share your knowledge, secrets, and strategies with others?” People tend to think that, if you selfishly keep knowledge to yourself, then you will be able to prosper even more. It’s based on the belief that the more people that know about a great opportunity, the […]

How To Attract High Level, Successful People In Your Life

When you attract the right people into your life, you win at life. You become the five people whom you surround yourself with. Join Life Mastery Accelerator to learn how to attract high level, successful people in your life: In this video I share with you a four-step process for how you attract the right people in your life! I recommend that you take out a pen and piece of paper and write down these four steps. THIS is how you attract the right people in your life! Your environment and the people that you surround yourself with has a huge impact on the person that you become. Step […]

Who You Spend Time With Is Who You Become

Who you spend time with is who you become. Your environment predicts your success in life. Join Life Mastery Accelerator to learn how you can create an empowering ecosystem of people who inspire you to achieve greatness: In this video, I shed light on why who you spend time with is who you become. The most effective way to learn and grow is to surround yourself with people that are smarter and more successful than you. Unfortunately, a lot of people hesitate from putting themselves in environments like these, for fear that they will appear stupid. In doing so, they limit their opportunities for growth. If you want to […]

The ONE QUALITY That All Successful People Have In Common

This is the ONE quality that all successful people have in common. Watch this video to learn what it is! If you’re ready to build a successful online business, join my FREE Affiliate Marketing Masterclass: What is the one quality that all successful people have in common? They have unshakable confidence. Confident people don’t spend time wondering if they are going to be successful. They know that success is inevitable. They have an incredible amount of belief and certainty in themselves and their abilities. I have been successful in multiple areas of my life because I made it a priority to cultivate confidence within myself every day. You have […]