Archive List for trading for beginners

What is an ‘economic hitman’? | Decoded

Do economic hitmen exist? Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates whether powerful nations and wealthy companies are strong-arming poor countries of their resources and political power. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: #Decoded #ALJazeeraDecoded #AlJazeeraDigitalSeries #Aljazeeraenglish #amrwaked

Candlestick Engulfing Pattern Tutorial

Japanese candlesticks have one ability that most other chart types don’t – they can show so called “engulfing” patterns. An engulfing pattern is defined as when the open and close price of a bullish or bearish candle are within the range of the open and close price of the candle following them. When this happens many traders believe it is a sign that a trend has just finished and this is the best possible entry point. That’s the theory but as we know the market doesn’t always answer to predefined rules. That’s why David Jones includes real examples alongside the theory behind these specific chart patterns. You’ll also see different […]

What is a Pip or Point | Trading Terms

It might seem logical what a point or pip is in trading but some traders, especially new ones can get confused about the meaning of the term. This video sheds light on the exact definition of the terminology and what it represents. Different examples of currencies with two, four and five digits after the decimal are included so that you can see what represents a pip. Stocks are also discussed and presented, as they make up a sizeable portion of the trading world. Real examples on the chart are also shown, so that you can place them in context and see how they are used when talking about trades, targets […]

How To Trade False Breakouts: Beginner Guide

Today’s trading strategy video is not one for the faint-hearted. False breakouts are one of those setups that require skill to identify and even more skill to trade successfully. Luckily we have an experienced trader like David Jones with us to pinpoint the factors that make the difference between winning and losing using this aggressive trading strategy. And there is one thing that you’ll have to accept early on when trading false breakouts – there will be higher risk than usual. False breakouts are known to occur relatively frequently and can come with sharp moves in both directions as they react to support and resistance levels. Managing risk is important […]