As long-term investors, we have to manage our portfolios in every environment. In recessions, we can turn to defensive investing. Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you need to feel empowered to build wealth in the stock market. In this latest video of the series, we explain: 0:00 – What is defensive investing? 1:38 – Types of stocks to avoid in recession 3:24 – Five industries best suited for defensive investing 5:40 – Specific defensive investing strategies Visit us at Download our free mobile apps for iOS or Android #stocks #investing #Trading212 #trading #recession #stockmarket #recessionproofinvesting As with all investments, your capital […]
Inflation means your money is worth less every year – it’s one of the best reasons to be a long-term investor. And when inflation is very high, special steps can be taken to protect your investments. Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you need to feel empowered to build wealth in the stock market. 0:00 – Intro 0:43 – What is inflation? 2:57 – What is an inflation hedge? 3:56 – Stocks that do well with high inflation 4:50 – Revenues 5:34 – Pricing power 6:42 – Commodities 7:37 – Interest rates 8:26 – The economy Visit us at Download our free mobile […]
They don’t happen often but when they do it can be painful – a bear market! It is when the stock market falls for several months and most stocks are losing value. This video aims to explain how bear markets come about to better prepare you for when they do. Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you need to feel empowered to build wealth in the stock market. ⌚ Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:50 – What is a bull & bear market? 2:59 – Why do bear markets happen? 6:09 – What happens in a bear market? 8:21 – 3 tips ———————————————- 🍿 Enjoyed […]
There are loads of companies to choose from when it comes to investing and they come in all shapes and sizes. In today’s video we are going to be looking at the differences between big and small companies, what opportunities and threats they present and see which ones you should be investing in and why. Our Investing 101 series covers the fundamentals of investing and tries to bring you the basics to build a solid foundation. Let us know in the comments for future topics you would like to see covered in these videos. 0:00 – Intro 1:15 – Historical performance 3:46 – What is a big company? 4:51 – […]
Just how worried should investors be about inflation? Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by a word? Every time you turn on the TV, radio or read a news article, it seems everyone is talking about inflation. But how worried should we be as investors about this? In today’s video, we will discuss this in detail and explain why inflation on its own isn’t necessarily the problem, it’s the reaction to it that we need to understand. 0:00 – Intro 1:31 – What is inflation? 4:31 – Nominal return 5:39 – Outrunning inflation 8:58 – Interest rates 11:54 – Is it a good time to invest? Visit us at […]
Dividend investing is a team sport! The goal should be diversification through a PORTFOLIO of dividend stocks. Earlier videos focused on picking good dividend stocks and using features like Pies and AutoInvest to simplify our investing. In this 5th video of the dividend investing series, we look at how to build a resilient dividend portfolio. That includes: – How to invest with as little as $1000 – Using Fractional shares – Including dividend ETFs Check out the first video of the series on getting started with dividend investing – Visit us at Download the free native mobile apps now: Trading 212 for iOS – Trading 212 for […]
When should you sell a stock? An interesting question that could have a number of answers. In today’s video we will explore these in more detail using Warren Buffett as our guide. ‘How to pick stocks’ Video Mentioned Our Investing 101 series covers the fundamentals of investing and tries to bring you the basics to build a solid foundation. Let us know in the comments for future topics you would like to see covered in these videos. 0:00 – Intro 1:40 – Sell when a better option comes along 3:13 – Sell if the initial purchase was a mistake 4:42 – Sell when the price shoots up a lot […]
So you’ve only got a small amount of money and you’re wondering – ‘is it even worth investing?’ In short, the answer is yes. From small acorns mighty oaks grow and the earlier you start investing the better. You’ll never have more time ahead of you than you do right now, so what are you waiting for? Our Investing 101 series covers the fundamentals of investing and tries to bring you the basics to build a solid foundation. Let us know in the comments for future topics you would like to see covered in these videos. 0:00 – Intro 1:39 – Time is money 5:40 – Why most people don’t […]