As long-term investors, we have to manage our portfolios in every environment. In recessions, we can turn to defensive investing.
Our Investing 101 series is here to help give you the knowledge you need to feel empowered to build wealth in the stock market.
In this latest video of the series, we explain:
0:00 – What is defensive investing?
1:38 – Types of stocks to avoid in recession
3:24 – Five industries best suited for defensive investing
5:40 – Specific defensive investing strategies
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As with all investments, your capital is at risk. Investments can rise and fall, and you may get back less than you invested.
Is there a specific tool you recommend?
Please,suggest best books for fundamental analysis and investing …! Thanks a lot for these booster doses… !
I can’t watch your videos because the background doodelidoo music is too annoying.
My favourite for this times are alcoholic businesses since apparently people tend to drink more alcohol when things are bad
Invest in VUSA and DCA!
Hello. THe site is not working. What’s going on?
Hello, Alexander. Let us check why you couldn’t gain access. Please get in touch with us at, and we’ll get back to you promptly.
@Trading 212 Turns out it was from firefox. It said not secure connection.
We’re glad to know everything works fine now. Still, don’t hesitate to reach us if you need help with anything else 🙏
@Trading 212 Thank you for the quick responses. Appreciate it.
On telecommunications we should also specify satellite services…like Starlink .
Cumprimentos o presidente J.L não tem capacidade é bucal não da com nada tem que primeiro arrumar a casa expl. Saneamento básico electricidade água reconstrução de estradas locais educação etc o J L tem que sair não da para o nosso povo. Os jovens sabem mais que o presidente ele não é atualizado Ya
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