The arrest for a voter disinformation campaign in 2016 could mark a change in how the federal government fights election interference. NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny reports.
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#ElectionInterference #VoterDisinformation #NBCNews
Notorious Twitter Troll Arrested, Accused Of Election Interference | NBC News NOW
The reason I get five times the number of views and thumbs up that NBC gets is because I am not controlled by the CCP
Wow. They’ve got the prosecution blueprint to arrest, charge and convict a few thousand misinformation campaigns during this years pre and post election…
So the President can call and ask a Governor to find votes to commit election fraud but this guy can’t tweet? Wow!
What a clever little psychopath he is, OMG America, you are in trouble!!
Fox News…. lol
Acussed of JOKING..
convenient… so when will ‘IT” , They look at 2020… this is just another Mine Sweep Deflection from todays truths!
Bet he doesn’t get the same sentence as FBO atty Kleinsmith.
mainstream media has been and is far worse than any single twitter troll but i haven’t seen any arrests there yet?!?! thats not to mention big techs far left approach to everything in the world…what a disgrace to the world they are.
why haven’t i seen anyone on the left thrown off social media or arrested for their views?!?!?!!!
Wow that’s America now total pathetic cowards in mask scared to stand up for their fellow Americans rights so weak.
war-room? wasn´t there a also a youtube-show from trumpet´s clan called “war room” – steve bannon..ah..i found the information: https://www.heise.de/news/Ex-Trump-Berater-YouTube-loescht-den-War-Room-von-Steve-Bannon-5019390.html (sorry for german <3) #truth
Well good.
Why did USA citizens know about this since before the 2016 election, but it’s ‘brand new’!!! Figures kkkult 45 would be more familiar to actual election fraud seeing as they still fall for it! Why aren’t morestories being covered about election interference we black, brown, & other POC for the 2020 election!!!?!
Send him to Russia!
Let me get this straight. Five states allow thousands of dead people to vote and the doj couldn’t find any of them. They had to look under a bridge for a troll. Ain’t it great to be living in bumblingjoebiden’s Amerika. C’mon man!
They need to get oan and fox too
So how about all the Russia hoaxers in the media and congress get arrested for election interference now?
If you stupid enough to believe you can cast your vote online or social media. , you deserve to be duped .
So people lying and deceiving other people en masse is now a crime, yet our “REPRESENTATIVES” lie en masse and nothing.
If your relying on Twitter for your voting information, you deserve the lies you got.
Disinformation campaigns, whether they be the extremists on the right or the left, can only gain ground with weak easily led minds. We’re a nation of people that no longer respects accountability and our future is mental institutions on every corner right beside our beloved McDonald’s for our own good.
I recall I did have a nasty encounter with someone under that alias name. Can’t say if its him 100% for sure but while I was Campaigning for Biden somebody or some robot troll kept giving me issues.
Funny,,, REPUBLICANS WEREN’T concerned about voter fraud in2016
But media can say all they do? Wtf communism.
Lock him up with Trump!
what about main stream media giving misinformation??? and withholding information like hunter biden’s lap top which proves “the gig guy joe” was getting dirty money from ukraine and china???
So now we want to actually fight voter election interference? Ah… only if it’s alt right…
If this is true, rampant voter election interference, can we charge ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS as well? They have misinformation almost everyday! Let’s do it!
He is rotten
Apparently it’s ok for democrats to spread lies and disinformation but nobody else.
This is the start of how the government takes control of us we can’t say anything anymore without worrying about going to jail
@Jack. You cannot interfere in an election. It is a federal crime what he was doing.
Lock This Piece of Trash Up! Find and Arrest ALL of These Far Right Nazi Trump Supporters
Thank you FBI !!!!!!
The media has been doing the misinformation wake up this is the same no different
Lock them up forever!
Anyone waiting for the Intelevision Amico to drop?
Did you miss the 8 years of Obama? His actions made foreign countries worse.
And they are still at it right here on youtube
I can’t figure out how this is actually illegal, other then it meant Hillary lost and Trump won instead. We’ve been doing this since at least the Vietnam era and if nobody remembers it, both president and Oboma and Biden did it at the end of bushes presidency that’s literally how democracy works
Can’t put this into words because there’s to many simple things wrong. The only illegal thing is his candidate being suspect of collision and they promoted them, but even from a technical stand point NBC itself did this way back in the 2000s NBC would appeal to the masses to go against Bush using British footage when we all knew full well Iraq and Afghanistan was souring our relations with the British powerhouses
These comments are telling its own story! We still have dumbasses among us!
I’m thinking about this and the arrest is absoutely illegal, unless they incited a riot and it’s properly established they were either directly involved or were malicious in intent. Vietnam with the socialists, ww2 with the Republicans, Iraq with the dems and a mixture with the cold war all of it was protected by the supreme court’s ruling that you can’t persecute somebody for going against your beliefs or a U.S citizen for promoting in a U.S election
………….The King of Trolls was President & walks free and unpunished now, but ordinary citizens are getting in trouble -.-
pathetic USA
How to stop,Twitter Troll. Turn off your device. Stop living Illusion’s, put away your phone. Become part of the human-race.
Hey guys my son is on TV! He is the Twitter troll
Wow. A preppy white guy. Being a troll. How not-surprising.
It’s astounding how many trolls there are on social media. Presumably each one of them has several accounts, as well.
This guy should be charged to the fullest extent of the law and punish to the max . You don’t mess with our democracy. And oddly enough he’s a right winger. Who would have guessed it? He was trying you trick minorities out of their votes. That is as unamerican as anyone can be. He’s a traitor to our republic
Freedom of speech, he didn’t hack government accounts and post it there. If citizens don’t know how to Google for voting information, they shouldn’t be voting at all.
Interesting how one guy can post misinformation while the cia is organizing violent overthrowing of foreign governments for decades.
@rick you don’t have freedom of speech in the US. You have freedom to assemble and criticize the government. You cannot incite violence or threaten and you cannot legally con people. If i convince you to send me money in a dishonest manner that’s fraud. He used misinformation to influence a US election which is illegal
All’s quiet on the republican front…can only wonder what they’re thinking about all this election fraud.
Let’s not stop with the arrests. We also need to arrest the high profile polititians who appear to have engaged in 2020 election interference as well. I fear the list of names is very long.
Good, now prosecute.
He is definitely a lowlife. I hope they lock him up for at least 10 years. He doesn’t deserve less.
10 years for misinformation? If you are 18+, you should be able to find the correct ways of voting in the United States.
Biden’s gestapo will pick off Americans one by one while awarding blm and antifa rioters.
Freedom of speech, and this will be done. This is just a waste of taxpayer money…
When will Coney be arrested for stating that Hunters Laptop was another Russian hoax? That is also spreading election influenced disinformation, correct?
Maybe that’s why I’ve seen no trolls spewing noxious venom on YT today.
Good. Keep it up, feds.
The sad thing is how these supposed Americans have worked in concert with Putin’s government interests, wittingly or unwittingly, against the U.S. constitution and fair elections. No American should ever be willing to undermine the election process with disinformation or bring in conspiracy theories in an attempt to manipulate peoples votes. Anyone using the same methods and strategies as our foriegn adversaries to violate our laws and the principles of our republic should be viewed in the same light as those adversaries of western democracy, and it would not be a surprise if they were aligned in some superficial way politically or socially. As an example, a Russian agent (Butina) got involved with the NRA to exploit the politics of artificially overblown masculinity for that very reason (to help get a putin sympathizer voted in as U.S. president in 2016) and they see how vulnerable those in the extremist or conspiratorial camps inside our country have become. I would hope Americans of all stripes would be willing to return to civilized, and reality based, discourse and arguments based on absolute truths, not vitriolic and violent rhetoric, or manipulative lies and conspiracies that simultaneously harm our nation and push the agendas of unfriendly foreign governments.
It is a sham !!!! This guy is alloud to have free speech .. No matter what it is … This man should be a free man
I thought that title would be reserved for Donald J. Trump.
So when will the MSM be arrested and tried in court?
Is free speech still our foundation ? Or do we need to overthrow this government and replace it.
Guy definitely went to a Hitler Youth Camp.
All the Democrats involved in the Russia collusion misinformation campaign belong in prison.
There will be a day when the people can make a citizen mass arrest on all these crooked “news” stations.
Karen with her SJW war goggles. Yawn.
now arrest the msm for same thing past 4 years
FBI is a joke They want to arrest somebody they first start with government officials
twitter was the platform used for troll to farm on are they just sorry now for spreading disinformation or will there be some accountability trump tweeted disinformation all the time wtf ‘murica
Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. I’m sure Maki is going to meet some new black and Latin troll friends in prison.
Please Note: Russian Intelligence created the Q platform in conjunction with the disinformation during the 2016 election. Culminating in the the 2020 Major Hack, and the sacking of the U.S. Capital. Followers are, unwittingly, assets of the Russia Communists.
What a nice guy he was just trying to help people
Imagine being arrested over a non violent tweet while the cia has actively overthrown foreign governments for decades.
Good go to jail you troll the public is sick of trolls……
The heroes we need – exposing disinformation.
These trolls thrive on anonymity. They can throw out lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories and do it without identifying themselves. This anonymity just emboldens them. Mom and dad must be so proud of their little darling of a troll.
Maybe he can get a pardon from Trump,…….oh, wait.
Brandy needs a snickers
I certainly hope the charges include treason. And FBI, while you are at it, get the big fish… like Ted Cruz and Orange Hitler.
The only good information i have ever seen from a election year was when “Wikileaks” Showed how bernie Sanders got screwed over by his own party…So just remember that when they throw shadows..They are trying to stop that type of stuff from ever happening again..and i liked bernie.
Good! Arrests them all!
*Putin has an army of trolls* on social medias working in/on every democratic country.
They use the same tactics such as accusing one political side of being blood sucking pedophiles. His goals are to create division and conquer countries from within.
WOW! tRump still couldn’t win with Extra Votes! Shows how much people really HATE him.
That hair, shirt and pose. Not a good look. I just get the impression he’s open for business. Yech.
Kind a like the Democrats handing voters sharpies to mark their ballots with knowing that A ballot marked with a sharpie would not be counted isn’t it?
So this was in the 2016 election. I wonder when they will get to the voter fraud in the 2020 election?
Disinformation… Liars and Con-Artist. Corrupt individuals. Good arrest them all. GITMO.
If convicted- the rest of his life incarcerated.
A consideration, please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qud-CiuJTnI&feature=youtu.be
“Hey Mom, I’m on TV!”
Fake news
Quite, with the Protector-in-Chief of the Alt-Right now removed from presidential office.
and yet fox news can lie and spread the same info and bs and totally get aways with it because they are not considered serious, wtf. or the Qanon freaks, or far right newsmax nuts. wtf is wrong with america. what they should do is start arresting the idiots that believe that crap.
His parents must be so proud their son’s mug put up for the world to see and accused of interfering with democracy.
Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences
Ask the insurrectionists
Horrible acting. Delivery sucks.