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Do you struggle with consistency?

It’s no secret that to achieve success in any area of life, you need to be consistent over the long-term. You can’t just do something one time and then expect results to come from that.

In this video blog, I talk about consistency and how to be consistent in your life.

While more discipline and willpower can help, I believe that in order to truly be consistent over the long-run you have to find a way to LOVE and ENJOY the process.




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All right, guys. Let’s talk a little bit about consistency and being consistent with your goals. Now,

I think we’d all agree, if you want to achieve anything of value and meaning in

your life then you need to be consistent over the long term. If you want to get

in great shape, it’s not like you can just work out one time or for a weekend or a week or a month and then

expect to have this amazing body. It doesn’t work that way. You got to be consistent

every single day, every single day making progress towards your goal, working out, eating

healthy, whatever it is, following your program. Be consistent with that and then over

several months or several years, then you’ll be able to achieve the end goal that you’re


Same thing with building a business. If you want to build a business and make money, you got to

work at that and be consistent every single day or five days a week or three

days a week.

Whatever your routine is, you got to be consistent and just by being

consistent the compound effect takes over and there’s little actions that you

take, they lead to big results later down the road. How do you be consistent? We all

agree consistency is paramount.

You have to be consistent. First of all I will mention there’s no 100%

consistency. If you’re going after 100% consistency and you’re

beating yourself up for every little time to get off track or

whatever then you’re setting yourself up for failure because no human being on

the planet is 100% consistent. It doesn’t exist.

Everybody is human. We’re all going to fall off a little bit here

and there. What’s important is that you get yourself back on track.

Don’t aim for 100% consistency. Aim for a 90 or 95%

consistency. That’s the first thing that I’m going to put out there. If you do fall

you know,

off track, that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up too much. Get back on track,

learn from it and just focus on being more consistent after that. Now, there’s a

lot of strategies I could share with you guys on how to be more consistent. One of them is just having

a strong enough why, having strong enough reasons that will keep you lasting long term,


compelling enough goals, having accountability, an accountability buddy,

a coach. I love accountability programs, I love 30-day

challenges, 100-day challenges, publicly declaring my goals. These are all great

ways that really force you to be more consistent with the actions because you

know everything is going to count and there’s a consequence for not doing it.

However, I always believe that those are always temporary ways of being

consistent, temporary ways of getting yourself to do something and I think a lot of

people, they focus a little bit too much on that. They focus on the strategy, the how-to

rather than the psychology. The psychology, when you make a shift in your

mindset, then it shifts everything, it becomes a permanent lasting change. Let me give you

an example. For me, to work out at the gym every day or to work out on my business or

to spend time with my girlfriend or to eat healthy, these are all habits. These are all

actions that I do every single day in my life that I’m very consistent with and

the great thing is, it doesn’t require any willpower for me to be consistent

with these things. I don’t need to push myself, I don’t even need to think about

it very much. I just automatically do it. It’s autopilot. It’s almost like an addiction

that I have that I can’t get myself not to do these things. It’s almost like I work too much.

I work out too much, I’m too healthy, I’m too passionate about certain things, I’m too

obsessed with my morning ritual and all that sort of stuff. It’s because I’ve learned to be

addicted to and love the process, which is the ultimate long term strategy you need

to recognize if you want to be consistent with anything over the long

term. If you’re just pushing yourself and you’re depending that on willpower, you’re going to burn

out, man. You’re going to burn out and you can maybe be consistent of willpower

for like a week or two but then after that it’s not going to last. You’re just going to get burned out because

you’re forcing yourself to do something that you don’t really

want to do. You’re not aligned with it. You’re not loving and enjoying the process,

you’re not yet addicted to it. If you can find a way to love the process … Love the process,

not the result, the process, then that’s really all you need to be consistent.

I love the process of working out. I love the way it makes me feel.

It’s part of my morning ritual. It makes me feel better, increases my confidence, my

pride, my self-esteem, it gives me a sense of accomplishment each day, increases my

confidence. I love it. I love it. It’s like I can’t not do it. I don’t have any

problems being consistent with that. Eating healthy I’m obsessed with. If you guys

were around me you’d think I’m a crazy person just how obsessed I am with eating healthy

and taking my supplements and consuming the right foods and all that sort of stuff.

Again, it’s because I love it. I really enjoy the process of it and so consistency is something

that’s natural to me. I’m not forcing myself. It’s not a chore. It’s not something that I have to

do each day. It’s something that I get to do and something I love to do. Same

thing working on my business. It’s a Sunday right now.

I’m recording this video right now but I work every day. It’s because I love it and

enjoy it. It doesn’t require a lot of discipline or willpower for me whatsoever.

I feel addicted to the process of it. Understand that all those other

things are great,

do them. Have great goals, have strong reasons why, get accountability, publicly

declare things, all that sort of stuff, but ultimately find a way to love the

process, guys. Love working out, love eating healthy, love working on your

business, love learning, love reading books,

love your morning ritual, love doing all those sort of things. Find ways to associate pleasure to them.

I’m always thinking about the pleasure,

the rewards, the benefits I get from doing those things and I’m always reinforcing those

things on myself as well. If you associate pleasure to the things that are going to

bring you closer towards where you want to be then you’ll get closer towards

where you want to be a lot faster and you’ll be consistent with those things. If you are

associating pain to doing these things, then it’s only so long before you can use

willpower to continue doing those things. It’s just not going to work.

That’s what’s worked for me in terms of consistency. I never worry or

think about consistency very much because it’s just, again, I just love the things

that I do. I found a way to integrate them and all my beliefs and values are

aligned. There’s no inner conflicts within me of these things. I don’t sabotage myself in

any way with them. I used to have issues with that, but I just identified

the beliefs that were stopping me and overcame them. A lot of the

things that I share on my YouTube channel and my blog and everything will help you

overcome those obstacles and barriers that you might having, but just

finding a way to love it,

finding a way to make sure you’re aligned, that you associate pleasure to it, that’s the

ultimate in terms of being consistent. Thanks for watching this video. Talk to you

guys again soon.
