James Chin of the University of Tasmania says Malaysia’s stock market rebounds after Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s resignation. He also discusses who the frontrunners might be for Malaysia’s next prime minister.
James Chin of the University of Tasmania says Malaysia’s stock market rebounds after Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s resignation. He also discusses who the frontrunners might be for Malaysia’s next prime minister.
Tun M is the reason for alot things that are happening today.
I agree, had warned the PH supporters not to trust Tun, Muhyiddin and the Bersatu party however they didn’t listen. Even Rafizi himself had tried to warn PKR about Azmin’s fishy behaviour and the backdoor govt. look what happens now?
To me, you did not study the variables at play in Malaysian politics today. Mahathir had passed the baton to Pak Lah, many years back. Pak Lah passed it to Najib. Najib dropped it. Mahathir picked it through the general election (haha..). After that, Mahathir passed the baton to Agong. Then, Muhyiddin came in and got it from Agong. He could not hold it now. The baton is extremely hot because of the CCP virus pandemic (China refused to be investigated by WHO). Muhyiddin passed it back to Agong. The baton is now with Agong to be passed to …… Let’s wait and see what will happen King Kong.
@Arifin Ahmad Ure right politics is fluid but the DNA of the society must be good, that will differentiate successful and unsuccessful countries. Leaders come n go. But if the system is right it wont matter who is in charge.
@King Kong yea man…i totally agree..this is totally the effect from most of the mess created by him…..he’s the reason why 2021 malaysia is like a lost tiger wandering around the jungle with no clear direction what to do next….
His fickleness.
LOL. Seriously? Mahathir HAD TO RESIGN because he lost the confidence of MP in the House of Representative when Muhyiddin betray him.
no not really, it’s because anwar and his shenanigans. his only goal in life is to become PM, not serving malaysans.
I think Azmin started it first when he did the Langkah Sheraton
When Mahathir resigned at that time, I thought he needed some breathing space to come back with greater support as he needed time to formulate a new mission. But unfortunately, certain people of his own party secretly collaborated with opponents of Anwar Ibrahim and members of UMNO and PAS, under nicknamed Sheraton Hotel project. This group of people managed to get the numbers and convinced the King that the alliance (perikatan) had the majority needed to form the government. Mahathir had not been invited or might not be keen to be part of this group as the group did not want DAP to be with them. DAP did help Mahathir to bring down Najib’s BN (National Front) government. In fact, Mahathir’s mission to kick away Najib was successful. Well, this is a political game. It is not over yet, the next general election is getting nearer.
Its simple, Mahathir does not want Anwar to be a PM since the 90s. All he wants is his precious son, Mukhriz to be the PM.
Good.go to hell east coast voter
I feel like GE14 wasted if BN is back in power, especially if it’s Najib, Zahid and their goons.
Well atleast malaysia prosper under their leadership lmao
@Tun Jaafar Onn it did felt like it. But I think we perceive ‘prosper’ very differently.
bukan patut Datuk Onn Jaafar ke? Lain tapi serupa…😆
BN might win but they’ll have to reshuffle the leadership. If KJ leads BN, they may win.
@Sukhmit Bhullar I agree. If it’s KJ, then that’s somehow good news.
@Tun Jaafar Onn prosper your ass😂 zaman mahadey yelah
This woman sounds so ridiculous, who has the confidence. If tmrw there’s an election, there will still be the same hung Parliament.
I certainly disagree with Prof James Chin opinion as regard Mahathir Mohamed. I believe Malaysians generally respect him as a very capable leader. Mahathir himself mentioned that he is not keen to be the next PM. But in politics everything is possible. Yes, he may be solicited, to help overcome the crisis.
It’s revolving door politics, everyone wants to be PM, so the other guys will always find chance to sabotage the current PM
Ismail Sabri will not be a Good PM as he is a RACIST. He is full of controversy. He attack the Chinese Business on the Lowyat Riot of the theft case. All his controversial deeds can be found in Wikipedia.
I hope the Rulers of Malaysia especially the Agong will reject Sabri Appointment as he is not fit to helm such esteem position that requires a leader to unite the multicultural and multiracial people of Malaysia. His handling if pandemic is disastrous!.
Where ever He goes internationaly his credibility will be linked to a Racist Leader. How will China, Singapore, Taiwan our biggest trade partner where reaact to this Racist Leader? Anti China and Anti Chinese?
Please Umno please choose another leader which is multicultural and accepted by many. Racism has no place in this world anymore.
من واجب الدول الإسلامية تحديداً تحديداً تحديداً مد يد العون والمساعدة إلى شعب أفغانستان العريق وفتح أبواب السلام والحوار بين أبناء البلد الواحد
ولا اعول مطلقا على الغرب المتوحش بل اعول على جمهوريه الصين الشعبيه الصديقه وبعض دول العالم الإسلامي
الشركاء في الدمار والخراب في معظم الدول التي تعاني من سياساتكم القذره تحديداً تحديداً تحديداً الغرب المتوحش وامريكا الشيطان الرجيم وروسيا افغانستان والعراق وسوريا ولبنان الصومال والسودان وإيران اليمن مصر وغيرها الكثير فيتنام اليابان افريقيا
بارك الله في جيش دوله اسرائيل المحترمه الحبيبه المحببه إلى قلوبنا مؤيد دائما وابدا حتى تتحقق الشروط كامله أكيد
ياجيش اسرائيل أنتم حسب الكتاب المقدس لدي تقاتلون وقاتلتم في سبيل الله تعالى منذ ما وصل اليكم ولستم مكرهين على ذالك القرار لكم كان ومازال
النظام الاستغلالي التركي والنظام الظلامي الظالم الإيراني وأعوانهم من القاذورات جميعاً غضب الله تعالى وسخطه وعذابه عليكم آمين يارب العالمين بعدد خلقك ورضا نفسك وزنة عرشك ومداد كلماتك
قد يسأل كيف قاتلوا وسيقاتون في سبيل الله أولا وثانيا وثالثاً تحقيق العدل السماوي قتل الإرهابيين ارضاء المعلوم
والعكس صحيح جدا جدا جدا في سبيل الطاغوت أجمعين
أسعار البشر في سوريا العراق لبنان إيران اليمن الخليج العربي والفارسي المغرب إلى أين وصل ببلاش أم حسب الدولار
This is not a very clever Prof, you need to ask replace Muhyiddin with who ?
Only in Malaysia, political party which was lost in general election hold the power.😜
لا ولا ولا للعفو عنهم من اساء إلى سيدي محمد عليه افضل الصلاه والسلام وسيدتي عائشه الأمر معلوم 123 مع الحبس إن تم النجاه مع سحب كل الامتيازات
ما حدث في باكستان القتل القتل القتل مباشره
Idiots! Now you have even worse!