Protests against rising fuel prices in Kazakhstan have turned deadly as dozens of demonstrators and at least 12 police officers have been killed and hundreds more injured as riots in the streets continues.
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#Kazakhstan #Riots #FuelPrices
The Same will happen in Germany soon.
Their ist the same Problem With the
Prize of Energy
Why do people see Washington’s fingerprints everywhere!
📣Time to end tyrany worldwide, that is how you deal with tyranny , that’s how free men should react worldwide , end to the new world order, death to TYRANTS.
I’m guessing that gas prices were the straw that broke the camel’s back it’s really about a totally self-serving corrupt government.
The ppl are tired 😪
Power too the peoples ✊✊
All us of need to pray for these people.
Thts life money is more important then something else.
Looks like the end of the world in Kazakhstan. Cops getting their 😶 crop off , government buildings burning, pro revolution people running over cops, government mowing people down. Their world have came to a end. The government need to crack down over there. Terrorist is running wild.
Its amarica again provoking the people to make a mess to settle the russian Ukrain fuss …. I pray for my brothers and nephew that are there now and hope they come back safely.
I just hope Borat is ok
CIA funded terrorists
This is all because of the stupid lockdowns and masks you get what you deserve
This soon to be california too.
The for you plague is destroying communities.
Definitely when you hear that China and Russia support the regime of this energy extremely important country it means that the Protestants are right! I did not vote for Trump, but I wonder if this incompetent Biden and his incompetent administration will help these people?
Yet again another US operation?
“Fuel prices” L O L B R U H
Now this is an insurrection
Dang that looks like January 6th at the capitol in the U.S minus cutting off an innocent cops head. Just awful over gas. Just senseless. Pure evil
Kazakhstan city of piece turn to city of blood right now
Because dictators of Kazakhstan and Russian have broght it! Russia troops are not peacemakers , they are occupants which are killing the Kazakh people!
Russian troops which is in Kazakhstan participated in hostilities in the Ukrain, Syria, Checna, the Crimea, Georgia…
Stop the firing now!!! Please pull back immediately. Civil rest and peace, send them help. U.N. peacekeepers need to roll.
Russia has brought troops which psrticipate in histilities in the Ukrain, Syria, Georgia, Chechna…
The Kazakhs need U.N. peacekeepers as russian troops are killing them!
Stop lying NBC! this isn’t about gas prices! This is about vaccine mandates and taking their bank account hostage until they get vaccinated!!!
This is an insurrection. Not Jan 6th
CIA support the riot to topple the government for geopolitic purpose to threaten Russia.
Funny how leftist media is calling this a “riot” but blm riots as “protests” hypocrisy is part and parcel of the left (democrats)
Myanmar and now Kazakhstan. It’s crazy governments like these are still around.
Blinken nasty comments and rumours against Russia legitimacy in Kazakhstan hasn’t got no weight what so ever. US should look at it own nasty track record before criticising anyone else actually if the Taliban wasn’t able to driven US and NATO out of Afghanistan in the most humiliated defeat they would still occupied the country how many countries US have still occupied by force for decades, countless. Well done President Putin you are doing a fantastic job in Kazakhstan protecting people lives.
Putin’ bot alert!
Use your brains. This isn’t about gas prices. Look around.
😂😂😂😂 love when democratic countries that force people to takes jabs and force them into lock down tall about freedom
Its time to create Kazakhstan chaliphate
Time is upon us when “riots in USA turn deadly “
⛅🗽I just wanna see the sun shine tomorrow diamond label vision of before life the source of success is illuminati face the new order de future not history EMEN! Mafia Life Dream Chases Washington D.C. United States of AMERICA is Loyalty illuminaty we some success God bless UNITED STATES. We bless être dad God #Baphomet Shemhamforash! 🙏🏾#FreeMeekMill🤘🏾!!!ù!!!™®
Whats happening is that Turkey Britain and friends have trained few thousands of radicals over the years and unleashed them using the gas price increase as comfortable moment. The goal is to destabilize the region and create another problem for Russia and China to deal with, spend resources etc .
The government is alway controlling humanity till theres equal rights for humans rights there will be war.
Kazakhstan greatest country in the world all other countrys are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium! Other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of the tinshein swimming pool it’s length thirty metre ans width six metre. Filtration system a marvel to behold it removes 80 percent of human solid waste. Kazakhstan,Kazakhstan, you very nice place, from plains of tarashenk to northern fence of jewtown.
This should be done here in the U.S
What is happening in Kazakhstan is an attempt by Western intelligence services (CIA) to strategically weaken Russia so that Moscow has to face two very dangerous fronts on its borders; namely, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
Recently, Kazakhstan has had many strategic cooperation agreements with China and Russia regarding uranium and nickel.
and America and NATO countries become restless and then they appear to provoke chaos in the situation.
The Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), which comprises Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, has trained for this day. After all, the West has long coveted Central Asia.
*this is what the u.S.A need. Need an uprising to bring down corruption. the more you learn the more you realize just how corrupted the U.S.A is compare to other country. sometimes its best to not know too much.*
That was a set up , Putin knows
Someone paid for that riot
See..when comunist take power.
They never give it up
N.B.C…come on…I’m very curious to see how your “democratic C.I.A” is going to deal and behave (again) with Chile and other neighbor countries in the coming years. 😉 You’re on the verge to collapse, take good care of yourself America. Love from the betrayed France.
And you do not show video with protesters rubbing stores, banks, firing guns and killing police officers
America this is our chance let’s arm the people and let’s go to war Russia and China
Rising fuel 😂😂😂 yea but no
In this universe all the processes are irreversible. Communism is dead , though some don’t realise that.
Governments cannot create prosperity. They can only consume it. The answer is not more government, they are the reason for your misery
The people have no choice but to do this. Because they have no political power, the only thing they have left to make change is violence
people are tired of corruption around the world.
Not about fuel prices. It was about vaccines ID cards to get money from banks..
they need to be careful, that’s how Russia took Crimea.
Russian troops which participated in hostilities in the Ukrain, Syria, Georgia, Checha, Afganistan right now have taken kontrol over transport, communication, airport and they are killing the Kazakhs!
The Kazaks need U.N. peacekepers!
Humans! Only humans! This much self awareness, this much violence. I believe humanity suffers from autism! All of us!
Putin’s bots are keeping to write about borst film wich was orded by russia to ruin the Kazakhs reputation, and now russian troops wich participated in hostilities in the Ukrain, Crimea, Syria, Checha, Afganistan are killing the Kazakhs in their own country! Russia does all this mess to missappropriate the Kazakh’s Land!
Coming to America!!
really sad for kazakh brothers ( from Turkey ), kz is soo rich of resources it needs to be like dubai, people needs to be financially stable, but president is a mafia………… enough is enough, turkish people are with kazakh people not with their goverment
I can see this happening world wide
hadirrr,,,,,,,,,,,,malaysia timur sabah♥️
еңес диктаторы капиталистік диктатор Назарбаевқа айналды және оның отбасы мен туыстары елдің кірісінің 90% ұрлап, бұрынғы КСРО-КСРО-ның барлық диктаторлары сияқты бұл байлықты Беларусь арқылы Әмірліктерге аударады. Жиырма жыл бойы ереуілдер мен шерулер қатты қуғын-сүргінге ұшырады. Назарбаевтың Марокко королінің сарайымен бірдей сарайы бар. Бірақ ол орыс әскерінің енуін қабылдамас еді, сондықтан ол жұмыстан босатылып, өзі тағайындаған генералдардың бақылауында болады. Путин оны Украина ісінің өзі үшін нашар болатынын және аэроғарыш саласындағы ынтымақтастық күмән тудыратынын және Байқоңырға мұқтаж екенін көреді. Қасымның қатысымен АДАМЗАТҚА ҚАРСЫ ҚЫЛМЫСШЫ өтірікші фейк т.б. Путин бүкіл Солтүстік Қазақстанды, ең бай жерін басып алады! Бұл арқылы ол Орталық Азияның бес мемлекетінің Ресейге қарсы өшпенділігін терең қуаттайтын болады және Ауғанстанның жаңа басшыларын олардың қайта оралуын қаламайтын армияға қарсы көтерілістерді қаруландыруға шақырады … Қазақ Батыстықтар Еуропа мен Азия-Орталық елдердің Оңтүстік Кавказ және Каспий теңізі арқылы тікелей байланыста болуына жол бермеу үшін Путин жасаған барлық антиеуропалық соғыстарды жою үшін пайдаланатын болады … Приднестровье, Абказия, Осетия-суд. , Қарабақ, Донбак және Қырым. Ал Путин мәңгілік емес және Еуропаның отыз астанасын «атомизациялай» алмайды!
Give them their leader!!!
YT search ‘NBC News BLM riots’ and look at how differently they framed those “protests.”
Another civil war??
Very sad.. I just hope everything will calm down quickly..
America is upset for being not invited. They wanted to wait for months without outside help to worsen situations in Kazakhstan. And then interfere like it was done to Syria, where Russia too got involved but was a bit late.
This is about The COVID restrictions do not believe the media !!!!
It’s all fuelled to bring pressure on Russia’s border…. who supplies the carloads of weapons to the protesters????? Why isn’t that shown? Look at the US and NATO for an answer to how this all started….. Russia will have no choice than to quell this unrest in blood….
You got to give the people-give the people what they want. Infamous words of the OJAYS!!!!
Lol people arent going to do this over gas prices come on, I’m not that dumb.
The people must always have weapons …..look at how those soldiers just shoot into the crowd.
“Today you salute them and tomorrow you will beg them for your life” T.kays
Amerikanskiye lyubovnitsy, vnedrivshiyesya v kazakhskiy narod, yavlyayutsya chlenami terroristicheskoy organizatsii s foto.obshchestvennost’ dolzhna byt’ bditel’na po etomu povodu.u nikh nichego ne poluchitsya..turetskiy Soyuz Turan budet dominirovat’ …
Help me to say big thanks to the Great and only #drbanlogun on YouTube channel for sending his herbs product that got me off the genital herpes virus.Respect Dr Banlogun..
People revolt when they aren’t given any other options. Citizen coming together to fight for rights is a beautiful thing.
The protests were because of the vaxx passports keeping people from accessing their bank funds and post office services if they didn’t have the jab passport.
I hope this demonstrations coming in west Europe in germany too .we hate Dictator police in germany .
The CSTO is like NATO from wish
Russia showed off its capabilities.
It makes the capital riots look like a day out for a picnic LoL
Looks like Ukraine 🇺🇦 is off the table if Russia is busy with Khazak
We also go step by step, just like everyone else. Certainly not good when people die. But everything will be fine with us, I believe in our people. Hello everyone from Kazakhstan🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
People had enough
Put your faith in Jesus Christ to save you and you will have a great hope in this life.
Jesus said… “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, -Matthew 5: 43-44
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -John 14: 6
Whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life, but whoever rejects Jesus will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them. -John 3: 36
I hope you will consider the great importance of your eternal soul.
This will be the U.S. if the Democratic party control continues .
I live in Kazakhstan and I lost wifi tho
It reconnected,it rly sucks
Any Hot unwed mothers want to take refuge in America
I wonder what happened there the president was to raise the economy. The gas prices got high food prices gone high. I guess they’re fed up with their president
Freedom for humanity!!✔✔☝☝
Also the fact they need to be vaccinated to access there bank account . The real hidden narrative. Bless Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
Take a good look people the future of America
diversity at any cost?
Wtf is wrong with people?
Just a thought, perhaps CNN could devote 24HR news coverage to a real insurrection.
I stand with the people!
This almost happen at the US capital .
RESPECT TO, Khazakstan Overthrowing their corrupt Government. you have become the world leader
fighting for your rights. the rest of the world must do the same. and thank you for showing
us the way., you have given the world new hope. your children will love and praise
you for being good parents.