Professor David Heymann from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine discusses the outlook for the latest surge in Covid-19 cases in the U.K.
It’s clear that Covid will be an endemic virus due to herd immunity, epidemiologist says
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Only a complete idiot will believe herd immunity.
You all making fool of us. Spread fear make money.
No it isn’t 90 percent immunity in the UK talking rubbish as usual
what is not understood about immunity (natural and synthetic) is that you can still technically get infected. That is even expected, but the immune system is actively engaged in cleaning up infection. That has always been true. meaning, we can have full herd immunity and still have re-infections but serious illness decline
@Mark Szczepanski I tried explaining to someone how one can be ‘immune’ and still get infected and I can see how the term makes it confusing but if the media would explain the basics its not too hard to follow. basically given you have trillions (or whatever the number is) of cells, some cells will get infected, but the immue system will still see them as infected and kill them in time
@SEANMCAD Yep you’re correct. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard someone say before “I’ve never had a cold “ or “ I’ve never caught a cold .” Well unbeknownst to that person they have “ caught “ a cold but their immune system was very effective at eradicating it before it had time to take effect and give them symptoms. It’s the same with most other illnesses as well. I’ve always known that for a long time now. I guess a lot of people don’t understand that until you explain it to them.
@Aaron Lewis yup. same thing in the other direction. ‘she was healthy!’..well many people are already pre-diabetic and not know it, some people have high blood pressure and not know it, its not like those are plastered on a persons forehead. who gets sick and who doesnt is rarely ever random
@SEANMCAD exactly..high cholesterol and not knowing it is another
You said that 8 months ago I know this I checked 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
It can’t be as it’s spread and found in wild animals so it will never be eradicated, hopefully just milder
Endemic doesn’t mean eradicated
There is no such thing as a human immune system.
Bill Gates
Wishful thoughts.
Lol You’d like to see this never end
We’re literally living in V for Vendetta. The only thing that’s missing is the hero. I guess that is us. ALL of us. And Rogan …& definitely Dr. Malone. Anybody still have their Guy Fawkes mask? I couldn’t imagine a more relevant time in history to be wearing it …including back when it was popular & just a good sci-fi movie.
@AuntiJen LOL You know nothing. All you know is what your handlers have allowed you to hear.
@SuperPhish Really solid rebuttal, chief.
@AuntiJen More accurate than yours, Coppertop. Did you even read the BYLINE right in front of your face? I know you didn’t. It’s obvious by how fast you came up with your clever & witty responses (that hold no basis in reality) that you didn’t even look. But keep on pretending. I’ll wait over here for I’m sure another 2 years until you catch up.
@SuperPhish unfortunately, i supposedly don’t have any more NYT articles left this month (although I have not read any NYT in ages) so I can only see the Google returns for “new york times israel dec 23” which do not include a byline.
@AuntiJen Funny. I just looked it up. No problem. Notice they CENSORED me above. Book burners. No worries the truth is out & you …are slow. Nevermind. It’s like talking to remedial 5th graders in a cult.
so lockdowns, masks and manidates make sense at this point how?
We are in this mess because of the anti-vaxxers. They should be locked out of every service until they’re vaccinated. In Canada you can’t buy alcohol or weed unless you’re vaccinated. Hit em where it hurts.
good news
Huh? Your immunity in no way, shape, or form effects my immunity. The immunity of the population, again, has no effect on my immunity. However, a high level of community immunity WILL provide a degree of protection by REDUCING the potential number of infected individuals I may come into contact with.
SOSDD. Please stop the fear-mongering already!
Nothing is clear about this virus and its future behavior.
They planned herd immunity from day one so what’s with the science fiction Boris follows he’s never followed science fact
How the Koch Network Is Spreading COVID Misinformation [JacobMag]
Hillsdale is a conservative Christian institution with ties to the Donald Trump administration. And the scholars behind the academy — Scott Atlas, Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff — are connected to right-wing dark money attacking public health measures.
The trio also has ties to the Great Barrington Declaration, a widely rebuked yet influential missive that encouraged governments to adopt a “herd immunity” policy letting COVID-19 spread largely unchecked, even as the virus has taken more than 800,000 Americans, statistically over 1 million.
The academy is the newest initiative designed to provide intellectual cover to a nearly two-year campaign by right-wing and big business interests to force a return to normalcy to boost corporate profits amid a pandemic that is now surging once again thanks to Omicron.
I guess Humanity will be Wiped out by the Virus
What’s taking them so long to get the brown/asian countries vaccinated? Those places are swarming with disease.