Andrea Mitchell, Garrett Haake, Peggy Noonan and Kimberly Atkins Stohr join the Meet the Press roundtable to discuss the fallout of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. » Subscribe to NBC News:
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#senators #congress #politics
Full Panel: Manchin & Collins Say Supreme Court Justices Misled Them
democcrats are done…..their time is over. They have proved that they are idiots. Come November,…it is over for the democrats…the American people will take back their country.
All the women and Children who will DIE will show how WRONG this “choice” made against their will truly is
This isn’t about zygotes or children once their here. This is about control over women period. That should be the focus of this debate.
A great day for America
Trump misled her after his first impeachment too! That’s a sorry excuse to use because she knew what those judges were going to do if they were appointed just like she knew what trump was going to continue to do!
Politicians claiming that they were misled? Where can the voters complain? Black women have no more worries than other women. Civil rights are not going backwards. The acceptance of abortion is very regional.
This country is f*cked in so many ways. It is crumbling as we speak. A house divided cannot stand. Creatures that walk upright with supposedly the most highly evolved brains in the entire animal kingdom seem much better suited to destroying their own species than the “lower animals” living in their dens and burrows and just doing their best to stay away from us.
These politicans seem to get fooled a lot the writing was on the wall from the minute RBG was confirmed to have cancer there is no way that you could believe that kavanaugh was not too emotional or even mentally sound to make these decisions just like these Senators missed Trump as a political tyrant
#45 delivers on the campaign promise that nobody thought was possible,18 months after leaving office. You have to give the man credit for coming through for his constituents. That’s what politics is all about.
Acting like the decision is just being “returned to the people” is ludicrous. The majority of the country is pro-choice, yet many states are so gerry-mandered that conservatives have outsized influence. People’s autonomy over their own lives should not be up for a vote anyway.
Being a trump supporter. Tell me what the difference between democracy and which country is a constitution republic.
Power hungry crooks getting off on controlling our lives ! Childbirth is a medical condition of a woman and they deserve the right to choose ! Survival of the fittest ! Power to the people ✊
Put the old dolt out to pasture.
Mislead… Lied… Potato, potato.
Don’t know why there surprised. There all liars, and untrustworthy..does this surprise you
So now Collins and Manchin speak out on Roe but far too little
and far far too late.
Humanity needs to move with speed to stem the tide of selfishness. Individuals are selfish. Nations are selfish. Religions are selfish. Political parties are selfish. Races are selfish. All this can be wiped out the flame of oneness.
Anything that comes out of senator mansion’s mouth is a lie the average wage in West Virginia is $26,000 a year and yet mention his children his grandchildren are all multimillionaires his wife got a $31 million bonus for closing down a pharmaceutical plant and putting 5000 West Virginia people on the street and they laughed about it but yet West Virginia still votes mansion Inn
Why is right-wing ideologue Peggy Noonan still invited to participate in discussions like this? She’s proven herself wrong on almost every issue facing Americans for decades, including her famous “we can take it” comment about American casualties in Iraq…a war she whole-heartedly supported. Her ideas are from another time, and her opinions are archaic at best.
It’s a life that they are killing
Do you eat eggs?
A black girl had this suggestion: “Paint the insensitive Republicans like Peggy Noonan who live in a fantasy world black and bring them from the fantasy world to the real America.
Of course, they pick and choose; after all, they are pretty good at behaving as though they can’t control their inflated sense of displaying their ego and self-righteousness, coupled with an inability to be humble.
You know, hypocrisy.
Unfortunately I mistakingly thought that these two were the only two Democrats who would actually back our constitution and sadly they too have also broken their oaths to protect it.
America just keeps getting suckier and suckier. Voting is like driving a car…select R to go backwards…select D to go forward. It’s so true now.
Please, phony tool.
If the 3 SCOTUS judges lied at their Confirmation Hearings on their position on Roe v Wade, surely they should be thrown out for lying under oath? Then appoint new sane judges. No?
Pegggggy, it’s time to retire.
SCOTUS returning the decision to the states would be fine if the Republican party hadn’t already gamed the system and taken control of state legislatures and banned a medical procedure prior to SCOTUS making this decision.
Well get on the stick Dems and pass legislation that ensures the right of people to cross state lines for services without fee of retribution. The two of them should be first in line to support it, unless they are gaslighting everybody. Give them a chance for them to show what they are made of. Unfortunately, I think everyone already knows.
You guys are becoming CNN sidekicks ha we are not stupid nice try Lonnie ray
Vote Democrat! It seems that is the only way. The Supreme Court is corrupt.
Manchin and Collins voted the way they were told to vote by their owners and for either to say otherwise is just hogwash and cover something both are professionals at doing.
She’s a freakin liar, just like most on the right
Never apologize for standing up for innocent babies being slaughtered. What a sick and evil party the Democrats have become.
News Flash –
Mo Brooks, Matt Gates,Scott Perry,Louis Gohmert, Andy Biggs,Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, John Eastmanadmits guilt….all by asking for pardons!
Everyone knows, if you ask for or accept a pardon you are admitting guilt! A pardon is for a crime committed.
Trump willfully mounted the insurrection and violate conspiracy statute 18 U.S.C. § 371 of the criminal code. Trump also stole secret documents from the White House.
Attorney General Merrick Garland plans to arrest Trump and his leadership team!
Steve Bannon Arrested, Guilty and Indicted! All appeals denied by courts and his trial starts in July 2022.
Proud Boys Leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio is arrested for seditious conspiracy
Proud Boys – Pezzola arrested for seditious conspiracy
Proud Boys – Ethan Nordean, of Seattle, arrested for seditious conspiracy
Proud Boys – Joe Biggs, of the Daytona Beach area arrested for seditious conspiracy
Proud Boys – Zachary Rehl, of Philadelphia arrested for seditious conspiracy
Peter Navarrow Arrested, Guilty and Indicted! Trial date 11/17/2022
Mark Meadows Guilty and Contempt
Dan Scavino Guilty and Contempt
Civil Contempt For Trump Is Pending
Civil lawsuits For Trump Are Pending
Jail Time For Trump Is Coming: he stole white house documents and gifts to America from foreign officials. oh and he is the insurrection leader
Loudermilk is a Trumpist Insurgent. He lead Trumpists into the Capital and then denied it.
Now you know what the future with Trumpism will continue to be like !! More mass shooting will happen if DOJ Garland doesnt arrest all top Trumpists.
No person is above the law! Listen to former DOJ Eric Holder, you can and need to prosecute Trump.
since January 6 2021 not one single Republican lawmaker has been held accountable for their insurrection actions. they will win re-election if not arrested and they will cause more chaos and mass shootings. Put an end to the evil Trumpist Republicans and support the good Republicans and good democrats.
MAGA Trumpists are ramping up their war machine to lie about their insurrection! Dont believe the lies!
We need to support a federal law mandating prison time for each lie told by an elected official.
More Very Disturbing Trends –
1 Law enforcement has NO OBLIGATION TO HELP ANYONE…that is what their Union will fight for during investigations and trials.
2 Law enforcement cant be prosecuted for Not doing their jobs
3 Law enforcement can legally lie unless they are under oath at that moment
4 The District Attorney will side with the cops almost always
5 Law enforcement has qualified immunity, which makes it very difficult to prosecute them
Texas Shooting Coverup …..over 18 armed evil trumpist c o p s had over 11,000 live rounds of ammo and they waited. and waited…..while people were being killed. it took the border patrol to take out the shooter…. how sad is that?
nothing will happen to these evil trumpist people unless the locals keep up the pressure and the cops and politicians involved leave!
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
Proverbs 10:9, NI
The GOP-MAGA Confederacy’s mission to create a white power (MAGA ) autocracy is closer to becoming reality. The Supremacist Court has replaced the U.S Constitution with the MAGA Constitution: civil rights that are not explicitly written down in the U.S. Constitution are now illegal. All civil rights are at grave risk, no ifs no buts!
We need more justices and term limits for the court.
purjury is legal now
How much money did Colins & MANCHIN get for this ????????
Manchin and Collins are right to criticize but nauseating😖 they act so innocent! These two did devastating damage by going along with Republican treachery in more than just this! ,🙄
Well now the Democrats should know all about misleading people 🤣🤣🤣
This country is rapidly becoming a big disgrace, on almost every single issue.
Time for peggy noonan to fade off into retirement, out of touch and living in a fantasy world.
I say she knew full well just who Kavanaugh was as well as a few other’s..I get tired of her talking out both sides of her mouth…I’m sorry,she may well have done good work’s early in her career, but the past several year’s it’s shown she needs to retire..Manchin acts like a republican pretending to be democratic until it’s voting time…
I don’t believe in abortion, Im Christian Social Democrat. I do believe Collins and Manchin knew exactly what was going to be done. I knew it a year ago.
This Supreme Court Scenario may be a clever and effective way to distract us from the January 6 proceedings and discoveries. With the URGENT hearing tomorrow, we should STAY FOCUSED on the Capitol insurrection. The abortion horror is chocolate fudge frosting on a chocolate cake to the Republicans.
All of these Conservatives politicians who knew full well what they were doing should be held accountable by voters. It is a lie to be talking about being misled. They knew who they wanted to please.
Riddle me this- Why do these pro abortionists never promote, demand or get vasectomies, ovarian tubes tied, ovarian ablation sterilization, or ovaries and testicle removed instead of using abortion as birth control and selling baby parts and stem cells to “research “?
And Image if people actually read the u.s. constitution of where they live.
10th ammendment – “The powers not delegated to the United States under the Constitution , nor prohibited by it to the States , are reserved to the States, or the people . ”
Abortion is not in constitution or bill of rights, and therefore must be sent to legislative branch to pass laws and states to determine its legality and limits.
The USA is in decline, clear & simple to those of us watching from outside. It has become the beacon of how to destroy democracy and insert autocratic law on its people. Trump has triumphed even though he was legitimately rejected by the majority of citizens.
What difference does it’s make anyway Republicans can do whatever they want lie commit crimes and nothing will never happen
They did no such thing …. they wanted to be misled…. now they are looking for cover…..
But it should not be decided at the states “Through the legislators and reps” as some are saying. It should be dicided at the state level through the people via a direct vote in ballot initiatives “do you support abortion? Yes or no? Governors should not be deciding for everyone because lets be honest you can have more individuals in support of abortion, or gun laws, or whatever at the state level. However, gerrymandering can allow a republican like Ron Desantis to win and hence a enacting laws that the majority of the people do not want. All the republicans from the top down for decades have been passing these gerrymandered voting maps. I have never seen a more maniacally unfair, cheating, dishonest, group of so called Christians in my life.
The People of Mississippi were not consulted before they filed this lawsuit. Bet they used tax payers money to prepare their case. I wonder how many of those taxpayers actually WANT Roe vs Wade overturned. Keep voting Red and we will all regret it. We have been a Republican state for 40 years and we are still last on most list and near bottom on the rest. Don’t let them continue to hold us down. Vote BLUE Mississippi!
In a vibrant democracy you need more than two parties.
You mean the nominees outsmarted them.
They knew!!! 🤬😡🤬
Technology,Science,Young people and trending population, will put the Republican party out of business for good.The supreme court judges are just accelerating the process of disintegration of the GOP!
Yeah and they mislead all the people they supposedly represent. so Poetic Justice.
8:03 is why you’re watching this
They did it on purpose. How do these two not see it coming with all of the failed efforts of the past?
Five justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by presidents who were elected by fewer popular votes than their opponents.
Manchin and Sinema still will be talking about they do not want serious back and forth swinging of laws? So, now what since that is exactly what is happening?
The Supreme Court picks and choosing cases. Peggie wants local people to decide in the states: Jim Crow.
54% of white women turned on Clinton and it has now cost you your rights.
They just figured it out that they were lied to? We all know that they were lying when they said what they said and everybody else knows that they were lying then. Surprise! It’s convenient to play both sides and claim I didn’t know. Beer beer beer haven’t you ever had a hangover or blackout? A Democrat attack against a beer drinker. I secretly across the capitol they’re passing another 1 trillion dollar tax cut for trillionaires and billionaires meanwhile beer beer beer beer beer look at me I drink beer. My good friend drinks beer and vodka. Conceived in vodka my name turns into f*** you I don’t care at midnight. Same attitude. Are you kidding me a supreme Court judge addicted to alcohol was a reason enough not to certify Kavanaugh but he lied saying he respected women and women’s rights and supreme Court precedence. Everybody knew that he was lying and ill qualified well a secret trillion dollar tax cut was going on in the background and practically totally not reported on except for one quick clip did I see or I would not have known about the trillion dollar tax cut that occurred while everybody was watching the beer beer beer show.
Stop crying you pathetic democrats
Misled all the way to the bank. It was Manchin’s last progressive card.
May Joe and Susan’s political days be numbered. Take Todd with you, since righteousness evaded all three long ago.
Please please keep Peggy Noonan off the air.
scotus has done what should have been done 50 years ago, overturning roe v. wade. now it will be put out for the whole world just how incompetent our federal government is to actually do the job they are elected to do. it took 50 years to overturn , but i doubt it will take more than 3 to 5 years to codify it into the bill of rights. the upcoming election will shock all anti abortion supporters when a large number of republicans are voted out of office. it’s also time to impeach 3 of the 4 justices put on the supreme court for purgery for lying to the senate and the citizens of the U.S. of America.
i also think collins has been lying to the citizens of this country by saying the justices told her they would not overturn roe v. wade. i wouldn’t doubt they told her they are going to overturn r.v.w. and she wanted them too , then come out and told a trump sized lie to everyone. we need her aides to do the right thing and tell the public just what kind of lying low life she is. we all no manchin is a republican posing as a dem. so no surprise he would lie to everyone. i’ll wager manchin , sinema , and collins lose their next election attempts , and rightfully so. it’s time this country reversed the trump syndrom and got back to reality.
“Suceeded in court”?
Escort her out and never put her in front of a mic again
Ha ha ha !! That’s righteous there Manchin and Collins… ha if you didn’t know… your so beyond detached from reality. .
Collins is a yellow bellied swamp crawler. Manchin is simply the swamp.
Presumably the Supreme Court could overrule Brown v. Board of Education. Why can’t abortion clinics be set up on federal land or Indian lands. Come on people get with it! Also the Supreme Court has never ruled that women are as fully protected under the 14th Amendment as race, ethnic or national original bases. So an attempt to assert Roe like rights under that amendment by using equal protection and/or due process is not a slam dunk.
Let’s vote blue & fix it
Manchin is definitely a republican dressed in democratic clothing
They didn’t mislead, they outright lied. Call a spade a spade
Public opinion has no place in law except you want judges to be politicians.
Public opinion sentiments is shaped by the media.
No one can be that naive. No one!
Read who contributed to their campaign…That tells you everything you need to know about each politician…
Use birth control. Problem solved.
well, tell those 24 states that invest very little in their state health plans to actually cover it free of charge. Let’s start there. Along with providing, the care/checkups needed for maternity care. Along with basic gynecological care for women, let’s not forget about those children when they are born too.
I don’t think so. They knew this was coming.
The only 2 people surprised
Following the Constitution is surprising to people?
The 1973 roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision was the worst ruling the court may have ever made. 63,000,000 children executed. That is a holocaust.
The people always had the right to protect themselves with a firearm. Many states and cities do not believe that. They’re tyrannical and need to be eliminated.
Do you really want to keep on preaching that? A gun has more rights than the life of those children according to this court. Or the person that can produce and sustain life. Doesn’t matter if they can’t be taken care of, or if my (state) government invests very little to support those programs to allow children to thrive, but sure as long as those children are born, let them suffer.
Civil war is absolutely, 100% inevitable. We need to stop denying this. Liars need to be removed from existence, they damage the nation. Liberals need to stop being weak whiners and pick up a gun. A cause is only worth something if you’re willing to put your life on the line.
Ali to runs this court
This is so rich! Thank you Kimberly👍
Normalizing the legislation of bigotry and discrimination against humanity of a very intimate matter, is naive at best
Now is the suggestion here that all – powerful, all – knowing, etc. Democratic Senators were hoodwinked by dastardly, Republican – picked Federal judges ? How can this be ?
Lying under oath is not just “misleading”, it’s criminal! But of course the rich and politically connected don’t have the same justice as the rest of us.
Wait! did Kimberly just say BS! to Peggy?
America is doomed. Unless someone thoroughly cleans house and stamps out this nefarious influence. And that’s never going to happen. Vote, vote, vote.
this noonan is a woman so filled with hate for trump its ruined her formerly reasoned commentary. sad to see her morf into a democrat
Wait they lied say it isn’t so sounds just like what congress does to the American people