Dozens of ultra-right wing Israeli nationalists have made incursions into Al Aqsa Mosque compound, at the start of Israel’s so-called Flag Day.
Among them were a number of current and former Israeli ministers and members of the Knesset.
Access to the compound used to be coordinated with the Palestinian authorities. But that’s not happening any more.
Many Palestinians see this as a provocation.
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Nothing ever lasts forever
Let’s be honest Arabs would do worse things if they fought for Mekka.
@Capri Kosher Catering не надо переводить стрелки
aрабам не надо сражаться заметку потому что это их территория
В результате победы в Шестидневной войне 1967 года Израиль аннексировал Восточный Иерусалим.
Is Hitler’s Power All over for 75 year of the World?
Happy Jerusalem Day. Just to add that Aljazeera’s life mission is to produce misinformation about Israel. But any human being who visited Israel and Gaza knows that Israel is a powerful, functional and democratic state and Gaza is a failed state whose authorities use their aid money and donation to buy arms. Be fair Aljazeera.
Israeli fascists making moves. Colonizers doing what Colonizers do.
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 free Palestine
Free from extremists and terrorists I hope
@Plumbline Word from zionists
Israel is 100% right to decide this. Better safe than sorry. Israel knows whi who they are dealing, so understand them fully
So you know everything to decide what Israel is doing right. You have been absolutely brainwashed
You sounds 1940s Germans
Kibd of like how the Germans decide to invade Poland?
These people are truly disgusting
Tienen todo el derecho de celebrar tan maravilloso día.
Saludos desde Chile
Chile sucks
Israel Is A Big Bully
The Palestinians should move away from Jewish lands
Isrealis should go back to Europe
Makes great toilet paper roll.
@arthur 🏳️🌈🇮🇱 this is greatest toilet paper role
When their time comes, Moses will not be around to part the sea again
Happy Jerusalem day!!!!❤🇮🇱
Happy East Jerusalem day!
The USS Liberty taught me everything l needed to know about the Jews.
Co takiego świętują Izraelczycy? Bo przecież Bóg, w którego wierzą byłby nieobliczalny. Gdyby promował metodę kija I marchewki zamiast inteligencji emocjonalnej to miałby wrażliwość sztucznej inteligencji. Dopiero teraz wiadomo co to znaczy :)). Gdybyzamiast wiedzy o związkach przyczynowo skutkowych mylił przyczyny ze skutkami to Hitler byłby jego kolejnym prorokiem po Mahomecie. Bo przesłanie judaizmu i neojudauzmu to CIERPIENIE OFIARY MA USZLACHETNIĆ OFIARĘ. No a Bóg wtedy byłby katem. Katami też byliby jego samozwańczy przedstawiciele. Co to byłby za Bóg? Wojny? Chrześcijaństwo to neojudaizm. Islam też. Bo przedstawia obraz Boga kochającego ojca wykreowany przez kapłanów dla utrzymania władzy. Bo judaizm powinien przejść ewolucję jako że lepsze jest wrogiem dobrego wtedy gdy powstało chrześcijaństwo. Przesłanie prawdziwego chrześcijaństwa brzmi CIERPIENIE OFIARY MA USZLACHETNIĆ KATA A NIE OFIARĘ. Ale ewolucji nie było bo kapłani nie zamierzali pracować nad sobą. A tego wymaga chrześcijaństwo. Kto rządzi innymi ten ma władzę. Kto rządzi sobą ten jest mądry. A bojaźń Boża początkiem mądrości. Bo Boga oszukać się nie da. Zatem kto oszukał Boga? CIERPIENIE OFIARY nigdy nie uszlachetniło ani twórców niewolnictwa, ani feudalizmu, ani bolszewizmu ani faszyzmu. Gdyby tak było to już nigdy nikt by nie zmierzał do wojen. Tym bardziej, że misja ochrony klimatu dana przez Boga oznacza PRZEKUJĄ MIECZE NA LEMIESZE I NIKT NIE ZAZNA GŁODU…Chrześcijaństwo to doskonała religia I nie można jej było doskonalić. Talenty dane od Boga mają służyć wszystkim. To przywódcy religijni mają obowiązek stworzyć wszystkim niebo na ziemi I wtedy wszyscy spotkamy się w niebie. Dlatego papież mówi o powrocie chrześcijaństwa do korzeni. Islam to chrześcijaństwo a judaizm ma przejść ewolucję I będzie chrześcijaństwem. Gdy chrześcijaństwo się połączy I wróci do korzeni to zatriumfuje NIEPOKALANE SERCE MARYI. Zapomnieć o Apokalipsie. Bóg wykorzystał wady Polaków dla ratowania świata I pokazania analfabetom wtórnym w co wierzą. Błogosławieni, którzy wprowadzają pokój albowiem oni będą nazwani DZIEĆMI Bożymi. Nie ma dyskryminacji kobiet. Talentów danych od Boga nie wolno zakopywać. A talenty, które Bóg daje kobietom to inteligencja emocjonalna…Miłość Boga do ludzi musi być doskonała. Zatem jest rodzajem miłości macierzyńskiej…Wszyscy byliśmy Żydami i wszyscy ponieśliśmy cenę żądzy władzy przywódców religijnych. Ale teraz z racji globalizacji nie można rywalizować. Cały świat działa jak jeden organizm I wszyscy jesteśmy ze sobą związani. Bóg wszystkich ludzi tak samo kocha.
Happy Jureselum Day.
@Plumbline Word *vomit*
@Kamilia H. Oh dear,you need some medicine for your tummy 😌
@Plumbline Word well…if the so-called sickness is responsible for me having humanity, and being against apartheid genocide…then I think I’m good with the disease thank you very much. Maybe you should think about contracting it…just saying 🤷
@Kamilia H. unless the sickness is actually coming from the poisoned media you are consuming which only seeks to demonize and delegitimize Israel 🇮🇱 You should have it seen to for everyone’s benefit not to get infected with such hatred.
Thise Israelis is like devals
Because Arab cities warn that they will kill Israelis upon entering or missiles being fired from Arab countries?
One more time anti Peacefull community won peacefully😢
He will put a wreath of grace on your head, wii give you a crown of glory.
The God of the Talmud ?
@Mohamed Eid The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Whom Egypt kept as slaves for 400 years.
Jerusalem- eternal capital of Israel! 🇮🇱
Nah 👎
Al‑Quds is the capital of Palestine. 🇲🇬❤️🇵🇸
In your dreams
Eternal? Look up the meaning of that word…Jubes are not equal or above God.
Amazing: happy day Israel.
From : bataknese Indonesia❤❤❤
I can see the eastren egg, the gold 1 (one)on top of the mountain
You have traded the bag of rice for the grain of rice. I guess we will see who wins. The religious jews are down since it works but those that cant get over the halocaust talking about “if God is real then he will have to beg for my forgiveness.” Will be going against God. Lets see who wins.
Jews only have one Capital city on earth is called JERUSALEM
These guys are no better than the Russians right now
Watching fascists dance is funny
God bless Israel
Shalom 🇮🇱 Israel 🖖 from California 🇺🇸
USSR Côme back
It’s time to end Israelis apartheid 🇵🇸
The human rights situation in Qatar is bad, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers from South Asia, mainly in construction in Qatar, risk severe exploitation and abuse, which sometimes amount to forced labor and even death.
The domestic workers, who are mostly poor women from Southeast Asian countries, have few rights and can become victims of human trafficking, sometimes forced into prostitution. There are restrictions on individual rights such as freedom of speech, and the laws of Sodom exist to punish criminals, men and women alike.
Qatar’s legal system has punishments such as flogging and the death penalty.
Qatar is a barbaric country!!!
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
The pals are free. Go to India. The nation of India needs servants and toilet cleaners.
Yess! Illegal military occupation needs to b removed and end apartheid
@Muhammad Sharif I agree, leave the Temple Mount and go back to Egypt or Jordan. No such thing as an arab palestine. Look at the pre WW2 flag of palestine. It is the STAR of DAVID. Doesn’t that tell you something.
@arthur LOL! Your feeble attempt to distract and control the narrative! LOL! Zionists’ lies and propaganda, learned from Hitler’s Joseph Goebbles, can’t hide the facts of Rothschild/Balfour’s treachery made this illegal military apartheid occupation! Either u r willfully ignorant or same as most of the other Zionists liers!
From 1917 Balfour:
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,…”
Secularists just wolves in sheep skin.
Apartheid Israel
You mean Apartheid Arabs who warn Israelis they will be killed upon entering certain cities???
Al Jazeera news is anti -Isarel, Arab and Islam minded using the words like “Occupied East Jerusalem, the so called Jerusalem day, permission from Palestinians authority” what are these nonsenses you are saying here, if the 10 tribes of Israel weren’t taken by Assyrian Kingdom in 721 BC and 2 tribes by Romans in 70 AD , will there be so called Palestinians today in the Land of Israel? If the Roman Empire hadn’t renamed the Land of Israel as Palestine to wipe off Jews History, will that name even appear? The Jews suffered Holocaust, 6+ million Jews killed because of being in a foreign Land, When they came back to their own land other occupiers (Arabs) calling them (Israelites) as occupiers, What a shame 😳 Israel has the ride to wipe off every anti jew from their Land and has the right to move anywhere they want, infact the right to demolish the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock because that’s Land grabbing, Arabs can’t build their idol god temple on Jews ancient Temple claiming its theirs, no religion in the world except Islam which has built it’s place of worship on Jews ancient Temple and on a Christian church in Istanbul, Turkey 🇹🇷 (Ayasofya camii). This is Land grabbing.allah is a looter of people’s property, YAHWEH our God, the God of our Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob neither Jesus Christ or the disciples has done this. So stop your anti Israel, you can use all shorts of names to describe Israel but it the fact remains it’s their Land given by God 4000+ years ago. And Everyone who is against Israel will come to nothing, The Empire of Babylon fell, Medopersia, Greece, Roman Empire all disappeared. All these anti Israel arab or Islamic nations will Fall.
Well it is internationally recognized as occupied by the UN.
Little hats doing what little hats do.
Zionis Isra4hell > bangsa kera!
Free palastene
I grant you your freedom. Go to Egypt or India. There is a shortage of servants and toilet cleaners. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
It is recognised by international communities including countries like the United States and many others
It’s not recognised at all,a few men say so,you can’t use another countries capital as your own fuckhed 💯🤟🇦🇺
Wah, wah… Only 4 countries to date have moved their embassies to Jerusalem.
@Zircon Blazer ok, so what’s wrong with that, other countries recognize Jerusalem as Jewish and Israeli, they just like the night life of Tel Aviv
Apartheid state
March of the cowards.
Israeli coward ikr
This is not the time to have enimosity. It’s time for respect
Yes Palaestinian Respect For Israel
Full support to💪🏻 Israel… 😊
Recognise Israel, Recognise truth. Learn from India. Indian people recognized Pakistan & Bangladesh, which land once included in India. We except that if muslim population want separate country, let them live with it. Muslim invadors came from Iran, Afganistan, Turkey but after long time, they fall in love with India & decided to live with us.
The former Hindus who revert to Islam Millions of Millions are indigenous, they want separation.
Cry Idol worshipper
Life is like weather, sometimes you are happy sometimes you are sad,🤔that is real life this world.
jew are treating Palestians like aparthied
😂😂😂 Occupied Jerusalem? What part of history you missed at school? Or what Bible do you read? Since even the Korean has a very strong instructions to give back El Makdesh to the Hebrews.
Time to trust that we are in the land for a good reason.
Good luck with your infantile racist fascism. You will fail. Justice is coming.
what will happen if el makadesh is owned 100% by hebrew people ??
Seems like this channel is typically overly aggressive about Israel if Gaza launches rockets and there own rockets fall down and kill Palestinians they blame Israel
So, they killed their own PIJ (3) leaders with their own rockets that started that last exchange?
YES TO TRUE HUMAN RIGTHS! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇮🇷🇮🇷🇷🇺🇷🇺🇮🇷🇮🇷❤️🔥❤️🔥
Amnesty International God Blees You🔥🔥❤️❤️✌🏻✌🏻…. WHO NA-TO E-U WEF A slogan that I have started to love a lot is Man before the system and Robots and Microchips❤️❤️✌🏻 .. Man first remember it you out there❤️ .. Never let them program you to FORCE or Fascism deep down YOU ALL NO what true love is and freedom value it more than EVER, anyone mind and share it with everyone ..❤️✌🏻Free Palestine From Terror And EVIL Appartheid…🇵🇸🇵🇸🇾🇪🇾🇪🇹🇷🇹🇷🇸🇾🇸🇾🇵🇰🇵🇰🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇷🇮🇷🇱🇧🇱🇧🇷🇺🇷🇺🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇾🇪🇾🇪❤️🔥🤲🏻🤲🏻✌🏻✌🏻 PEACE TO REAL HUMANS…
❤️❤️✌🏻✌🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 Love To The Free Pepole of Palestine Falastin🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️🔥❤️🔥
WE HATE THE DEMON THE DEVIL THE REAL EVILNES ZIONIST APPARTHEID🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇮🇷🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸…
It sucks start wars only to lose them all. This is what happened to the Arabs here.
A nation of people born from injustice
Causing great sorrow in all civilized among us
You claim your only concern is your security
But, your true intent is plain enough for everyone to see
There are Jews among you who detest what you do
But their voices are muffled and they seem to be few
You’re proud and you’re arrogant, malicious and clever
You seem to think world sympathy is going to shield you forever
Oh but the bed is too short and the covers are too narrow
You can’t see the hand writing for your scope is too narrow
Aggressive you have been since the day you were born
From the anguish and misery of lives you have torn
Israel oh Israel where will you be
When the pages have dried on your history
Very well said. Thank you
@Zircon Blazer Then what was King Saul, King David, & King Solomon the ruler of? Try reading a book, and I don’t mean comic books. Your lack of intelligence shows.
❤ very well said ❤
@Zircon Blazer judaism as religion that we know it only appeared in the maccabi revolt .
Just ask yourself whats the meaning of the word Judea …
It was a geographical region in ancient times … way before judasim religion..
So we were a nation long before the religion .
Open a history book before writing uneducated statements!
We are the nation of the holy book.. we had kings and rulers who ruled this land ions before Islam religion was born .
U think that were like orthodox jews now but our ancestors were a nation of fighters.
And we have the proof of it in archaeology, history and written evidence from ancient times .
And finally even the Quran says that this land is for the jews !!!!
Prove me wrong i dare u!
@guy Location Do you think you’re interacting here with someone who’s uneducated? Abraham started Judaism, from which then came the language, traditions and Israel. Judah was created when it split off from Iziril…. That is how judaism, Iziril and then Judea was started….
Look up when Abraham lived and when Jubes invaded the land and created iziril…. You’re off by at least a 1,000 yrs…
You can’t bring something back that was extinct for more than 2.5K yrs…. Arabs have been living in the region since the beginning of time… They’re the indigenous to the whole region….. Nothing can ever change that…. NOTHING… No matter how many times you put lipstick on your lies, trying to make it appealing to the whole world….
Using your religion to claim that god gave you this and gave you that, is complete and total nonsense.
They said Hitler
Oppression will end soon , oh my brothers and sisters be patient Allah is with you.
Congratulations for flag March in israil
The Jewish Israeli settlers look like a hellish mob with Israeli military protection – it’s terrifying.
I pray for Palestinian peace 🌟
I worry that Voltaire was right in his statement ‘look at those you can’t criticise to see who controls all’ – the Jewish diaspora watch this and don’t say anything…
Glory to God. When God and God’s children are marching everyone must give way.❤👍
Why Muslim world are silent on this problem Jews has entered al aqsa mosque compound this is an insult for Islam religion
Bias Reporting Again😮
Right… They should report things in the same way the jube owned MSM.
Free Palestine from what? They already warn Israelis that they will be killed if they enter.
They wonder why everyone hates them…
Well, everyone should read some passages of the Book of Exodus, that will clear some misunderstanding.
Daily dhikr
Hadith whoever remembers Allah Allah remembers you no matter how small it is
Allahu akbar
LAILAHA ilalahu Muhammadurasoolullah
Allahumma ajirni minan naar
Hasbunallahu wanimal wakeel
LA quwata ila bila hil aliul Azim
Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azim
LA ilalaha ilalahu Wahdahu LA sharikalahu walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumeetu biyadahil khair wahuwaala kulli shayin qadeer 3rd kalimah
ayatul kursi🕌
The whole world sure hate those Zionist,rs
Garbage reporting as always.
Then truth is garbage is to you. Why there’s no surprise?
Zionists are the reincarnation of Hitler’s Third Reich
According to Zionists’ religion, they should b in exile:
Leviticus 26:33
Deuteronomy 11:16
Deuteronomy 28:36
Deuteronomy 28:63
Isaiah 11:1-12
Ezekiel 37:21-24
Tractate Kesubos 111a
Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:7
Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 8:14
Tractate Shabbos 63a
The Tribe of Ephraim
Bar Kochba
Rashi (1040-1105)
Maimonides (1135-1204)
Rabbi Yishaya ben Eliyahu Di Trani (c. 1300)
8 Decades of Zionist militant religious supremacism as genocide, land theft and murderous terror against the indigenous non Jewish population of Israel, Occupied Palestine and Gaza is an ongoing crime against humanity.
So sad! Racist Israel causes so much daily suffering w blokade,bombing, arrests, bullying, beatings, handcuffed, raids, terrorizing and collective punishment similar to Hitler. They think and treat Palestinians as vermins!
Military illegal occupation, bullying, genocide, daily oppression, blokade, bombing, beatings, tortures by the Zionists, IDF/SS and their war criminals PMs need to be stopped
we have the entire Western media reporting one-sided in favor of Israel and turns a blind eye of the atrocities and daily oppression (beatings, jailing, blockades, harassment etc) by the Israel’s IDF/SS trillion $ army to fulfill Zionists/Rothschild’s/Balfour’s heinous intention of driving out the Native Palestinians.
Palestinians r the bravest people on earth fighting for their homeland against trillion dollar army/weapons.
Bibi “Hitler” Netanyahu(war criminal) needs a distraction from his political failures. That’s the reason Bibi is using his Hitler tactics and killing women and children for collective punishment inside Israel’s own open-air prison Gulag/Aushcwitz!
🙌♥️👏👍✌️🇵🇸And soon the blasphemous antisemitic zionazi apartheid state Pisrael will peacefully collaps and Palestine will rise above its former glory where everybody lived in peace and harmony together
As usual hamas-fanatic aljazeera is crying like a baby.
Why is the world community always silent about Israel’s criminal activities ??
What criminal activity Do you mean Palestinians who warn Israelis that they will be killed if they enter Arab cities or Hezbollah and Hamas shooting at Israelis?
Shame on you Izrael. Murderers
Right Procedure by israelites,Tye same Show of Minority in India was seen to show the strength of a Religious community.but that did not work out.Israel is Goingvin the Right path and its necessary to show the Majority
Israel has shattered Palestinian lives for the past 75 years.
Zionists lie ALL THE TIME.
From 1917 ROTHSCHILD/BALFOUR declaration:
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,…”
God won’t be mocked🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
They should gave the painter finish his task
*The UAE dispatched a top official to Israel this week, warning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the actions of his government threaten to turn back relations with Arab states to zero. Khaldoon Al-Mubarak, a senior adviser to UAE leader Mohammed bin Zayed, passed on a message to the prime minister regarding Israel’s “treatment of Palestinians”, Israel’s Kan public broadcaster reported. Tensions between the UAE and Israel have mounted after incitement by far-right ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. The latter called for the Palestinian town of Hawara to be “wiped out”. Mubarak also said the government’s “escalation” against Palestinians threatens to play “into the hands of extremists” and could impact on UAE investments in Israel. „Your situation doesn’t look good and it could impact our investments,” he reportedly warned.*
Thank you.
Israeli fascism!
Total propaganda against israel 🇮🇱. I went to israel they are most peace loving people . I think al Jazeera and islamists are the real terrorists.
There is no Palestine only israel 🇮🇱 .
Land stealing Zionist
The same way Israel shuts down israelis life for Ramadan now shut your mouth terror supporter channel.
I can’t understand why the world doesn’t shut down terror channels like you, washing people’s brain to think the same way you do and to support terrorsits and to call them “fighters” the fact your channel works normally is showing that this world is crazy.
It is said in the Bible that the Almighty punishes villains even up to the third and fourth generation. But only those who continue to hold on to the deeds of their fathers. And then they will suffer punishment both for their fathers and for themselves, since they have not yet repented. And the so-called “palestinians”, these islamists, jihadists, terrorists whose fathers collaborated with the nazis and some Europeans who support them continue the evil deeds of their ancestors from the medieval, anti-Semitic and recent fascist Europe, together with their arab allies, have already today transferred the war against the Jews to the territory of Israel and are fighting with the people of Israel for the Holy Land, which they cannot and most importantly will never belong to, since they have not received any spiritual right to this land from the Almighty. Therefore their punishment is so obvious.