Spanish football side Real Madrid have lodged a hate crime complaint with prosecutors after their player, Brazilian Vinicius Junior, was targeted with racist abuse.
The incident has caused fury across Brazil.
Al Jazeera’s Monica Yanakiew reports.
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Yesss true
Europe for Europeans.
@Eli becker Maybe South Africa. but the rest are white countries because we make up the majority.
If you still think that in the 21st century, then something is wrong with you
@Eli becker usa australia and new zealed were empty places without civilization, white brought there civilization and build it, so…
(but feel sad for native indians etc.)
@Daniyal BBD you dont have enought power for that, if you had you would do it long time ago guys.
@meow we who? Whites create and build usa nobody else.
Shame on Valencia 🤬
It’s a shame & embarrasing that Brazil is infested with corruption poverty & high crime rate in spite of being an oil producing country (Petrobras) & so rich in natural resources Manila’s slums pale in comparison to Rio’s miserable & pathetic immense favelas
You mean, Brazil, a country that was explored, robbed, colonized and enslaved by Spain and Portugal for 4 centuries? I agree it is a shame for Spain that after all that Brazil has a bigger economy than Spain and Portugal combined, is one of the major economic powers and geopolitical players of the world, and takes racial discrimination as a serious criminal offense, while Spain is still living under a rock and ignoring racism in their society.
@Lucas Lourenço The video is about Brazil therefore my comment is relevant to it
@Jose Panicucci aha another racist, we have got Italy and Spain. Two worse racist countries
Thats why the entire world agrees that spain is a racist country
Just look what kind of bullshit spanish people writes.
@gra4528 racist detected
1. Stop the game
2. Ban the team from Champions league, Europa league, Conference league
3. Put pressure on the companies advertising in the stadium
To fight racism education is, unfortunately, not enough. You have to hit pockets. Follow the money!
Move to the Congo and prove you’re not racist.
If Vinicius would play in Brasilian league he would count with everyday possibility of being assaulted,family threats,extortions…no wonder why brasilian player do not want to come back to Brasil
Spain is a very racist country. Ive been there
Javier Tebas malah mendukung Valencia/ Valencia Fans 😡. Sangat menyedihkan tidak ada Penghentian pertandingan yang dilakukan wasit lapangan.
In spain the crime of racism falls under the law of offense only. A few years later they tried to remove racism as something punitive by law there. The president of la liga was the one who campaigned for these guys
Shame on Spain!
@Online Online Account I wonder where are you from to ask these kind of questions. You have obviously never been to Spain. We are not only tolerant, we are inclusive. If you have a Spanish passport and/or speak Spanish and participate in the Spanish culture you are Spanish, like any other. Spanish ethnicity is not based on race, color or whatever other stupid physical feature, it is based on culture.
@abc Stop inventing, mate.
@Paseos por Madrid all spain is racist, u will fight against facts?
@Paseos por Madrid spainards are not a racist moron
Well it’s already discriminating to people in other war warzones that LaLiga is displaying only the Ukrainian flag during their games…if you do this you should display them all😊
Of course they should. Spain is worse
Am glad this is being addressed by mainstream. Spain has been this racist for a long time without being called out
@/&*^%٤٥ث yes Even Yours Africa
Vinicius Is The Racist
@Kipapula Good We Don’t Want You
@Kipapula Yes The U K
@Lion Series I Am With China
Spain showing their true colors; what’s new??
Laliga is now tainted. Racism is in its dna.
The snobs of LaLiga lack self awareness and deserve all that is coming, until they clear this chronic filth in their midst.
Terrível 🥺🥺🥺
Send the FLASH MOBS over to spain.
My respect for spain is increasing day by day
what happened to vini is unforgivable
I have Spanish passport. I woke up this morning and all of a sudden I happen to be a racist?
Na verdade vc já era antes
@pH AnToones Como non sei portugués responderei en galego xa que é o máis próximo que podo chegar a falar a túa lingua. Do teu comentario lin que estás caendo na xenofobia, pois dubido que coñezas a esta persoa o suficiente para chamala racista. Claro, pódese dicir que hai racismo por omisión, pero esa omisión débese á permisividade de certas institucións e apenas a unha nación enteira. Só teño que sinalar o racismo que padeceron algúns xogadores en activo na liga brasileira, pero claro, non son nin o tesouro nacional que é Vinicius Jr. nin é doado condenar aos compatriotas, sobre todo dentro do nacionalismo extremo que aínda existe no fútbol. Persoalmente coñecín o racismo en España, Suíza, Gran Bretaña e Alemaña, pero non por iso non coñecín compaixón a pesar da raza en cada un destes lugares.
@Skeptisch óbvio que ni Brasil existe racismo, a diferença é que o povo tem asco desse sentimento de ódio, existem leis que punem os criminosos e eles acabam ficando marcados como lixo perante a sociedade brasileira, já na Espanha não existe nada! Pelo contrário, as pessoas ficam indignadas com a vítima, além das leis serem patéticas, por isso que disse que ele já era racista antes, pois infelizmente os casos com grandes estrelas do futebol brasileiro já provaram isso, se um jogador bem sucedido passa por isso, imagina um trabalhador comum. O racismo faz parte da Espanha, assim como outra dúzia de países europeus
@Skeptisch de verdade, espero que os grandes nomes do futebol brasileiro comecem a nega jogar na liga espanhola, além todo esse lance de racismo, é uma liga falida. Espero de coração que a Espanha seja boicotada por nossos atletas de elite, mas infelizmente não acredito que isso aconteça. Money over everthing
@pH AnToones Entendo que ten fortes sentimentos sobre o tema, pero é importante centrarse no tema principal de discusión. A conversa xirou inicialmente en torno á asociación de ter pasaporte español co racismo, e é importante abordalo directamente. Atribuír o racismo a toda unha nacionalidade ou país é unha xeneralización que pode perpetuar estereotipos e dificultar o diálogo construtivo. É fundamental recoñecer que o racismo é un problema que pode existir en calquera sociedade. Participar en debates construtivos e fomentar o entendemento é fundamental para combater calquera tipo de xenofobia, incluída a xenofobia racista. Así, centrémonos mellor en promover a empatía, o respecto e a igualdade en lugar de recorrer a xeneralizacións ou desexar censurar a toda unha nación.
Spain is racist😡
Shame on Valencia😡🤮
La Liga or La Racista?
It’s shameful and stupid to introduce racism in Sports especially soccer.We watch and play soccer to enjoy and for any imbecile to look at players from a racist prism is primitive.
For black players stop playing in places where some idiots discriminate Gods people.
He is Pele daughter half American or something ? She has very North American English accent
Shame on valencia
Are we all pretending that this is a new thing??? Did we already forget Samuel Eto’o and the “no mas” incident???
hating ppl because of their skin color never made sense to me
Mr Rubiales not 1 small group mate. Whole stadium chant racist word mate.. Are you reta*ded
Nós brasileiros estamos com você Vinícius.
the hypocrites is real. Just see what they did to Mesut Ozil on the Uyhgurs genocide situation.
Are you with the Uyghurs in China who are forced into labour and who make Nike, Shein, and many more companies? The football player or activities will remain silent on issues because they don’t want to lose their money or future career.👂👂
We, on the other hand are with the fans.
Brazilians, even black Brazilians themselves, are hypocrites. Brazil is one of the most racist countries on earth. Even the blacks themselves are ashamed to be black and desperate to be white. Want evidence look at Pele
All firstly black people are the most racist people in this worldwide
Like Vinícius, Spain also has a hidden side which is racist and fascist. People are too scared to talk about it. These stupid people also believe in shooting innocent people. That is actually the real story behind this, yet it will go unnoticed again. Yes I am referring to FF.
Spain been a racist country for a long time. It’s not the first time that happen, spain should be suspended from sports.
Most european countries are racist and fascist?
Spain was always a racist country.
La liga has a long history of turning a blind eye to racism. Boycott La Liga
Show up for the meeting??? To talk what?? To talk how he should keep quiet when racially abused???
A beautiful country like Spain full of racists wow that’s a disappointment
But this is Spain it shouldn’t surprise anyone there have always been like that no wonder I don’t see any black people exited to go visit the country
Vinicius should better point out, “Racism is normal in La Liga if you are well-known and playing for the big 3” 😂😂😂
Reminds us of some people who say Indonesians are Retarded, during the U-20 world cup, not not Indonesians but those who are still racist
Brazil has one of the highest murder rates on earth, mostly blacks killing each other. Why doesn’t Lula do something about that if he cares about blacks so much?
Spain 🇪🇸 people are brown and dark skin people so they just like vini 😅😅😅😅
Vini should not worry of Spain people because they are brown and dark 😅😅😅😅😅😅 they are not white
So sad – Spanish are racists. We should abandon Laliga, and support the English Premier League.
Brazil is a RACIST country! White people there are attacked and killed daily by jhitskins.. its not really a crime in Brazil if you kill or rape a White person. Robinho raped a woman in Italia and now hes happy in Brazil, aka a giant useless seewer.
Go away vinny.. you chase a ball, you are a useless monkey like creature, those who watch you are even dumber losers 😆😆😆😆😆
Sadly, vinny knows everything they said is TRUE!!!
We’re with Vini
Black Lives Matter ✊🏿 ✊🏿
Black is just a name
Spanish people reactions to racists chants are SHAME…. Of course must be exceptions, but as I said, it’s exceptions to a rule.
This is not new. Spain has been known as being the most RACIST country in all of Europe for the last 50 years. I have seen black children spat on in Spain. Never in my life have i ever witnessed anything like it since. The whole country has a culture entrenched in the hatred of black skin.