Queen Margrethe II of Denmark said she will abdicate the throne on January 14, 2024, in a surprise announcement during her traditional New Year speech. The 83-year-old queen is Denmark’s longest-serving monarch in Europe following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
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#Denmark #QueenMargretheII #Royals
Such a lovely lady,
Arguments: Coronavirus is sweeping through the countries of Eurasia. If it will save someone’s life or emotional sanity. I will say this: you have your own children, I am not looking for close relatives. In Russia, it is fashionable, within the framework of deception or the ability to manage people, to look for the mother, father, brother, sister of all citizens who did not go out for a special operation. Today, scoundrels have learned to sell even emotions. They digitalize and drive entire families crazy. I tell everyone that I am my own. I also had my back turned off, god oh my, who? World has gone mad.Therefore, I very sincerely want to wish the Queen of Denmark many more happy years to come.
Daniil Matyushkin, Russia, Siberia, Yeniseisk January 01, 2024
So excited
Wow, giving herself a pardon from the lifetime sentence of sovereign.
I thought she was abolishing the monarchy…. She’s just retiring with a hefty pension paid by the people
Welcome to the new Danish King? Only 7 in Europe which continue the ceremonial Kingdoms.
Queen Elizabeth II would never
You can’t escape God …..or his children
A lot going on in that royal family. Crown prince cheating on his wife; second brother angry over titles being stripped from his children. Family problems being played out on a large scale, only showing that even the royals have problems that can’t be easily resolved.
nu wachten op Noorwegen and Sweden aan de beurt na Nederland,Belgie,Spanje,Engeland en ook toekomst in Liechtenstein Alois,son of Hans Adam.!
Stepping down for Tsar Vladimir Poetin I….
Denmark hates Putin and is a part of NATO.
2024 is off to a royal start
Get well stay well thks❤❤❤
Is this the woman who committed genocide by applying birth control without consent?
That was the Danish government who did that. The royal family has no control over what the Danish Parliament does. There is a high chance she didn’t even know about it.
Besides, many different countries did the exact same thing. Even the US today is allegedly forcing sterilization on Latinas who crossed the border illegally.
@@TimberlakeTigerGirl Just as the government represents Denmark, the kingdom also represents Denmark, so they are partners in the crime. It is impossible to fend off the most cruel and despicable crime committed against humanity for many years by saying “we were not aware of it”.
Of course, it is impossible to provide justice (the hypocritical attitude of the west) and since we know this, we remind this despicable and disgusting crime at every opportunity so that the heirs of the criminals will be aware of their shame.
We are not afraid and we have at least as much courage and willpower as these fierce criminals.
It’s interesting that in the last ten years or so nearly ALL the remaining monarchs in Europe (Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Vatican and now Denmark) as well as the monarchy in Japan have had living successions. Their predecessors all abdicated and got out of the job alive. Meanwhile in the UK the word ABDICATION is a dirty dirty word that is almost thought of as an act of high treason and had it not been for the actions of Edward VIII maybe Elizabeth II would have stepped down so Charles wouldn’t have had so long of a wait.
Perhaps this might give him pause to consider his own future position. I wish him a long and happy reign but he is 75. If his health remains fairly good he should consider turning the crown over to William once all his kids are grown.
oh my god Margrethe II is healthy, II announces she will abdicate the throne
I thought NBC was against authoritarians, funny how they are promoting this story so hard.
the Queen of Denmark has literally no power. The US president has more than her
Wonderful QUEEN
Enjoy your retirement your majesty. You have left your county in good hands. Love from Canada
It’s ludicrous that Earth still has “royalty”.
Long Live King Friedrich X
Long live the King 👑⭐🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️
Seriously, who cares? I’m in America.
You do not really have to “explain” , that you are from the U.S. Since 2016 we sadly have become quite used to comments like yours. Like it or not, your comment instantly puts YOU in the long line of willfully ignarant trumpian level imbeciles, who seem to even be OPENLY PROUD of showing their ignorance to the entire World. Not a good look, in my not so humble opinion! But to each their own, I guess!?
The existing Regent tefuses to dance with the Mephistopheles, The Mute swan seek the bear, and the Bear has the Eagle under its feet.
beatrix was like that first person who leaves the party, opening the door for everyone else who wants to leave
Queen Margrethe rules!
The Queen does not rule. She reigns.
Biden take notes
Thank you for your service, Mam.
As a german, it is surprising to me how much of the context I can here and there pick up from the speech. I needed to see it with subtitles to understand it in all, of course.
What I would like to now phrase in English is, that Queen Margrethe II. is a beloved sovereign and her choice to step back (I prefer that over ‘stepping down’) is a sign of committment and willpower.
I wish our northern friends the best of luck and prosperity <3
Danish is a North Germanic language. English is a West Germanic language.
Vi har netop fejret julen, den dejlige fest, med juletræ, tændte lys og forventningsfulde børn. I den mørkeste tid på året lyser julen op. Nu står det nye år for døren, i aften fejrer vi nytårsaften. Foran os ligger et år, som vi møder med forventning, men også med bekymring, for der sker voldsomme ting ude i verden.
Nogle årstal står klart i vores bevidsthed, fordi vi knytter dem til bestemte begivenheder.
Året 1943 husker vi for redningen af de danske jøder. Det var 80 år siden i oktober.
Hvad skal vi gøre, når uskyldige mennesker bliver angrebet?
Det viste den danske befolkning dengang. Almindelige borgere hjalp helt spontant deres medmennesker. Advarede naboen, skjulte kollegaen og bragte familier i sikkerhed i Sverige. For langt de fleste danske jøder lykkedes flugten fra nazisternes folkemord.
Dengang Danmark var besat, gav min farfar Christian X udtryk for dét, som var holdningen i befolkningen: ”Jøder var og er agtede borgere i det danske samfund” -. Når vi kender hinanden, formår vi også at leve os ind i hinandens skæbne. Så følger medfølelse og hjælpsomhed som noget ganske naturligt.
Det år, vi tager afsked med i aften – 2023 – vil blive husket for det grufulde terrorangreb på civile i Israel. Det er ikke til at fatte.
Grufuld er også den krig, der er fulgt efter. Her er ingen vindere, kun tabere. Kvinder og børn har ikke selv valgt krigen, men de betaler prisen. Uskyldige mennesker er de første ofre. Ikke alene i Mellemøsten langt herfra, men også i Danmark.
Krigen får antisemitismen til igen at brede sig. Det er ulykkeligt og skændigt.
Jeg vil i aften komme med en utvetydig opfordring til, at vi alle i Danmark behandler hinanden med respekt.
Vi skal træde tættere på hinanden, ikke fjerne os fra hinanden. Vi skal huske, at vi alle er mennesker. Det gælder såvel jøder som palæstinensere.
Både jøder og palæstinensere i Danmark bliver bange, når telefonen ringer. Er der dårligt nyt om familien?
De ukrainske flygtninge kender den samme angst.
Året 2022 vil altid være knyttet til overfaldet på Ukraine. I år er krigen fortsat med samme styrke og med store tab af menneskeliv. Selvom opmærksomheden lige nu er rettet mod Mellemøsten, så skal ukrainernes kamp for frihed ikke blive glemt.
Dansk opbakning har stor betydning for det ukrainske folk. Det kom klart til udtryk, da præsident Zelenskyj besøgte Danmark i sommer. Det kan vi godt være stolte over.
Min nytårshilsen i aften går til alle, som fejrer nytår i skyggen af terror og krig.
Det er ikke alene krig og konflikter, som gør fremtiden usikker.
Vejret synes at løbe løbsk i forskellige retninger. Det virker uoverskueligt, og det skræmmer.
Rundt om i verden bliver mennesker ramt på forskellig vis. De fleste husker nok, at juli herhjemme var kølig og regnfuld. 2023 blev det vådeste år i dansk vejrhistorie. Men for hele jorden blev juli og august de to varmeste måneder nogensinde.
I sidste måned udsendte FN en ny klimarapport. Alvoren er tydelig. Klodens klima forandrer sig hurtigere, end man troede.
Vi er nødt til at forholde os til klimaforandringerne. Konsekvenserne er ikke kun fremtid. De er her allerede, og de er voldsomme.
Det er de fleste i Danmark fuldstændig klar over, selvom det har været vanskeligt for nogle af os helt at indse det.
Nu må vi sammen finde håbet og viljen til at gøre noget.
Tidligere i denne måned var der klimatopmøde i Dubai. Her deltog Kronprinsen sammen med danske ministre.
Danmark er et rigt land med en vigtig international stemme. Det forpligter.
Vi har også flere af de tekniske løsninger, der skal til. Det gør mig stolt, at danske forskere og virksomheder er med til at skabe en fremtid, hvor vi passer på vores klode og natur.
I det forløbne år har der været talt meget om ”kunstig intelligens”. En ny teknologi, som vil kunne ændre vores liv på måder, vi næppe kan forestille os. Men hvordan? Hvad kan følgerne blive? Måske kan den forbedre vores samfund, men vil vi kunne styre det?
Skal vi være begejstrede eller bekymrede? Jeg tror, at vi skal være eftertænksomme og opmærksomme.
Den nye teknologi er jo netop ”kunstig”. Den tænker ikke selv. Den bliver fodret med det, mennesker allerede har skabt.
Kunstig intelligens efterlader os med et helt grundlæggende spørgsmål: ”Hvad er det, der gør os mennesker til noget ganske særligt?”
Vi mennesker har håb og nysgerrighed. Vi har indlevelse og kreativitet. Vi har evnen til at skabe og til at tænke selv. Det er det, der har bragt os vidt. Det må vi ikke glemme.
Teknologien og maskinerne har for længst overtaget meget af håndens arbejde. Men alligevel betyder det ikke, at vi mennesker sidder med hænderne i skødet.
Jeg har lagt mærke til, at mange igen har fundet en hobby eller et håndarbejde frem. Det begyndte nok under corona-krisen; men så kunne man ikke holde op igen – det gælder i hvert fald for mig. Man får ro på sig selv, når man sidder med et sytøj eller har noget andet mellem hænderne; det gælder for alle aldersgrupper.
For mange af os er det en fritidsbeskæftigelse at holde hænderne i gang. For andre er det et livsvilkår – en profession.
Det gælder for dem, der lægger murstenene, trækker kablerne, maler væggene i de huse, hvor vi bor. Dem, der bygger vindmøllerne, så vi får ren energi. Dem, der passer os, når vi er indlagt på sygehuset, eller plejer os, når vi ikke længere kan klare os selv.
Det er alt sammen funktioner, der kræver håndelag, kundskaber og uddannelse, og som i den grad fortjener respekt.
Godt håndværk er en nydelse at opleve. At betragte en velbygget mur, at se på en blank og smukt malet væg, at beundre et møbel, hvor træet er behandlet med omsorg og indsigt, det fylder mig med glæde hver gang.
Året 2023 vil vi huske som det år, hvor vi kunne fejre, at mit barnebarn Prins Christian fyldte 18 år. Det blev en stor og, tror jeg, dejlig dag for ham. Han stod frem på en måde, der gjorde hele hans familie stolt af ham. Han var omgivet af søde, forventningsfulde og muntre unge fra hele riget og han holdt en tale, der aftvang stor respekt. Den gjorde hans farmor stolt.
Prins Christian sagde tingene, som de var. Det gjorde man ikke så meget, da jeg var ung. I dag tør de unge vise, at de også kan være usikre. Den åbenhed er en styrke, som vi andre må beundre, og som vi kan lære af.
Alle kender det lille ord ”tak”.
Det er et dejligt ord, både at sige og at høre. I det ord ligger erkendelsen af, at et menneske ikke står alene. Det er også ordet, vi benytter netop som nytårshilsen: Tak for det gamle år!
Tak for den hjertelighed og gæstfrihed, jeg møder overalt i Danmark.
I rigsfællesskabet er vi tre lande og tre folk. Vi har hver vores identitet og kultur og hver vort sprog. Men vi er knyttet sammen af en fælles historie, og vi er forbundne som mennesker.
I aften vil jeg ønske et godt nytår for alle i Grønland og for alle på Færøerne. Ofte går mine tanker nordpå til de to lande og til de to folk med en tak for alt, hvad de har givet mig i årenes løb.
Mine nytårshilsener går også til de danske i Sydslesvig og til de mange andre danske, som opholder sig og har deres virke i udlandet.
Ved årsskiftet takker jeg alle i Forsvaret, Politiet og Beredskabet. I gør en beundringsværdig og helt uundværlig indsats for vort land.
En ganske særlig tak skal lyde fra mig i aften. Tak for alt, hvad jeg og min familie har modtaget af varme og hengivenhed igennem mange, mange år.
Om 14 dage har jeg været Danmarks dronning i 52 år. Så lang tid går ikke sporløst hen over noget menneske – heller ikke mig! Tiden slider, og ”dårligdommene” bliver flere. Man overkommer ikke længere det samme, som man kunne engang.
I februar i år gennemgik jeg en omfattende rygoperation. Den forløb godt, takket være det dygtige sundhedspersonale, der tog sig af mig. Operationen gav naturligvis også anledning til at gøre sig tanker om fremtiden – om ikke tiden var inde til at overlade ansvaret til den næste generation.
Jeg har besluttet, at det er nu, der er det rigtige tidspunkt. Den 14. januar 2024 – 52 år efter jeg efterfulgte min elskede far – vil jeg træde tilbage som Danmarks dronning. Jeg overlader tronen til min søn Kronprins Frederik.
I aften vil jeg først og fremmest sige tak. En tak for den overvældende varme og støtte, som jeg har modtaget gennem alle år. En tak til de skiftende regeringer, som det altid har været givende at arbejde sammen med, og til Folketinget, som altid har mødt mig med tillid.
Min tak skal lyde til alle de mange, mange mennesker, som ved særlige begivenheder, såvel som i hverdagen, har omsluttet mig og min familie med kærlige ord og tanker. Det har gjort disse år til en række af perler.
Den støtte og bistand, som jeg har modtaget gennem årene, har været afgørende for, at jeg har kunnet løfte min opgave. Det er mit håb, at det nye kongepar vil blive mødt med den samme tillid og hengivenhed, som er blevet mig til del.
Det fortjener de! Det fortjener Danmark!
If you’re German then another Germanics (like Danes) are your brothers/cousins, not just friends.
Cheers from a neighbour from behind the Oder river.
The Epstein list is about to come out. Coincidence
As sad as it is to see her step down…I am proud of her for making this decision. She is stepping down gracefully and I wish her well! I look forward to seeing more art work from her! Maybe a book even!?
This is historical
2024 – still the world has royaltiesm authoritarians and dictators.
In 2024 I don’t thing we need queens and kings anymore, nobody should be superior just for the sake of birth…
Most royals aren’t actually in charge anymore; most serve as cultural symbols for their country. To protect the countries culture and heritage. Denmark, like England and other countries with royals, have elected governments in the form of Parliaments.
What is this 1776?
Long live the monarchies! We have more than 40 monarchies with Emperor, Kings, Queens, Princes, grand dukes, sultans and more…
US Senators, President Trump, and President Biden, PLEASE take note…
Why do you guys write queen but you write Crown Prince with capital letters? You should’ve written Queen of Denmark – with capital letter
Probably a typo
Monarch doesn’t have to be a life sentence.
I like her and wish her well.
This is weak! Its a lifelong commitment. Look at Queen Elisabeth. She was a rolemodel.
There’s no law that says kings and queens have to stay on the throne till death. They can leave early if they want as long as they have an heir.
Though it’s entirely possible she is doing this because her son, the heir, is currently in the middle of a huge scandal involving a Mexican prostitute. By abdicating she will be forcing him to put everything in order and to solve the scandal. By forcing him to become king he’s gotta get his act together.
She looks like the purple wiggle
Эта новость очень огорчила меня 😓🤧❤️🇩🇰
why purple color again… their symbolism would be their downfall
Wait isnt the future king currently in a cheating scandal?
As an Australian we have an Australian Queen ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
This should keep Freddie busy 😂
Greenland too?
So…a rich lady retiring to, guess what, be rich…who would’ve ever guessed it. That’s all it is people.
If this were about anything connected to Israel, the headline would be: “Denmark queen claims she plans to abdicate. Allegedly, according to Danish claims, it is alleged she is supposed to have a son who is claimed to be made king in January. Allegedly. This cannot be verified independently.”
Fun fact – the new King will be Frederik X – but we don’t care, we will still call it twitter.
The Queen is sick.
Who cares ???
I dont and im from Denmark.
Какая потеря😂😂 монархия в 21веке…тогда почему вас так возмущает рабство??
Curiosity killed the cat, so I am taking a risk: did I see a typo??? The closed caption failed to capitalize her title. Grammar scholars, was that a typo???
I am not Danish but Italian and in any case I must say that I am very sorry because from the little I know about her I know that she is a great woman and queen but I also understand that at her age especially after The important operation you had, you want to feel more calm and rest.A hug from Italy ❤
Charles will never to this, he has waited so long he will hold onto it until he dies ( which probably wont be very long tbf )
Her position as Queen of Denmark is supposed to be for life …
Royals can abdicate if they want to. Many kings and queens left the throne early throughout history.
this really affects my life. I spend 6 hours every morning worshiping this Queen before I take a poop. How am I going to survive in the future?
A big year for Denmark. I wish the royal family the best.
I was moved to tears❤ thank you for your 52 years of service. You have always surprice Danes who have done an extra great thing for this country❤ One of the greatest and funniest, was when Your Majesty suddenly surpriced one of our greatest actors when he had his last performances on stage before he retired (Cirkusrevyen 2021). I’m not sure who was most surpriced the audience or Ulf Pilgaard❤😂❤
She sounded really clever, unlike thick English queen.
It’s almost painful to read all those ridiculous comments. This woman is very untalented in every aspect, and on top of that, throughout the years she has often been standing in the way of great artists when she was picked to be part of some projects.
The royal family is an institution that has no place in a modern Society and Democracy. On a normal day everyone couldn’t care less about this cartoon concept, but every now and then when there’s a marriage, a baptism, a death or something like that you can turn on the TV and hear hundreds of people speaking of this old lady as if she’s the Messiah, and then for some reason they always have to tell how many people support the royal family. It’s like watching election day in North Korea. It’s disgusting. Even if 99,9 % of the population like the royal family, it is still a violation of my rights as a human being. Not one single krone on these people’s bank accounts belong to them. It’s our money, and it’s stolen.
It’s absurd. When there’s a conference in another country they send a member of this family to represent us, wether it’s about cars, sports, farm vehicles, plants or anything else. It is so disrespectful for people from other countries that only send experts. Those experts are people who say hello with a normal handshake, but the Danish royalties… they have to be met and greeted with special customs.
The most painful thing for me is to watch this 83-yo woman who has completely wasted her life with this show. She could probably have made something of herself in the field of Archeology. We’ll never know, because even there she stole the spot from other people who had to work hard to get there.
Now we’re getting this military dude as king. Here in 2024 we’ll have yet another symbol of dictatorship. Every now and then he has his own show called Royal Run. That’s when thousands of fat lazy morons decide to get out of bed to take a run because Frederik is there. Again… there’s nothing wrong with going for a run, but what’s wrong is that the same people wouldn’t join if anyone else put on the show.
Daisy was never my queen. Pingo will never be my king. Unless they put it up for election. But not like in North Korea. Everyone should have the right to participate! Originally kings in Denmark were actually elected. So if anyone here thinks we need to have a president instead, they’re wrong. We can have our unic way of forming a nation, and to be honest I don’t like the term “president” either. It doesn’t sound very Danish.
And yes, someone might get mad over this comment. But look, if the royal family is so important to all you idiots, then let’s turn it into a club or a union. Then each individual can decide if he/she wants to join and pay for their membership. Why should the rest of us pay for it? No one is forced to be a member of the Lutheran Church (the official church of the Danish state).
And if someone out there thinks the royal family invites a lot of tourists to the country, they’re totally wrong. I like visiting the Netherlands, but I couldn’t care less about their royal family. If they got rid of it and threw the royal family out of the castles though, I’m sure there would be a lot more I can pay to see down there. It goes for Denmark as well. Throw them out of Amalienborg and Fredensborg and turn those palaces into museums. We’ll make a fortune. Those castles belong to us, not the royal family.
So to both Frederik and Christian: Abdicate before you waste your entire lives in that circus. That’s the only way you will earn MY respect.
Happy new year!
If only Queen Elizabeth II would’ve had half the decency to do what she did
And today, Americans found out there is more than one royal family in the world.
We aren’t as stupid as you think we are.
@@TimberlakeTigerGirl It wasn’t so much a dig at Americans being stupid, it was more a dig at Americans’ pre-occupation with the UK royal family, especially when arguing against monarchy. We’re bombarded with opinions about the UK royal family, while all these other royal families are quietly existing too.
“The throne”
To think you people still make fun of libertarians…
May God anoint this decision as incorruptible with honor integrity valor restraint truth strength humility courage acknowledgement symbiosis respect unconditional love and healing. Good luck with your transition!
I thought Danish queen would be a viking of somesorts… a Valkyrie or shield maiden or something
Why she didn’t used the promp❓️ looks so bad to do that reading and not watching the screen
What?? Denmark has a queen..I didn’t know that lol
namaskara to the maharani of Denmark
Mom from futurama
Is she getting coronated the Queen
Wish her all the best and good health.
As of her abdication, there will be no reigning female monarchs in the world. That’s what I read. I also learned that she was the first international royal leader to send a condolence letter to King Charles III upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II. I do hope that Margrethe will continue to be active in some way, and I hope Frederik will do good for Denmark.
I thought uk had a queen only
I wish these career politicians here in the states would take some notes from this Queen. They need to step down and pass on to the next generation. Our government has lost touch with the people because they’ve been in power too long. God bless this Queen may the rest of her years be blessed.
So beautiful n graceful and a smile always , Queen margrethe will be missed very much ..
Good for her, most deserve a rest in their old age
Didn’t understand a word of it.
While she has always been a decent person with much to offer, I, as a Dane, hope that this abdication will be the end of our monarchic rule so that we may finally have true democracy and equality. Long live the coming Republic of Denmark!
The world is changing. One queen dies, another retires, both hand off their responsibilities to the next generation. I hope she enjoys her retirement for a good long time before God calls her number.
You were told to walk away. That includes any, and all successors. You do not get to pass down your perpetual lies about GOD to fresher meat. That’s not how this works. All monarchies, aristocratic nobility families, both public, and private will abdicate or you will be forced to do so by GOD, and her way will not be pretty for any of you. That includes all potential successors that you have lined up to take your place. You ants love to forget that GOD holds the key to your souls. It does not matter how old you are, it does not matter if you have young children, it does not matter if you are a mother, a father, a grandmother, or a grandfather, GOD does not care, she will remove you. No amount of doctors, nurses, medical treatments, aircrafts, yachts, technologies, blood purifications, surgeries, organ transplants, bunkers, militaries, construction, or governments will shield, or protect you from her making that your reality. That includes all potential successors within all fake monarchies world wide. She will not allow your total lies, and fabrications about her to continue being perpetuated in any capacity. IF that means removing you to assure that, then so be it. As was said, if you value your continued existence on this Earth that is NOT YOURS, that you are not The Owner of, that you did not create, you will walk away. If not, you will be forced to. You do not have the Divine Right to rule, or lord over anything, or anyone. GOD will not allow your lies about her to continue.
The idea of hereditary unelected office is repugnant to me.
Bruh 💀
No One is Royalty…
These people gave themselves that Title and the Fools Bow to this Stupidity.
Wake Up !
Unlike English royalty, Danish royalty pay for everything themselves,instead of expecting their subjects to pay for nearly everything.
My mom is 1%. Her Queen.
Schlezwik is Danmark!!!!!!
Sikania is Danmark!!!!
Now we truly know….
She seems nicer than QEII