Voters in Portugal are due to head to the polls on Sunday for a snap general election.
The far-right, anti-immigration leader Andre Ventura is expected to do well.
Al Jazeera’s Natacha Butler reports from Lisbon.
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البرتغال 🇵🇹😊
إنما نحن نحترم حق جميع من يرفعون أصواتهم حول العالم للتعبير عن آرائهم بأسلوب سلمي يراعي القانون — حتى لو كانت آراؤهم مخالفة لآرائنا. وسنرحب بجميع الحكومات السلمية المنتخبة شرط أن تحترم جميع أفراد الشعب في ممارستها للحكم. هذه النقطة لها أهميتها لأن البعض لا ينادون بالديمقراطية إلا عندما يكونون خارج مراكز السلطة — ولا يرحمون الغير في ممارساتهم القمعية لحقوق الآخرين عند وصولهم إلى السلطة. إن الحكومة التي تتكون من أفراد الشعب وتدار بواسطة الشعب هي المعيار الوحيد لجميع من يشغلون مراكز السلطة’ بغض النظر عن المكان الذي تتولى فيه مثل هذه الحكومة ممارسة مهامها’ إذ يجب على الحكام أن يمارسوا سلطاتهم عبر الاتفاق في الرأي’ وليس عبر الإكراه. ويجب على الحكام أن يحترموا حقوق الأقليات’ وأن يعطوا مصالح الشعب الأولوية على مصالح الحزب الذي ينتمون إليه.
Pó caralho com essa merda,aqui só português!!!
ايران 🇮🇷
الاحتجاجات بعد مصرع مهسا_أميني في إيران: بعثة دولية تحث على تحقيق العدالة.
“في ضوء تفشي الإفلات من العقاب ينبغي للدول الأعضاء استكشاف سبل المساءلة الدولية والمحلية خارج البلد إلى جانب جبر الضرر للضحايا. يشمل ذلك تأشيرات اللجوء والتأشيرات الإنسانية”.
جمهورية العربية السورية 🇸🇾
ذكرى اندلاع الصراع في سوريا: أكثر من نصف السكان جوعى، وعدد غير مسبوق بحاجة للمساعدات.
“احتجاز تعسفي، اختفاء قسري، قتل خارج نطاق القضاء، عنف جنسي وعنف قائم على النوع الاجتماعي، تعذيب، كلها ما زالت مستمرة وتمثل عقبة أمام السلام الدائم في سوريا”.
Al Jazeera 🥺
Let her be confident
Let her be brave
Let her know beauty
Is more than her face
Let her be strong
Let her know her own mind
And for the most part
Let life be too kind
But when it’s not –
When the days feel tough
Let her know she’s
Bolstered fiercely by love
Let her keep dreaming
Awake or asleep
Let her know feelings
Do not make her weak
So let her be gentle
Compassionate too
But let her be bold
In her quest for the truth
Let the world listen
Whenever she speaks
Let her move mountains
And dance at their peaks
Let her catch galaxies,
Comets and stars
Let her ride moonbeams
Like rockets to Mars
No matter her stature
Let her stand tall
And most important
And vital of all
Let her be happy
And know her own worth
Know that sometimes
She must put herself first
And let her be proud,
Be determined and free
To be anything
That she chooses to be …🥀
F¥ck off! This is a portuguese page!!!
Vai-te folder com essa merda pá!
Good luck mate, from England 🏴
Good luck to whom. God forbid these fascists would won, which they didn’t btw. They got 16%.
Their slogan is the same as Benito Mussolini’s, that’s the fascist trash they are.
Portugal has 200 thousand ilegal imigrants right now.
the solution until now by our government has just been to try to legalize all those people. All parties besides Chega are afraid to even discuss sensible immigration control policies out of fear of looking like racists.
Chega os the party who speaks more often in immigration coming to Portugal without warranty of a job or a house. Plenty of them are living on the streets. Chega don’t want that!
quantos portugueses estão no estrangeiro, legais ou não?
@@user-fx3yn9ud6u não sei os números exatos. Mas quaisquer portugueses que estejam num país estrangeiro de forma ilegal, tal país tem o direito de os expulsar se assim o entender. Se eu fôr para os Estados Unidos ou Canadá como turista e ficar para além do tempo permitido eu seria posto imediatamente num avião de regresso para Portugal independentemente do que eu achasse sobre isso. E não me lembro de ouvir o estado português ou outros cidadãos portugueses chamarem os Estados Unidos ou o Canadá de racistas por isso.
@@markdowding5737pois esse numero que apresentas inclui pessoas em processo de legalização.
São 2.3 milhões de portugueses no estrangeiro. imigrantes em Portugal são menos de 1 milhão. nos ultimos 15 anos atribuiu-se a nacionalidade a meio milhão.
com a actual taxa de natalidade e idades médias, a população passaria para 8 milhões de habitantes nos proximos 20 anos. 17% dos nados vivos em Portugal no ano passado foram de imigrantes.
He Isnt a danger do democracy, that’s idiotic, the are anti system but in favour of democracy, left political parties like Bloco de Esquerda and the Comunist party publicly support dictatorships like China, Russia, North Korea, etc and aren’t branded “a danger do democracy” it’s ridiculous. The Portuguese media is completely biased towards Socialism, that’s why the Socialist Party keeps getting elected and that’s why Portugal is the poorest country of western Europe.
Latvia 🇱🇻 ❤️🇵🇹 People!
Thankiu may ❤ 🇵🇹 🇵🇹 🇵🇹 🇵🇹
E nós queremos lá saber de ti para alguma coisa 🤣🤣
Typically it is 50% abstention, 30% of people voting always in the same party as if it was a football team, and 20% of voters with a critical sense. Lets see if it gets better today.
Força Andre Ventura viva Chega ❤❤❤❤❤
You lost!😂😂😂
Anti-corruption my @$$ left cheek. Chega has leaders and organizers being investigated for crimes like sexually molesting a minor, shooting at a motorhome with swedish tourists and their children inside, drug traffic and tax evasion.
Bunch of mobsters.
Que se foda o André Ventura e o Chega 😂😂😂
People should believe the lies the Chega minions post in the comment section.
They’re a bunch of lying fearmongers. Check their lies, google stuff
50 years of destroying Portugal and running Portugal into the ground. Shame.
Don’t you just love these fake journalists making comments and labelling a party whose manifesto they’ve never read (because they can’t speak a word of Portuguese or any foreign language for that matter, shameful really for a journalist to not speak foreign languages, the illiterate fools! ), calling Chega far-right? Everything is racist, xenophobic, far-right, mysoginistic, transphobic, homophobic nowadays blah blah blah. People have had ENOUGH ( CHEGA, in Portuguese) of the new Left and its identity politics, the new doctrine that erases women, sexualises children, mutilates confused adolescents and young people, aims to do away with the nation state, its history and traditions, to replace it with globalism, imprinting in the mind of white children from the moment they first attend school the idea they are born with privilege for being white, and supporting mass immigration when we don’t want it. Call us what you want, we know the game. We won’t be silenced. The people in my country have spoken, the two-party system is over and no amount of insults is going to crush the will of my people who have democratically said CHEGA.
No faith in al jazeera .you’re too close to Hamas terrorists.
1:50 Don’t be against IMMIGRANT be against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
Sr.Ventura, os portugueses votaram em si, pensando que o senhor íria pôr os portugueses em primeiro lugar. E agora, vê-se nas noticias, que você vai nomear um brasileiro como deputado do CHEGA na,ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA!
foste enganado oh burro. é tão facil iludir os tugas hahah
Mulher ventura esta olhando por nós elle sempre falou que tinha brasileiros sempre falou isso.. Brasileiros que trabaklha è respeita nossas lleis
@@TeamMF13 isso para mim quer dizer absolutamente nada!
Mas sei que se ele começar a pôr a pata na poça, o apoio que tem vai-se imediatamente.
“Chega” is filled with Salazar supporters, the Portuguese fascist right-winger who doomed Portugal for 41years with a failed colonial war, famine and under development.
There are problems that certainly must be addressed in Portugal, like the corruption and social disparity. But what Ventura is doing is making populist empty promises and promoting racism and divide
Extrema-direita jamais! O André Ventura não bate bem! 👇👇👇👇🇵🇹
Extrema direita basta ver o comentário por baixo e já agira extrema esquerda é boa ne.
@@joseguerra3004 nenhum extremismo é bom…👇👇👇👇
@@joseguerra3004 se a extrema esquerda não foi para o governo…a extrema direita também não vai! Recordo bem o que defendia os da Direita …mas pelo que se vê, não têm palavra!
@@silviabarbosa5804 a porcaria da esquerda liberal woke é que é bom,é isso?
@@emasil000 o que diz da desastrosa governação se direita da União Europeia?! Sim…porque as más escolhas políticas e económicas devem-se ao PPE e à Von der Leyen …de direita! Não como gelados com a testa…😉
Hora Nem mais
@@TeamMF13 Saludos irmâo ibérico
@@TeamMF13 És português?
@@emasil000 sim
@@TeamMF13 Tá bem
Portugal é pouco relevante
Well, for about 50 years that Portugal has been governed mostly by the left, and even when the right was in power, the truth is that the right was always very towards the left.
And during all this time, the quality of life of the portuguese people has decreased steadily, coming to a strainuous stand still, where most of the population lives beneath the poverty line.
And adding to that, the massive number of illegal immigrants that come from Brazil, África, Middle East, India, South East Asia, which are helped by the government far more than the portuguese people themselves, it’s not difficult to understand why the portuguese people has decided to vote for a radical change in government, by electing a more inclined to the hard right government.
The portuguese people hope that this time round, changes are seriously made, in particular regarding the issue of illegal immigration and that there’s a radical change regarding help and benefits for non EU citizens.
And that’s why political parties such as AD and CHEGA, were the big winners in this election.
Let’s see how it goes and if indeed, this time round, the government does put the natives above anyone else.
Because if they don’t, they won’t be in the front seat of the portuguese political spectrum for very long!