US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that, only seven months ago, it was “unthinkable” to question whether to impose conditions on US military aid to Israel. Failing to do so, she adds, only serves to further destabilise the Middle East.
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All these politicians are same!!
Did she say anything against her boss, Biden??
All talk would like to see action
She’s right about something atleast
no al genocidio todos hasta la onu son compinches
What is the actress talking about
I so misjudged her. AOC has cojones. Awesome ! Good job. Dont let your guard down and take bribe from AIPAC. The american plebeian needs you.
America has lost the narrative on Gaza. Period!
Please take your takes and go
Ronald Reagan did condition aid to self-proclaimed Israel and they stopped immediately.
AOC can’t still say genocide. Changing tune because elections are around the corner. 35000 dead already. We’re all far from memory lose.
Well, if Israel looses, Hamas is going to be everyones problem and then you’ll whine about not giving more money to Israel.. you can’t have it both ways 😉
Don’t buy a word that she said. She is with Mehdi Hasan to make herself look good.
Look at AOC’s district, it’s an absolute mess.
AOC is wrong, she is always wrong, she is so wrong that she can not get any wronger.
She couldn’t even point out Isreal on a map..
Unthinkable….only for non-pacifists
💯 this is the condition to stabilize the region. Well said !
AOC yet again not only revealing her superficial understanding of history but is yet again demonstrating platitudes & parochialism. Sad really cos we had placed some hope in her. She increasi gly proving to be a chameleon.
Zionists own congress
❤🎉😢😮Kabre karşı yönelerek veya kabristanın içinde namaz kılınmaz mı?
Soru detayı
– Bursa’da Ulu Cami bu durumda, ne yapmam gerekiyor?
Değerli kardeşimiz,
“Kabirler üzerinde oturmayın, onlara doğru namaz kılmayın.” (Müslim, Cenaiz, 97-98; Nesaî, Kıble, 11; Tirmizi; Cenaiz, 57; Ebu Davud, Cenaiz, 73).
Âlimler bu hadisi delil getirerek kabirlere doğru namaz kılmanın mekruh olduğunu söylemişlerdir.(bk. el-Fıkhu’l-İslamî, II/525).
İmam Şafii:
“Bir insana karşı -kabri üzerinde mescit bina edilecek kadar- aşırı saygı duymayı mekruh görürüm, çünkü bu, ileride fitnelere sebep olabilir.” diyor. (bk. Nevevî, ilgili hadisin şerhi).
Aliyyu’l-Kârî de Mekke-i Mükerreme’de cenazelerin namazlardan önce Kâbe’nin yanına bırakıldığını ve farz namazlar -dolayısıyla onlara karşı- kılındıktan sonra cenaze namazlarının kılındığını ve bunun doğru olmadığını söylemiştir. (Tuhfetu’l-Ahvezî, ilgili hadisin şerhi)
Öyle anlaşılıyor ki, hadis-i şerifte, kabirlere karşı durup namaz kılmanın yasaklanması, ileride onlara bir kutsiyetin verilmesi endişesinden dolayıdır. Çünkü ilk putperestlik de, iyi insanların kabirlerine duyulan saygının, daha sonra haddi aşmasından kaynaklanmıştır. Arkadan gelen nesiller, babalarından görüp duydukları saygının dozunu arttıra, arttıra, söz konusu iyi kimselerin kabrini mabut hale getirmiştir.
Dikkat edilirse, hadisteki yasak, alimler tarafından haram değil, mekruh olarak görülmüştür.(bk. a.g.e).
İmam Ahmed’e göre, mezarlıkta (daha doğrusu kabirlerin üzerinde) namaz kılmak haramdır. İmam Azam, İmam Şafii, İmam Servî ve İmam Evzaî’ye göre mezalıkta namaz kılmak mekruhtur. Ancak İmam Şafii’ye göre, kabir yeni ise -kan, irin gibi necaset söz konusu olduğu için- mekruhtur, şayet eski ise mekruh değildir. İmam Malik’e göre mutlak olarak mekruh değildir.(bk. Neylu’l-Evtar, II/432).
Kanaatimizce, kıblesi mezarlığa doğru bulunan camileri bu hadisin kapsamında değerlendirmek doğru değildir. Çünkü, kıblesi kabirlere yönelik olsa da camilerde kılınan namazlarda kabirler akla gelmez. Onlar görülmez de. Orada doğrudan kabirlere karşı namaz kılmak diye bir şey söz konusu değildir.
“Kıblesi mezarlığa karşı olan camilerde namaz kılmak haram veya mekruhtur.” diyen bir kaynağa rastlayamadık.
Selam ve dua ile…
Sorularla İslamiyet
❤🎉😢😮😮😢🎉❤من أمام مستشفى الشفاء: إذا كنا مع ربنا موش حيسيبناҒазоликлардан биттаси бундай деди: Росулуллоҳ с.а.в. тоғдан қимирламай туринглар деганлар… Аммо тоққа қўйилганлар дунёни севишиб, у ерни тарк этганлар ва ҳам ул зотга осийлик қилишган, ҳам мағлубиятга учраганлар,… Биз ҳам Ғазони тарк этмаслигимиз керак, акс ҳолда сарвари оламга осий бўламиз ва мағлум бўламиз, охиратда ҳам юзимиз қаро бўлади😢😢😢😢
❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉الهم انصر الإخواننا واخواتنا في فلسطين.
الهم احفظ أهلنا في فلسطين.
ويسر لهم ولا تعسر لهم.
I do think she’s careful how she phrases her answers.
Tax money for Americans not aid to israhell country that clearly practices racism, apartheid and Genocide, as the world witnessed!,
How is not helping isreal going to stop Iran for wanting to blot out isreal?
So 7 months ago, it was unthinkable that the USA would follow its own laws on military aid. Imagine if they went further and stopped actively aiding genocide…
It is good to help those are in need and stop those are doing negative to humanity. Freedom we should have all and live side by side with friendly.
Israel’s impunity for anything is shocking. They got away for too long without any consequences.
The only reason its on the table now is because we are approaching an election.
Most of these politicians are so deeply in the pockets of Aipac that the cant go against Israel or place restraints upon them.
She is a traitor! She has not voted for a arms embargo against Israel and also voted to defund UNWAR! She is evil!
Too little way too late
You have a point but Israel is a partner not a subsidiary so our place is not to boss them about.
Honey you are wasting your breath. Biden gave BiBi AN UNCONDITIONAL GREEN LIGHT TO PULL THE GENOCIDAL TRIGGER. SHALL WE SAY AOC. Russia, Africa, China AND EU see USA and Israel 🇮🇱 as hypocritical unlawful. Therefore USA will no longer be able to lecture one, anything or anyone on Humanity. Good day and Good bye.
Totally agree.
Let’s be honest here, AOC doesn’t really care about stopping the genocide, she only said it for herself
I’ll take advice from my dog before I take it from her.
It has nothing to do with generation and everything to do with the fact that you and your political class can no longer murder people in secret
They say one thing and do another. Talking with forked tongues.
We talk till our lips run dry to buy more time given the mass of the fallacy of hopes… That’s what I think.
AOC for president, Dark Brandon could set aside😊
Aljazeera is giving AOC credit 🤣 this is the latest.
With AIPAC bribed men in parliament?
LIAR! AOC is a political grandstander posing as a progressive.
You go girl. Bring your brilliance and sanity❤
It happens because that money gets spent on arms. All the politicians get huge kickbacks from lobby groups, arms manufacturers and stock shares. This is all about greed and corruption! Politics in the West is rotten to the core! I live in Australia and we are dragged into by our week ignorant politicians!
The U.S. is seriously flawed and on the decline. Americans are too high on the idea of “exceptionalism” to notice. The elite would rather bring in immigrants than take care of the people already here. The politicians are bought and paid for. They pander to the voters during election times, but once in office, they do absolutely nothing they promised. They divide the people. Americans are being poisoned on a daily basis by the food they eat. There’s no common sense in American politics, just extremism on both sides. I could go on, but I have a course to teach.
– Proud Veteran
Well said
Stop giving weapons to Israel period
she talks from both side of her mouth . she was ok approving military aid to Isreal to kill Gazan. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I’m a New Yorican. I am NOT a conservative or a republican. I do not trust this lady at all. A few days ago she was shamed at the movies because she couldn’t even say GENOCIDE. Now she’s all full of righteous indignation. ALL THE WHILE STUMPING FOR GENOCIDE JOE. Darte una vuertita, nena.
Hypocrite AOC
Hmmm, US leaders always leave for Israel to think, that’s why it’s unthinkable,😂
When they show the world how much of ghouls they are
When does she have to run for re-election?
She is absolutely right
This scumbag turned on Palestinians during an aid vote to Israel after Queen of the Scumbags Nancy Pelosi had a quick chat with her…it was all televised. AOC was actually shaking. She then said her life was in danger because of the pro Zionists in America. You can’t make this up. Meanwhile Bella Hadid didn’t stop, Max Blumenthal didn’t stop, Aaron Matte didn’t stop, people that have next to NO protection from Zionist genocidal lunatics didn’t stop. AOC is a tool, she understands where the tide is and is trying to ride it I think.
She use to put on Taylor Swift mouth makeup before blabbing state department talking points. Oh, how times have changed.
She’s a joke
Sooo we sueing the U.S for violating its own laws in supplying weapons to a country that commits warcrimes?
So now…everyone is listening to the bartender?
The moment American government left Afghanistan (my country)it became stabilized and peaceful.
This democrat is talking ?
Aoc you along with others showed your true colours. You didn’t dare tow your party line, you stayed within your lane to save your career. Come November you will no longer have one hopefully.
Dumbest US congresswoman ever
At least we now know who she really represents
Israel is Under Attack
She made a strong point. We condition aid to every other country in the world EXCEPT IsraeI. Why is that? It needs to stop.
It’s election season
That’s why they want her out- she is cannot be bought
And that is how delusional she is. She thinks that US is being aggressive only for the last 7 months. The horror story of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen is non existent to her.
I think Hamas / Iran have destabilized the region….
Beautiful, smart, educated woman.want peace.lesson to her
Don’t wash your underwear in the public .
Broooooo who even put her in office….how dumb where u guys omg
No logical American takes her seriously in Congress.
The worst partnership ever. Islam and the far left.
Spoiled kid from Westchester County.
The US doesn’t want a stable Middle East. Its not in the US’s interests. They’ve made that clear on numerous occasions. Wake up everybody!
Even AOC gets it …
Speaks volumes for the insanity of US hegemony and utter failure of US foreign policy for her to be making such pronouncements
She should be the Democratic candidate in the presidential elections in November, for the Democratic Party.
Yea sure but because USA chooses to destabilize the region. When will you guys start talking facts?
USA beholden to Israel. Progress is great, however, Israel is still going with their genocidal efforts. America still sending, selling military aid to Israel. As Israel, god’s chosen, continues their genocidal efforts against the Palestinians!
Can the real jesus please stand up?
I do not trust this woman.
A foreign agent
It should not have been “unthinkable” seven months ago to put conditions on military aid to Israel – it should have been the same as we have put conditions for other Nations.
But then it seems US administrations have been taking their “marching orders” from the likes of AIPAC and the propaganda and quilt spun by the Netanyahu Regime. This brings shame to the Citizens of the US because our Political Leaders both Democrats and GOP for being creators of the horrendous carnage we are witnessing in Gaza, the West Bank and E Jerusalem.
What gain is there in this carnage and destruction, this does no create peace or stability in Gaza, the West Bank, E Jerusalem and the Middle East.
The Biden Administration and the AIPAC need to be held accountable for they are as much responsible as Netanyahu and those Israelis who have pulled the triggers of their mass destruction war machine.
Indeed 10/7 has brought to light for all the Citizens of the World to see how corrupt and despicable the US foreign policy has become in dealing with the Apartheid State of Israel.
The Biden Administration along with AIPAC are a threat to the US National Security, a threat to the stability in the Middle East and in particular to the Palestinian People.
The United States has “never had a conversation like this” because the United States has never had this many open antisemites in Congress since the Ku Klux Klan collapsed.
So why is there US military aid to Saudi and UAE as they pursue their war in Yemen? Or such aid to Morocco as it annexes the Spanish Sahara? Anyway it’s all hypocrisy.
JFK had that conversation
What about Biden funding your pirates & terrorists in Iran with billions?
She’s WAY LATE. AOC is fake AF
Aid is America’s strongest leverage. Then why wouldn’t self proclaimed Zionist Biden use it? He is ultimately the one breathing life into this genocide. His silence, faux incapability and double talk do little to convince his citizens otherwise.