Archive List for Israel war crimes

Genocide case filed by South Africa significant pressure tool: Analysis

Sultan Barakat, a professor of public policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, says that the genocide case filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice will be “the most important instrument of international pressure against Israel”. “The way that South Africa has addressed this issue is that they are purely focused on the fact that Israel, by December 29 when the case was filed, has murdered more than 20,000 civilians without achieving any clear goal, in that they seem to be pursuing a genocide against the Palestinian people and specifically within Gaza,” Barakat said. The ICJ works slightly differently from the International Criminal Court in that […]

Cornel West speaks to Al Jazeera on war in Gaza

Cornel West, the prominent philosopher, political activist, and independent candidate in the 2024 US presidential election, spoke to Al Jazeera about his support for Palestinian rights. He emphasized the need to differentiate between criticizing Israeli policies and harbouring anti-Jewish sentiment, pointing out the suffering and oppression experienced by both African Americans and Jews throughout history. West strongly condemned the ongoing Israeli assault in Gaza, describing it as a barbaric and genocidal attack on the dignity and humanity of the Palestinian people. He highlighted the importance of advocating for Palestinian rights without being unfairly accused of being anti-Jewish. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on […]