Archive List for gaza

‘No place safe for children in Gaza’: UNICEF

The situation inside hospitals across the Gaza strip is a tragedy, said Toby Fricker, UNICEF’s spokesperson. Speaking to Al Jazeera from Amman, Jordan, he noted how premature babies inside al-Shifa Hospital are struggling to stay alive due to the lack of electricity, power and water. “Imagine being a father or mother of those children and sort of watching helplessly. So it’s really catastrophic right now,” he said. “There is no safe place for children anywhere across the strip right now,” he added, highlighting the need for international actors to ensure children in Gaza are protected as the ferocious bombardment continues. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter […]

Belgian MP joins solidarity protest for Palestinians: ‘We need to sanction to end this occupation’

Across the world, rallies are being held in solidarity with Palestinians. Tens of thousands took to the streets of London on Saturday. A similar protest took place in the Belgian capital. Al Jazeera spoke to Simon Moutquin, A Belgian MP who attended that rally in Brussels, and called for sanctions against Israel. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News #Palestine #Gaza #GazaAirRaids #GazaAirStrikes #GazaUnderAttack #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #GazaWar #IsraelWar #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelHamasWar #IsraelGazaWar #GazaHospitals #KhanYounis #GazaBombardment #GazaBlackout #GazaInternet #prayforgaza

Pleas from inside Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital under siege | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Israeli attacks on Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital have dramatically intensified in the past few hours, with staff reporting “a catastrophic situation”, MSF says. Palestinians sheltering inside are appealing to the international community for help. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News

Doctor: Targeting hospitals “a war crime” | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

“This has to stop!” Co-founder of Gaza Medic Voices reacts strongly to news of the attacks on al-Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Tanya Haj-Hassan says the attacks are “crimes against humanity” being carried out with “ruthless impunity.” Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News

Israeli military leaves destruction in Jenin, occupied West Bank

Fourteen Palestinians have been killed in one of the biggest raids in the occupied West Bank this year. Israel’s military says it was targeting armed Palestinian fighters in Jenin. The military used bulldozers to rip up main roads as a form of collective punishment. Al Jazeera’s Bernard Smith reports from Jenin, occupied West Bank Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Facebook: Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: #OccupiedWestBank #IsraeliMilitaryRaids #PalestinianConflict #Jenin #GazaWar #GazaUnderAttack #Palestine #IsraelGazaWar #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #GazaBlockade #GazaAttacks #GazaCeasefire #Israel #Gaza #GazaAirStrikes #PalestineLatestNews #GazaAirRaids #AlJazeeraEnglish

Israel-Gaza war: What are the limits to the principle of self-defence? | UpFront

The Israel-Gaza war has been raging for more than a month, killing over 10,500 civilians in Gaza, half of them children. Israel says it is acting in legitimate self-defence and is rooting out Hamas. Meanwhile, criticism over the deadly Israeli air strikes is mounting, with rights groups and some countries repeatedly calling for a ceasefire. What are the limits to the principle of self-defence? What role can the United States and the international community play? On UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill challenges David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel under President Donald Trump, on whether Israel is respecting international law. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find […]

Gaza workers stranded: Thousands stuck after Israel cancels work permits

Thousands of Palestinians from Gaza are stranded in the occupied West Bank. And despite the Israeli air strikes in Gaza, they want to return home. Israeli authorities cancelled their work permits after October the 7th, when Hamas fighters attacked southern Israel. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: #Palestine #Gaza #WarOnGaza #GazaAirRaids #GazaAirStrikes #GazaUnderAttack #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #GazaWar #IsraelWar #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelHamasWar #IsraelGazaWar #GazaIndonesianHospital #GazaQudsHospital #GazaShifaHospital #GazaHospitals #GazaShortages #Hamas #KhanYounis #GazaBombardment #GazaMinistryOfHealth #prayforgaza

Gaza devastation: Unprecedented scale of destruction by Israeli forces

The scale of destruction inflicted on Gaza by Israeli forces over the past month is unprecedented. A new analysis by two US-based researchers, James Van Den Hoek and Corey Scher, and AJ Labs shows the extent of the devastation. Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker explains. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: #Palestine #Gaza #GazaAirRaids #GazaAirStrikes #GazaUnderAttack #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #GazaDestruction #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #GazaWar #IsraelWar #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelHamasWar #IsraelGazaWar #GazaHospitals #GazaRefugeeCamps #GazaBombardment #prayforgaza

Al-Quds Brigades will release two captives if conditions on ground permit

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades will release two captives held in Gaza if conditions on the ground permit. The spokesperson for the group said that the release of an elderly woman and a young boy would be for humanitarian reasons. Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher joins us live from the occupied East Jerusalem to discuss the latest updates. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #IsraelGazaWar #IsraelHamasWar #GazaWar #Hamas #HamasAttack #AbductedIsraelis #IsraeliCaptives #AlQudsBrigades #PalestinianIslamicJihad

Belgium considering state of Palestine recognition

Caroline Gennez, the Belgian minister of development cooperation and major cities, says her government is considering the recognition of the state of Palestine. Speaking to Al Jazeera, she said this was necessary for achieving peace in the long term. Gennez also called on the Israeli government to the Beit Hanoon border crossing, called Erez by Israel, and the Karem Abu Salem crossing, called Kerem Shalom by Israel, with Gaza to allow in more humanitarian aid. “On a usual day before October 7, there were 500 trucks necessary to supply what [people in Gaza] need,” she said, noting that “only 600 trucks” have come in through the Rafah crossing with Egypt […]