Archive List for Breach

France accuses Australia, US of ‘lying’ over submarine deal

France has accused Australia of a breach of trust after it scrapped a submarine contract and made a deal with the United States instead. Under the agreement, Australia will be able to acquire nuclear-powered submarines built with US and British technology. But it comes at the expense of France, which has lost a multibillion-dollar agreement to sell its submarines. Al Jazeera’s Rory Challands reports from London, UK. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #France #Australia #UnitedStates #SubmarineDeal

What happened on Capitol Hill? | Start Here

0 A pro-Trump rally gone wrong has shocked people around the world. The unprecedented event saw thousands of protesters breach Capitol Hill security, resulting in at least four dead and dozens of arrests. So what triggered the attack? And what’s next for President Trump? Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: #Al_Jazeera_English #Start_Here #Al_Jazeera_Digital_Shows