Archive List for inspiration


This is the truth about making money online. Inside this video, I give you the facts about how to build an online business the right way. Take my FREE quiz to find out which online business is best for you: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I give you the truth about making money online. People ask me all of the time how long it will take to start making money online. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to this question. We live in a world where we want instant gratification. The reality is that making money online doesn’t happen overnight. The question is, “Are you willing […]

10 Excuses That Stop You From Ever Being Successful

These are 10 excuses that stop you from ever being successful. Success and excuses don’t go hand in hand. If you want one, you can’t have the other. Get my FREE course to discover how I became a millionaire in less than 3 years: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 In this video, I talk about 10 excuses that stop you from ever being successful. Oftentimes, people fall into the trap of telling themselves stories about why they can’t do something or be somebody. What’s your B.S. story? We all have one. Once you figure out what is holding you back from stepping into your power, you can start the process […]

How Bad Do You Want It? | Stefan James Motivation

COMMIT TO MASTERY: HOME 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 Success is within your reach. How bad do you want it? If you want to achieve your wildest dreams, you have to be willing to do anything in order to make it happen. If you are willing to put in the hard work, you can be, do and have whatever it is that you want in life. It’s not a matter of can you. Rather, will you? When it comes to success, you’ve got to be all in. There will be tough times along the way. That’s a guarantee. Whatever you do, don’t quit. When you fall, get back up again […]

NEVER SETTLE IN YOUR LIFE | Stefan James Motivation

Never settle in your life. You were meant for big things and mediocrity isn’t one of them. Life is too short to settle for anything less than what you truly desire. Keep not settling until you have the life of your dreams. Now is the time to commit to mastery: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 It is YOUR responsibility to take control of your life! I challenge you to never settle in your life. Surround yourself with successful people and you will become successful in your own life. I wake up every day with a will and desire to get better and live my best life. I want the […]

Today is my BIRTHDAY! 🎉 I Have An Inspiring Message For You.

Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi have partnered together to create Knowledge Broker Blueprint, a course that teaches you how to identify your superpower and attract the people who want your information. Are you ready to create next-level success and make money from your passion? Join Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint: 🤔 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 👇 Today is my birthday and I turn 33 years old. I wanted to share my special day with you and the incredible gifts I’ve received. I received a beautiful voice message from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, my partners of the Knowledge Business Blueprint. I also received a beautiful voice message […]

CHALLENGE YOURSELF TODAY | Stefan James Motivation

Are you ready to challenge yourself today? Inside this video, I give you some motivational words of wisdom to help you take action. If you’re ready to step outside your comfort zone and commit to mastery, join Life Mastery Accelerator: To what extent are you willing to challenge yourself? I think that this is an important question to reflect upon on a daily basis. I believe that we are all capable of achieving massive success in life. Each of us has a unique gift that we are meant to share with the world. However, too many people hide behind the shadows of their potential. They are too scared to […]


Learn How You Can Master Your Life: These are the 2017 highlights of Project Life Mastery! This has been a year of epic memories and unforgettable moments. As I reflect on the last year of my life, I am so grateful for the people that I met, the experiences that I had, and the goals that I achieved. Self-reflection gives our brains the opportunity to sit back, celebrate our accomplishments, and create meaning from our experiences. Are you ready for a snapshot of the 2017 highlights of Project Life Mastery? A New Year is upon us, which means a new opportunity to learn, grow and become more. What magic […]

My Hair Loss Story | Going Bald Early Advice

If anyone asked me to share my hair loss story back in my 20s, I wouldn’t have because I was embarrassed. However, today I feel empowered and I want to support those of you who are struggling with this. Sometimes life doesn’t always go as we planned, but it’s still possible to find happiness and adapt to a new version of yourself that you love. If you want to discover how you can master every area of your life, join my Life Mastery Accelerator: In this video I share with you my hair loss story. Back in my 20’s, I would have been reluctant to do so, because I […]

Your Age Is NOT An Excuse To Pursuing Your Dreams

Join Life Mastery Accelerator: In this video I share why your age is NOT an excuse to pursuing your dreams. Do you have dreams that are being put on the back burner because you think time is running out, or that you aren’t experienced enough? If so, it’s time to drop these excuses. When it comes to success, age should never be a limiting factor, but unfortunately a lot of people think it is. So much so, that it holds people back from even starting. Age is literally just a number. Your age is NOT an excuse to pursuing your dreams. It all comes down to your mindset. In […]

How To Build A $10,000,000 Online Brand On Amazon | Ryan Moran

My good friend, Ryan Moran built a 7-figure eCommerce business within just one year by selling products on Amazon. Anything is possible once you know how to leverage the power of Amazon. Do you want to know how to build a $10,000,000 online brand on Amazon? Get instant access to my FREE Amazon Training: LINKS MENTIONED: Home RYAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL: In this video, an Amazon millionaire reveals how to build a $10,000,000 online brand on Amazon. How would your life change if you made $10,000,000? After I spoke at the Amazing Seller Summit event in Las Vegas earlier this year, I got to the opportunity to interview […]