Archive List for mostafa waziri

Egypt uncovers 250 coffins with mummies, statues found in Saqqara

Archaeologists in Egypt have unveiled another massive haul of priceless artefacts. They were found in the Saqqara Necropolis – a site near Cairo, where many ancient treasures have been discovered. The artifacts include statues of the gods Anubis, Amun, Min, Osiris, Isis, Nefertum, Bastet, and Hathor along with a headless statue of the architect Imhotep, who built the Saqqara pyramid. Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said that the 250 coffins, 150 bronze statues, and other objects dated to the Late Period, about 500 BC. Al Jazeera’s Jillian Wolf reports. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check […]