Archive List for the take

Are Israeli officials under threat of ICC prosecution? | The Take

Israeli officials fear potential ICC prosecution over Gaza actions. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned top officials of possible arrest warrants, although the ICC has not confirmed issuing any. What would ICC arrest warrants mean for Israel’s war on Gaza – and for international law? In this episode:  – Mark Kersten, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley – Hamdah Salhut, Al Jazeera Correspondent Episode credits: This episode was produced by Sarí el-Khalili, Khaled Soltan, and Sonia Bhagat with our host Malika Bilal. Fahrinisa Campana and Catherine Nouhan fact-checked this episode. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Joe Plourde mixed this episode. Our lead of audience […]

Pakistan prepares to vote, with Imran Khan in jail | The Take

Former cricket star turned prime minister, Imran Khan, is one of Pakistan’s most popular politicians. But he’s in jail, and was just handed three more jail sentences days before a general election. He’s barred from the ballot, though his party is still running and has called his trials a sham. So what’s on the line in Pakistan’s election this week? In this episode:  – Benazir Shah, Geo Television Journalist – Osama Bin Javaid, Al Jazeera Correspondent Episode credits: This episode was produced by Fahrinisa Campana and David Enders with our host, Malika Bilal. Miranda Lin and Sonia Bhagat fact-checked this episode. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our lead of […]