Officials in Taiwan say the death toll from Friday’s train crash could rise, as they search through the wreckage.
Families of some of the 51 people known to have died so far held a vigil at the site.
Prosecutors are now seeking an arrest warrant for a construction site manager whose truck rolled onto the tracks.
Al Jazeera’s Florence Looi reports.
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#AlJazeeraEnglish #Taiwan #TrainCrash
Taiwan seeks arrest warrant for suspect in deadly train crash
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Taiwanese don’t know how to park a truck on a slope appropriately?
Are you CCP from China?
The truck driver is a DPP member, who get the construction contract while “legal means”, then you’ll know how the quality of DPP is
@Discover China探索中国 It can happen to either parties. How was the Wenzhou train accident?
parking brake mishaps happen in every country in the world. idiot
Our thoughts and prayers are with you to those who are on the train accident in Taiwan (China.)
@Consumers Protect Screw CCP.
@Consumers Protect CCP murdered millions
Thoughts and prayers for them, hope everything will be alright in Taiwan (China) 🙏🙏
@Jai behind Taiwan is not in China.
Taiwan (Taiwan). Do not associate it with CHINA Virus
American colony took over two days before making arrest warrants? How sad.
So it was a sabotage !?
Rest in peace to the victims who lost their live in this tragic accident. My blessings and prayers are with the people of Taiwan island at all times 🙏🏻
Japanese trains are not designed to withstand any type of crash,
because Japanes are very confident in crash prevention technology, that they don’t see the need for any crumple zone in train cars.
And this is the result.
@Consumers Protect so CCP didn’t tell you about the Chinese High Speed Train crash that killed hundreds of people few years ago?
@David Jacobs The safety record for railway safety in mainland China isn’t perfect but it is much safer compared to Taiwan.
@Majestic Flying Brick because CCP hides all the accidents from public.
@David Jacobs lol take off your tinfoil hat. maybe they do that for secret military aircraft, but not for commercial flights or trains.
An arrest warrant for the manager of the trucking company?!?! That’s who’s to be punished for this tragedy?
It was orchestrated and therefore a fall-guy was also selected ahead of time. That’s just how it works.
@No more War yes
I bet it is a Chinese op.
@J Xiros – or someone wanting to make it look like it. Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions – false flag attacks are always set up that way.
Hummm…some communist stink here?
Today is easter we will pray for all taiwanese in our church
I suppose God couldn’t care less, that’s why it happened.
@44_to_852 You are alive now because of God
@Ruowen Um no, I’m not alive because of some sky fairy garden gnome hybrid.
@44_to_852 except God isn’t a fairy garden gnome hybrid. He is pure spirit.
@Ruowen What ABV.?
From this train accident, it tells the world how highest safety standard PRC China has set up for its High speed train in consideration of its daily high frequency of using by carrying millions of passengers around the whole China everyday without encountering too many unhappy incidents !! Without outstanding management by PRC, running high speed train is really a challenge. So the west media should not fabricate fake reports to discredit PRC and complain CCP too much but give them more applauds and positive compliment in management of all kinds for its more than 1.4 billions Chinese citizens .
the sooner taiwan integrated to PRC again the better 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
isnt chinas high speed trains above ground?
This message is such a fail. China has horrible safety standards. That’s why we have this crazy virus
@Ming Yuan remember clearly , specially alive child just by chance rescued at last moment before the train car wreck recklessly buried next to the accident zone. Bury the trains wreck was to keep the “HSR image” away from the national and international ears and eyes.
@台獨_台独 Mainland China’s wetmarkets probably have worse sanitation compared to Taiwan’s. But Taiwan’s railway and airline transportation safety record are both worse than that of Mainland China.
i think china did this.
Negligence. Though the company will pay but the lives of those who died won’t even be paid by money. Irresponsible truck driver!
Wow, such negligent…who is responsible and should be punish?
@劉哈妮 how did the truck driber park the truck in the middle of the trail or how did it get there in the first place, I don’t think it was an easy feat to do that unless the truck actually fell there in the frist place?
@dguhoshi a construction site was on going above the railway like a downhill type… it was a extension road… the truck was not in proper handbrake…it slides the slope road down the railway which seconds apart the train passed
@劉哈妮 thank you so much for answering, it is much appreciated. 🙏
@dguhoshi you are welcome
@劉哈妮 hunting the working man.
Crazy communist. This is definitely a plan by the communist party.
somebody needs to go to jail ASAP.
I still can’t believed what had happened…It was supposed to be a 4days national holiday for Taiwan😭😭🕊🕊🕊Rest in Paradise
Paradise is only for believers.
will pray for Taiwan…….RIP….Gosh…this is so heartbreaking…..
The suspect is gonna turn up as being from China. You watch.
pls do not write any comment after taking drug and leave this area free from your dirty politics.
Can religion group loves Taiwan country and shows royalty and patriotism? Why can NOT? That may evil political tricks schemes…
* 不管那一種宗教的信徒也是土地上的國民, 當然每一個公民要分擔國家的任務。有土地才有家,宗教,神明需有l土地才能安置教堂或 廟宇。
* 台灣citizen 不可以被逃亡者蔣介石 非法 篡改 “台灣” 國家名稱。 亂改為 “中華民國偽政府”的口號。偽造文書,偽造厂史欺騙小孩子和外國人,罪惡滔天,偷天換日的邪惡霸道漢中國人土匪首領。
* 有一部電影: 蔣介石是 觸犯 國際法和戰爭法 2 大罪惡滔天大罪。他必須被審判服刑 100 年以上。
* 台灣島民族 更不能被別的民族 “漢中國人土匪” 取代。
但是台灣島國人民可以接受別的民族住在”台灣” 國家。
** 台灣原住民各部溚住在台灣有 10幾萬年的厂史了。
例如南島語民族,波利尼西亞民族,等,住在台灣島上有 120000 萬年以上的厂史。 那才是台灣人的真正租宗, 是由國際人類研究學家 証明報告的事實。
* 台灣小島在 1600 年初期 被西班牙 航海家發現的新島嶼。 並命名叫做 “富爾漠沙 (Formosa Island )”, 從此西班牙人 和葡萄牙人 住在台灣島上 20 多年。
** 400 年前 Formosa Island (台灣) 只有本地的原住民。例如南島語民族,波利尼西亞民族,等往在台灣島上有 120000 年以上的厂史。是由國際人類厂史研究學家証明報告的事實。
** 1826年 荷蘭人也佔領 Formosa Island (台灣). 幫助島上人民耕種甘蔗,稻米,樟腦樹,等製造糖,樟腦油 出口至日本或歐洲國家。幫助台灣的經濟和人民的生活。
1680 年滿清國 的漢奸鄭成功 (Koxinga ) 逃亡到台灣避難,野蠻霸道,出兵和 荷蘭人打戰, 荷蘭人兵少, 被迫離開台灣。
鄭成功只會徵召島上的年青人從軍,訓練他們加入軍隊打戰,喊話 “反清復明” 的口號。與單純樸實的台灣島上原居民完全不相干的事情。但是無辜的島人被壓迫當作 清朝漢奸爭取 “反清復明”的 “替死鬼”.
滿州國(清朝) 為了消滅 海賊 鄭成功借助台灣島上組織軍隊背叛清朝,才把台灣納入滿州國 (不是中國/ROC= PRC).
約 8 年多,清朝和日本爆發 “甲午戰爭”. 後來 1895年 清政府簽訂 “馬關條約,TREATY of Shimonoseki”. 永久割讓並放棄台灣給了曰本。Abandoned Taiwan to Japan perpetually .
** 漢人(中國人)是最邪惡霸道的民族。
陰謀詭計惡霸土匪要消滅台灣本島民族的邪念。 當滿清國消滅了海賊鄭成功逃亡到台灣組織軍遂 要”反清復明” 後,滿清政府 並不想佔領台灣島國。並決定退出,放棄台灣島了。
* 但是被滿清國 統治的漢人” 劉 銘傳” 心存鬼計 說服滿清黃帝: 如果放棄 “台灣”會被 紅番(洋人)或海賊佔領。 誏他和一群漢人到台灣 治理小島,清黃帝答應了。
* 滿州國政府根本不管台灣的事了。
但是漢人奸臣劉鉻傳假借 滿州政府當作靠山的 勢力,命令壓迫台灣本地原住民 必須改名換性,配合漢人(清朝滿州國不是漢人) 的性名,强制漢化。剝奪 本島上原住民的 人權,財產權 及領土主權。
* 全部本島人住在平地的平埔族全部 被壓迫恐嚇如果不改名換性(漢化) 會被懲罰, 並不能享受社會福利, 等。
* 因此平埔族 (平地原住民) 全部被強迫改名換姓 漢化,奴隸化了.
Karma is real
hope all is well
Rip . Be strong & support each others in time of grief.
we see that there is more trouble than covid, rest in peace
If this was in the USA nobody would be arrested he would get a slap on the wrist..
I guess instead of cleaning the graves of their elders, they are going to be living in the graves with their elders…LOL
I’m sure the person or persons are already back in China
Pray the Taiwan recover all. . God 🙏
Okay, it’s 2021 In most trains there are automatic braking systems (computerized) to slow down trains when it’s detected an object up ahead on the tracks. Maybe within two years there will be Artificial Intel. sensors placed near train tracks detecting solid objects like flat bed trucks, boulders, equipment and significant damage to train tracks etc.
trains have braking systems that run in line with the signals, not what has rolled onto the tracks
First blocking world shipping by blocking Suez canal and now they crashed Train!!! Chinese shouldn’t drive even bumper cars. Chinese caused accident but blame Japan. Why? Chinese crash cargo ship blame Japan. Why?
So sad to hear about this horrible accident, i give my prayers to all those involved,
RIP all the innocent people died due to someone else’s negligence. I suspect the truck driver didn’t engage the parking brake when he parked the truck on a hill. Fail.
So sudden tragic😖😖😢😭Rest In Peace🙏🙏🙏
Sorry to hear about this news…pray all for speedy recovery…and RIP to the unfortunate…😪😪😪
funny how governments hunt for a mistake of the working man but not mistakes made by the government. this was an accident, not on purpose.