Mali’s interim vice president, Colonel Assimi Goita says he removed the transitional president and prime minister from power because they left him out of discussions to form a new government.
Goïta says President Bah Ndaw and PM Moctar Ouane were trying to upend Mali’s democratic transition after they took charge of an interim government last August that deposed President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.
The two leaders were taken to a military base outside Bamako on Monday.
The UN, African Union and the European Union have condemned the move which has been described as an “attempted coup”.
Al Jazeera’s Nicolas Haque reports from Dakar, Senegal.
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#Mali #MaliCoup #AssimiGoita
These african countries are trapped in debt and tribal supremacy….. Chinese are having a Gala time in this regard
Crazy!!! When is this going to Stop!!!
It will end when france stop interfering in our country.
He should not be recognized by the people, the media and other nations.
If this is allowed to happen, it will plant ideas into other idiots that you can get power like that and the international community will accept it and let you stay in power. We should not allow this type of thinking to take presidence.
Looks like a gang leader not a president
Where there are comparatively Low fertility rate Low fertility rate There are comparatively much more peaceful environment, Is this a coincidence ??
Its because low fertility = low testosterone.
Basically instead of being men, you are more like women. Be proud my beta-male feminist friend.
@C. Lincoln Maybe I’m wrong but i saw in google South korean fertility rate 0.9 , singapur 1.07, japan 1.47 CHIN 1.57 many more european country have also very low fertility rate including russia but but Afghanista, pakistan, iraq ,palestine , Mali Niger including israel have far more the 3.5 fertility rate so i guessed
Africa dictators will never stop
This is about Mali, not “Africa”.
@Obinna Ezealah Africa is full of dictators my friend, that why Africa will never be able to make technologies and scientific advancements because those dictators or killing and sucking the wealth of Africa, of course, the west is not helping at all.
Another Muslim country and another military state.
craze for power is natural for an African,except few most African countries can never be a democratic country.
This country is one of them
This is like never ending story.
We can’t get rid of Europeans, lord help us!
Next year another coup is expected…
You’re ignorant if you don’t think France is behind this
I have read somewhere that there is a hypothesis which thesis is that coup increase the likelihood of more coups because of normalizing. So even if the French are innocent. They can still be accused of contributing on historical grounds.
Really when your people going to wake up start thinking for yourself stop blaming others for you failure whole world moving right direction accept your guys
Mitch, your mum is responsible 🙈
When this will happen in South Asia ???
already happen myanmar
Y Africa is always at, war? Y?
Y are former colonial powers still meddling?
Y don’t U F off. Y?
Ahhhh another third world nation tries to do democracy.
Third world is earth you smuck
this is France/USA looting Mali
Democracy is a scam never worked innthe first place its just a tool to infiltrate nations in a simple way
As we has seen time after time its just a smokescreen its beautiful on paper but are a fary tale in reality
Why do you look like a Discord mod?
and plunder their resources
Islamic countries are savage… is all about total domination in islam trough all means… islam gives problems to countries in this days and age
I thought the tplf was dead? Mabye ask why Ethiopia and Eritrea are using genocide rape against a people they already defeated?
No election? Cross reference terms of countries. Pm did? Without what? Let them go..first the fear is worst but the reasoning is not clear. Ally will only go so far, then it gets harder to talk . That’s not a sound reason to detain. Next the terms of such can cause literal war. Why do such? Because some aren’t heard and Vietnam all over again. But those were regular civilians. You are not of course and want to make a statement .
, ce soir il y aura encore de pas comme ça il est râpé président c’est pas normal ça c’est pas correct et puis vraiment il y a un problème beaucoup là-bas Mali vraiment chérie d’abord tout le monde tout le monde parle et claire honnête c’est pas comme ça dans la vie chez moi je n’ai pas sur moi je n’ai pas ça vraiment vraiment vraiment vraiment
We want the coup in our country millions times until we got france 🇫🇷out of our country .
Thank you bro
France is pretending yet they’re the powers behind this confusion …
@Always Question Things which American government admitted this??.
@Tobi Isiba both the last American president Trump and the Democratic Congress Hillary Clinton admited that they created and founded The taliban and al qaida
@Tobi Isiba also how the American secret services has been founding tens of thousands of dollars togther with the israeli secret services mossad created and directed fake isis recruitment videos. Now you tell me why would they put all those money for something like that ? If its in their interest to use these groups in their advantage for the western foreign policies.
@Always Question Things link pls or a video reference.
@Tobi Isiba ever wonder why isis never atracked isreal or saudi Arabia?
This just one example of France and un presents never bring peace or add any good to a country yet 4000 troops of France military in Mali since few years fighting group of armed Melissa but yet magically never won.. France an un can’t finish some guys with weapons or have something else doing in Mali and covered up by un?? U got the answer right!?
Just stupid. Mali is just going back. Waist of money, time, everything.
Le Mali n’est pas le Tchad. K du temps , de l argent perdu tres mauvaise nouvelle pour le pays, les investireurs…..
Mali’s military is a brutal organization
I hope they kicks out the French Colonists ones and for good !!!
The French didn’t remind him to brush his hair
The constitution doesn’t come with an Aid kit and none of this folks have any loyalty to their nation but self interest.😒
Its France behind all these destabilizations in all its former colonies blood idiots
I think Mali military leadership should take power 12 years and give France 3 day to go and give Arab jihad 7 day if is not that they should kill every jihad
I’m with you 100 billion %
There are no Filipino nationals in Mali.
Probably because they would all be murdered.
@john jones we need an international organisation that protects OFWs.
@Jonathan Ortega Yes
Sometimes a coup is necessary to remove toxic foreign influence.
My question is that why France is supporting military in chad but condemned military in mali? We are with our military vive assimi Goita vive les fama vive le popule malien🇲🇱💪
Bcz the once who are out were put by france
Queen or king thank you 🙏
What British troops is doing in mali no one question that
first stop betray Africa
first stop the war in Africa
first stop the war in the world
shame shame UN G20 USA G7
I know it’s France. They won’t let their former colonies have peace
Cleare the state once and for all
Hypocrite french politic , why they don’t condemned military coup in chad and today they willing to condemned what happening in mali
That is the question we are asking but assimi Goita is now our president in mali 🇲🇱💪
France are just hypocrite
Mali issues is getting out of hand ☹️
Ils maintiendront l’embargo sur les armes tant que les présidents seront payés par une force extérieur. Le Mali vie un chantage de la part de l’ONU et de la France. Maintenir les groupes armés dissidentes et maintenir l’embargo les tenaille, …poursuivre l’exclusion de l’ONU. Le principe employé par l’Occident en Afrique je le vois en France avec l’appauvrissement du peuple et l’importation de la misère du monde, oui l’ONU créé le désordre mondial. Dominique Trinquand au Cameroun avec 58 millions d’euros de matériel militaire pour appuyer la Minusca, vous y croyez vous… La Minusca est une gendarmerie, elle s’est toujours fait piller son matériel, 58 millions le Cameroun ??? Un virement effectué vers un compte en Allemagne ??? Chars, groupes électrogènes, 4×4, 110 conteneurs, camions… C’est quoi ce coup monté par la France…
What is wrong with this country please solders just stop this nonsence,that is not right,overthroughing the current leadership is not accepted.
It seems their just making whatever laws they want.
La France est la cause des troubles au Mali pour rester en dessous du seuil de pauvreté. Le Mali tombe sous le contrôle de la France
Nigeria we are waiting for the same thing.
Good move soon in Ghana 🇬🇭
France leave afrika
Mali 🇲🇱 problem is France 🇫🇷 France out the all African country
Goitta is like a label
France has destroyed all Afro-francophone countries with their pretentious evil.