As 2022 comes to an end, Lebanon is left without an executive authority, state institutions are collapsing and politicians have failed to mitigate the effects of an economy in freefall.
Al Jazeera takes a look back at the past 12 months.
Zeina Khodr reports from Beirut, Lebanon.
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#News #Lebanon #2022 #Politics #Economy #Turmoil #Government #Banks
“Jews are the cause of all wars”, Mel Gibson .
“You give them the little finger, they take your whole hand”, Hitler.
“If I don’t steal it, someone else will”
Jacob the terrorist illegal settler
GOD – “Don’t fish on sabbath”
Jews- “lets hide and do it, God won’t see”
GOD- “you are amongst the rejected one who is not allowed no country or state because of your disobedience and live amongst any other nation under their rules”
A few hundred years later
Jews- “let’s kill jesus we are loosing business”.
They kill christ
Jews -“Now let’s write their bible”
Jews in 2022 ” We are the chosen ones who are oppressed. ”
Jews “Let’s own everyone’s weakness which is money and run their banks, infiltrate and live as spies amongst them in every firm faith and religion, organise and fund couls, cause civil wars and devision so we can live and spread without anyone nowing our true colours, while we prepare a broken amd corrupt world for our 1 eyed messiah to rule because broken peoplw are easy to control”.
Now Read that again
Leban a country full with thives and lazy people
Western Europe will end up like Lebanon in 100 years with their misguided multiculturalism
Bring in refugees from Africa. It’ll be great for your economy.
It’s been on the brink since 3 years.
This was just an experiment before the real thing on global scale!!!
The guy talking about politicians could be talking about any country.. the politicians in u.s. have 17% approval but 90% reelection.. amazing.. I sure hope your country gets it figured out for the peoples sake
O slaves brace yourselves for the doomsday!!!
Iran destroy this country
Lebanon needs to turn two president Erdogan and turkey for guidance and assistance.
@King Spawn no thanks, they will use us as a puppet state, i have enough with being stateless because my father didn’t recognize me(that’s a true story)
@ Yeciid Quintero well then turn to Saudi Arabia for financial relief but either way it goes your gooing to be used by someone because your politicians put you guys in this mess even if it is the west for which you don’t want buddy
Who is responsible for this volatile situation? We all know.
Who? The people that destroyed Kanye West’s career?
@J K. them plus hezbo-satan and “Christian” militias.
It’s run by terrorists. No sympathy the people voted then in . Their problem
He who loves discipline loves knowledge,
he who hates reproof is a fool.
Hezbollah’s fault.
If it wasn’t Hezbollah Lebanon would of went down long time ago
@Friend Ship no my friend, hezbo-satan was never the knight in shining armour it makes itself out to be. It’s a corrupt terrorist organisation that has orchestrated misery in Lebanon as ordered by their warlords in Iran.
Plain and simple Lebanon is a FAILED STATE. It is time for REGIME CHANGE and a REVOLUTION in Lebanon and for the state to split in two between the Arab and Christians and start over. Anything else is a complete waste of time and failure that caters to the few elites who care little for the majority.
As an Armenian whose father, grandparents, and relatives from Lebanon. I want the country to become a secular democracy provided that Christians are protected.
What are you talking about ???? provided that Christians are protected . I was born and brought up in lebanon and it is the only place on earth that I have seen so much respect between the 3 main religions . The ONLY one . Actually I have the 3 religions in my family . And NO one , including my jewish grandma , allah yrhama, felt threatened , ever.
A sécular state will never happen because the WAR lords in power ( from all ‘religions’ ) are sharing the cake and will pass the power to the children as they always did …. So while they divide everyone , they steel money from the state … this is what people understood when they took it to the streets …
Unless of course the people kick them out of their houses , like they did in Sri lanka but that will never happen because many people are benefitting from this corrupted system … MANY
A secular democracy? That would destroy Christianity in Lebanon. Look at what’s happened to Christianity in the western secular world. LGBTQIA+ infiltrating the church. Drag queens reading stories to children. You end up with Christian institutions being led by satanic individuals. Is that seriously what you want?
And second of all, as alluded to in the earlier replies, you only cared for Christians. You intentionally forgot about the other groups.
What we need is an immediate return to the Turkish millet system. But as an Armenian, you will never accept this better way of governance.
Secular democracy comes with internationalism/cosmopolitanism which comes at the expense of the poor. It’s failing in the West, and it’s failing to respect our Christian heritage.
No bailouts for Lebanon. So much has been wasted.
Your hypocrisy is showing
And Israel’s government is adding to this misery. My heart bleeds for the Lebanese. 😟
Good surface coverage of this story but it fails to dig deeper to cover the true causes of this collapse. Blaming the rich is easy…what about Hamas?
Ce sont les libéraux qui sont coupables de la ruine .
Le libéral macron ruine la France .
Ils organisent les guerres , la dernière est l’Ukraine .
Avant ,ils ont bombardé l’ Irak sans raison valable , et ils ont tués 1 million d’ etres humains en ce pays .
Les misérables sans plus aucun espoir partent en Europe et les européens en ont marre de l’ immigration . Fed-up !!
Tout cela est dans l’ interet des capitalistes libéraux . Et parmi eux , nous savons qui profitent le plus .
En Ukraine , les leurs sucent le fric comme une araignée suce le sang de sa victime .
Legalize cannabis
Largest Christian population in the Middle East? Praise God. Jesus lives.