Class is in session. Brian Cheung of Yahoo Finance explains everything you need to know to understand earnings.
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wow.. recession… they do anything what they can to be predictors of doom… since 2016 all they do is predicting recession…. and despite that us ecconomy is booming and it is again at all time high
@Reverend Galerivs Did you buy gme?
@MUSA K. yes, but i sold it few months ago because i needed $ for some other project… I lost some $ … not a lot
@Reverend Galerivs Ok. I was asking if you got in before Jan 2021 squeezed
@MUSA K. no . i did not ..
@Reverend Galerivs ok
Don’t say that the economy is booming – that’s ridiculous. The Market is booming. But the earnings rate of the vast majority of Americans is actually down to 1974 levels. We have a system that allows money to make money more so than workers.
People value money not other ppl
@Dontblame 22 People have been taught to value money over people. Its not a natural occurance. Its the result of industrial tyranny. Work or die.
Community used to exist, not anymore. Especially in the states where they fear communal practices, thinking that any collective action will ultimately result in a soviet system.
The science suggests that you’re more productive if you earn something from it yourself, well one of those satisfactions used to be communal support, not anymore, its ALL self.
Its trained though, don’t forget that. Its not a universal truth.
@John Peters Outdoors maybe because product are commodities last longer than a human but i get it
@Dontblame 22 Thats true, but humans are commodities who reproduce. Were expendable. Like cattle, were incredibly valuable, but easily replaced. It only takes 9 months to turn 100 humans into 150 humans. Within 20 years, you could have 1000’s of ready to work humans at your disposal, and they have.
Over the last 250 years they’ve bred us to be nothing more than a gigantic self worshipping, cut throat workforce. Dog eat dog. Survival of the most profitable.
Its a sorry world were living in.
Good vedio
Great job Brian, Syracuse 🍊 in the house 💪🏾💯.
Thank you so much it’s so hard finding good information
Thank you