In 60 AD Apostle Saint Andrew traveled to the area of Kiev, preached, and said, one day a great city would be built here with many churches to the glory of God. Today there is a church to Saint Andrew in Kiev. The peoples in the area were Slavic. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, three brothers and the sister Lybid founded Kiev in 482 AD, Kiev was named after the older brother Kyi. Kiev the older brother was King. Herodotus wrote that Hercules had founded this land.
The Rus were Viking tribes that settled peacefully in Kiev as far back as 750 AD with the Slavs there, 400 years before Moskva existed. The name Russia, coming from the city Moskva, has no connection to the RUS. Russia coming from Moskva started with Batu Kahn much later as a vasal under Mongolian rule. All the early Czars were Mongolian and of no connection to the RUS. The Rus were with the Slavs to the south in Kiev. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There was no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, churches, and had its saints. The founder of Kievian Rus (800) or the Rus was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Kievian Rus exists long Before Novgorod and Oleg’s arrival there. Askold is the Slavic name. Oskold, the first King of Kievian Rus was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold had 200 ships and 20,000 warriors. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople (128 years before Volodymyr) and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold and Dir were the first Dynasty of Kievian Rus. Askold rules from the 40-60s and Dir to the 80s. Askold is buried in Kiev and the first Kievian Christian King & Dynasty. Oleg followed coming from Sweden through Novgorod and was a pagan. Russia as named today started in the city of Moskva over 400 years later after Kievian Rus or Rus. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread, much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The land of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the Czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that cultural imprint was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus! Russia began in Moskva by Batu Kahn and Novgorod conquered much later, still no connection to the Rus.
Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. Even today the mentality of the gulag exists. There is no freedom of press and speech, people are arrested for speech, there is no due process of law, and the religion is state run making it a totalitarian theocracy. As such, it did not deserve to exist in a free world; and history has shown such totalitarian organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized “forms” as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. Moskva started as an agglomeration of Finnish tribes, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water and developed by Mongolian culture. Mosk means cow and Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. The current Russia started in Moskva; how misleading is the name Russia coming from Moskva that has no connection to the RUS. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn’t invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940’s and gave it to Kurchatov. Russia struggles with an identity crisis since its beginnings unoriginal to the ethnic groups. Its errors are numerous, 50 million killed by Stalin in WW2, allied to the Nazis to kill the Poles for their defeat in WW2, Holodomor where millions of Ukrainians were killed and grain stolen, and constant antagonist with Europe. We even have the Holy Mother announcing Russia’s errors at Fatima. Russia is a Mongolian culture and all the first Czars were Mongolian and Batu Kahn is the author.
Oskold was the grandson of Ragnar the king of Sweden, his name is old Norse and spoke old Norse, the name Rus is old Norse, he settled peacefully in Kiev and the Slavs made him king, he brought Christianity to Kiev with his son dir…his burial mound is where St Nicholas church is built, Oleg wasn’t even in Novgorod when this happened, and Oleg is not a Rus nor old Norse name. The Slavs called Oskold the name Askold. After came Dir, Oleg was a pagan who assassinated Dir, Oskold becomes the first dynasty…later when the line of kings get to Vladimir, he is captured at a trading post by the Mongols, the post is called Moskva, and the king killed. Moskva as a city was a Mongolian invention, and Novgorod becomes a part of that Russia by conquest, although having nothing to do with the Rus. Oskold line is Ragnar, ironside, Oskold from the King of Sweden Ragnar. Oleg is via Rurik coming much later. The accounts of Oskold are within the time, Al Mamun an Arab writer of the time wrote of Oskold, the Russian chronicles come hundreds of years later. In much the same way accounts of relevant history are better understood by those of the times, much like the Bible, dating to the original times makes the account authentic. The Russian chronicles are merely a tale and inaccurate.
Kiev was a city over 1000 years before Russia even existed. Kiev was Kievian Rus before Novgorod and when Oleg arrived. Putin is kidding himself if he thinks any part of Ukraine belongs to Russia. We can see that Israel belongs to the Jews, similarly all the lands around Kiev of Kievian Rus belong to Kiev as a single nation and city state. Russia’s beginnings are a wanting child begun as a captive insurgency having nothing of its own; a captive state that was reeking in servitude to Mongolia and invented by Mongolia. The entire culture of Russia from Moscow is Mongolian centralized power, a pagan culture of no empathy and Christianity. The Christianity is tainted as a state religion or theocracy and politicized. History is often obscured by being written by the ones in charge. The history of Ukraine has been obscured by the Soviet Occupation and cultural appropriations. Moscow in an attempt to appropriate a history not its own, rewrote the narrative of history to cover up its compromised origins; Kiev and Ukraine is a history much older and more civilized; making contributions to civilization. Russian despotism becomes the blueprint, foundation & model for every despot nation, look at its allies; the error of its ways has spread throughout the globe; much like the message from the Holy Mother at Fatima. Those that are sympathetic to Russian atrocities can find similarities in their own histories. Ukraine has a democracy at a local level Moscow never had and fears. Russian boundless ignorance is a type often found in the poorest of nations, and usually the poorest have a history of the hardest tyrants over them that also inflict poverty, physical and spiritual, on others they attempt to subjugate, a reflection of their own lives, an abomination of desolation.
Askold was in Constantinople in 860 and Oleg arrived in Novgorod not until 862. The Arabs referred to Askold as the Slavic King or King of the Slavs which he had been for a while. Pontius says Askold brings Christianity to Kiev from Constantinople and a bishop. Ragnar the Norse King of Sweden was born in 767 AD, his son Bjorn ironside was born in 796 AD, and grandson Oskold (Askold) was born in 820 AD. Askold arrived in Kiev in 840 and had a son Dir, Both become King and the first Christian dynasty. Askold dies and gets a burial mound in a park in Kiev. Dir follows as King. Dir is assassinated by Oleg who is a pagan. Nobody knows who Rurik is or who the father is . Oleg is a generation away from Askold. Olga of Kiev builds a church on Askold’ s burial grounds. Pontius of Constantinople says Askold brings a Bishop and Christianity to Kiev. Russia much later is a Mongolian invention…….
@Rockin BoBokkin In ww2, Russian and Germany sign an agreement for the invasion of Poland, the armies, Nazis and communist are coordinated, at victory, the leaders of both armies shake hands. In the deal western Ukraine is given to Russia. Banderas 2 brothers are sent to Auschwitz and die, his sister Olga and father to the gulags, father shot dead, Banderas survives concentration camp fighting Russians and Nazis, Khrushchev assassinated Banderas. Russia through Lenin and Mongolia, is responsible for every horror the world over through twisted ideologies spread throughout the world. There is no Rus in Russia…………..
@Rockin BoBokkin
kyiv was one of the largest cities in europe during kievian rus with 50,000 people plus, Kievian Rus had 5 million; it was a center of learning in europe. wrong on that one, far from being a hamelt while moscow didnt even exist. kiev and rus are the same; none ceases to be their ethnic and cultural heritage, in as much as jews are never anything else, or native Americans are never something else…russia was never rus, the only rus as called by their origina ethnically are those that are indegienous to kiev; pay attention to the correct words, indegenous to the region of kiev are rus; and that region claims rus as a cultural heritage by ethniticity, language, and history, being assimilated into slavic culture without force…all russia did was copy and usurp a name and culture not their own; today russia is the totalitarian mogolian centralized form. rights are never taken away; freedom of speech, right now many in russia expressing free speech are in prison; stalin on the other hand killed 50 million russian, dont be replacing a dead population from ukraine. dont tell me about right, rights are abstract principles of thought and action uncommon to totalitarian rule. on orthodoxy, all the orthodox churches outside russia are aganst russia. There are the rights of original and indegeous peoples that cannot be usurped or removed. kyiv is 1000 years older than moscow and had language long before, there is no claim Russia can make without kiev on the language. Cyril was from Greece, and the alphabet combined Greek with Slavic letters…kiev spoke old form or old Russian 400 years before moskva. Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this.
“Ukrainians were called Rusyns throughout all our history. Ukrainians historically called themselves “Русини” and spoke the “РУСЬКИЙ” language, which has nothing to do with the Russian language, but with the word “РУСЬ”; or the Rus’, the term Russian itself was invented by Peter the Great who himself was a Tatar who descended from the Christianized Crimean Tatar family the Naryshkins on his mothers side. The “Russians” then known as Muscovites barely spoke a Slavic language at all aside from Old Church Slavonic and it wasn’t until the 1500s and 1600s that a distinct dialect even developed. The Zaporozhian Cossacks (Who also identified themselves as RUSYN) wrote about how they couldn’t understand the language of the Muscovites, because these Muscovites, especially the lower class commoners, spoke various Finno-Ugric languages and not a Slavic one. The Ethnogenesis of these “Russians” continued until about the mid 1800s, when the well known Russian lexicographer Vladimir Dal’ wrote in a letter about the various Finno Ugric peoples of central and northern Russian getting Russified, and I quote “Чудскія племена у нам все русеютъ т сливаются въ одинъ, великорускій народъ”. This translates to the Chude (a Slavic term for various Finno Ugric peoples) are getting Russified and are liquifying (literally) into one, Velikorusskiy (Great Russian, an early term used to describe the Muscovite ethnos) people. In fact, Dal’ talked about the Russification of Finno Ugric peoples many times, like in his letter to the Russian Historian of Ukrainian Cossack origin Mykhailo Maksymovych where he mentioned the Russification of the Karels in the Tver Governorate, of the Chuvash and Mordva in the Nizhnegorod, Penza, and Simbirsk Governorates, and about similar things happening to other “Peoples” in Perm, and Vyatka Governorates, while also calling out the Russian Slavophile Pogodin. In Dal’s dictionaries for the Russian language, the words “Ruseyut” (literally Russified) and “Slivayutsa” (literally Liquifying into, being spilled into, used in this context to refer to a people abandoning their culture and SPILLING or LIQUIFYING into the Muscovite ethnicity) are mentioned. Even the modern Russian language, which has been standardized reformed and slavicized to the point where there are almost no dialectal differences by region, is still full of Turkisms in the form of vocabulary and pronunciation, as well as occasionally sentence structure. Saying Russians are the forebears of the Rus’ is like saying the Romanians are the true Romans.”
@Rockin BoBokkin the early czars were all Mongolian; and they settled with Finn Ugric; yet you call Russian to be Rus when there are none. Meanwhile the first kings in Kiev were Rus and the people were Slavs, and you call them Ukrainians…how funny… let’s set the record straight by kingship, those from Kiev and Ukraine are Rus because the kings were Rus; and those from Moskva are Mongolian since the kings were Mongolian…now ethnically Moskva is Finn Urgic at inception, and Kiev Slav mainly; the only difference is that in Kiev Rus settled peacefully with Kievian to become an indigenous group referred to as Rus while in Moskva that didn’t happen; indigenous to Moskva is fin Urgic Mongolian; and now after a lot of mixing, other groups. Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this.
@Rockin BoBokkin Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this. the name ukraine was given during the times of kievian rus by other countries. those people they said were ukrain, the outer lands. the moskva charts are all wrong; the early czars were all mongolian; mosckva was nothiing when the mongolians arrived, more ike winslow arizona, nothing but a trading post to water cows. there is no connectiojn ti rurik,and nobody knows who he was, where is was born, or who hos father was; and the dates are all fake. moscow was not established. wrong again. you are totally wrong on everything; i am writing a book and will establish the coorrect history from 10,000 bc; you kow the slavs began on the dnieper, not the danube; the first european civilisation was minoan back 10,000 bc, and the languaes came from there in writing and alphabet, not from vanca which was tribal. the whole russian agenda is another fairy tale much like king aurthur.
He should stop appearing on TV in fear of losing his power, as well as put an end to all the frauds Browder is running 😂 Oh wait, Putin is already handling that! No wonder he’s upset…
This is a m crony war Putin is not a globalist nor does he care for the new world order dude you are way out of touch biden is trying to bankrupt America
The ‘war’ in Ukraine ACTUALLY started in 2014, when Soros, Obama, Biden and Nuland orchestrated the regime change by instigating the Maidan, FALSELY removing a democratically elected president, and installing a fascist in his place. Sound familiar?
YouTube is blocking Russian channels like RT faster than they blocked the ‘covid disinformation’ we were right about. Every major media outlet, the weapons manufacturers, the World Economic Forum, Soros, Hollywood, and every leftist online is backing Ukraine and cheering on this war. Conservatives and Liberals alike who fall for the propaganda about Russia and Ukraine are as retarded as people who wear masks in their cars alone.
He is another one of the Rothchilds, that is pushing war against Russian President Putin.
Just as they pushed the Middle East wars, taking down leaders of the Middle East to
take their gold, since Middle East favor gold as means of real wealth, instead of the
paper US dollar that is becoming virtually worthless.
The scheme to go into war against Putin keeps coming up, and its all about resources.
Russia has the larges reserves of the best purist oil in the world, along with land, fresh water, timber, gold, minerals and other resources.
The cabal wants to take out Putin, but he will not back away if attacked…
this perspective is juvenile and lacking in data.
its far deeper and more encompassing.
Putin has a desire to reunite Russian Empire. This is strategic geopolitically. In resources and in military buffer zones.
Why now? Russian demographics. If it isnt done now, it never can be done at all. Russians do not make enough children to replace their numbers. The largest nation by size on the planet is less than half in population of the USA. Putin right now, is in charge during a time where if he does not act, the window is closed forever.
Fortunately for the West, they are failing miserably at nearly every level of this power grab.
Gm ,the heading for this casting is not true, ,when the USSR fell,the U.S. gave its word it would not advance a RESUT,.Mr Putin has taken the necessary steps to protect his nation and people.The collective West,spearheaded by the 🇺🇸 has always seen RUSSIA as a threat.look ,bottom line AMERICA does not want its unipolar edge challenged,no multipolar world..
YES, Putin regained his power over the Russian people by sending his soldiers off to war. Right now, the Russian people are afraid of Putin’s revenge if they say bad things about him. Putin has gained, dead Russian soldiers, burned out buildings, thousands of liberated dead civilians, destroyed farm land, destroyed harbors. No more HAPPY MEAL’S for you Putin.
Yeah you guys seat in the west talking shit well Russia destroy the country and that idiot Zelenski don’t realize that you guys use his country and his people blood to fight Russia just because you scare to confront Russia directly.
The news has not made it very well know that there was a assignation attempt on Putin. Putin had made it know in the past that he blames the US (hillary ) for the overthrow of Libya along with Ukraine and feared he was next. We will never know all the TRUE facts that are going on or why this “war ” ,but look at all the governments the US has helped overthrow.
Ukraine must be prepared to fall back. Russian forces are too strong, and they have the resources to conquer.
Take no time to collect your belongings.
Please, go.
You cannot survive against a force with its own source of power
Please, Don’t turn your families, your children, yourselves, as ones who love their land and their possessions, more than each other
A dragon fights a beast from the sea. And while the dragon may be surprised that it’s creation fights against it. Neither are prepared to stop fighting.
It is like children who grew up to love one android and one cyborg. One who gained their appreciation of life through the birds in the sky. And the other learned through the friends he traveled with on the sea. Yet because the children were raised to love both characters, when they fight each other, that appreciation of life is forgotten. The children themselves are destroyed, as well as the characters that fought each other. Then know that no matter who is declared a winner in this conflict, nothing survives. Please go.
But this war leads to exhaustion, so while there is time, please flee.
But don’t believe your fleeing to another country alone is the source of where to go.
Again you will travel miles upon miles, and once you reach your final destination. Only a passing thought will cross your mind, because of where your heart is. ‘Wasn’t there a child with me?’
Jesus has warns plainly. Go to him.
Again as these things are written. Ukraine receives support now, because it is the more violent voice, claiming truth. But other violent voices will come. On both sides of this conflict, and other nations, kingdoms and people will join this conflict on the same principle. ‘You can’t take that from them’. ‘Our side will receive more wealth from this conflict’
But war will continue. More loss and scarcity will come. Occupation will return, like that of the holocaust, but worst.
Who then is willing to survive by fleeing towards the love of Jesus Christ. That has hope without the need to hear it or see it, but trust. With gentleness their needs are met.
Know this,
If the supply chains, famines, diseases did not take away possessions; people would be less prone to hate eachother now;
From George Floyd, to Donald Trump, to Vladimir Putin, to one set of people, to one set of races, to one country from another.
Then know that no one will survive this conflict, without the choice to let go of possessions.
Matthew 24
Again this conflict can be compared to a stunt man. Who uses all science and logic, to attempt a feet more dangerous than many before it. Wherein they say ‘ I have history, a team, and a strong will, I will make this feet. But even the smallest miscalculation will destroy all these justifications, along with the stunt man.
So when you use all the reasons to go to war, with these same justifications, no that you will also have the slightest miscalculation that will destroy you. Because your possessions are the one thing you hold that will prevent your surviva.
Or what do you expect to see if you go into a WWE fight. Do you say to yourself, this is not a real fight, but my desire for it to be real, will strengthen my resolve. Yet now you crave violence because your love supported a concept of disbelief.
And what will the studio do in order to strengthen your hope for the disbelief. Are you not accustomed to the camera pointed at two women, who are angry at one another. And you say ‘I hope this is staged so this can go forward. Or you say, ‘I hope this is not staged in order to get more of my desires fulfilled.
Then know that, all kinds of false promises will be used to justify this war, and those that will come after it. And they will continue to get closer to the truth in order to justify the reason for fighting, to nations. So flee. From these battles and these principles. They do not approach the truth as a friend.
For when you see these types of fights, the setting is likely placed in a night time setting. But a light brighter than the sun and stars is coming. And again is already here, reaching out to save those who will listen.
Many are searching for death right now,
What’s worth living for
What’s worth dying for.
Wait a little longer
Their are many popular beliefs right now
For Race
For country
For history
For money
But don’t ask for the fallen mountains to kill you because you’ve lost hope. The ones that say ‘ fight and die for your country’. Those who’ve become beasts. Flee to the ones that haven’t fallen, and when the time comes, you will see plainly what to die for.
Do not live, for the life you expect to live here after you’ve fled. Many will work expecting to receive the lives they once had. And when these things fail, those will say ‘it would have been better if I had died then.
But wait a little longer.
Many are searching for the right way to live.
‘For my family, so others must die
For my country so others must die
For my pride so I will pressure those who can kill me, because one way or another I will live, and they are dead.’
But stay awake. Where you flee, let it be a place that will take you in. And do not close your eyes to what you don’t have. And when the time comes, and you’ve worked knowing that much will not return, that your children are at a place without conflict, prepared to give the right messages for all men women and children to hear, including enemies: You will know life, even when others say you are dead. And if violence comes against you and yours. Your lives will not end.
But Not alll men women and children in a family will accept this. So when violence comes against you because of them, hold on to these words. Because that is the thing worth leaving behind, a chance for them to live where you will go.
Beware the spirit of the frog. Because it is here, and it is spreading. Forgiveness, mercy, the right definition of love and hate. Many close their eyes ears hearts and soul to these principles.
The final war is upon the world, which is called Armageddon. Jesus is coming soon, to collect those who are ready.
Anyone may receive his words freely without cost.
Now to everyone else, these truths apply to us all. Every nation is experiencing the plaugues and love is being lost. If you support Ukraine, take care of them. Renounce what you did when you sentenced The officers of George Floyd to prison. Renounce the ideals that say ‘you have found Justice in the court systems by condemning others’. That your protests brought peace when they were set to condemn even one person. Then come back to see how you may help this country, your own country, and others who have suffered the same fate.
And you may have the same peace with your eyes ears and hearts open.
Do not think knowledge will help you. All the movies shows, teachings the truth to explain away these times as they are.
I tell you the truth, not one of these things will protect you.
Listen to these principles. Fix your own houses, for each house is on the cusp of war already, and children will not lay down their weapons in a fight.
And fix yourselves in these times. So you will not fall into the wars that will come. The same things that were used for morphine will not return moving forward, be ready.
The popular opinions to handle these times continue to fail by the day, be ready.
Keep your family together even after the worst betrayals. And forgive the hardest offenses. Do not consider divorce, in the hardest of violence. You can seek safety without it, and find your peace together again despite it.
If another family is started, do the best with what you have, don’t cast your families away. And don’t follow the example and start a new family of your own.
Don’t judge anymore. Either in praise or hatred. Remember why the golden rule is special. Because it’s home.
Matthew 24
Before the flood of Noah, it is written that men lived for hundreds of years. But because of their hearts lived only decades after the flood. The time of the son of man is near. And nations that lived for centuries, are prepared to go against him. Nations that survived for centuries, what more will happen to you when you’ve poisoned the water of life. Will you survive centuries more.
Understand the waters of life now, for a star has fallen into the sea and a third of the waters are now bitter with the taste of blood, which has been called wormwood.
This blood born for the sake of power. A tournament the world has placed itself in, who is the greatest nation and kingdom. All that was considered just reasons for these nations to fight now fill each cup with red water.
Again This is what has made the sun and stars shine a third dimmer.
The time where children rise and put their parents to death is near, again it is already here.
While many are afraid because crime and war appears to come out of nowhere, many don’t see the source is in front of their eyes. Children in pain, because the gentleness they’ve seen in their family is dying.
Let go of the conditions of love for some and hate for others this kill a gentle heart, there is no truth here, then find him.
Jesus is the way the truth and the light. Let gentleness rest on top of a forgiving heart based on his word, for all man, and it won’t go, it will never go.
Everyone may choose now whether they will listen to the word of the son of man or not. But those who will listen and those will not will be reaped by the reaper sent to them, and they will receive what they’ve invested in.
They are at hand.
The time for the first reapers collection, and the second who collects clusters to be collected and turned to wine.
Our time is short here. Not just in body, but the planet itself is almost over. Be ready,search for him in his words. While their is time.
I tell you the truth from the one who sits at the right hand of God.
Who was given all authority of heaven and earth, only after he let himself die instead of using the armies of heaven to destroy all of man and sage himself.
No army who fights in this conflict is justified.
Should one side be given divine authority because they have greater numbers. Only a few angels are required to deal with them.
Should one side be given divine authority because they were attacked first. The son of man gave himself up freely to his abusers after asking that those he loves not to go through the same persecution at that time.
Then there is no peak too high where man can claim glory, and no valley too dark where man can justify darkness.
I tell you the truth. Neither the leaders of Ukraine or Russia are justified in this conflict, however because of the peak Russia is on, they will survive longer.
People of Ukraine, you must flee, for you justify staying because you believe your actions of violence in dark times will force the light to save you.
But only Jesus the Christ is the light, the one who cries for the children, and heals those who run to him. This is the light that calls you to flee, while there is time. Your land continues to grow darker, and the love of your people fainter.
Anyone who chooses to flee while there is time may find peace. But when the time is up, there will no longer be a chance.
People of Russia, you are not justified by the people, and possessions you’ve lost in this conflict, for you are equal with your adversaries. It is not because you have started this attack, but because you continue it, that destroys your nation as well. Those who hear, do not support the assault on your nation. Then, even if you are persecuted, you will be safe as well.
But know the God of Israel hears your delema. You started this conflict because scarcity arose in your country. Every nation became fearful of not having enough so the only way to feed your people appeared to be by force.
Now that you know force was not the option the cost of surrender is more than the possessions and land you have took.
For many will judge you from this day forward, not because what you gave back but because of the lives that may never be found again.
You may have peace in this. Should you return what you have stolen in land and possession in full you will have done what you are able to put the land back to where it was.
As for the people, you must again work to rebuild the nation with the same amount of support used to return what you have stolen. Do this without resentment or raised heads, and your plea for peace will be heard, as you have done what you are able.
As for your own people, and the scarcity that made you desperate, plea for your people after you have done these things for Ukraine and what you’ve taken from the rest of the world; and again, give to them a second portion; and even the few ears that may open themselves again, will be enough to support you, because you have dropped your sword against them.
Now for the last piece, the area not supported by God, this is what is available for you.
There are those who say peace may not be obtained unless blood is returned with blood. And the nations of the world will likely call for the death of those who head your nation and army. Although this will not give them peace, their demand will stay firm, and the voices who plead for their leaders to reconsider, will not reach their ears.
Peace is what is available to you in this. When they demand for your leaders lives, do not resist them. Not with weapon fist or word. But remain silent. Do not say a single word on the courts. Keep your heads low, and breathe with gentle eyes. Do this even until death. Then your nation and your loved ones will be safe, even at your last breath. And the God who opens and closes the door between life and death, will support you after death as well, as you have taken the route more tolerable than war.
Even the nations who condemn you, will then have people who hear and see your actions, and will have a chance to find the light again.
To everyone
War will continue, despite exhaustion, even until the end, along with the rest of the plagues the world currently faces, and the plagues to come.
But to all, flee to the places that do not practice war, join those people and become like them, as you’ve found them, and do not try to change them.
Your safety will be yours forever.
But to those of every nation who will not listen and seek the teachings of Jesus Christ; those who refuse to love their friends and their enemies, they will never be justified, and their time also has a limit.
Check out The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes to see how much of a fraud this person is. After the Russians tried to prosecute him for tax fraud, he fled and left his “lawyer” (accountant) take the blame and die in prison. Then he and US politicians used this death to create sanctions against their enemies.
All bad oligarchs? Does this include Kolomoisky in Ukraine? And what about the others that have fled Russia to Israel, London, and the US? Those must be good oligarchs who don’t have ties to Putin.
So agree. Stupid news seems to spew way more emotional irrelevance to sell more stories and support liberal agenda that helps hide his valuable message
Bill Browder is an expert on the Russian Governments motivations and psychology. His assessments and advice should be given a great deal of weight from all western governments who are trying to end this war. President Macron must read his book “Red Notice” before even thinking about talking to Putin. The Russian “government” is a criminal organisation that operates outside all of the universally accepted human rights and ethical values upon which the free world is founded. Putin is a highly effective and manipulative psychopath. Putin is not logical, he cannot be reasoned with. The only way to control him is to put him in a cage . take away his power which means taking away his money and dismantle the whole criminal organisation which he has built and which protects him so they can kill and steal with impunity.
I enjoyed Browders book. Putin and his cronies stole $230 million from the Russian Treasury. It’s been proven through bank statements and wire transfers.
Browder is a pathological liar. Magnitsky was never a lawyer, he was Browder’s tax accountant since 1998. Hermitage was investigated for tax evasion after Magnitsky helped set up a tax scheme in Kalmirka, where Browder only paid 5% tax for ‘employing’ illiterate Afghan veterans as stock brokers, in order to qualify for the tax break. After Browder was kicked out of Russia in late 2005, the investigation continued with a raid of Hermitage offices in 2007, followed by Magnitsky being called in for questioning in June 2008, and again in October 2008, when both he and Browder (in abstentia) were charged with tax evasion.
In a separate scam, Browder had bankrupted his shell companies in 2006, and took all the loot back to London. The story broke on 3 April 2008 in Komersant, the scam was reported by the trustee of the company Rimma Starova. Browder let Magnitsky rot in pre-trial detention refusing to pay fines of up $40m from court rulings going back to 2002. Magnitsky died of pancreatitis a year later.
Browder made up a complete fabrication where Magnitsky was a lawyer he hired in 2007, who “investigated” the shell company scam and a subsequent fake tax refund of according to Browder, $230m. The invented story had Magnitsky accusing the officers who raided the offices in 2007. Furthermore Browder’ ludicrous story says that somehow the officers “murdered” Magnitsky on the orders of Vladimir Putin himself.
Authorities believe it was Browder who sold the companies, and who made off with the $230m safely hidden in a Guernsey tax haven managed by HSBC. Years later, HSBC settled a case brought by Russian authorities for “bankrupting” the companies.
Every time he’s in a war for a short time Putin gets more popular so it’s all about ratings and has nothing to do with NATO and everything to do with Putin’s ego
👍 👍 👍 😊 🫂 🙏 😊 🫂
In 60 AD Apostle Saint Andrew traveled to the area of Kiev, preached, and said, one day a great city would be built here with many churches to the glory of God. Today there is a church to Saint Andrew in Kiev. The peoples in the area were Slavic. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, three brothers and the sister Lybid founded Kiev in 482 AD, Kiev was named after the older brother Kyi. Kiev the older brother was King. Herodotus wrote that Hercules had founded this land.
The Rus were Viking tribes that settled peacefully in Kiev as far back as 750 AD with the Slavs there, 400 years before Moskva existed. The name Russia, coming from the city Moskva, has no connection to the RUS. Russia coming from Moskva started with Batu Kahn much later as a vasal under Mongolian rule. All the early Czars were Mongolian and of no connection to the RUS. The Rus were with the Slavs to the south in Kiev. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There was no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, churches, and had its saints. The founder of Kievian Rus (800) or the Rus was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Kievian Rus exists long Before Novgorod and Oleg’s arrival there. Askold is the Slavic name. Oskold, the first King of Kievian Rus was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold had 200 ships and 20,000 warriors. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople (128 years before Volodymyr) and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold and Dir were the first Dynasty of Kievian Rus. Askold rules from the 40-60s and Dir to the 80s. Askold is buried in Kiev and the first Kievian Christian King & Dynasty. Oleg followed coming from Sweden through Novgorod and was a pagan. Russia as named today started in the city of Moskva over 400 years later after Kievian Rus or Rus. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread, much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The land of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the Czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that cultural imprint was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus! Russia began in Moskva by Batu Kahn and Novgorod conquered much later, still no connection to the Rus.
Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. Even today the mentality of the gulag exists. There is no freedom of press and speech, people are arrested for speech, there is no due process of law, and the religion is state run making it a totalitarian theocracy. As such, it did not deserve to exist in a free world; and history has shown such totalitarian organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized “forms” as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. Moskva started as an agglomeration of Finnish tribes, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water and developed by Mongolian culture. Mosk means cow and Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. The current Russia started in Moskva; how misleading is the name Russia coming from Moskva that has no connection to the RUS. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn’t invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940’s and gave it to Kurchatov. Russia struggles with an identity crisis since its beginnings unoriginal to the ethnic groups. Its errors are numerous, 50 million killed by Stalin in WW2, allied to the Nazis to kill the Poles for their defeat in WW2, Holodomor where millions of Ukrainians were killed and grain stolen, and constant antagonist with Europe. We even have the Holy Mother announcing Russia’s errors at Fatima. Russia is a Mongolian culture and all the first Czars were Mongolian and Batu Kahn is the author.
Oskold was the grandson of Ragnar the king of Sweden, his name is old Norse and spoke old Norse, the name Rus is old Norse, he settled peacefully in Kiev and the Slavs made him king, he brought Christianity to Kiev with his son dir…his burial mound is where St Nicholas church is built, Oleg wasn’t even in Novgorod when this happened, and Oleg is not a Rus nor old Norse name. The Slavs called Oskold the name Askold. After came Dir, Oleg was a pagan who assassinated Dir, Oskold becomes the first dynasty…later when the line of kings get to Vladimir, he is captured at a trading post by the Mongols, the post is called Moskva, and the king killed. Moskva as a city was a Mongolian invention, and Novgorod becomes a part of that Russia by conquest, although having nothing to do with the Rus. Oskold line is Ragnar, ironside, Oskold from the King of Sweden Ragnar. Oleg is via Rurik coming much later. The accounts of Oskold are within the time, Al Mamun an Arab writer of the time wrote of Oskold, the Russian chronicles come hundreds of years later. In much the same way accounts of relevant history are better understood by those of the times, much like the Bible, dating to the original times makes the account authentic. The Russian chronicles are merely a tale and inaccurate.
Kiev was a city over 1000 years before Russia even existed. Kiev was Kievian Rus before Novgorod and when Oleg arrived. Putin is kidding himself if he thinks any part of Ukraine belongs to Russia. We can see that Israel belongs to the Jews, similarly all the lands around Kiev of Kievian Rus belong to Kiev as a single nation and city state. Russia’s beginnings are a wanting child begun as a captive insurgency having nothing of its own; a captive state that was reeking in servitude to Mongolia and invented by Mongolia. The entire culture of Russia from Moscow is Mongolian centralized power, a pagan culture of no empathy and Christianity. The Christianity is tainted as a state religion or theocracy and politicized. History is often obscured by being written by the ones in charge. The history of Ukraine has been obscured by the Soviet Occupation and cultural appropriations. Moscow in an attempt to appropriate a history not its own, rewrote the narrative of history to cover up its compromised origins; Kiev and Ukraine is a history much older and more civilized; making contributions to civilization. Russian despotism becomes the blueprint, foundation & model for every despot nation, look at its allies; the error of its ways has spread throughout the globe; much like the message from the Holy Mother at Fatima. Those that are sympathetic to Russian atrocities can find similarities in their own histories. Ukraine has a democracy at a local level Moscow never had and fears. Russian boundless ignorance is a type often found in the poorest of nations, and usually the poorest have a history of the hardest tyrants over them that also inflict poverty, physical and spiritual, on others they attempt to subjugate, a reflection of their own lives, an abomination of desolation.
Askold was in Constantinople in 860 and Oleg arrived in Novgorod not until 862. The Arabs referred to Askold as the Slavic King or King of the Slavs which he had been for a while. Pontius says Askold brings Christianity to Kiev from Constantinople and a bishop. Ragnar the Norse King of Sweden was born in 767 AD, his son Bjorn ironside was born in 796 AD, and grandson Oskold (Askold) was born in 820 AD. Askold arrived in Kiev in 840 and had a son Dir, Both become King and the first Christian dynasty. Askold dies and gets a burial mound in a park in Kiev. Dir follows as King. Dir is assassinated by Oleg who is a pagan. Nobody knows who Rurik is or who the father is . Oleg is a generation away from Askold. Olga of Kiev builds a church on Askold’ s burial grounds. Pontius of Constantinople says Askold brings a Bishop and Christianity to Kiev. Russia much later is a Mongolian invention…….
This all was very good you are talking about a large amount of paganism more than most people can comprehend
@Rockin BoBokkin In ww2, Russian and Germany sign an agreement for the invasion of Poland, the armies, Nazis and communist are coordinated, at victory, the leaders of both armies shake hands. In the deal western Ukraine is given to Russia. Banderas 2 brothers are sent to Auschwitz and die, his sister Olga and father to the gulags, father shot dead, Banderas survives concentration camp fighting Russians and Nazis, Khrushchev assassinated Banderas. Russia through Lenin and Mongolia, is responsible for every horror the world over through twisted ideologies spread throughout the world. There is no Rus in Russia…………..
@Rockin BoBokkin
kyiv was one of the largest cities in europe during kievian rus with 50,000 people plus, Kievian Rus had 5 million; it was a center of learning in europe. wrong on that one, far from being a hamelt while moscow didnt even exist. kiev and rus are the same; none ceases to be their ethnic and cultural heritage, in as much as jews are never anything else, or native Americans are never something else…russia was never rus, the only rus as called by their origina ethnically are those that are indegienous to kiev; pay attention to the correct words, indegenous to the region of kiev are rus; and that region claims rus as a cultural heritage by ethniticity, language, and history, being assimilated into slavic culture without force…all russia did was copy and usurp a name and culture not their own; today russia is the totalitarian mogolian centralized form. rights are never taken away; freedom of speech, right now many in russia expressing free speech are in prison; stalin on the other hand killed 50 million russian, dont be replacing a dead population from ukraine. dont tell me about right, rights are abstract principles of thought and action uncommon to totalitarian rule. on orthodoxy, all the orthodox churches outside russia are aganst russia. There are the rights of original and indegeous peoples that cannot be usurped or removed. kyiv is 1000 years older than moscow and had language long before, there is no claim Russia can make without kiev on the language. Cyril was from Greece, and the alphabet combined Greek with Slavic letters…kiev spoke old form or old Russian 400 years before moskva. Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this.
“Ukrainians were called Rusyns throughout all our history. Ukrainians historically called themselves “Русини” and spoke the “РУСЬКИЙ” language, which has nothing to do with the Russian language, but with the word “РУСЬ”; or the Rus’, the term Russian itself was invented by Peter the Great who himself was a Tatar who descended from the Christianized Crimean Tatar family the Naryshkins on his mothers side. The “Russians” then known as Muscovites barely spoke a Slavic language at all aside from Old Church Slavonic and it wasn’t until the 1500s and 1600s that a distinct dialect even developed. The Zaporozhian Cossacks (Who also identified themselves as RUSYN) wrote about how they couldn’t understand the language of the Muscovites, because these Muscovites, especially the lower class commoners, spoke various Finno-Ugric languages and not a Slavic one. The Ethnogenesis of these “Russians” continued until about the mid 1800s, when the well known Russian lexicographer Vladimir Dal’ wrote in a letter about the various Finno Ugric peoples of central and northern Russian getting Russified, and I quote “Чудскія племена у нам все русеютъ т сливаются въ одинъ, великорускій народъ”. This translates to the Chude (a Slavic term for various Finno Ugric peoples) are getting Russified and are liquifying (literally) into one, Velikorusskiy (Great Russian, an early term used to describe the Muscovite ethnos) people. In fact, Dal’ talked about the Russification of Finno Ugric peoples many times, like in his letter to the Russian Historian of Ukrainian Cossack origin Mykhailo Maksymovych where he mentioned the Russification of the Karels in the Tver Governorate, of the Chuvash and Mordva in the Nizhnegorod, Penza, and Simbirsk Governorates, and about similar things happening to other “Peoples” in Perm, and Vyatka Governorates, while also calling out the Russian Slavophile Pogodin. In Dal’s dictionaries for the Russian language, the words “Ruseyut” (literally Russified) and “Slivayutsa” (literally Liquifying into, being spilled into, used in this context to refer to a people abandoning their culture and SPILLING or LIQUIFYING into the Muscovite ethnicity) are mentioned. Even the modern Russian language, which has been standardized reformed and slavicized to the point where there are almost no dialectal differences by region, is still full of Turkisms in the form of vocabulary and pronunciation, as well as occasionally sentence structure. Saying Russians are the forebears of the Rus’ is like saying the Romanians are the true Romans.”
@Rockin BoBokkin the early czars were all Mongolian; and they settled with Finn Ugric; yet you call Russian to be Rus when there are none. Meanwhile the first kings in Kiev were Rus and the people were Slavs, and you call them Ukrainians…how funny… let’s set the record straight by kingship, those from Kiev and Ukraine are Rus because the kings were Rus; and those from Moskva are Mongolian since the kings were Mongolian…now ethnically Moskva is Finn Urgic at inception, and Kiev Slav mainly; the only difference is that in Kiev Rus settled peacefully with Kievian to become an indigenous group referred to as Rus while in Moskva that didn’t happen; indigenous to Moskva is fin Urgic Mongolian; and now after a lot of mixing, other groups. Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this.
@Rockin BoBokkin Ukraine has the right of origin as an indigenous peoples, authentic, formed on the land, authentic language and culture. Russians have nothing to do with this. the name ukraine was given during the times of kievian rus by other countries. those people they said were ukrain, the outer lands. the moskva charts are all wrong; the early czars were all mongolian; mosckva was nothiing when the mongolians arrived, more ike winslow arizona, nothing but a trading post to water cows. there is no connectiojn ti rurik,and nobody knows who he was, where is was born, or who hos father was; and the dates are all fake. moscow was not established. wrong again. you are totally wrong on everything; i am writing a book and will establish the coorrect history from 10,000 bc; you kow the slavs began on the dnieper, not the danube; the first european civilisation was minoan back 10,000 bc, and the languaes came from there in writing and alphabet, not from vanca which was tribal. the whole russian agenda is another fairy tale much like king aurthur.
Ukrainian war is based on the United States and Joe Biden wanting to gain power
This guy is one big lie
Aren’t we all !?
Because you haven’t read Browder’s latest book? thanks for sharing.
He would be wrong!
He should stop appearing on TV in fear of losing his power, as well as put an end to all the frauds Browder is running 😂 Oh wait, Putin is already handling that! No wonder he’s upset…
This is a m crony war Putin is not a globalist nor does he care for the new world order dude you are way out of touch biden is trying to bankrupt America
One day folks, Browder will be brought to justice. If not on this side, then on the other.
Shut up bot!
Thanks for admitting you haven’t read Browder’s latest book.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Мошеник от класа, англо-сакс-амер плъх, далавераджия, комисионер, евреин (това е достатъчно).
Kettle calling out pot
The ‘war’ in Ukraine ACTUALLY started in 2014, when Soros, Obama, Biden and Nuland orchestrated the regime change by instigating the Maidan, FALSELY removing a democratically elected president, and installing a fascist in his place. Sound familiar?
YouTube is blocking Russian channels like RT faster than they blocked the ‘covid disinformation’ we were right about. Every major media outlet, the weapons manufacturers, the World Economic Forum, Soros, Hollywood, and every leftist online is backing Ukraine and cheering on this war. Conservatives and Liberals alike who fall for the propaganda about Russia and Ukraine are as retarded as people who wear masks in their cars alone.
Isn’t that the point though.
I just don’t believe no one anymore. Because the biggest things that is going on is the big lies.
He is another one of the Rothchilds, that is pushing war against Russian President Putin.
Just as they pushed the Middle East wars, taking down leaders of the Middle East to
take their gold, since Middle East favor gold as means of real wealth, instead of the
paper US dollar that is becoming virtually worthless.
The scheme to go into war against Putin keeps coming up, and its all about resources.
Russia has the larges reserves of the best purist oil in the world, along with land, fresh water, timber, gold, minerals and other resources.
The cabal wants to take out Putin, but he will not back away if attacked…
TheTrumplican party and the grim reaper will destroy our Democratic Republic.
Vote accordingly.
Putin must be stopped before he drags the world into a global war. He must respect other countries sovereignties or he must be put down.
No it’s based on deception. The same thing most wars have started over.
this perspective is juvenile and lacking in data.
its far deeper and more encompassing.
Putin has a desire to reunite Russian Empire. This is strategic geopolitically. In resources and in military buffer zones.
Why now? Russian demographics. If it isnt done now, it never can be done at all. Russians do not make enough children to replace their numbers. The largest nation by size on the planet is less than half in population of the USA. Putin right now, is in charge during a time where if he does not act, the window is closed forever.
Fortunately for the West, they are failing miserably at nearly every level of this power grab.
Gm ,the heading for this casting is not true, ,when the USSR fell,the U.S. gave its word it would not advance a RESUT,.Mr Putin has taken the necessary steps to protect his nation and people.The collective West,spearheaded by the 🇺🇸 has always seen RUSSIA as a threat.look ,bottom line AMERICA does not want its unipolar edge challenged,no multipolar world..
YES, Putin regained his power over the Russian people by sending his soldiers off to war. Right now, the Russian people are afraid of Putin’s revenge if they say bad things about him. Putin has gained, dead Russian soldiers, burned out buildings, thousands of liberated dead civilians, destroyed farm land, destroyed harbors. No more HAPPY MEAL’S for you Putin.
Bill Browder is brilliant. I hope the politicians at the top in the US and the EU take notice of this guy.
I call BS
Fake news lies for communists..death to Ukraine nazis
Yeah you guys seat in the west talking shit well Russia destroy the country and that idiot Zelenski don’t realize that you guys use his country and his people blood to fight Russia just because you scare to confront Russia directly.
The news has not made it very well know that there was a assignation attempt on Putin. Putin had made it know in the past that he blames the US (hillary ) for the overthrow of Libya along with Ukraine and feared he was next. We will never know all the TRUE facts that are going on or why this “war ” ,but look at all the governments the US has helped overthrow.
China’s information war to destroy free speech is more dangerous than Putin’s ego-war … if affects billions of people in China and nearby nations
Ukraine must be prepared to fall back. Russian forces are too strong, and they have the resources to conquer.
Take no time to collect your belongings.
Please, go.
You cannot survive against a force with its own source of power
Please, Don’t turn your families, your children, yourselves, as ones who love their land and their possessions, more than each other
A dragon fights a beast from the sea. And while the dragon may be surprised that it’s creation fights against it. Neither are prepared to stop fighting.
It is like children who grew up to love one android and one cyborg. One who gained their appreciation of life through the birds in the sky. And the other learned through the friends he traveled with on the sea. Yet because the children were raised to love both characters, when they fight each other, that appreciation of life is forgotten. The children themselves are destroyed, as well as the characters that fought each other. Then know that no matter who is declared a winner in this conflict, nothing survives. Please go.
But this war leads to exhaustion, so while there is time, please flee.
But don’t believe your fleeing to another country alone is the source of where to go.
Again you will travel miles upon miles, and once you reach your final destination. Only a passing thought will cross your mind, because of where your heart is. ‘Wasn’t there a child with me?’
Jesus has warns plainly. Go to him.
Again as these things are written. Ukraine receives support now, because it is the more violent voice, claiming truth. But other violent voices will come. On both sides of this conflict, and other nations, kingdoms and people will join this conflict on the same principle. ‘You can’t take that from them’. ‘Our side will receive more wealth from this conflict’
But war will continue. More loss and scarcity will come. Occupation will return, like that of the holocaust, but worst.
Who then is willing to survive by fleeing towards the love of Jesus Christ. That has hope without the need to hear it or see it, but trust. With gentleness their needs are met.
Know this,
If the supply chains, famines, diseases did not take away possessions; people would be less prone to hate eachother now;
From George Floyd, to Donald Trump, to Vladimir Putin, to one set of people, to one set of races, to one country from another.
Then know that no one will survive this conflict, without the choice to let go of possessions.
Matthew 24
Again this conflict can be compared to a stunt man. Who uses all science and logic, to attempt a feet more dangerous than many before it. Wherein they say ‘ I have history, a team, and a strong will, I will make this feet. But even the smallest miscalculation will destroy all these justifications, along with the stunt man.
So when you use all the reasons to go to war, with these same justifications, no that you will also have the slightest miscalculation that will destroy you. Because your possessions are the one thing you hold that will prevent your surviva.
Or what do you expect to see if you go into a WWE fight. Do you say to yourself, this is not a real fight, but my desire for it to be real, will strengthen my resolve. Yet now you crave violence because your love supported a concept of disbelief.
And what will the studio do in order to strengthen your hope for the disbelief. Are you not accustomed to the camera pointed at two women, who are angry at one another. And you say ‘I hope this is staged so this can go forward. Or you say, ‘I hope this is not staged in order to get more of my desires fulfilled.
Then know that, all kinds of false promises will be used to justify this war, and those that will come after it. And they will continue to get closer to the truth in order to justify the reason for fighting, to nations. So flee. From these battles and these principles. They do not approach the truth as a friend.
For when you see these types of fights, the setting is likely placed in a night time setting. But a light brighter than the sun and stars is coming. And again is already here, reaching out to save those who will listen.
Many are searching for death right now,
What’s worth living for
What’s worth dying for.
Wait a little longer
Their are many popular beliefs right now
For Race
For country
For history
For money
But don’t ask for the fallen mountains to kill you because you’ve lost hope. The ones that say ‘ fight and die for your country’. Those who’ve become beasts. Flee to the ones that haven’t fallen, and when the time comes, you will see plainly what to die for.
Do not live, for the life you expect to live here after you’ve fled. Many will work expecting to receive the lives they once had. And when these things fail, those will say ‘it would have been better if I had died then.
But wait a little longer.
Many are searching for the right way to live.
‘For my family, so others must die
For my country so others must die
For my pride so I will pressure those who can kill me, because one way or another I will live, and they are dead.’
But stay awake. Where you flee, let it be a place that will take you in. And do not close your eyes to what you don’t have. And when the time comes, and you’ve worked knowing that much will not return, that your children are at a place without conflict, prepared to give the right messages for all men women and children to hear, including enemies: You will know life, even when others say you are dead. And if violence comes against you and yours. Your lives will not end.
But Not alll men women and children in a family will accept this. So when violence comes against you because of them, hold on to these words. Because that is the thing worth leaving behind, a chance for them to live where you will go.
Beware the spirit of the frog. Because it is here, and it is spreading. Forgiveness, mercy, the right definition of love and hate. Many close their eyes ears hearts and soul to these principles.
The final war is upon the world, which is called Armageddon. Jesus is coming soon, to collect those who are ready.
Anyone may receive his words freely without cost.
Now to everyone else, these truths apply to us all. Every nation is experiencing the plaugues and love is being lost. If you support Ukraine, take care of them. Renounce what you did when you sentenced The officers of George Floyd to prison. Renounce the ideals that say ‘you have found Justice in the court systems by condemning others’. That your protests brought peace when they were set to condemn even one person. Then come back to see how you may help this country, your own country, and others who have suffered the same fate.
And you may have the same peace with your eyes ears and hearts open.
Do not think knowledge will help you. All the movies shows, teachings the truth to explain away these times as they are.
I tell you the truth, not one of these things will protect you.
Listen to these principles. Fix your own houses, for each house is on the cusp of war already, and children will not lay down their weapons in a fight.
And fix yourselves in these times. So you will not fall into the wars that will come. The same things that were used for morphine will not return moving forward, be ready.
The popular opinions to handle these times continue to fail by the day, be ready.
Keep your family together even after the worst betrayals. And forgive the hardest offenses. Do not consider divorce, in the hardest of violence. You can seek safety without it, and find your peace together again despite it.
If another family is started, do the best with what you have, don’t cast your families away. And don’t follow the example and start a new family of your own.
Don’t judge anymore. Either in praise or hatred. Remember why the golden rule is special. Because it’s home.
Matthew 24
Before the flood of Noah, it is written that men lived for hundreds of years. But because of their hearts lived only decades after the flood. The time of the son of man is near. And nations that lived for centuries, are prepared to go against him. Nations that survived for centuries, what more will happen to you when you’ve poisoned the water of life. Will you survive centuries more.
Understand the waters of life now, for a star has fallen into the sea and a third of the waters are now bitter with the taste of blood, which has been called wormwood.
This blood born for the sake of power. A tournament the world has placed itself in, who is the greatest nation and kingdom. All that was considered just reasons for these nations to fight now fill each cup with red water.
Again This is what has made the sun and stars shine a third dimmer.
The time where children rise and put their parents to death is near, again it is already here.
While many are afraid because crime and war appears to come out of nowhere, many don’t see the source is in front of their eyes. Children in pain, because the gentleness they’ve seen in their family is dying.
Let go of the conditions of love for some and hate for others this kill a gentle heart, there is no truth here, then find him.
Jesus is the way the truth and the light. Let gentleness rest on top of a forgiving heart based on his word, for all man, and it won’t go, it will never go.
Everyone may choose now whether they will listen to the word of the son of man or not. But those who will listen and those will not will be reaped by the reaper sent to them, and they will receive what they’ve invested in.
They are at hand.
The time for the first reapers collection, and the second who collects clusters to be collected and turned to wine.
Our time is short here. Not just in body, but the planet itself is almost over. Be ready,search for him in his words. While their is time.
Matthew 11:28-30
Night is coming where no one may work.
What does Jesus say about the Ukrainian Nazi AZOV Battalion?
I tell you the truth from the one who sits at the right hand of God.
Who was given all authority of heaven and earth, only after he let himself die instead of using the armies of heaven to destroy all of man and sage himself.
No army who fights in this conflict is justified.
Should one side be given divine authority because they have greater numbers. Only a few angels are required to deal with them.
Should one side be given divine authority because they were attacked first. The son of man gave himself up freely to his abusers after asking that those he loves not to go through the same persecution at that time.
Then there is no peak too high where man can claim glory, and no valley too dark where man can justify darkness.
I tell you the truth. Neither the leaders of Ukraine or Russia are justified in this conflict, however because of the peak Russia is on, they will survive longer.
People of Ukraine, you must flee, for you justify staying because you believe your actions of violence in dark times will force the light to save you.
But only Jesus the Christ is the light, the one who cries for the children, and heals those who run to him. This is the light that calls you to flee, while there is time. Your land continues to grow darker, and the love of your people fainter.
Anyone who chooses to flee while there is time may find peace. But when the time is up, there will no longer be a chance.
People of Russia, you are not justified by the people, and possessions you’ve lost in this conflict, for you are equal with your adversaries. It is not because you have started this attack, but because you continue it, that destroys your nation as well. Those who hear, do not support the assault on your nation. Then, even if you are persecuted, you will be safe as well.
But know the God of Israel hears your delema. You started this conflict because scarcity arose in your country. Every nation became fearful of not having enough so the only way to feed your people appeared to be by force.
Now that you know force was not the option the cost of surrender is more than the possessions and land you have took.
For many will judge you from this day forward, not because what you gave back but because of the lives that may never be found again.
You may have peace in this. Should you return what you have stolen in land and possession in full you will have done what you are able to put the land back to where it was.
As for the people, you must again work to rebuild the nation with the same amount of support used to return what you have stolen. Do this without resentment or raised heads, and your plea for peace will be heard, as you have done what you are able.
As for your own people, and the scarcity that made you desperate, plea for your people after you have done these things for Ukraine and what you’ve taken from the rest of the world; and again, give to them a second portion; and even the few ears that may open themselves again, will be enough to support you, because you have dropped your sword against them.
Now for the last piece, the area not supported by God, this is what is available for you.
There are those who say peace may not be obtained unless blood is returned with blood. And the nations of the world will likely call for the death of those who head your nation and army. Although this will not give them peace, their demand will stay firm, and the voices who plead for their leaders to reconsider, will not reach their ears.
Peace is what is available to you in this. When they demand for your leaders lives, do not resist them. Not with weapon fist or word. But remain silent. Do not say a single word on the courts. Keep your heads low, and breathe with gentle eyes. Do this even until death. Then your nation and your loved ones will be safe, even at your last breath. And the God who opens and closes the door between life and death, will support you after death as well, as you have taken the route more tolerable than war.
Even the nations who condemn you, will then have people who hear and see your actions, and will have a chance to find the light again.
To everyone
War will continue, despite exhaustion, even until the end, along with the rest of the plagues the world currently faces, and the plagues to come.
But to all, flee to the places that do not practice war, join those people and become like them, as you’ve found them, and do not try to change them.
Your safety will be yours forever.
But to those of every nation who will not listen and seek the teachings of Jesus Christ; those who refuse to love their friends and their enemies, they will never be justified, and their time also has a limit.
CNBC International propaganda tv. This guy is full of it
Or protecting his borders.
You defended Hawaii as though it was all America had.
Both your argument and mine can be true.
Blabla Bill shut up🙈🙉🙊
There’s ol’ Bill Browder! Sticking it to Putin every chance he gets. God bless him.
Putin staying in power is killing Russia and Russian families!
No, We need to stop it right now! 🤫
President Vladimir Putin doesn’t need the Russian rich class! 👍
Really?….he is the rich class (al stolenby a simple ex KGB man)
@Henk Smit I know that.
Check out The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes to see how much of a fraud this person is. After the Russians tried to prosecute him for tax fraud, he fled and left his “lawyer” (accountant) take the blame and die in prison. Then he and US politicians used this death to create sanctions against their enemies.
All bad oligarchs? Does this include Kolomoisky in Ukraine? And what about the others that have fled Russia to Israel, London, and the US? Those must be good oligarchs who don’t have ties to Putin.
We should more listen to this men.
So agree. Stupid news seems to spew way more emotional irrelevance to sell more stories and support liberal agenda that helps hide his valuable message
He is a fraud. It’s all speculative
Bill Browder is an expert on the Russian Governments motivations and psychology. His assessments and advice should be given a great deal of weight from all western governments who are trying to end this war. President Macron must read his book “Red Notice” before even thinking about talking to Putin. The Russian “government” is a criminal organisation that operates outside all of the universally accepted human rights and ethical values upon which the free world is founded. Putin is a highly effective and manipulative psychopath. Putin is not logical, he cannot be reasoned with. The only way to control him is to put him in a cage . take away his power which means taking away his money and dismantle the whole criminal organisation which he has built and which protects him so they can kill and steal with impunity.
Is Putin still buying weapons from other countries
This is the money launderer that knows about stealing money. What a jerk. Azov spokesman. Bleccchhh.
Bill Browder is my hero
I enjoyed Browders book. Putin and his cronies stole $230 million from the Russian Treasury. It’s been proven through bank statements and wire transfers.
Browder is a pathological liar. Magnitsky was never a lawyer, he was Browder’s tax accountant since 1998. Hermitage was investigated for tax evasion after Magnitsky helped set up a tax scheme in Kalmirka, where Browder only paid 5% tax for ‘employing’ illiterate Afghan veterans as stock brokers, in order to qualify for the tax break. After Browder was kicked out of Russia in late 2005, the investigation continued with a raid of Hermitage offices in 2007, followed by Magnitsky being called in for questioning in June 2008, and again in October 2008, when both he and Browder (in abstentia) were charged with tax evasion.
In a separate scam, Browder had bankrupted his shell companies in 2006, and took all the loot back to London. The story broke on 3 April 2008 in Komersant, the scam was reported by the trustee of the company Rimma Starova. Browder let Magnitsky rot in pre-trial detention refusing to pay fines of up $40m from court rulings going back to 2002. Magnitsky died of pancreatitis a year later.
Browder made up a complete fabrication where Magnitsky was a lawyer he hired in 2007, who “investigated” the shell company scam and a subsequent fake tax refund of according to Browder, $230m. The invented story had Magnitsky accusing the officers who raided the offices in 2007. Furthermore Browder’ ludicrous story says that somehow the officers “murdered” Magnitsky on the orders of Vladimir Putin himself.
Authorities believe it was Browder who sold the companies, and who made off with the $230m safely hidden in a Guernsey tax haven managed by HSBC. Years later, HSBC settled a case brought by Russian authorities for “bankrupting” the companies.
Agreed with all you’ve written , Browder is the conman of the century.
Browder is only scared that he will end up in a Russian prison for nine years for massive fraud.
Every time he’s in a war for a short time Putin gets more popular so it’s all about ratings and has nothing to do with NATO and everything to do with Putin’s ego
Browder is Russophobic globalist trash, a war monger and a white collar criminal…
Stop war in Ukraine !!! ⚠
Never trust an elite subhuman.
What rubbish from this Bill Browder ! After all he was the one that plundered Russia under Yeltsin till Putin kicked him out
This guy is full of shit, he is selling central bank digital currency, and excusing American corruption for starting the war.
BILL browder is a liar
I suggest you do your research before you listen to this guy
Bill your lies are shocking your narrative has been debunked. You raise your head out of desperation.
Let’s call it out looting
👍 👍 👍 😊 🫂 🙏 😊 🫂