Argentina is tackling a severe economic crisis.
Government figures show more than 18 million people are unable to cover their basic food needs.
Rising inflation and a sluggish economy have left more people homeless.
Al Jazeera’s Katia Lopez Hoda-Yan reports.
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#News #Argentina #Economy #EconomicCrisis #Crisis #Government #Needs
Cuántas copas tenés?
Argentinians and work are enemies, they don’t get along.
Times are hard everywhere, you can thank out of control government spending and money printing during Covid for this.
100%? Really?. In NZ it’s 5.25% and that’s high considering the average salary 😢
Argentina, Libya, Zimbabwe and a few other countries are an example of how runaway inflation is worst then an economic recession with a 5% unemployment rate. However, the FED wants to continue to inflate the bubble economy. The US needs to avoid this at ALL costs and a steward FED would behoove itself to increase the interest rate to the real rate of inflation which is already above double digits.
Recession/contraction are part of a healthy business-economic cycle. It allows money to go into goods and services that is really necessary and at the end benefits “we the people ” as a whole. A recession leads to consolidation and adoption of the most efficient goods and services to advance/evolve. Pumping a multi- bubbles misallocates money away from real growth and that does no good to the overall economy.
Raising salary will not fix the situation, it will worsen it
The problem is not about low salary but the debt
Sounds like the US.
Government corruption specially from Cristina and her husband
Oh yes, a sad reality
I’m argentinian and i’m so poor that i don’t have to eat the three meals per day every day…only when food is accesible, otherwise, i kept hungry
Really? You can’t eat three meals?
But they celebrate world cup like what??
When you have socialism, this is what occurs.
Where is your Messi now
World Economic Forum have their entire government in their pocket. Claus Schwab even stated Almost all the political elite there are WEF “young global leaders” that are part of there programs.
Coming to a country near you…very soon! It’s the Global New World Order unfolding.
The politicians can’t control the people until they break them.
Starvation, confusion, crime, language, lying, guilting, blaming and shaming. You name it they’ve been doing it since WW2.
They spread enough Nazis around the world in order to reach this plateau of Global Mass Control.
Hitler was installed by the west to kick things off in WW2.
Everything you think you know, is a lie.
This will be the world post AGI if there isn’t UBI
How can she afford to fly to France? where will she stay there?
In the US the police hound you if you are sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. If the homeless in the US stayed in an airport they would be arrested by the fascist police
Hi Argentina
There is one Guru Shree Shree_ _ _ ,__ he looted and made lots of money from your country and from your people almost 80% GDP of your country he made from you people and now see how much he is giving back !!!!!!
A pero si llenan los estadios en los mundiales de su seleccion ahora k le pidan a messi la copa y le muerdan un pedazo pa calmar la tripa
I feel bad to Argentina and I hope your country will be good greetings from Australia 🇦🇺
World better take note this is going to be GLOBAL especially with the elitetist running the UN .
Blessings to the Argentinas struggling, but how come Leo Messi and the other cocky soccer players don’t help their people?
i think this is karma, argentinians have been always prepotents and love to look down upon people from the same region with an air of superiority
All by design
Mmm… How exactly a ho.eless perdón fonds a job in France (in full crisis right now) and pays the airfare!? Come on, Al-Jazeera!!
That’s the population of a certain country. How does the president sleep
Kinda happens when you won’t accept dollar 😂 the government is messing up bad .
Argentina is the father of populism, giving out welfare with no restraint, starting from Peron era shortly after WWII. It is the only country in the world that is rescued by IMF at least 6 times and each time the borrowed amount balloons dramatically. Don’t know which country comes second, but I guess it is Pakistan.
O amor socialista vencendo vem
Yep the idiots there went leftist now they re screwed just like Brazilians will get screwed too.
Flying to France , is it the answer? Crisis in France as well.😂😂😂😂
God save Argentina from Cristina Fernández, She and her party is the reason of the poverty and devastation of that beautiful country !
Odd I thought Argentina was more on the socialist side.
Being a world cup champion doesnt make your tummy full, so.. still think football is an important thing?
Argentina has the corrupted politicians in the region (according to BID reports). The mere though they can have a central bank without having this consequences is magical.
Long live the free market
Pero les encanta votar por los zurdos corruptos y comunistas 😊 pero tranquilos zurditos que a Cristina todavía le alcanza su dinero 😂
Such a beatiful country, full of resourses,I think they got usted to live like that,.so sad😢😢however I don’t feel sorry for their situation, they care aboutr soccer, not the economic situation of their country😮😮😮
I’m out of Argentina since 1995. I don’t think I’ll ever even visit again
Where is the 🐐?
Messi should help them
Very unusual to see a story about poverty that doesn’t involve lots of people with hoards of children. A lot of these people are simply the victims of unbelievable inflation. I feel far more sorry for large groups of people that are not poor via dumb decisions like having children when u don’t have money to feed, shelter, and cloth them. Most every video you see of countries suffering severe poverty, you see hoards of children running around, all with little hope of not repeating the selfish stupidity of their parents that almost assures they too will always be poor.
It may be hard to believe now but Argentina was once the sixth-largest economy in the world and the second-largest in the Americas after the United States. There used to be an expression, “As rich as an Argentine”, which was used to describe someone who was fabulously wealthy. Today, Argentina is a beggar sitting on a bench of gold.
Time to send u.s.a. millions of dollars 💸 💵 🎉
My heart aches for everyone that was forced into this dimension without their consent/permission only to be trapped in a world where we have to conform to society, a world filled with toxic people, a world filled with unfairness, a world filled with uncertainty.
Right. Force a child into an existence of exploitation, suffering, misery, disease, poisoned air/food/water, unfairness and death whether the child likes it or not. The child has zero say in the matter. It is all about ME, ME, ME, all about what I ‘WANT’.
this is coming to Amerika The greedy globalists Elites created this problem worldwide They want to own everything and share nothing and replace humans with AI
where is god messi and hes money?
This is why I never believed in money and why I hate it because it leads to this, sad and depressing
Did Argentina exile its negroes?
Yet still they wasted billions trying to invade the Falklands. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
This is very sad .. the government is responsible for this
Thank the World Economic Forum
Oh my goodness, Biden and democrats messed up Argentina too – Fox News.
It’s happening all over the world but alot worse in some countries, its really wrong when you see the disgusting wealth of alot .Where did we go wrong
No wonder Buddha said a man’s desire the root cause of all problems. In this case and as in Africa, corrupt politicians.
Self centeredness will be the downfall of the human species.
almost all of economic crisis around globe especially involving imf are more political and less economical.
Thanks to. USA for exportingBinflation to the whole world.
Aljazeera is a terrorist media
Homelessness is becoming a worldwide issue that needed to be addressed the price of rent and home is unbearable The UN should call a meeting to discuss this matter
Only those countries will gain prosperity where most people doing there duties like choose right candidate for there country otherwise this situation will all country today or tomorrow. It will happen
Where is Pessi?
And u ahve messi going round with millions in his bank and don’t feed the people who need it. Shameful
Its ok they won the World Cup
When wicked rulers rule, then look for the Hour (Judgement Day)
Prophet Mohammad said, “When trust is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Abu Huraira said, “How is the trust lost, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 6131
Argentina past coming back to haunt them
Isn’t it funny how every country had their ways of life destroyed by China, yet their leaders still bow to the ccp?
at least they won World Cup
Argentina has a lot of land and resource. If the situation is really so worse, Argentina May consider selling some land to other rich countries. It used to be common practice: Russia sell Alaska to US. France sell its colony in North America to US. Too many examples.
If you have a lot of properties and you are cash poor, it is wise to sell one or two properties to get cash.
mesii should help
I was there. I was shocked to see this. I am a traveler and I have never seen something like this.
Socialism at its finest 👍🏻
First Ukraine, Then Lebanon, France, and now Argentine. I think the world is kinda ending.
Y’all pack your Bible. We are signing out of this world…
Now lick that world cup.
Unfortunately, those who did not vote for the communist Fernández are suffering the consequences just like us Brazilians who are going to start paying a high price for also having the communist Lula in the presidency. Brazil and Argentina are doomed.
China and Russia will fix this!
This is nothing new , its been a basket case since 2001 , no change , why is anyone surprised by any of this , its been going on for 22yrs , borrow money you cannot payback , and get shocked no one will lend to you .
Jealous people worldwide call for foreign countries to elect “democraric socialists” then this happens and they all say “oh dear god i hope they can survive that situation”
you’re right, Yolanda.
Welcome green soylent.
En Cuba la población casi en su totalidad está en una situación económica muy crítica. No hay alimentos, medicamentos y bienes básicos. Creo que es un mal generalizado a nivel de planeta.
How is this possible. What a misery. The government fails to establish social services. Global inflation starts here..
Let’s keep giving tax breaks to the wealthy, eventually it’ll trickle down to us pee-ons.
I’m pretty sure theres plenty of money at the top!
Off with there heads!!!!!
At least they won the cup
Brasil pode acabar igual Argentina e Venezuela tudo por culpa do pessoal do amor.
Happening world wide in varying degrees. So sad
So sad….even worse that this will be world wide soon…the greed of some will hurt the many ….this isn’t right… really isn’t 💯🙏😥
The IMF LOANS ARE PREDATORY, the poverty is engineered by both USA State Dept and Western European Capitalist upper class😂😂😂😂😂
It’s happening across the world because of corrupt governments,WEF hacks, and greedy politicians. All working together to make the one world government so the anti christ can rise to power and take over making everyone’s misery even worse. No politician or world leader can change this, only God can. Pray for everyone,
same legendary argentina wow
who knew, socialism is not working
Argentina, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Cuba … humanity is sick to the core
Unfortunately culturally that country had embraced fascism and Nazis. And because of their policies now the economy is in turmoil. I feel bad for the people of Argentina. Maybe the government and military will try to distract and try to attack the Falkland Islands again. Clean up your economy and stop the authoritarians.
Yea but they won the world cup they’ll be alright
What a shame !