Cuba’s government wants to revive the tourism sector with glossy new hotels.
But families in the capital are living in ageing, dilapidated buildings.
Inflation, the US blockade and mismanagement of the economy mean many people are forced to choose between having food on the table or a roof over their heads.
Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo reports from Havana, Cuba.
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Insane 😮😢😮😢😮😢
Yeah somewhere they forgot plausible deniability is negligence
Praying for them!
Let the world know about this horrible living situations while politics live a lavish life. Bastards!
The sanctions are cruel and barbaric, just like the men that enacted and maintain them.
216 the president’s they couldn’t do anything they were just obstruction-of-justice tools but I think that isn’t exactly accurate so that’s why I was giving the new instructions to everyone because it was stuck on God everything else was the racketeering apparition and then you were on the good or evil problems instead of actual functionality which it kind of works out the same and you don’t understand where they lost common sense in which jurisdiction
My people 😢, I pray for my people Viva Cuba 🇨🇺
No it’s the petty embargo
Yeah, the embargo placed on the Cuban people by the Castros & there’s nothing petty about it.
Keep reminding them that it takes all of us and flutter their special gifts that they can contribute
currency manipulation in perfection cuba need to join a different economy system
Perhaps BRICS
With the 70+ years old regime it will never improve. The old regime need to go before people can live in peace.
@fidel catsro Cuba struggles, because they receive no money and free resources from the USSR. There are enough countries and businesses who arent affected by the embargo, but unfortunately they dont sell anything under market price, so the communist elite has to choose between their golden steaks or a acceptable life for the working class, but yeah golden steaks seem to be very seductive.
@Der unfassbare Bielecki Remind me how the Capitalist “Elites” act diferently…
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani Without free media in Cuba everything could be a lie. It could be like elections in communist or fascist countries, if someone dares to say something different than the regime wants them to, they will disappear pretty fast and their family becomes a target too.
Cuba is one of a few extant Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist states, in which the role of the vanguard Communist Party is enshrined in the Constitution. Cuba has an authoritarian regime where political opposition is not permitted.
I wonder if that has anything to do with their progress
@Der unfassbare Bielecki Nonsensical pap, sir. The Embargo keeps Cuba poor.
What progresos?
@Dougie Sherwin prove it.
@Der unfassbare Bielecki I don’t need to prove it. It’s been shown to be true in numerous studies by the World Bank, etc. etc. Your ignorance matches your bad attitude.
@Dougie Sherwin Which studies? Cuba is a worthless isle, the only thing that can improve the peoples life there, is if the communist elites start to live amongst the people and not in their big villas with champagne. The Soviet union financed everything in Cuba and when it has fallen apart Cuba had to pay for everything and this pretty much tanked its economy to the ground.
The Amricans not invading Cuba after the collapse of the USSR is perfect proof, that this country isnt worth it.
Do you know that Cubas biggest source of foreign currency are political refugees in the US, who send their relatives money. If the US would really impose such extreme sanctions this shouldnt be possible, but it is.
North Korea is after RuSSia the most sanctioned country on earth and they are the best country in the world if you trust their media or TikTok communists.
💔 الله مصلي وسلم على سيدنا ونبينا وشفيعنا محمد صلو عليه نحن اليمتيمات ليس لنا احد الاالله ثم رحمتكم يااهل القلوب الرحيمه والايادي الكريمه احنا بناتكم وعرضكم وشرفكم لمن ايفعل خير رقمي⁰⁰⁹⁶⁷⁷¹¹⁷⁶⁴¹⁵¹اقسم بمن بسط الارض ومهدورفع السماءبلاعمد اننا لانمتلك قوت يومنا وفوق هذا كله صاحب البيت مر علينا الصباح وماسلمنا منه ان يضربنا وحلف يمين قاطع ان جا بالليل اوبكره ولم ندفع اجار ه بالكامل ان يطردنا من البيت ونحن بنات واطفال وتعلمون الدنيا خوف استحلفتكم بلله العلي العضيم ان تساعدني ان تنقذونا الان وفي هذي اللحظه بقدر الاستطاعه احنا امانه في اعناقكم لاتتركونا اسال الله يعطيكم الخير والبركه والسعاده ويدخل عليكم شهر رمضان بالصحه والعافيه والخير والبركه،ا.
All we have is our savior now. Prayers to us.
And our hands to FIGHT
Keep your sky daddy to yourself
هنيئا لمن لديه سحور😭
من فطر صائم كان له مثل اجره تصدق علينا بااللي يكتبها الله يا اخي اني اختك احنا والله العظيم ايتام جاوعين بدون اكل وصاحب البيت يشتي ايجار البيت ولا بيخرجنا من البيت ارحمنا لوجه الله تصدق علينا حتى بحق نص كيس دقيق وقطمه رز ومكرونه ارحمنا وامسح دمعتنا ربي يرحمك ويرحم والديك ويبلغك رمضان ويتقبل صيامك وقيامك وصالح عملك ويجعل الخير والقبول معك ويعزك ويكرمك ويعلي مراتبك ويكثر خيرك ولا يحيجك لأي بشر انت واولادك يارب الله يبارك فيك وفي اولادك ورزقك وعملك ويبني لك قصر في الجنه بكل ريال تفرحنا وتساعدنا به ويكتب اجرك ويعوضك كل خير ويجعلها في ميزان حسناتك يارب تلفون ⁰⁰⁹⁶⁷⁷¹²⁸⁵⁰¹⁹⁰واتساب اسال الله يعطيكم الخير؟؟؟
اين الرحمه اين الغيره اين الاخوه
جاء رمضان الكل يستقبلونه بلفرحه وسرور ولبهجه وساعده ويتجهزون له بلمصاريف والادوات الجديده وكل متطلباته ويقومون بتلميع بيوتهم وتجديد اثاثهم وغير ذالك.. وكل مايريدونه ونحن ايتام نستقبل رمضان بلقهر والالم والحزن ولعبارات والدموع التي لاتفارقنا يوم حين نتذكر الاعوام والسنين التي مضت يوم كنامعانامن يصرف عليناموجود معاناقبل وفاتهم وقبل عن يفارقوويرحلوا بعيدآعناكان يقدموالناكل مانحتاجه من ما كل وملبس وفي قدوم رمضان كان يشتروالنامن كل متطلبات رمضان واشهى والذ المأكولات ولحلويات المشروبات لكي نفرح ونمرح برمضان شهر الرحمه ونكون سعداء مثل البقيه 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭وليوم بعد وفاتهم هاهو رمضان اقبل ونحن الايتام ليس لدينامصاريف لا ادوات جديده لافراش لااثاث لااكل لانملك قوت يومنا ولا نمتلك حتا بيت جالسين في هاذي الخيمه لا نجد من يساعدنا حتا نستاجر بيت ونستتر فيه مثل بقية الاسر خرجنا صاحب البيت خرجنا من البيت بسبب الاجار الحين في خيمه في الشارع منذو شهور ولا احد رحمنا 😭 هل يرضيك أنكم تفرحون وتمرحون بقدوم رمضان ونحن هنانبكي ونتألم من قسوة العيشه ومن الضروف التي نمر بها😢😢😢 ارحمو من في الارض يرحمكم من في السماء اسألكم بالله يا اهل الخير الي عنده القدره على مساعدتنا لايتأخر علينا للحظه الله يحفضك ويجزيك خير أسعدناوفرحناوفرج همنا الله يفرحك ويسعدك الدنيا قبل الاخرة ويفرج عنك كربه من كرب يوم القيامه اني بنت يمنيه نازحين من الحديده واسرتي بيتنا ايجار الشهرب 18 الف يمني والان علينا 54 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه خرجنا من البيت سبب الاجار الحين في خيمه ف الشارع معن اختي تعاني من تظيق في الصمامات وتحتاج الا عمليه قسطره بمبلغ 1500 دولار وحنا كما يعلم الله العلي القدير اننا لانمتلك قوت يومنا واحنا.مشردين من بلادنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولانجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اناوامي واختي والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنا أحد في هذا الدنيا يقف جاانبنا في هذه الظروف القاسيه ومامعي اخوان كباره يقفوا معنا في هذا الظروف ولكن انا بنت لا استطيع ان اشتغل اقسم بلله ان امي خرجن تدور لنا خبز من عند الجيران اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع والله ما نجد لقمت عيش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا ولوبحق كيلوا دقیق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله يامن تحب الخير واتساعدني بلذي تقدر عليها ان تراسلني واتساب 967712850190+. وإذا بدك اتصل فديوه وتاكد بنفسك وساعدني وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيا اخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جاوعين في خيمه في الشارع تعمل المستحيل من اجل يعيشو ويستترو في بيت ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي أب مثلك واختي سغيره شوف كيف حالتها وساعدنا وأنقذنا قبل ان تموت اختي أو نموت من الجوع أنا اقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلى من ضيق ومن قسوت ألضروف والحال الذي احنافيه وانا واسرتي نسالك بالله يامن لك مقدره على مساعدتنا ان لاتتاخروجزاك الله خير الجزا..؟؟؟؟؟
Socialism at its best 😂.
Embargos at it’s best
@Subscription Chanel – Idiocy & propaganda at its best.
By the way how is your Homeless and Healthcare? Still no Free Healthcare? Still having huge homeless crisis? Wait i though USA was Rich…
Can only blame US and Israel at this point for always voting against, to lift the embargo.
If its not the fault of the Embargo why they keep it?
USA is smart. They target with direct and covert ways to destroy or subvert any Communist/Socialist contry, when they get weak, they make a Coup. After that they sell off Any/All national assets for Private American Companies and leave the contry to their corporations.
@danielkjm the average American could care less. It is cuban venezuelan and nicaraguan americans who are a voting block that wants this policy to stay in place. The USA doesnt have to destroy its latin american enemies…they destroy themselves
Us embargo only prevents trading with US businesses i think. Cuba is free to trade with other countries
A multipolar world will naturally solve it and free the people from demonic US.
Perfect timing ⏱
For the Greatest Earthquake this world will ever see
No coincidence these buildings are showing their age right now
Nothing you can do either
God said every mountain will fall so will your buildings
If God will throw down mountains he made anything you made will not stand a chance
It’s no coincidence either that in Revelations
People will be praying for the mountains to fall on them to protect them
Maybe because every home and building will already be gone
Your in the last days of your life
All of you
7 years of suffering has begun
Behold the day of Yahweh comes cruel with wrath and fierce anger to make the land a desolation and to destroy its sinners in it
The anger of the Lord is upon all nations
no mention of embargo
There is no embargo that’s a lie
The embargo is hoax, the Cuban government buys millions of dollars in food from the USA every year, they also trade freely with every other country on earth.
Do you mean the embargo the Castros have placed against the Cuban people for 64 years & counting?
They literally mention the embargo at 0:37. Maybe you should actually watch the video before you comment.
US sanctions are weapons of mass destruction. Why US is so afraid of the little Cuba?
When Communism extracts all it can, the elites will eventually swoop in and grab it all up.
Cuba is the poorest country I have visited.
In 1959, Cuba was the most advanced country in Latin America, today, today, even Haiti is better off. The very few Cubans who can afford it, travel to Haiti to buy clothes, shoes, meds, etc. What does that tell you about the situation?
Mostly all countries have poor places not just Cuba even here in the US wake up folks
Change your lifestyles
Agreed. Not when the US is one of Cuba’s top three trading partners.
US and Israel always downvote on Cuba!
@fidel catsro cuba allways downvotes the usa
Communism at work
Yeah, disaster communism for the bottom & capitalism for the top; the reverse of the US.
American tyranny in force
Red Scare Propaganda At Work.
No not really.
its what our leaders want for us but we have yet to get there and we can resist and fight them along the. way my friend
Cuba and it’s terrorists population deserves the embargo and the sanctions.
High security..
yes! Canadatistan
May Allah grant Cuba relief from there suffering bijahi nabi mostapha s, a, w from senegal
communism =poverty
Fidel Castro bet on the wrong horse during the cold war
naaah its the american tyranny causing it all
Money its the great corruptor. With enough money you can convince a men to sell off his own children.
Communism at its finest
Embargo destroyed them.. by an immoral tyrant.
If you mean the Castros are the inmoral tyrants who have destroyed the Country & the Cuban people, I wholeheartly agree.
yes immoral tyrant leadership of US
“People believed in an economic system that has failed” That pretty much summed it up, communism doesn’t work, for 63 years the government has been lying to the people, and now no one believes their lies anymore.
🤷🏽♀️ Any takers willing to help❓️🤷🏻♀️
👋🏻China, 👋🏻Russian Federation, 👋🏼India,
👋🏻Brazil & 👋🏼 So. Africa 🤲🏻 …
🦉New members coming in 2023 👍🏽😘
So sad ….you have next to you, USA…. and you could be paradise, but you choose communism.
I’m sure the Chinese will help Cuba to rise again!!!!
Poverty all worldwide…govt pls eradicate asap
And… how do the “Authorities'” houses look like?
Don’t worry about them, they have the best of everything.
Glory be to Allah and praise be to Him. I seek protection of Allah and I beseech Him to give me His bounties generously.🤲🤲🤲
Capitalist propaganda
Right. Why don’t you move to Cuba the?
Also known as objective reality 😆
American Boycott is to Blame !
LOL @ that broken record. Funny how that “boycott” only affects the people & not the leaders who want for nothing, live on the lap of luxury in mansions with yatches, etc & have amassed unfathomable fortunes while the people lack the most bare necessities of life. Only morons believe that old lie.
yep but you notice how they left that out of their ‘reporting’?
America 🇺🇸…. The source of Global Misery
Algiers is the Havana of north Africa.
Communism is one of the most corrupted system in the world ! That way they love to control people do not respect the law ! The government stilling money !
Meanwhile, the Castros & their minions live in luxurious mansions, eat lobster for lunch & have businesses abroad, including in the USA.
May Allah make it easier for all Cubans ameen
@globe troller you don’t know the power of Allah, he will make them poor and then bless them with gold rain.
@globe troller No to get stronger and not to take orders from the US!
@K Man laughing my head off 🤣 😂 😆 😅
@K Man Cuba, Venezuela, and all Latin america, getting stronger? You must be living on the seventh cloud of cuckoo land. I am laughing my head off.
Well why don’t all these illegal immigrants hispanic that live here send their people money
What s joke 😅
Blame their government not the US
Soon the US communist, woops, I mean democrat party, will pay for Cuban rebuilding. Anything that is not for those that paid into social security.
ពួកអាឆ្កែឆ្កួត នេះ
កម្មវិធីសម្លេង ពួកវា នេះ វាទុកអញ្ចឹង
នៅខាងវា មានប្រយោជន៍
នៅខាង Russia ទទួលទណ្ឌកម្ម
របបផ្ដាច់ការ អញ្ចឹង នៅខាង Russia កលេងរបស់វា នៅខាង china ប្រជាជន ប្រទេស នោះត្រូវពួកវាប្រមាថ មើលងាយអញ្ចឹង វាយកឡេះ
ថាអោយខំប្រឹងរកស៊ី តែវាថោកទាប ប្រមាថខ្ញាល់ថ្ងៃហើយលួច ប្រមាថពាក្យ មិនសមរម្យថែមទៀត រាល់ថ្ងៃវាបានកម្មវិធីនេះ ឯង
ទុកបិទ ប្រជាជនប្រទេសណា ដែល ប៉ះពាល់ នយោបាយ Ukraine និង Taiwan
ហើយវានិយាយបញ្ហាទិញ app អោយលុយវារហូត អោយវាជាប់គុកសិនទៅ ហើយ សុំទោពួកអញជាសរាធារណ បានអញទិញ
ទីផ្សារលទ្០ប្រជាតេយ្យ ពួកអាឆ្កែថោកទាប ជាប់គុក ហើយសុំទោសពួកអញ វានអញទិញ កម្មវិធីក្នុង app មិនពេញចិត្តចេញ ពីរ UN ហើយក៏មិនមែនពួកហែងអ្នកបង្កើតដែរពួកអាថោកទាប វានិយាយមិនមែន សាច់ការទេ តនិយាយ សម្ដីមនុស្សឆ្កួត គ្នាប្រយោជន៍
They’ve been crumbling since the 1960s and they still haven’t repaired them.
End the blockade! Hands off Cuba!
Its not a bockade they can trade freely with most of the world. Their problem is thier government
@Belisarius Really genius?
That’s the power of sanctions and embargo pay attention when you’re government says they’re applying them
keep in mind that there are no homeless people in Cuba , everyone has a house , its not perfect but its better than living on the road , people also have access to free healthcare and free bus and train transit and gasoline is almost free , overall Havana is still ranked one of the greatest cities in the world , just like Tokyo or Moscow or Chicago or LA or Berlin
The people of Cuba are ranked one of the happiest people in the world after India and south Africa
What the US has done to Cuba 🇨🇺 is absolutely disgusting. I thought things would change after Obama visited the country but I was wrong.
Nice try…nobody believes that….its thier own communist mismangement.
The US only believes in free trade when it suits their interests. Embargos and sanctions on their rivals prove that they are hypocrites and liars.
The brutal US embargo is utterly shameful. It serves no purpose except to prop up long-failed American foreign policy mistakes and harm the people of Cuba.
@Andy Garcia Go fly a kite dude!
@Gerry Burntwood except that u arent cuban but I am and I am telling you that the ineptitude of the cuban government and the repressive nature of the economy is what made and continues to keep Cuba poor, not the US embargo.
@K Man not sure what that means. The truth stings I guess
There’s no embargo that is enforced. The only embargo is the communist party blockade against its own people
And then many Leftist Gen Z in America thinks that Cuba is a heavenly country 😜😄😂🤣
BOOOGGGSSSSHHHH DESERVEEE… i wonder why US did not do this embargo to laos and vietnam and china
We are decoupling from China…its coming
Cuba was so much better before communism.. It’s not perfect, but much better than this.. and Cuba can trade with whoever they want, just not the US
Before Communism it was a Ditatorship backed by Usa that was know for its cassinos and Whr houses… Plz do yourself a favor and look it up how they lived and how they were treated…
Cuba is not going to change until the Cubans overthrow their own authoritarian government and also the energy and power systems. The regime turns off the lights to want to waste energy and the people do not protest and the Cuban government also benefits from the US embargo. From that, the way the regime blames the entire US embargo must be lifted from the US congress and there will also be a civil war in Cuba in the future. The Cuban government throughout the world to its doctors with the salary of slaves and spies. The same happens with the spies of the United States government and also the United States and Cuba are racist against their minorities. and it also uses the state sponsoring the terrorism of Cuba # for the own benefit of the Cuban exiles in Miami The governments of Cuba and the United States also benefit from the Republicans and Democrats they don’t care about Cuba # they know they care about commercial interests in Cuba doesn’t care about the people on both sides, and the problem is that the US embargo must be an uprising to make it a little better. And Cuba also has a debt crisis with countries of the world. And also Cuba has a bad medical shortage and lack of infrastructure that is crumbling due to corruption in Cuba.
when they go to the mainland, I wonder how many go to Florida. And of the people who go to Florida, I wonder how many of their family members vote Republican/Voted for Trump. How ironic, no?
Such magnificent buildings of an earlier prosperous era! Sad to see all these people trying to survive under such dangerous conditions.
keep in mind that there are no homeless people in Cuba , everyone has a house , its not perfect but its better than living on the road , people also have access to free healthcare and free bus and train transit and gasoline is almost free , overall Havana is still ranked one of the greatest cities in the world , just like Tokyo or Moscow or Chicago or LA or Berlin
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani oh wow free transportation too. Thanks for the updates!
Dangerous condition forced upon Cuba by that murderous nation the USA!
Completamente falso. It’s all a disaster inept horrific regime
@Lily Oquendo so you think the rich capitalist countries don’t have abject poverty, homelessness and in the case of the sanction forcing USA, they don’t even have the great health outcomes like Cuba! In the USA you have to sell your home to get medical treatment, people suffer, need two jobs to put food on the table, and here you are attacking Cuba yet it’s the USA who has tried to kill the late Castro over 600 times and destabilise Cuba! Like they did to other countries who do not kowtow with USA narrative!
I’m sure the tourists wanted to see the historic buildings of Old Havana. They should have put a priority on restoring those neibourhoods.
Sad situation 😢
And where should the tourists stay while in Cuba? lol
@Supernova they would stay in the modern hotels. Tourists like to see historical buildings and culture but they don’t have to stay there.
Actually the Cuban government did put a priority on restoring Vieja Habana. You should study a little before exposing yourself as clueless.
@Dougie Sherwin I was responding to what I saw in the video. But I hope trying to insult someone on the Internet has made your miserable little life better.
@Aspiring Your ignorance is astounding. Congrats.
Are the residents permitted to renovate the property where they live? In E. Germany, no one was allowed to renovate lest they be considered a Bourgeoisie radical.
No, they are not allowed to do so, unfortunately.
@Barca Boy If the residents can’t leagalky repair their homes they’re bound to continue collapsing. Government…, heck, NO committee can foresee everything that will need repair. That’s why predictive maintenance is is multibillion dollar business.
@Barca Boy Bullshit, you pathetic liar.
The problem is all of this because US embargo..if the embargo would lift everything will OK…But USA a cruel supporter of Cronea Capitalism will not do this..
Man you spent 7,8 years in one of the medical universities in Cuba (Sancti Spiritus, Cienfuegos or Villa Clara), yet you are unaware of the real problem. Yes it’s true that US embargo is one of the reasons but the major factor is the stubbornness of the successors of Fidel Castro.
Isn’t it hilarious to watch them renovate the government buildings and hotels but don’t provide any assistance to the grief-stricken public. People are struggling to get the basic necessities of life. U know why do they do so? Because they want the public to suffer to strengthen their stronghold. Kuch dimagh se bhi soch liya karo bhai.
Lol. Typical America.
Welcome to communism…..
They live for free, pay no tax whatsoever. So what can the local councillor do if there’s no money collected. Double this down with Uncle Sam embargo. So it’s a double whammy. So sad but it’s their choice of a system they long for!
Cuba has the rest of the World to trade with. S. Africa, Iran and other countries have prospered greatly by learning to produce their own products instead of importing them. Iran now makes its own car, all sorts of weapons and is exporting drones to Russia! While under embargo S. Africa likewise leapt ahead in their industrial production. Cuba actually exports valuable metals as well as sugar. With a profit motive they could establish their own industries but who wants to be labeled as bourgeoisie and imprisoned? Nobody so Cuba has gotten poorer since the Revolution.
@Jack Jones Agreed 1000%
Thanks to the vile sanctions placed upon Cuba by the biggest war mongering terrorist country the USA! It’s not economic mismanagement, it’s sanctions! Yet CUba still has a far better healthcare services than the USA!
Communism is wonderfull .
Look ANC Look well. This is what you admire!!! Certainly not how the ANC elite live😂😂😂
Blame the US. Nobody else
Best Wishes Cuba😊
Cuba has the highest doctors-to-population ratio. I think it’s a good idea to turn those new hotel buildings into medical tourism buildings and start from there. Imagine the number of Americans who are going to avail of such cheap medical treatment.
False ask any Cuban
Balcony collapse is one of the great untold stories of 21st century
How long should fools love folishness,
mockers love mockery,
and the foolish despise science?
The system didn’t really failed, it was the sanctions that the US imposed, and forced its allies to impose, that is the major cause for this calamity.
Nov 2022. 185 member states sign on to UN resolution to end the US economic embargo of Cuba. Two countries abstain, Ukraine and Brazil. Two countries vote no, Israel and the United States.
While the president looks like he lives off american fast food.
“Que no siga corriendo la sangre por querer pensar diferente, quién les dijo que Cuba es de ustedes si mi Cuba es de toda mi gente’”. Patria y vida.
60 years of isolation and grinding poverty in Cuba, and they idolize Che Guevara. ***NEWSFLASH*** Che and his best buddy Fidel caused it all, people!
Earthquakes, hurricanes and republican Yankees..
The disaster that is Cuba is all and completely due to the ineptitude of the totalitarian communist dictatorship of the Castro regime. Not due to the embargo! You are not correct. Please stop misinforming. Everything comes from the US and many other countries. The communist regime are the blockade that do not allow the Cuban to make their own money. They have total control. It is false that all of Cubas troubles are due to the US policies!!!! False it is the Regime who controls and is killing it’s people with hunger disease corruption. The regime always crying and playing the victim for 64 years.