Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University weighs in on U.S.-China tensions and says the newly-announced trade corridor linking India, the gulf region and Europe is not about countering China.
US is ‘leaning hard’ on Italy to leave the BRI, not because it is bad for Italy: Jeffrey Sachs
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China is the victim of its own success, This is not US national interest this is pure jealousy
The old Cold War tactic the US is trying to use against China doesn’t work,
Now the Chinese are dealing with the problem of the semiconductors, Next, Taiwan will be fully part of China peacefully then the US will have no excuse,
Biden build back better after 4 years, no improvement on US rail tract. This year’s US suffered many rail accidents. I really don’t know how US will built the connectivity from India through the Middle East to Europe. This proposal was in the discussion 3 years ago. This none sense plan will never be completed.
japan will retake the kurils sakhalin and vladivostok south korea will take nroth korea.
Noticeable that many American politicians of Italian descent are China haters. Like Pelosi, Guillini, Pompeo, Raimondo, Desantis, Cuomo, Amato, etc.
Fascist US regime is the biggest bully in the world
The US is desperate to stop china’s development. No amount of American lies and support for nazism will prevent that. Amazing how ignorant the American people are, as presented by the msm. We are mot that dumb. Nobody believes the msm lies. Remember 911. The biggest lie.
The professor forgot about the debt trap caused by China.
@Jet Li SL’s total debts: China and Japan are about 10% each and the rest is to western institutions. Love it when people bring up SL.
@billinsf88 I know, 😂, and they knowing it too when press the percent Sl own to china, magically they never reply 😂
@Jet Li am amazed how many uninformed/uneducated are out there…thanks to the western media and governments.
@billinsf88 it just show how effective western propganda brain wash their citizen and ally.
Prove it or you are just parroting some cheap propeganda shots..
USA should be interested in Italian Real Estate in Southern Italy.
The professor is misleading here. The project is not going to fund by Joe Bidens or the US alone.
What’s meloni got USA holds
The USA loves the EU and wants as many countries in the EU so that the USA can control all of them through one EU.
getting paid in yuan paying off?
Jeffery Sachs is a Chinese shill who sold his soul for a few pieces of silver. Chinese story is over. Its time for India to shine.
indian want to shine then start polishing. 😂😂😂 let start with shoe
Well said.
USA is acting like the school bully.
It wants to remain the world SOLE SUPERPOWER and it will not tolerate the rise of China.
It is sad for the world to be tossed into a conflict which may turn nuclear.
Peace is better.
USA can just leave China alone to rise peacefully.
USA companies are so competitive that it will remain the dominant force in the world anyway.
Instead , USA is forcing China to reinvent the wheel and may unleash fresh innovations .
Hmm I don’t think this gentleman is accurate. Italy has stated more than once that all the BRI did was increase imports from China but not much the other way.. this simply was a cost with none of the promised benefits.
This is verifiable in their trading data. Not just something that’s made up
@Vale Tudo If a country DOES NOT want the goods, China CAN NOT force that country to buy/import the goods. What you said about “dumping ground” is also “absolute nonsense”!
@Chew Exactly why Italy wants out. They aren’t getting the benefits that they were told they would get, so its time to choose to leave
Of course they have to say some sort of explanation on why they were quitting, they can’t say very well that they were quitting the BRI because their master ordered them to.
@Rap Oh yes, the common excuse that the US is the reason everybody is being mean to China. How about accepting some responsibility and stop constantly pointing the finger at others
@Vale Tudo It is the US that goes around the world exhorting thecountries to watch out for China. When Chinese leaders go to other countries, the US doesn’t come into the conversation.
As I have said, you are brainwashed by the MSM, why don’t you try listening/reading alternative and independent media? Are you afraid you’ll learn that you were made fool of by the MSM?
US – Tonya Harding of the World
Thank u professor Jef . USA the biggest bully & a Warmonger. 😈
US goes around the world establishing military alliances for mutual destruction. China goes around the world establishing economic alliances for mutual prosperity. US destructs, China constructs! US bombs, China builds!
It is indifferent under the circumstances… Everybody will do… What it takes…
What benefit do italia gain leaving China BRI from their master US
This guy always talks such sense, i wish America had a few more like him in senior diplomatic postions, we would be living in a much more safe and prosperous world if that was so. Right now US is pushing the world to a dangerous flashpoint, they are becoming very unpopular here in Europe but our leaders are completely subservient to them. That is also starting to make people very angry and i worry about what kind of extremist groups will gain power with all the anger and chaos here in Europe. Its dangerous
We hate him.
Revenge means you already lost
MSM here in uk have ramped up its Anti China rhetoric exponentially in recent weeks,
China is collapsing.
In truth the west is collapsing
Jeffrey Sach only one of the few that speaks the truth.
Biden is manufacturing consent for a war with China. Only way to make the people forget about America’s troubles.
The alternative is BRICS plus. The vassals of US will realise their folly in some time, hopefully
finally someone speaks the truth on American TV.
usa is willing to sacrifice italy ewven the whole europe for american national interest.
japan is already groomed. but it seem that they are grooming taiwan and philipine to be the next Ukraine for their next proxy war.
Breaking news 2 days back, a guy of 20 years was stabbed to death by 8 minors in Delhi, maximum punishment for these boys can be up to 3 to 5 years at juveniles detention centre, no harsh punishment will be given, since they’re minority, under age of 18 years.
With this law’s minors are commenting more crime
The only thing saving us from war are the small amount of pro-peace, anti-primacists that are always lambasted for not being anti-China/Russia. The US wanting to be #1 on all fronts creates aggression and reaction.
Germany has already collapsed, Italy is next!
Wow ..but also weird that his allow to speak in such a manner on a channel that usually blocks the truth.
The people of the US are just fine, but their US politicians are poison, especially the Biden administration. This will be a dark period in US History. Let’s hope it will be over soon.
Jersey Sach the best
Simple fix! Take US ‘book of foreign policy’, and start over new.
Cnbc bias against china
It is shocking that a biased anti China channel like CNBC has Professor Jeffrey Sach on to speak about China.The Professor is well known as very knowledgeable about China and speaks his mind without fear or favour.He did not mince his words to tell the truth that Italy was arm twisted by the US to leave the BRI.Countries all over the world are pressured to stop doing business with China at tremendous cost.The US should compete fairly with China instead of being such a bad loser.
US promised 600 billions last year and not even a single project and a single dollar.. it just said it will help with a train project in middle east.. a rail project? Lol give me a break.
Usa will kill itself. Sick of USA agressive policy all over the world.
The man who speaks the truth might get killed
China’s economy is in crisis…. “Looking at the US debt” 😂
Our debt is american-owned 🤣
Wszyscy ludzie uśmiechają się w tym samym języku :)). A wizja jest jedna :). Jak przywódcy ją realizują to ich słodka tajemnica :)).
Papież Franciszek przywrócił godność Afryce a z nim BRICS mówi jednym głosem PARTYCYPACJA I PRAWDZIWE PARTNERSTWO. Jeśli coś od nas nie zależy to straty możemy zminimalizować przez pomoc poszkodowanym. Jeśli coś od nas zależy to wprowadzamy PODEJŚCIE PROCESOWE czyli zarządzanie przez jakość. Zasady chrześcijaństwa, mądrość wschodu I JAPOŃSKA STRATEGIA DOSKONAŁOŚCI to zasady wyryte w sercu a nie na papierze.
Na szacunek trzeba sobie zasłużyć : ). Prezydent USA jest na dobrej drodze. To coś więcej niż tylko wizyta prezydenta USA w Wietnamie. To pokazanie, że odżegnujemy się od rewolucji a zmierzamy do ewolucji. Czyli pojednania wszystkich. Piękny dzień na taki gest :)). To rocznica zamachu na World Trade Center :). Czyli zamach prowadził do rewolucji.
Teraz działania przywódców wskazują na potrzebę ewolucji :). Czas NATO czyli niesienia rewolucji mija. Czas na BRICS. Bo to połączenie zasad prawdziwego chrześcijaństwa z mądrością chińską pod hasłem BRATERSTWO W WOLNOŚCI I RÓWNOŚCI czyli BĄDŹMY WIELCY RAZEM. Nowe państwa w BRICS w rocznicę odzyskania POZORNEJ niepodległości przez Ukrainę to też ewolucja. W myśleniu :). Chyle czoła. Chrześcijaństwo wraca do korzeni.
Daty związane z rewolucjami przerabiamy na daty związane z ewolucjami. Bo o to chodzi w chrześcijaństwie. Stąd Persja jako kamień odrzucony przez budujących stała się kamieniem węgielnym. A Persja I Egipt nareszcie razem w…BRICS. Do tego państwa muzułmańskie :). Genialne. Bo to chrześcijaństwo ukazuje obrazek NIEWIASTA OBLECZONA W SŁOŃCE I KSIĘŻYC W JEJ RAMIONACH. Przywódca w chrześcijaństwie ma być jak słońce. A KSIĘŻYC to znak islamu. To jej utracone dziecko dzięki wypaczeniu obrazu Boga a odzyskane dzięki papieżowi Franciszkowi. Bo Bóg jest ojcem wszystkich ludzi wierzących. Gdy będzie TYLKO prawdziwe chrześcijaństwo to zatriumfuje NIEPOKALANE SERCE MARYI zgodnie z PRZEPOWIEDNIA FATIMSKA.
Dlatego ani faryzeusze ani uczeni w piśmie nie będą drwić z Boga. Co w piśmie świętym jest do badania? Grzech pychy przywódców religijnych miał zniknąć. Tymczasem problem jest o wiele bardziej poważny. To wrażliwość sztucznej inteligencji I takiż rozumek :). Dlatego mowa o tym, że Boga można oszukać. Gdyby Bóg mylił przyczyny ze skutkami a do tego wykorzystywałby metodę kija I marchewki to marny byłby to Bóg. Z pewnością nie wszechmocny I nie wszechwiedzący. Dlatego nie tłumaczy się słów Boga i Jego znaków wychodząc od nienawiści. Wtedy wchodzi się w błędne koło I wszystko pasuje jako…kara za grzechy.
Pomiędzy ludźmi jest mała różnica, a ona powoduje dużą różnicę. Tą małą różnicą jest nastawienie. A dużą to czy jest pozytywne czy negatywne. Rozpatrując działanie innych w kontekście miłości bliźniego i rozpatrując słowa Jezusa w kontekście miłości bliźniego nie daje się broni do ręki faryzeuszom i uczonym w piśmie. Bo oni walczą tylko o władzę dla siebie. Metody przedstawiania Boga jako kata są TYLKO dla prymitywnych ludzi prymitywnych w swoich potrzebach. Ale ten etap to chyba wszyscy mają już za sobą. Może oprócz psychopatów i sadystow. Takich się izoluje bez pardonu. Reszta ma rozumieć że miłość Boga I bliźniego dotyczy odpowiedzialności za przyszłe pokolenia. Aby przewodzić ludziom to trzeba iść za nimi. Nie ma chowania się za procedurami czy jeszcze bezpieczniej za programem komputerowym. Bo za procedurami chowają się psychopaci.
Zasady chrześcijaństwa są wyryte w sercu. To dotyczy wszystkich religii gdzie mowa o Jezusie I Maryi. Bo w centrum tej religii stoi dziecko i matka. To oni mają być otoczeni miłością I troską. Wszystkie dzieci zasługują na szczęśliwe I bezpieczne rodziny. Dzieci, które już są na świecie. Bo jeśli ktoś nie rozumie czym jest miłość to nie powinien mieć dzieci. Ale grzechy popełnia się już myślą. W jakim celu myśli ubierać w słowa aby drwić z Boga? Grzeszyć uczynkiem I zaniedbaniem to dopiero trudno.
Ale wszystko zależy od tych, którzy stanowią prawo. Dla przykładu :)). Papież powiedział że wojnie na ukrainie nie zapobiezono I do wojny podzegano. Zatem był już grzech zaniedbania ze strony tych, którzy misję ochrony klimatu wykorzystali aby nas okradać kontrolować i…prowadzić wojnę. Decyzje podejmowane przez polityków muszą być oparte na wiedzy o związkach przyczynowo skutkowych. Ale muszą być też dyktowane inteligencją emocjonalną. Boga nikt nie oszuka. Ci, którzy tak myślą gotują innym pieklo na ziemi. Jakim cudem doszło do wojny skoro wcześniej był covid I trzeba było mieć czyste ręce? Kto może delektować się covidem gdy wojna WYKLUCZA czyste ręce? Gdzie symulacja wojny na Ukrainie z uwzględnieniem pandemii I katastrof ekologicznych? Dzięki wojnie wpadliśmy w błędne koło. Im więcej przyjmujemy silniejszych i bogatszych tym więcej dzięki przeciaganiu wojny skazujemy najsłabszych I najbiedniejszych.
Grzechy wołające o pomstę do nieba nie dotyczą tylko aborcji. Dlaczego tu jest największy problem i za każdym razem gdy pseudopolitycy nie mają większych problemów zajmują się problemami urojonymi czy zastępczymi? Grzechów nikt nie ma prawa wpisać do kodeksu karnego gdy dzięki nieodpowiedzialnej polityce zadbal by one były. Chrześcijaństwo zaczyna się w rodzinach. Jakie mamy te rodziny skoro grzechy wołające o pomstę do nieba w ogóle są popełniane? A tym samym zestawie oprócz aborcji jest okradanie pracowników! To ma być żart? Ci sami tworzą prawo sprzyjające okradaniu pracowników aby nie można było utrzymać dzieci i ci sami tworzą prawo, które prowadzi do karania aborcji? Związki przyczynowo skutkowe a nie mylenie przyczyn ze skutkami…
Chyle czoła przed przywódcą Indii za prezent dla Macrona :)). Dzięki temu mieliśmy ewolucję zamiast rewolucji francuskiej :)). Wcześniej mieliśmy ewolucję zamiast rewolucji bolszewickiej. Obecnie mamy ewolucję zamiast rewolucji islamskiej :)). Bo miłość jest silniejsza od nienawiści.
Bojaźń Boża początkiem mądrości? A jakże :)). Dlatego przedstawiamy Boga jako doskonałego ojca. To wymaga doskonalenia się przywódców. Lepsze MUSI BYĆ wrogiem dobrego a wtedy nikt nie ma prawa prowadzić do rewolucji aby bronić starego porządku korzystnego tylko dla niego. Z racji globalizacji cały świat działa jak jeden organizm. Zatem współpraca a nie rywalizacja. Rywalizacja pokazuje Boga jako kata…Ojciec narodu to nie jest dyktator. Wolność to nie jest bezkarność a RÓWNOŚĆ to nie przywileje. Macron stanął na wysokości zadania I okazał się OJCEM NARODU pokazując, że nie dyskryminuje nikogo. Wszak Indie współuczestniczyły w obchodach święta Francji. Wandale nie mają narodowości :). Potępiamy uczynki a nie człowieka…
US, the biggest bully in the world.
CNBC is it criminal propaganda machine. You know we should NOT trust anything that comes from it as they are with the terrorists.
Moron wants to make money enslaving Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the rest of Asia. Hard to break these slave traders off their power and money trip.
India should be kicked out of BRICS. It invited USA, and NATO leaders who mostly anti Russia, China, Iran et. Reason why Mr. Xi did not attend G 20. Temperature was so high. 😢😢😢😢
How did this guy become a professor.
Because he is much Smarter than you and have the guts to speak out the Truth
your definition of smart is going against everything? then by definition he should return his educational qualification right. but i guess you are too smart to understand@Peachy Choc
By telling the truth.
If Italy wants to leave BRI well what then let China take it to less developed countries in the global south who need it, it’s quite simple why even bother about what America does or doesn’t.
How to say you are sold to China without saying you are sold to China..
Those who say BRI is great , ask countries like Sri Lanka who have been bankrupted and trapped in billions of China’s cheap debt invested in huge useless infrastructure because China bribed people like him to say that those projects are money makers..
Projects flopped , Debt Trapped, Resources and land taken over by China.. but is is good for the country.. yea right.. 😂😂
Niki Haley is another heftily compensated war monger paid to bash China
CHINA:: 🫖💞🙏 the problem is one thing how to fix it is another:😥 The Occident or whatever is called by Joe Biden 1776/ is over it has collapse no longer makes any sense & needs to be replace Urgently 📱🤳🛡probably a few options, the ideal Is a new Jesus not the one created by the Roman Empire that failed and as a result 70 AD became a reality having the Church replacing Jesus & the divided to conquer civilization, Having A new Jesus that does take power on his hands and puts everyone in line however🤔 “where to find it” 2: Option someone from outer limits an alien from an advance civilization & convince him that it is on his own interest saving the human species if possible, “not a credible solution” 🙏🛸 3 : Nature intervenes and fixes the issue however the risk of a Jurassic park and human species starts all over again is on the cards “risky solution” 4/ : That Washington accepts his real position in our planet current time & space evolution The Occident west gets a renewal culturally intellectually morally politically industrially & religiously, unfortunately for something like this to happen you need a cooperation not a confrontation & there is no superior Washington FED or we know best here on the west, to achieved you need psychologist not diplomats qualified individuals, problem where to find them & will they accept the task , current leaders bankers and industrialist mind consciousness needs help and such a help cannot be coming from diplomacy, industrial military complex and immoral democracy you need first psychologist philosophers & we all know how Socrates ended, 99% chance of failure. the Bad news is that an Orwellian mixture Huxley technological Brave new world is emerging and machines are doing the conditioning faster than what the UN can think 2+2 =5. 🤔⚔🛸🤳best solution is cooperation rather than confrontation the impossible one that can become possible. ⚔🛡🤳🐻
Prof Sachs puts it simply and very succinctly
Amazing, the msm cnbc is loaded with all comments which do not believe in common msm narrative. Still thumbs up to cnbc to be dare bringing someone out of mainstream for the discussion.
Italy can join Build Back Better and India-Middle East-Europe-Corridor. The problem with Build Back Better is that Biden promised $600B funding but not a dollar has shown up yet. And for IMEC, the routes and the nations it involves has not shorten any current Transporation routes. Worst yet, given Pakistan and Syria and Iran are blocking the routes, instead of just water route from one port to another, it is asking some trips to send out from one port, unload to another port, go through the land transport and load to another port, and sail to India.
Do you what the problem is? IMEC does not improve anything other than creating a complicated trade route. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.
BBB was dead right after Biden announced it, ever wondered why you don’t hear of it anymore?
Mr Jeffrey Sachs is a good man good on you
Thank you Prof Sachs, for speaking the truth!! CNBC will never invite you to speak on their channel ever again!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
US is very afraid of China and russia. So driven by fear that it will do anything to maintain their unipolar power, at the cost of the world.
Jefrey sucks
Yeah, tell that to Taiwan, tell that to the families of 20 soldiers who died in galwan at the hands of PLA.
Italy will capitulate before its Master! All these European countries are US Vassals!!
If it’s not America way it’s the highway ! In their opinión.
Wud be a real challenge for weak leaders/countries to withstand the US pressure…
This is why BRICKS getting more powerful! America is bringing its own nightmares and over spends on war trying to fight it all!
AMERICA owns Italy
Well said. The US is engaged in a world-class propaganda blitz.
I really hope US would protect Professor Sachs at all cost, in contrast to how they imprisoned journalist Julian Assange, failed assassination attempt on Edward Snowden, silenced Seymour Hersh for speaking the truths!
Here is the irony. China invited the US to take a part in the belt and Road back in 2012.
Xi Jinping spoke to John Kerry about it when he first became president of China.
John Kerry went back to the US and told the Obama administration and he was met with a resounding no.
Disagree with every word that came out from his mouth.
good for u@Life Talk with Jon
@Life Talk with Jonno you’ll just side with the axis of evil.
China seeks friends for peace!
The USA regime seeks fools for wars!
Sachs always tells it like it is. Italy is but a pawn and it will regret its decision of resigning from the BRI. Greece will happily take over the Southern European port access of the BRI and the two Italian ports that languished before will languish again.
Actually smart of Biden… first Intelligent thing he has done. Italy should listen
So, according to Prof. Sachs that Mr. President of 🇺🇸 has no money, is that meant all the “strategically plans of investments” just proposed to the Vietnamese government’s leadership’s officials for “cheap products” were just lips 💋 service’s?🤔?..😆😄..
Well, if the American’s peoples complaint about China’s products, good luck on the “cheap products” that are “Made in Vietnam 🇻🇳”..🤣😂..
Dear Prof. Sachs🌹,
If Mr. President of 🇺🇸 badmouthing China’s economic growth is in crisis; then, the Vietnamese economy is on resuscitation with portable O2 masks or perhaps Mr. Biden mixed up the economics crisis in America instead of 🇨🇳..As he was saying the 3rd world countries were the Global South Nations 🤣😂
The U.S. is playing a zero-sum game. After all, the U.S. & its allies are not about communist, communism, authoritarian, undemocratic. It’s all about hegemony and self-importance.
Soon, Italy shall bow to the wishes of US and forgo China even though to the disadvantages of Italy and Europe but because in the West, USA pull the string like the puppet master.
“Hey Jeffrey – your friends stole our national treasure thanks to your economic wisdom.” Russia (1999)
You are nuts who is this guy they are at economic war with you and steal cheat and lie..who is the guy???
Ruzz-bots everywhere here.
Compared to us leadership John Gotti was a rookie
CNBC let Sach talk truth… Some CIA screw has gone loose…
This guy is on Chinas payroll.
He omitted china helps Russia slaughter innocent Ukrainian citizens.
Funny USA steps up to stop Ukraine from being slaughtered…..he makes no mention if it. This guy is getting paid.
China was successful.bevause it stoe evetynody elses technologies. I guesd he forgot to mention that. See how that works.
Your US gave it to them (it is called technology transfer) in exchange of tax exemptions/breaks and cheap labor as well as the whole China as their market for their products. But of course, you want to believe what the US gov’t and MSM tells you because it makes you feel better.
Have you heard the latest? The US doesn’t have real 5G because China stole it from you guys. lol
I think there is misinformation about USA success in G20 in India, I learned SA and India signed 50 trade and cooperation remarkably they will use only Rupees and SA Riyal in finanacing their trade. This would be a big zetback to USD.
When I was in the epcot center in 1983 America was sucking up to China and was building the China section.
The phrase was let’s help the sleeping dragon.
The establishment hypocrisy
Full 180 now
hopefully Italy is as dumb as Ozzie
turning China from business partner to Enemy
preparing themselves to fight China with Ozzie own money
and preparing their population to send their son to fight China When US say so 🙂
Neocon will be happy
Shame is on the country whose constant mantra is DEMOCRACY! Others have no right to chose their business partners? Isn’t this coercive control the sign of a Dictator? The world is almost rule by the dictator…phew, praise Jesus for His intervention.
To be an enemy of the US is not that bad, but being friends with the US really fucking sucks.
Prof Sachs is right about China having many achievements. Western mainstream media downplays these to avoid bruising the fragile ego of the US!
Ever since Italy joined the BRI it gained early access to Covid and €24 billions in trade deficit, how was the BRI NOT a bad deal for Italy?
Jeffrey Sachs is a professional who knows his stuff in and out, one of the biggest expert of international commerce and trade relations among countries. Moreover, he is extremely balanced in his views. That is why he get immense respect.
not leaning hard but bullying hard ….
US government should stop trying to stop other countries growing. China and Asians in general are workaholics and coupled with a bigger population will progress faster than the lazy West.
It’s a “nothing” burger 🍔
Italian foreign minister is China, WHY?
Why isn’t China foreign minister in Italy?
Action loader than words
“Words don’t come easy”
So 😭😭😭😭