The Israeli Army has released 50 Palestinian prisoners in Gaza who had spent months in detention.
Many describe their experience as harrowing, highlighting the severe conditions they faced.
Al Jazeera’s Aksel Zaimovic reports.
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#Palestine #Gaza #OccupiedWestBank #Torture #Israel #WestBankRaids #Abuse #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelPalestineConflict #PalestinianPrisonersInIsrael #PalestinianDetaineesInIsrael #PalestinianPrisonersDay
How perverted can Israeli’s get? 😢
They all say they were captured but everyone tells a different tale and they all come back unmarked strange isnt it
Resist normalizatin devil
Everything Islamic terrorists say is true. They are honest people. They don’t lie and would never take hostages or use human shields. They must be telling the truth….and monkeys have wings.
Many Palestinian abducted and kept in torture cells, many killed due to barbaric torture. Yup when criminals says they will investigate means found nothing!
Open question –
Would you rather be a Jew imprisoned by hamas?
Or an Arab in an Israeli jail?
Who would have the worse experience?
Jew and Israeli are not the same thing. There are plenty of Jews in Palestine. But if you mean an Israeli imprisoned by Hamas, they’re far safer there than with Israel.
@SentaiYamaneko I know Israeli and Jew are different (because there are a lot of different groups living inside Israel). That’s why I specifically said “jew”.
@@patshort177 Seems like you don’t. Either that, or you’re just unaware of the existence of Palestinian Jews, who have been living there just fine and are only threatened by the IDF trying to exterminate them to establish their ‘religious war’ narrative.
@@SentaiYamaneko are you serious?
@@patshort177 Yes. Christians, too. Palestine’s got the oldest surviving population of Christians in the world. Naturally, Israel wants them gone, too. Remember how everyone was talking about how the IDF were obstructing access to Al Aqsa mosque during Ramadan? They also blocked Palestinian Christians from attending church services for Palm Sunday and Easter.
It was the Muslim rulers at the time who ensured the Jews in the area didn’t go extinct and allowed them to freely practice their religion for the first time. Then the Brits and French showed up and ruined everything, as usual.
The perpetrators investigating themselves…. Im so sure they will be totes honoest and hold themselves accountable 😒
Free Palestine 💚🇵🇸
Free Palestine & all the nations from colonialism, Zionism & oppression.
what about arab colonialism is that ok? as long as they are brown people. you know the middle east was not always filled with arabs until they started colonizing like a cancer. but thats ok right no matter how they did it its ok with you
what about isis forcing 100s of thousands of people into islam is that cool with you. where are you on those matters?
VIVE LA PALESTINE VIVE LES PALESTINIENS VIVE LA RESISTANCE PALESTINIENNE VIVE LE HAMAS QUI EST UNE RESISTANCE AU METTRE TITRE QUE LA FFI DE DE GAULLE SI VOUS AVIEZ LES MEMES MOYENS QUE LA SATANIQUE LA BARBARE LA NAZIE ISRAEL TOUT SERAIT FINIT POUR ELLE VIVE LES PALESTINIENS QUEL PEUPLE COURAGEUX ON VOUS AIME Hozn fi Qalbi Aandi hozn fi qalbi Lemma ou fakar fi falastine ‘Aandi lorfa fi qalbi Wa ana nhabekom Le monde pense que Gaza est occupée par israel, la vérité c’est le monde qui est occupé par israel à l’exception de Gaza et la Cisjordanie
Hillary Clinton a reconnu dans son livre paru en juin 2014 « Hard Choices » que l’administration Obama avait créé les terroristes islamistes afin d’aider israel à se développer
SI LE HAMAS EST UNE ORGANISATION TERRORISTE, ALORS ISRAËL EST UN ÉTAT TERRORISTE” (ALAIN GRESH) Shlomo Sand : « L’idée de terre promise n’existe pas l’histoire du judaïsme, dans la Torah »
La vérité qui dérange la manière dont israel traite la résistance palestinienne n’a fait finalement qu’accentué la résistance du peuple palestinien en utilisant uniquement la violence en ciblant les populations civiles palestiniennes la résistance s’est amplifiée.
La position d’israel se trouve fortement mis à l’écart de la communauté internationale.
Avant 1948 il n’existait pas de passeport israelien mais juste palestinien !!
un journaliste israelien a démontrer que les sionistes ont forcé les juifs a aller en Palestine fin de la seconde guerre mondiale les nazis et les sionistes ont mis au point un mécanisme pour facilité le départ des juifs vers la Palestine sous mandat britannique les sionistes ont eu peur du colonisateur britannique
Les milices juives travaillaient avec les services secrets nazis la circulation devenue impossible dans la Méditerranée Hitler adoptera de la solution finale.
Il existait en 1948 un référendum pour créé un état juif et un état palestinien L’Onu n’avait pas le droit de donner des terres qui ne lui appartiennent pas. Il y avait une résolution 180 de l’ONU avec une proposition de partage de la Palestine Il fallait abolir l’ancienne état de Palestine avec passeport palestinien d’ailleurs Golda Meir et Ben Gourion avaient un passeport palestinien par exemple.
Les milices juives ayant compris que s’il y avait eu un réferendum deux tiers de la population était palestinienne et 1/3 israelienne ce sont les palestiniens qui auraient gagné. Les milices juives ont pris de force les territoires palestiniens. Donc la résolution 180 de l’Onu n’a pas été respecté les territoires ont été pris par la force c’est la raison pour laquelle les palestiniens ne considère pas encore aujourd ‘hui comme légitime d’israel. Les milices avaient comme ambition d’avoir aussi la Jordanie. Les milices qui sont aujoud’hui le Likoud de bibi le barbare, ont décidé de ne pas définir les frontières dans l’idée de s’étendre encore plus malgré les rappels de l’ONU SUR LE DROIT INTERNATIONAL la non application de ses règles ont généré DES DIZAINES DE RESOLUTIONS QUI N’ONT JAMAIS ETE RESPECTEES PAR ISRAEL
Les palestiniens n’ont pas la maitrise de leurs terres TOUT CE QUI ENTRE EST FILTRE PAR ISRAEL, éléctricté, eau, internet, nourriture, tout tout passe par israel!!!
Meme la quantité de nourriture est filtrée déterminée par ISRAEL qui impose 2279 calories par habitant palestinien
David Cameron avait dit c’est une prison à ciel ouvert, les jouets, la coriandre pourquoi la coriandre ??? et bien d’autres produits sont interdits.
C’est bien un territoire occupé puisqu’il n’a aucun droit.
Les résolutions de l’ONU disent que les palestiniens ont le droit de résister à l’occupation par tous les moyens à sa disposition y compris l’usage de la force armée. Le Hamas est le résultat de la politique d’apartheid et d’occupation d’israel. Bibi a financé le Hamas au détriment de Fatah.
Ce qui c’est réellement passé le 7 octobre 2023 Le Hamas avait projeté d’enlever des soldats israeliens de la « division militaire de Gaza de la base militaire de Reim » sur 25 objectifs militaires dans le but de négocier la libération de prisonniers palestiniens.
L’attaque à commencé à 6h30 alors qu’israel savait vers minuit la veille qu’une attaque du Hamas était en préparation.
Le festival de musique aurait du prendre fin la veille, il a été prolongé ce qui déclenchera plus tard un problème dans l’enquete des israeliens. Comment ce fait il qu’on ai autorise de prolonger ce festival alors que Tsahal savait qu’une attaque se préparait ??
les hommes du Hamas n’auraient pas eu connaissance du festival, ils auraient donc riposté contre les teuffeurs armés, bien sur comme chaque sioniste, qui tiraient sur le Hamas.
Alors que c’est Tsahal qui tirait sur tout le monde isaeliens et palestiniens !! Le Hamas n’a pas eu d’autre possibilité que de se défendre et prendre en otage des civils ce qu’il n’aurait jamais fait s’il n’y avait pas eu ce festival.
Tsahal à fait une compilation d’images bien montées de fakes comme elle sait si bien le faire pour “diaboliser la résistance palestinienne et commettre impunément le génocide des palestiniens à Gaza” le rapport cité par le quotidien «Haaretz» explique parfaitement que l’hélicoptère de Tsahal a tué 364 personnes israeliennes sur le site du festival, le 7 octobre. BIBI A MENACE CE JOURNAL
BIBI EST RESPONSABLE DE TOUT DE TOUT des morts du festival, des otages et de l’assassinat de tous les palestiniens.
BIBI est devenu le plus grand criminel après Hitler et tous les pays qui le soutiennent sont complices de crimes contre l’humanité. Nous sommes tous témoins en live de la mort d’enfants palestiniens qui ressemblent aux personnes trouvées dans les camps de la mort à Auschwitz !!!! Tirer sur des civils affamés est une honte pour toute l’humanité israel a tiré plus de 65 000 missiles et bombes géantes, dont certaines pesaient plus de 900 kg d’explosifs, au cours ce génocide contre les palestiniens, ciblant délibérément des zones résidentielles entières, israel a dépassé 85 000 tonnes de bombes, ce qui est supérieur au poids et à la puissance de trois bombes nucléaires comme celles larguées sur la ville d’Hiroshima, sans compter les bombes au phosphore qu’israel balance depuis plus de 76 ans.
The illegally occupying colonisers think its OK to abuse children. There are thousands of Palestinian hostages held in the colonisers concentration camp.
Genocide of Palestinians by the occupation forces of Israel and their supporters especially USA
Shameful war crimes by Israel
Netanyahu’s mother, Tzila Segal, was an Israeli-born Jew and his father Benzion Netanyahu was a secular Jew from Poland. His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, changed his name to Benzion Netanyahu after he settled in Palestine.
who cares
No, Israel didn’t exist back then. She was born in the Ottoman Empire.
Yet the hostages just rescued by the IDF who slaughtered 100s in the process all looked mentally and physically healthy. In fact one of them reported they just stayed in an apartment playing cards and the female hostage it was reported she was even taken to the markets to go shopping…
Zionists are monsters
israel is a terrorist organisation
Compare them with released, smiling hostages from Gaza
Pally wood
A beautiful ramification of this war is that European countries will curtail Muslim immigration- France just made their intentions known today
Your RACIST comments are not welcome here OBVIOUSLY!!👹👺👎
If you can’t trust a palest inian who can you trust
all lie all the time….deflect-lie-accuse
more propaganda? you “people” dont stop do you? tell your employees to stop kidnapping people
Hamas/palestinians are one and the same. The 4 hostages rescued were held captive for 8 months by so called civilians , one of them an Al jazeera ” journalist ” .
Alo idioti i lazaovi oni su naoruzani zaribljeni.
Now you act like victims 😮 lol yea ok
Not saying that it isn’t already being done. I hope that it is. All of this needs to be documented and sent to the ICJ and the ICC ASAP, as these men, their testomonies are critical.
They’re not going to do anything, we’ve already seen that!
From the river to the sea
Palestine will be free
War is ideal symbol of hate which only brings sovereignty to the government’s but becomes a curse for those who fell victim fof these wars my deepest condolences for both sides let there be peace and mercy together as they send back people to their home’s
The Israeli government needs to stop the torture and human rights abuses of prisoners!
Israel always claims it investigates. Liar. State department knows it lies and pretends to believe Israel.
This can be a Human Act… Israel has no humanity left
According to AJ only civilians and farmers are in Israel’s prison, no hamas 🤣🤣🤣
AJ so stupid of course all civilians are Hamas /s
IDF pure evil, evil they are behaving like nazism, shame on you
How long do the Palestinians need to suffer? Aren’t you afraid of God’s wrath people?
Horrores! 💔🇵🇸💔😞
I guess his wounds healed up then they let him go
Pissrael shitzrael
Mándenselos a Bukele.
US best friend !
The rat gets to investigate its own crimes?
Still some monsters will support itsnotreal
Their public and ministers openly called palestenians animals so how can they treat them humanely.
What can we expect from Hitler’s force
Systematic Torture – Israel is the most inhumane state ever to exist
Evil isrealis
shame shame
Free free Palestine stop genocide in gaza
Ruthless…propaganda 🤭
Free Palestin from ISLAM Terreist hamas
Al Jazeera news now become suspicious.
These Nationalist Armed Zionist Israeli Savages need to be stoped.
A Palestinian release from Israeli detention w/o charge appears as if they’ve been in a concentration camp. While Israelis released by Hamas, who are under constant bombardment, starvation and a siege, come away looking better than before.
Oct 7th was about as much ci-vili-ans as poss—ble and Is-rael is not about that. That’s the mo-ral difference and that’s why Pa-lestinians will always lo-se.
The lo-st cau-se of Pa-lestine.
Israel n usa is biggest terrorist in this world… Real evil
This is what the USA is supporting. How shameful. The whole world is watching. And day by day, the USA and Israel are losing credibility in the eyes of the world. Such inhumane treatment on the Palestinians. Israel must be held accountable.
But did you die?
Israel must be stopped
The poor older man whose hand was shaking as he wiped the tears from his eyes. The palbable trauma is so raw.
These Socity is not human, they are being hated by the Whole world still they have no shame.
I am so glad these men were released; I wish they would release women too! You can see the Palestine people have not had enough to eat; they are getting too skinny. I hope these men heal. I want to see a free Palestine where there is plenty of fresh food, clean water and safe places for people to sleep, today! I want to see a sovereign country of Palestine, free of worry about being attacked or bombed from Israel or anywhere else. Love to us all!
0:36 now tell me you see that and the first thing your mind goes to isn’t the holocaust and the trains that transported jews to the concetration camps. The dudes lowkey treat plaestinians the same way nazis treated them them
Zionist Israel = NAZIS.
Thank you Al Jaseera , Ihr habt ganze Welt informiert 🙏🙏richtig .
Herzlich willkommen zu Hause Bruder und Schwester 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🙏. Diese Geschichte wird nie vergessen . Das hat gemacht “Die GEWÄHLTE GOTTES VOLK“.
Landless Satans filled with hate
Al Jazeera is a complete Nonsense
How brutal is it???
shameless usa
Stop throwing rocks on Israel!
Even a media like cnn exposed their inhumane torture against Palestinians recently just imagine what kind of torture the are doing to Palestinians.
Take it as a man
You are a suspected terrorist
Finally someone talking about this 😢 let the world see the prison if u have nothing to hide SS
Lies,lies,and more lies….
But they won’t save Hamas
Stop genocide
Lies lies lies
This should be investigated
Close all school, college, University, hospital and research. Education and research can not protect human from war and killing. All are for dollars, dollars, dollars and power.Askyourself why you learn?
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
13,8million but 14k is waching
waa,happen😂😂😂 al jazeera
al jazeera is fake stories from a terror organization. al jazeera takes part in terror activities.
“They took pleasure from hurting us.” Sounds like Gitmo.
Gaza is Hamas don’t be fooled
Muslim propaganda where’s your reporting on the 120 hostages held by Hamas
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
I’m so fed-up with the hypocracy of the polititians / diplomats when it comes to this brutal slaughter in Gaza,and all their lies. So,I’ve decided to pray constantly for a permanent ceasefire as well as for aid to be flooded into Gaza & that Gaza be rebuilt in record time when the war ends. Why don’t we all pray constantly for this? No matter your religion or faith. Imagine what millions of prayers can do…
This explains why the US, as a formerly sovereign nation, used to reject the use of torture.
They literally buried people alive. Sick monsters.
So hard to watch, let alone live. Those poor people who despite their circumstances continue with their faith and prayers. They are helpless as are the rest of us who pray everyday for this to stop. 😢
It’s true that “they looks good and fat”.