The Italian Coast Guard said it is searching for six people, including Americans, who were aboard a luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily in a storm. The missing also included a British tech tycoon. Fifteen people were saved, including a 1-year-old child. NBC News’ Steve Patterson reports.
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#Italy #Yacht #WorldNews
Hope they didn’t become Shark bait
Aww bill killed by his back door Trojan Virus thanks to population control
Its that unnecessary tall mast that killed them. 75m mast is overkill
Yes,, You are 💯correct I live in the Cote d,Azur,, and I once saw this boat!! We thought it looked strange so TALL🙏🇫🇷
It’s not going to be a problem when the sails are furled.
Yes the strong wind probably hit that huge mast and blew the boat on its side and water flooded in through open windows
Did this yacht have a retractable keel? Find it amazing that it capsized and losing the mast would have brought the centre of gravity down quite considerably. If it indeed had a retractable keel and that keel was in the raised position, it would have have a big effect on the yachts stability.
this is so sad, i think of the familys who lost their love ones…
Funny his co-defendant died 3 days before
Reminds me of the Iraqi British family Alps murder. 2.months later we found out the wife had a ex American bf who died in a heart attack car crash. In 2012, on the same day
Dear leader Kier Starmer, only in power for a few weeks & people are dying mysteriously……
Well I never. 😂
The migrants and refugees who die when their ships capsize deserve as much attention as these 1%ers are getting.
Batten down the hatches; “Secure a ship’s hatch-tarpaulins especially when rough weather is expected”. A ship sinks when taking on seawater.
I wonder about a water spout? Could it make a whirlpool that the boat went down into? The boat , I think, got sucked down into the water! It was there and then it wasn’t , said the captain of the boat that rescued the 15 survivors.
Why don’t they lift the boat out with a crane?
Such a tragedy.
Definitely water spout. It’s same strength as a tornado. It’s just unlucky that the ship was on its path.
It has a gross weight of 470 tons. Plus the water.
The Mediterranean has had , apparently ,horrendous storms!
They were very lucky fifteen people survived.
Apparently there was a lot of winds noise before the boat went down.The rescuer said 15 people were in a life raft.Hmmm.
This is heartbreaking news.
So much focus in the comments about the size of the boat and mast, or about the missing billionaire. I am extraordinarily impressed by the mother who ensured both the survival of herself and her 1-year old, keeping the child held above her head while treading water in a storm! And the fact that her husband was found alive elsewhere is just miraculous for that family. I hope the best for the others that are missing and their families.
I’ve been thinking about that. Absolutely impressive feat. A mother will do anything to save her child.
Show off life dangerous
I was in Nice last April and we saw many super yachts there and in Monaco. They were extraordinary!
Never wish that you owned that much trouble!
So sad, , but 25 people survived! And a little baby!
The yacht can be lifted with a floating crane although air is running out in any airpockets if there is a survivor inside.
Why waste the money
Boat found intact at the bottom of the sea…divers coudn t get in….passage blocked by furnitures
Wow a mother having to hold her 1-year-old above the waves until help arrived. Just really wrenched my heart! I can only imagine how difficult that was. But what I don’t understand is the mast on this boat looked overly tall. Why would you need a mast that large?
In the picture just before she sank, it shows an older sailing ship anchored very close by, yet the super yacht sank, and the old wooden sailboat didn’t. The super yacht was over valued on how safe it was in rough weather.
Rich people problems
The missing people might be dead.
They all are
God is answering to the Greed of the rich !.
Bad argument for “divine justice”
Far, far more poor people suffer everyday than the super rare rich people boat/jet/submarine mishap.
one can escape men’s wrath just NOT God’s RIP
Hope is sinking, they had to get that in, didn’t they?
Stephen Chamberlain, 52, was Mr Lynch’s co-defendant in his US fraud trial in which both men were acquitted following the $11bn (£8.64bn) sale of the software giant Autonomy killed in Cambridge on Saturday by hit & run driver , Now Mr Lynch possibly dead , ooooooooooooooooo someone wanted them both dead for winning the fraud case in the states ?????
2 men win a fraud case in the US after selling a company for $11bn dollars dead within 2 days of each other , COME ON WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THEM BEING ACCIDENTS !!!!!
We just lost a Banker like he was Hillarys emails
I pray to God to give us that relief.
We need to dig from that absurdity rule at sea. Its heartbreaking!
The sea use cannot be trusted. Everything is subjected to its laws not yet known to men.
Some people dying from hunger, some babies never reach their age, they should donate the yacht for charity or to help Africa or Central America…. Private jets, private islands, etc etc… why why so greedy
They can write a mystery movie script. Days before the sinking the billionaire owner’s partner dies in a car accident after winning the lawsuit against their company. The modern superyacht with its owner celebrating the lawsuit win sinks at anchor next to an old wooden yacht that survived storm.
They became the sharks meal
All the money spent on this “rescue” would be better spent somewhere else.
Karma for the rich…
And what about the workers on the boat? Did they somehow deserve this too?
Even at anchor, were the engines on, trying to steer the ship against the wind to avoid any listing caused by the mast?
Under water drone blew up and sank the boat
I don’t care. It looks like they had a good life. A lot of us can’t even afford a dingy.
Tbh, I agree.
Any loss of life is sad. You can’t take money with you. People place too much of lifes value on it.
Kind of tiny yacht… my one is larger and I can tow it with my Ford150
Sorry for the loss of lives
You can tow a 183ft yacht (470 tons) with an F150?
@@pencilme1n ya man like my truck has two 800 hp v12 and like it runs on magic fuel. So can tow anything like yacht land whales etc
The Sicilan connection.
How is it possible that a modern yacht sinks???? A yacht may looae her Mast, but she does not sink!!!! What happened???
It’s “lose”.
The finger of God.
Indledningsvist lød fortællingen, at den nyligt sunkne superyacht Bayesian gik ned på kun omtrent ét minut, da den blev ramt af uvejr i Middelhavet.
Men det er langt fra korrekt.
Og besætningen burde have haft masser af tid til at evakuere passagerne, der talte den britiske techmilliardær Mike Lynch foruden advokater og bankfolk fra samfundets øverste luftlag.
Det siger bådebyggeren Giovanni Costantino til Financial Times.
Giovanni Costantino er direktør for Italian Sea Group, som blandt andet ejer værftet Perini Navi, der har bygget Bayesian, og han slår fast, at Bayesian var »fuldstændigt sikker«.
Han mener ikke, at sikkerhedsprocedurerne blev fulgt, og han spekulerer i øvrigt i, om flere luger og åbninger, som burde have været lukket, kan have været åbne.
»Båden sank, fordi den tog vand ind,« konstaterer Giovanni Costantino over for Financial Times.
Italienske og britiske myndigheder er fortsat i gang med at undersøge hændelsen, der anslås at have kostet seks mennesker livet, og de har endnu ikke meldt ud, hvornår båden begyndte at tage vand ind, hvorvidt vigtige luger stod åbne, eller om besætningen forsøgte at starte motoren og sejle væk fra det lokale uvejr.
Den italienske kystvagt har imidlertid sagt, at dykkere ikke har fundet nogen skader på skroget, samt at masten er intakt.
16 minutters tortur, 15 overlevende
Tidligere har det været meldt ud, at yachten gik ned på omtrent et minut, da uvejret ramte.
Men den forklaring udfordrer Giovanni Costantino i Financial Times.
»Torturen varede i 16 minutter. Skibet gik ned, ikke på et minut, som nogle videnskabsmænd har sagt. Den gik ned på 16 minutter,« siger han med henvisning til sporingsdata.
Financial Times har bekræftet hans udsagn ud fra selvsamme offentligt tilgængelige data, men det er stadig ikke muligt at bekræfte, hvad der præcis er sket i løbet af de 16 minutter.
Den britiske entreprenør og milliardær Mike Lynch er en af dem, der er omkommet ved forliset.Foto:Henry Nicholls/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix
Den britiske entreprenør og milliardær Mike Lynch er en af dem, der er omkommet ved forliset.Foto: Henry Nicholls/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix.
Bayesian er en britisk indregistreret sejlbåd, der vejer 540 ton, er bygget i 2008 efter de allerhøjeste standarder inden for både sejlevner og sikkerhed og har en af verdens højeste master på hele 74 meter.
Omtrent 350 meter fra superyachten lå en langt mindre sejlbåd fra 1957, som blev øjeblikkeligt sikret, da uvejret ramte, og hvorfra ingen kom til skade.
Financial Times har rakt ud til James Cutfield, der var skipper på Bayesian, og som overlevede situationen, men han er ikke vendt tilbage på henvendelsen.
15 personer overlevede skibsforliset. Fem er omkommet og en er fortsat savnet, men formodes også at være død.
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