Archive List for minimalist lifestyle

Minimalism isn’t working

I don’t like who I was becoming. A major shift was needed. Instagram ➤➤➤ Twitter:

How To Be A Financial Minimalist

This video is Sponsored by Credit Sesame, sign up for free today: #Sponsored Credit Sesame’s mission is to help consumers improve their credit health and ultimately create better opportunities for themselves and their families. Strong credit health is vital to financial health and impacts everything from securing approvals for car and home loans to determining insurance rates. Credit Sesame’s approach to personal credit management democratizes access to credit information and empowers consumers with a personal roadmap towards credit and financial health. Credit Sesame has already helped millions of users improve their credit scores, increase their approval odds, lower the cost of credit and save money. Add me on Instagram: GPStephan […]

My Minimalist Apartment

While moving into my new apartment I came to the realization that I have too much STUFF. There is really no other way to put it… In just the few short years that I’ve lived on my own, I had acquired enough stuff to fill multiple U-Haul trucks. How was this possible? Why do Americans have so many belongings and are they necessary to feel fulfilled in life? When I moved into my new apartment in August I wanted to try something new. I made the decision to adopt a way of living known as minimalism. Contrary to what you may have heard, the goal of minimalism is NOT to […]