Ukraine and Russia are in talks to try to end the war. President Zelenskyy described them as confrontational, but says they are moving forward. So what are the key demands of each side?
Al Jazeera’s @JazeeraBernard and @ajimran are in Moscow and Kyiv to explain.
Ukraine-Russia talks: What are the key issues? I Al Jazeera Newsfeed
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Three of those demands were in the four requirements at russia24 word intox a week or two ago, the Deep notification thing is new but unsurprising. I’m not sure how exactly they’re going to make that work.
세상의 사람들이 정말 한심한 이유는,,,,,
러시아가 우크라를 무장해제 시키고나서, 나중에 우크라를 쉽게 점령할 계획이라고, 주장하지만 그렇지 않습니다.
러시아는 우크라의 무장 상태와 관계없이,,, 세상의 비난을 감수할 생각이라면,,, 언제든지 우크라를 집어 삼킬 수 있습니다…
그런데,,, 세상 사람들의 논리를 미국 행태에 비추어보면,,,
미국의 의도대로 러시아를 해체시키고 나면,, 중국은 홀로 감히 미국에 대항하지 못할 것입니다.
그러면 결국은, 미국은 지구촌을 지배하는 유일한 국가가 됩니다….
미국이 원하는 대로,,, 다른 국가들이 움직여야 할 것이고,,, 미국이 원하는대로,, 다른 국가를 얼마든지 경제 후진국으로
만들거나, 경제 선진국으로 자유자재로 변경시킬 수 있습니다….
생각만 해도 무섭고 끔찍합니다…. 다른 국가가 성장하여 연합하여 미국에 대적할 만한 힘을 키우지 못할 것입니다…
그전에 미국이 싹을 잘라버리겠죠,,,, 이미 지금도 지구촌 곳곳에서 일어나는 일이니까요…. 현재의 러시아 전쟁도 이런 측면이 매우 강합니다.
만일 반민주주의 국가를 해방시키기 위해서 미국이 경찰역할을 하는 것이라고 생각하는 분이 계시다면,,,,
아프간에서의 미국의 철수를 설명할 수 없을 것입니다. 과거 베트남에서의 철수도 설명할 수 없을 것입니다.
그리고, 중국의 신장 위구르 지역 문제에 대하여 중국에 훈수를 두고만 있지는 않을 것이고, 티베트 문제에 대해서도 침묵을
지키지 않을 것입니다,,, 미국은 오직 자신보다 힘없고 가난한 나라의 분쟁에 개입하여, 미국의 정치 경제적 영향력을 확대하여
미국의 이익을 극대화하는 데에만 몰두하고 있을 뿐입니다…. It is called,,, America First Policy,,,
미국은 자국의 자랑 애플사의 아이폰을 중국 선전시의 롱화구 공장에서 생산하고 있습니다,,,, 이역시 미국이 경찰이라면 매우 모순되는 것이지요…
결국은, 미국인들이 자신들은 금융업이나 기획만을 할뿐, 실제로 생산하는 힘들고 더러운 일은 하지 않으면서, 가장 큰 파이를 가져갈 연구를
하는데 몰두할 뿐이라는 측면에서 바라보면 매우 쉽게 이해가 됩니다….
결국 우리는 현실을 직시하고, 미국절대주의나 러시아절대주의도 아닌, 상호 견제와 균형이 유지되는 가운데에서 각국의 핵심 이익을 침범하지
않는 가운데, 상호 존중의 정신의 바탕에서, 세계의 평화를 추구하고 찾아야만 할 것입니다.
You make a few good points but your paranoia of US is mostly unfounded but not completely. US feels the same way about China and sees most of this as a precursor to war with China though it’s not being said. Just my opinion but is also a concern that is on the table.
US is very concerned that China will take advantage of Russia if they become to weak and take their land, or be a sphere of influence over Russia, kind of like Putin perceives itself over Ukraine.
One point is it’s true, as long as US fears China or Russia, it will work towards ending the threat. However whenever it does not see them as a threat, tendency is to leave them alone.
Case and point, Canada and Mexico. US is very close to both countries socially and economically. Not only are they not a threat, but greatly beneficial to each other. We don’t fight, sometimes squabbling but nothing serious. Canada or Mexico could easily have nukes but there’s no need to spend the money nor any threat to justify the cost due to mutual respect. Cuba however, totally beligerant tyrants who greatly oppress anyone for any arbitrary reason and yes US would take offense because they are a threat and like Putin, have an unjustified viseral hatred of US, so US responds in kind. So point is, no threat no problem.
Putin not only lied about his invasion of Ukraine, he has also showed great hatred for US and invaded Ukraine and at the same time, THREATENED to use nukes to anyone who got in his way. So now he will be part of a third world country. Not because US proposed a threat, but because Putin did. If he would have not provoked over and over other sovereign countries by force and unpresedented brutality, this showing to be a threat to humanity, US would not have sanctioned him. If US had a republican in office, Putin would not have done anything because he knows US would fight. But Biden (democratic party) has done little in the eyes of most US citizens, so Putin gets a pass.
However fortunately for Ukrainians, they are fierce fighters. Not only do they have a right to fight Russia but they have a moral obligation to protect their love ones and land.
Anyway, this is the view from the West. Hope this helps.
Ukraine made a big mistake, its late
Food stop war work to have food you well die if no food water shelter not war
The Zionists plan for peace – Palestine is their’s and there’s only
Russia wants a pupet state Ukraine doesn’t want to be one
They are quick to call Europeans Jews, but you will never hear them call Ethiopians …Jews. This is a backwards world we live in and it is so easy to fool people with their technology. But, i know!.
Nobody knows the key issues including Russia and Ukraine. Only people are suffering and dying for no reason. Media is just guessing and yapping
No use talks it’s time waste
You are right, we should wait for more cities to be obliterated
Thugs (ukrainians) sent to meet real leaders (russians)
Let’s hope all Ukrainian peacekeepers survive this round of talks.
how many did ukrainians kill? Last i heard they killed two, one was “spy” and another disappeared. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have completely new group this time 🙄
Russia’s a joke, their military is just as weak as the USSR
@TheGenkim you’re probably right. Denis Kireev is the one I know got assassinated. Who was the one who disappeared?
@Jah Glory 2 a bank director rich guy.
I see that rushia is trying to balance the equation since U.S has destroyed nations let Rushia take it’s time as well !!!
In other words, ZERO progress towards peace. When you are invaded, you don’t get to tell the invaders “pack up and go home while we decide if we want to accept your terms”. That’s just not how things work, and never has been.
EU !U will have yo pay for Russian gas in Russian currency Good luck!:)
EU does
@Ирина Лукьяненко in the very immediate term, but Russia is only compounding it’s pariah state problem in the long run when alternative sources are secured.
@Christopher Hyndman Do you best But mind that solar energy is expemsive to produce
@Ирина Лукьяненко no worries, Russian currency is worthless
@Matthias Darrington A bit like your borders.
Love to see a referendum that way I get to see Ukrainians tell Putin where to go
@Matthias Darrington everything that speaks about Ukraine in a bad Way or simply telling the truth that is not in Ukraine’s favor, has to be “kremlin bot” or “working for russia” or even “Putin supporter” ?🥴🤦🏽♂️ that’s is so dumb and stupid
@Matthias Darrington what about you western sheep
@Zain Zoala They dont seem devided, they actually never been more united in blowing ruski orcs up sky high. Also they all seem to love russian barbeque in the morning.
@Dushan Fernando You think Ukraine fighting back and not surrendering is proof of divided people….right. also that dudes ip is from Russia.
Its either a delaying tactic or Zelensky do not want to take responsibility for the peace deal.
Either way, if US were to stop sending in weapons, peace would’ve came much faster.
No chance that’s going to happen.. He just signed an $800bn spend!! That is a lot of hand held tank killers
When US Isreal does it its democrasy and peace when Russia does it its onslaught and genocide
@Foxt Yug 800 million not 800 billion🤣
@Foxt Yug Lining the pockets of their friends is more like it – using taxpayer funds.
yep if he would say yes his ratings would go to 0. it ideal time to say yes to russia and get money from all over the world to rebuild ukraine in powerful economy that it never was before. the more he waits the more people will leave ukaine and russia will only take empty land after that and use it as a buffer zone between them and nato.
Zelensky: “I will wait until my country is COMPLETELY destroyed in a war i have NO CHANCE of winning, after all my allies abandon me and ONLY then I will agree to peace talks” logic
Has Ukraine not agreed ? Stop ur cheap propaganda l. This man has made several appeals
@King Kong EVERYONE who disagrees with you is PAID. Classic western woke cancel strategy
He is a puppet. Does as told.
yeah… i think he dont want to take responsibility but as long as russian made ukraine civilians leave the country they can just take empty land afther that. take half of ukraine and fortify on the river… that should be safe for them to guard
@Tim OSullivan wow just wow where you get those? i hear 16k days ago i hear you say 7,5k what a wild difference in estimates.
Lots if people in thw comment support russia in its invasion. What happen to yiu guys?
Key points? Let me guess. No anti-defence missiles that could launch nukes into Russia. (Unless Russia attacks, than anything goes.)
Too late Zelensky.. U could have declared neutrality years ago and save your people. You choose America. Shame.
Ukraine Jewish president, a jew himself, is like saying there is no Racism ” We had a black president Obama 😂😂😂, nonsense. How is that suppose to be valid point justification.
This Zelensky is brilliant!!.
Ukraine has already lost its east regions to separatist sentiments years ago. It has no chance of taking it back politically nor militarily.
Ukraine also has a problem with these AZOV extremist which was infiltrated its governance the , very reason NATO reluctant accepting Ukraine apart frm the separatist headache.
So why give them the regions in Peace and everyone lives happily (will destroy his Presidency) , why not make a DRAMA out of it..
Core of AZOVs are being hammered in Mariupol, will be totally annihilated, just a matter of time .. 1 problem solved! Getting rid of them..
Ukraine will loose much of land east of Deniper river, but thats has no control anyway . The cities there are flatten.. a phyrric win by the Separatists.
As the dust settled, he will ask EU to rebuild back whatever left , telling them they were responsible for failing to help beat the Invaders, thus tons of $$$ will pour in for New Clean slate real estate… (just like Isreal asking for $$$ by blaming europe ) a New Ukraine will rise frm ashes of war.
Zionsky is a US- British Agent
The whole point of the war was to destroy Azov. Zionsky was working with Putin behind the scenes.
No chance of a deal regarding any of these matters
Is call strong arming and that why they want to break it them Russia that is
What happened to President Regan/ Gorbachev agreement? Peace talk? 😪😪😪😪😪
Zelenskyy doesn’t care how many people have died, he only cares how many left to fight (excluding himself)…
Si usted tiene petróleo minas se apaga sol luna no sirve nada hoy
the music is disgusting and the didactic dialogue is extremely pretentious.
As long as NATO & US wants this war to drag on there will be no PEACE.
America will not let the Ukrainians reach an agreement with the Russians
so many new accounts :D….working as their shizo daddy typewriters
Mr. Bortnikov, I have been a student of Russia’s security services since the time of The Cheka and all the way up to The FSB, SVR, and GRU. In fact, I once almost started a computer company with an ex-KGB Colonel and his son here in The US and someone you may know of. I know there are sane minds there who have no desire to see this conflict get any worse. Just people like the rest of us here in the world who desire peace and safe clean communities to raise their families in. The cold war is dead, as well as the terror tactics of the former KGB, so why allow someone who’s a byproduct to bring the world to the brink of war?. The bottom line here is we in the west have no desire to threaten and conquer Russia, only see your beautiful country joined with the rest of the free world so everyone can live in peace and prosperity. In other words, instead of ruling with an iron fist, try leading with gentle hands, because, in the long run, Russia’s people will be forever grateful for it, and the rest of us can breathe a sigh of relief. Try imagining a Europe where there is no need for NATO because all countries there live in peace and harmony, and everyone can rest easy at night in the safety of their homes. At present this may sound like an impossibility, but where there’s a will, there’s away, and you have the power in your hands to put Putin down and end this conflict with Ukraine. Remember, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters, live there and are now suffering and dying for nothing.
It is too late. Russia will soon break ukraine into two states
Why is negotiating team from Ukraine wearing truck suits.
their tailors are now refugees and the suit shop was bombed
To all Ukrainians Zelensky is the personal puppet of Biden’s Administration and NWO corruption since Coup d’etat in 2014. Stop that war because of few Evils peoples like Zelensky and Biden’s corruption in the billions in their pockets not in Ukrainians pockets citizens.
Rustards give Rostov and go home 🤣🤣🤣
LeZZ go Brandon.
Zionskiy is hiding in Us Embassy Poland basement.
Vloodemir zenenzki need a drug test
Main Key Issue: How to tell the Russian Federation to ‘Go … themselves.”
You obviously don’t understand what’s happening.
lol, fake. Why don’t you make countries out of Donetsk, Luhan and Kimea just like you did on Kosovo!? Problem solved! Why is all media pushing “aggression” and “occupation” narrative, when Ukraine failed Minsk agreement and did genocide in Donetsk, Luhan and Krimea for 16 years of not following agreement? Why is USA making bio weapons in Odessa? So many questions, so many Russians defending their people and Worlds peace by not giving up on law and order.
I’m Russian and I live in the US but I fully support my president Vladimir Putin and am awaiting instructions from Moscow for special operations here. The borders are wide open so it will be easy.
Something to consider, China’s plans a for Russian slave/puppet state: With the current Ukraine situation is that Putin can’t fight a war on two fronts and survive. Putin and China’s Xi put up a public front in 2018 that they have some type of “mutual” military defense “pact” against “the west”, their CRMC agreement, but that may not really exist. Putin’s China “tell” was the Russian Vostok-2018 military exercises with 330,000 Russian troops on the Chinese border and only 3,300 Chinese troops inside China (never closer than 150km). Putin’s not so covert saber rattling at the Chinese. Putin knows China wants/needs all the natural resources of Siberia and Central Asia along its border (including Kazakhstan and Vladivostok). Since Russia has invaded Ukraine, Putin is leaving “eastern” Russia defenseless against the ramping up of the Chinese military. China is going to eventually “recover/reclaim” central Asia and Siberia north of Mongolia and east of the Ob/Irtysh and Yenisei Rivers. When Putin/Russia is weak, China will invade, cut eastward supply lines coming out of “Slavic Russia”, and “protect” Eastern Russia, aka, take the land westward all the way to “Slavic” Russia”, without a Russia defense. AKA, China is going to gnaw off Russia’s hind legs and Russia will be helpless to stop it. The smiling/hungry Chinese cat is eyeballing the tasty fluttering Russian canary. Just saying…
Ukrania must accept the deal 🤝, on doing than it will avoid cities destruction & civilians casualties 🤔
Yo yo bag head no isssue NATO needs to stop expansions to Ukrainian and killing and bombing countries like yemin Somalia syria
This whole thing is the exact plot of the star wars prequels.
Spoiler alert “democracy” was a lie, it was a scam from an evil man/group with plans of domination the whole time.
The people fight and die for a farce as always.
Atleast the movie was entertaining, this on the other hand right after the last scam is calming down…….
Peace ✌️
Zelensky “””Why attempt to pull other countries make war escalates?
Don’t trust a Russian tyrant
Truth, Love and Peace for All
Ukraine will gain time and after 10 years they will build them self and they will took revenge
Putin is hungry he will eat full fish
Unbiased reporting, a refreshing change, thank you.
Stay away from the US garage called the media….
Is the referendum will be held on Maidan square?
negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are futile if the President of Ukraine insists on not complying with Russia’s demands. It can be seen that what Ukraine really hopes for is not peace with Russia, but inviting the US and NATO to join the fight against Russia. The negotiations only show that Ukraine wants peace but in reality it is just waiting for Russia to become really weak from an economic and military perspective before the US and NATO take part in the war against Russia.
Ukraine’s President doesn’t understand that US & UK (NATO) will never join the fight against Russia. If he (Mr. Zelensky) had understood this important point three months ago, Ukraine wouldn’t be destroyed and occupied by the Russians. Why he didn’t negotiate in January, when Russian weapons were surrounding the Eastern border? … because he believed in US & UK. He didn’t understand their plan.
He is trying to negotiate now!
@Giorgio Russo The president of Russia is not a fool who will attack Ukraine by spending a lot of money and losses due to the embargo imposed by the West if not for the security of his country. your statement is only from what you see in the media not from intelligence. while Russia considers the invasion or special operations of Ukraine based on its country’s intelligence.
Russia destroyed it good name forever. On all levels.
Of course, we don’t have many information at our disposal, but it is easy to understand that:
1. Russia disagrees on Ukraine to join EU (or NATO) & hosting western ballistic missiles and weapons.
2. If Ukraine were to lose its neautrality, other countries ( such as Georgia, Moldavia, etc.) would become soon US & UK’s puppets.
3. In addition to Ukrainian people (firstly, unfortunately), this war is also damaging EU countries (mainly Germany, Italy & France). US & UK will not be damaged. The are so glad to destroy the EU system.
@Giorgio Russo ✅☑️✔️
1:22 ask those to Ukrainian. They will favor Putin over Zelenaky.
Hhahahaha what a joke 🤣
the key issue for most Russians is thermal underwear.
Ukrainian politicians are transferring their millions overseas. Make no mistake, this is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. And now they have run up a huge bill, buying up obsolescent weapons. The only winner in this conflict is the military industrial complex.
Both Crimea and donbas were already out of control of the Ukrainian state before the war. And it is very unlikely that they will be able to take them back, specially Crimea. So in order to end this misery it’s better to accept the reality that Ukraine is not going to get back Crimea. Status of Donbas however can be debated
crimea was gifted to ukraine by drunk khruschev based on some 300 years deal where russians mostly absorb ukraine and defended it against poland…
also yeah mostly russians live in crimea and about 15% of tatars no way that should be ukrainian in first place
Key issues? US should announce not allow Ukraine join NATO but give them access to Europe/NATO economy & Ukraine declare as neutral nation..that’s all the key issue
By neutral you meam puppet state? Lets be for real russia doesn’t want Ukraine to be neutral they wa.t them to be part of there influence and control them
watch out for the deceit of ukraine and its allies in the name of peace talks but in reality just waiting for russia to be really weak so ukraine, us and nato can easily destroy it. That’s what the US, NATO and their allies often do to fight Muslim countries. by embargoing the economy, arms and political support before attacking it.
Ukraine will disappear like american will disappear palestine and iraq
No Action Talk Only
Now… we knew why we shouldnt give Israel heart… your welcome AJ😏
Fulfilled the demand of Russia to bring peace
God bless Ukraine. Ukraine is the Winner. Ukrainians are super natural with Courage, Intelligence, Perseverance and Humanity.
Who cares? People who choose an outdated system based on currency and governments, over a 2.0 technology/resource based system, deserve the life of there choices.
poor ukranian peoples have a clown president like zelenszkyy, the real question is “who controling that clown is”????
Palestinian President Yassin Arafat, Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Peace-loving Muslim leaders like this have been killed by the NATO alliance, the European Union and the West.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, have been turned into mortuary. At the time, the United Nations, the European Union, the NATO alliance, the Americans were silent. And now there is no end to their grievances for Ukraine, the United Nations, the European Union, the NATO alliance. They are calling comedian Zelensky a national hero. But one day this Zelensky carried out massacres in Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen.
Putin must fail
No negotiations Russia should install Russia ukraine president 🙄
Slava Ukraini !
Russia want river access for crimea as Ukraine stopped natural river flow to it ages ago and the massive gas and oil found around donabass and Crimean sea. Peace will come at cost of half Ukraines coastline and donabass region.
This is coming from me a gamer who hasn’t got a clue about geopolitics and is winging it from bits n bobs of vids throughout the last ten years.
Anyone have real information on Russian goals in Ukraine besides what the state medias are throwing about
Russia wants to get Ukraine to recognize the annexation of Crimea and the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as a guarantee they will be neutral and not join NATO. My prediction is that once Ukraine agrees to these terms, Putin will demand independence referendums for all of Ukraine’s oblasts which have a majority Russian population, most notably Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zapoizhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odessa. The ultimate goal of having so many little independent polities is either to get more votes at the UN, or to annex them, since once these republics are internationally recognized as independent they will be able to voluntarily join Russia so Russia will be able to annex them without being accused of blatant conquest. What remains of Ukraine in either case will be a rump state with no coastline surrounded by Russia and in perpetual neutrality. They will be able to trade with other nations as they please, but will no longer pose a threat to Russia or to Russian people in Ukraine. I believe this is what Russia wants to accomplish with this war, and I believe they will be able to achieve it if Kyiv falls within the next few months.
Its been along time Europe didn’t have have fun I trust that Putin will bring the good days to Europe again
We need the return of Valiant Thor .!
Zelensky keeps changing his mind
Something wrong here there is 2 sides to a war they calll the russians as the aggressor but was that any different when we invaded iraq and Afghanistan we seen that as just cause what if the russians are right what if russia is the good guy here just think we are being censord we only get what the zelensky regime tell us but ive seen footage from russian dilm of the atrocities of donesk and mariupal of people saying it was azof ukraine fighters we could essentially be helping the enemy i dont want to die for something that we could be wrong here just think about please
Bruh the fact that some people try to blame Ukraine’s leader and Ukraine itself for the invasion is honestly just pathetic and laughable its like trying to convince an abuse child that it’s he’s fault that he’s dad and mom beats him
Zelensky comedian don’t have a choice but to accept Putin demand because Ukraine is Russia now
The key issue is russia doesn’t want to be part of the international community as all it does is lie & push their own propaganda onto the global stage, like denying the bombing destruction of the Ukraine is an invasion & trumped up charges against Navalny or any kind of opposition to the corrupt money & political elite.
Wake up Call,
I call to all, Who make profit and benefit from all these Wars in the new Millennium:
Mostly Global Bank Cartels, Stocks Market Speculator of the Energy, Military hard war, NGO’s Agencies Media Control organiser.
Who is Creator of all these Wars?
The Banking Cartel, Zion Arms and drug Natural resources & Properties, Mafia,
Who is,the powerful secret organisation in the world?
Black Hand 1901 by Serbian hashshashin 11 century Ismaeili in Syria ordon temlo Orient 1999 Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn, William Robert free Mason Satanic, Knights Templar, Order of the Solar Templar 1984 in Switzerland, Bilderberg Group 1954 in Netherlands, Skull and Bones, Political Elite. Illuminati 1776 Bavaria manipulating Government world wide. Banking rosicrucians, Thule Society, 1935 Freemason New world order 1717, Bohemian Grove, illuminate Rothschild’s Coat of Arms, Vatican, Committee 300. European Black Nobility family, Russian Holly Family, Chinese – Asian families & secret societies.
I call to UN United Nation & Global leading leaders for disarmament of all Mass destruction Nuclear – EMP, Hydrogen Bomb, Biological, Bacteriology, Microbiology, Microwave, Laser, chemical Weapon-RFID, Microchip, Drone weapons,
(Do not End our Civilization)
Who can Stop the Wars making Peace?
The same warmonger Elite.
Who are Financing for regime Changes?
The Banking Cartels printing hard currencies out of the governments control.
Who is putting presidents and politicians using overnment Military for their own benefit?
The Zion Illuminati, RTS Organisation, monopolising and corrupting governments,
Who and why the United States & the European allied Bombed and Destroyed?
Countries Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen….
No one is asking for compensation nor punishment or War Crime, they stealing the wealth and Banks accounts, to bring Democracy,
Why Ukraine is a matter?
Who is the new Political figures Power that receiving order?
Assuming are Ben, Boris Johnson, Macron, Imran Khan, Ashraf Gani, Voladimir Selensky, Juan Guaidó, the Taliban, ISIS, and so on.
Who control the Media?
The same group and organisation who control the Politics,
Where the mostly taxpayer money used for human distraction in Military hardware, corruption, and the parties government elected systems.
I call to all, it is the time to spend our Taxpayer money for Better EDUCATIONS, Universal Poverty, communication, Transportation, Housing, Agriculture, Clean Energy, Hospitals, Water systems, food production without virus to make the world better place for everyone.
We have to learn to self-government, free from party’s mafia Systems.
We say yes, for better education is the only solutions for all our problems.
We say No to Military, No to corruption, No to Government parties systems.
This is my opinion.
Yawar Ali 03 March 2022 Skype, Yawar_ali1
Yeah, Ukrainian neutrality, right. The Ukrainians and RUSSIAN Ukrainians that had no problem with Russia before now HATE that state and govt and the soldiers in Ukraine.
I’m assuming what Pootie means by neutral is 97% leaning toward Russian politics.
The Russian stance is, and always has been in any negotiation ‘what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable’.
If I were Ukraine I wouldn’t cede Russia one square INCH of Ukrainian soil, including ‘previously contested’ land, meaning the land that Russia literally stole by invasion and conquer.
EVERY country has Neo Nazis, at least every one I know of. If you look at the numbers Russia has FAR more than Ukraine, so there’s that. That issue, like NATO membership are both non issues, for Pootie, too. If that weren’t true he would have listened when no NATO membership was offered by Zelenskyy, and it fell on completely deaf ears. Is anyone here shocked over that? I’m not.
And NATO missiles on Russian borders is completely beyond ridiculous. We have countries that border Russia that have been NATO members for TWENTY years, and not only are their no missiles in them, there are only something like 300 troops on the border, which is exactly equivalent to nothing, on a national scale. They, at that size, present a 0.0% threat to Russia. It’s all BS.
Read pootie’s writings, some of which appeared in Russian papers and you will very quickly see what it is about. Nation building, a la USSR, where he has written that intended action toward that goal outright, more than once. He’s not fooling anyone that knows anything, and these so called ‘balanced’ programs like this may be closer, but they are still heavily slanted. There is really nothing that can be said, rationally, to support this war. Not a damned thing. It is attempted scorched Earth takeover and attempted genocide, at least if you include ejection as part of that equation.
Key issues : Russia 🇷🇺 use them to gain time and avoid intervention , they’re asking impossible
Russian is in no position to make demands of Ukraine, in fact the way putins army is performing, it
may well end up the other way round
Russians are creating so much hate in Ukraine will be a Russian death trap for decades even if they win
Clear and concise perspective. Excellent.
Wow! They still don’t know what the key issues are?
Crimea was originally tartar land not Ukrainian.
Frail weak demented confused cowardly and frightened this is the US as a super power today what an absolute disgrace
Al-Jazeera backing Nazi;’s in Ukraine like they backed Al-Qaeda in Syria
They don’t want any direct confrontation with China/Russia because they can’t get rich out of it. Instead they are using Ukraine/Taiwan as their proxies. This way they can make money and pretend like they’re standing on a high moral ground. People gotta stop getting into feeding the emotional orgy propaganda that are being played out on YouTube and TV.
Key issue is get rid off the comedian and put a Ukrainian in there. That’s all
Vladimir Putin is a liar. The KGB is a liar. Ukraine’s hero @&@.
referendum is pretty much impossible at this stage its probably just stalling with this…
The result maybe is ‘zlnsky not surender till nuclear boms drop on his bunker’