After a surprise hearing this week from the January 6th Committee, the Department of Justice’s actions are coming under criticism. NBC News Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos explains the different tools the Department could use in an investigation. » Subscribe to NBC News:
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#january6 #congress #doj
Full Cevallos: ‘The DOJ Has Super Powers Compared To The [January 6th] Committee’
Americans say Jan 6 is the ‘Big Lie’
World says Jan 6 is ‘Gullible Americans’
We all know the trump and his GOP white superpremist Trump’s little army and the DOJ should all be in prisoned . We are not going to forget about it ever so they might as well do their job so we can get on with real life
Lock ConMan Trump now.
Enough time enough crimes…. Lock him up….. Lock him up!
The Jan. 6th Committee has one Super Power available to it through the Democrat controlled House: Inherent Contempt. Why are they too cowardly to use it over something as significant as overthrowing the Constitution of the United States of America? Defy a subpoena to testify? Straight into the Congressional jail should have been the immediate answer. That might have loosened a few tongues. Waiting on Merrick Garland is like waiting on Rip Van Winkle. Waiting on Biden to replace him is like the Tin Man waiting on a heart replacement.
Arrest that POS
Trump is very vindictive and has very good chance of becoming president again. If he does, once in power he will throw in jail Garland along with everybody who is against him and will completely destroy democracy. I hope I am wrong, but I feel that’s why Garland is so afraid of indicting him. Garland was the wrong man for the job.
“To whom much is given, much is required.” People in positions of power and authority must be held to a higher standard and should face harsher penalties for wrong doing than the average person would for the same infractions. That’s the trickle down justice that we need. Make an example of the people at the top for all to see. No more hand wringing over whether or not to indict a former or sitting President.
Very true.
Interesting aspect of how that actually applies to Grand Jury investigations in NYS. Any person brought in to testify to a Grand Jury is automatically granted immunity for anything related to that particular investigation, that DENIES them the right to claim the 5th Amendment. It makes it allot easier and faster to “GET TO THE TOP!!”
If it comes out later that they DID lie to the Grand Jury, Perjury, a Felony, they are arrested, charged, convicted and locked up for commiting a crime that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the original investigation.
Last fight
Super powers. Well let’s see if they go after trump who believes he’s a super human
Trump has been making a fool out of any form of justice in this country for decades.
Some arrests should be coming very soon! And “We the People” will use the14th Amendment Sec .3 Let me be very clear “We the People” will seek and remove any elected official, under the 14th Amendment Sec .3 They will never run again for any office!!.
Merrick Garland has been sucking his thumb as our democracy goes up in flames.
He picks the last one on the list as the most “pertinent”?🤔 this man has rocks in his head
Merrick Garland needs to appear bedore the committee, to expalin why he is not prosecuting obvious crimes…as doe the Manhattan DA.
The man just stated the no-one knows what is going on and whom is under investigation. Wait for it.
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people. maga ! doctrines of demons !
Why is Trump still walking free spreading his lies and threatening people
Who has access to transcripts? The DOJ has leftover trumpists in the department. Is AG being intimidated from within the DOJ. Who is m.garland’s boss? Pres. Biden needs to get involved.
Garland do yr job put Trump in prision
“they broadened the provision”
they EXTENDED their own power over others …
is another way of saying it …
Hand picked committee to push Democrat narrative and distract America from what a mess Democrats are making of our country and the world……
Even MSM is laughing at this crap. Hey chuck your approval rating is so low even Democrats are kicking you to the curb……
MSM approval rating is at 20%.fake news at its best selling propaganda for Democrats everyone in America knows this……
us frightened of trump mob
However, West Wing had all their Treason45 men covering g by Lying by Omission.
Trump is winning, cheers
Jan 6 committee will be laughed out of an honest court. Political theater that locks up political opponents. Now we live in a banana republic.
Super powers like dr evil. Mahhhhhhhaaa..🍿📽😂🤣🤣🤡😜😜😜😋
Trump will not be allowed to run or hold office in the states again. The man never quits he is puss from a sore.
I really don’t think you will see the DOJ get involved with this show unless they get evidence that cuts mustard. If they did they would have to allow cross witnesses, other witnesses, and counter arguments which the democrats do not want. Tell your story again and again without allowing other info to muddy up the waters. We know it’s an election year.
Jeff Bezos: Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics. The News is lying 2 U
Работая с историческими источниками, я обнаружил важное Документальное упоминание 19 века о Великом и Знаменитом Предке Древнейшего Чеченского рода ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ.
Великий Чеченский Народ — моя Любовь !
Первый чеческий букварь на кирилице.
Нахчујн ђуж ду һара
Кеди Досов
Жанр: Образовательная литература
Язык: Русский Год издания: 1862
Вашему вниманию представляется первый чеченский букварь изданный в Тифлисе в 1862 году. Составителем его назван Кеди Досов-один из информаторов П.К. Услара.
Букварь составлен в крепости Грозная (ныне город Грозный) в период с 1 июня по 31 августа 1862 года П.К. Усларом. Экземпляры были “разосланы А.Шифнером европейским филологическим знаменитостям”.
Стал библиографической редкостью уже в год его выхода из печати (1863).
Единственный дошедший до наших дней экземпляр букваря найден в 1977 году И. Хубшмидом в личном архиве Гуго Шухардта в библиотеке университета г. Грац (Австрия), среди рукописей, не внесенных в каталог.
Этот Первый Чеченский Букварь на кирилице, так же, в большей степени, Заслуга Прославленного Чеченского рода ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ — его Ярчайших, Умнейших, Образованнейших и Авторитетнейших Представителей.
Род ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ — один из самых Почитаемых и Уважаемых в Чеченском Обществе и, что самое значительное, на Мудром Кавказе в целом !
Всю свою жизнь я не могу забыть тот поистине светлый и счастливый день, когда узнал о существовании этих Благороднейших людей — ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ. Их Великие Дела и Поступки поражают Масштабностью, Значимостью и Значительностью для и ради Всевышнего Аллах1а, Свят Он и Велик, для обоих Миров, ДЛЯ ЧЕЧЕНСКОГО НАРОДА.
Надо с должной честью отметить, что в мире сравнительно немного родословных с такой самобытной плеядой исконно народных научных и творческих личностей, как в данном случае — Уважаемый род ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ, которые оказывались наиболее деятельными во Славу Всевышнего Аллах1а, Свят Он и Велик, на пути процветания отдельно взятого народа и его успешной, плодотворной жизнедеятельности в мире.
Это Значимое Открытие Чеченского Букваря в очередной раз подчёркивает необычайную Скромность и врождённую Богобоязненность всех Чеченцев с большой буквы рода ЯНГУЛБАЕВЫХ.
Славные Первооткрыватели и Просветители в Легендарной Истории Великого Чеченского Народа навсегда останутся Первыми, Передовыми и Главными Труженниками в противостоянии мракобесию и невежеству.
“У сильного всегда бессильный виноват: … А вот о том как в Баснях говорят. … Ты виноват уж тем, что хочется мне кушать”.
Басня Крылова “Волк и Ягнёнок”.
Вся Правда о Горемычной Аналоговнетной Жизни в Фашистской Оккупации под Наместником Главаря Фашистов.
Фильм “Чёрная кровь”.
Мухаммад Али Киушкин Евгений Иванович.
Военный Физик, Историк Геноцида.
Город Грозный.
Славим Всевышнего, освещая зло.
Meet the Fake News
When oh when will the Dems start being forceful during presentations and primary debates ?
NO ENERGY OR REAL CONVICTION is what their tones sound like.
VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS! Look up your state candidates! Update voter registration if need be! Check your local laws for what the guidelines are! VOTE!
Chuck knows it all! He Will tell you or steer the conversation! Snarky! And kinda rude!
If you are going to prosecute, don’t talk. Prosecute. Eli Wallach
Actually, he said shoot, not prosecute, but the idea is the same.
A new talkung pount that was never there and is just hear say, inflation inflation inflation
DoJ needs to get tougher!
The John Birch Koch foundations have been stacking courts for 40 years to advance the John birch ideology. I cannot understand why people in the media cannot see this. I have been posting this for 5 years and it still is ignored. Just look at some of the clear evidence: 1. The John birch Koch foundations gave the maximum campaign contribution to every republican running for state and federal offices for 40 years. This ;amounts to billions and is to control the government. 2. The Koch foundations lobbied Reagan to drop the Fairness in Media Act with the long term goal to monopolize and Orwellian 1984 mass media and put together the monopoly of mass media the Sinclair Group with 193 members operating as a syndicate. 3. The John Birch movement never left it went behind the scenes and returned under a new name the Tea Party and the Freedom Coalition in the house of representatives. McConnell is the John birch leader in the senate and promotes all judges picked by the John birch Heritage foundation. McConnell was ordered by the John birch Heritage foundation to not bring Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court up for a vote for 8 months to keep the John birch goal of stacking the court on pace. 4. The Koch foundations got Roberts to pass Citizen United to allow unlimited money in campaigns. I made a prediction that people should take notice of: I said Pat Toomey was the Koch brothers number two John Birchers behind McConnell and I believe the Koch foundations wanted him to leave the senate to take a high position in the John Birch Koch foundations. Remember before Toomey was a senator he was the president of the John birch foundation Club for Growth. The John birch Koch foundations believe Toomey could do more heading a foundation than being just one vote in the senate. Now that the John birchers have 6 members on the Supreme Court look for the worst decisions to come down in the next year.
Merrick Garland is “Mueller Report” 2.0. Both are spineless men.
MSM hate club
what about flushing communications, stealing top secret files, keeping expensive gifts etc
his crimes need to be unpardonable so the next rep. president can not give him a pardon
WHY does this committee refuse to allow any mention of name PELOSI….we demand to know WHY MSNBC ignore what has come out
lol the DOJ let Nixon retire in peace, let the Iran contra treason president retire in peace let the Iraqi invasion president Retire in peace. plutocratic oligarchy won’t convict their own. mark my words.
no potential jury has ever in the history of the Union ever been more poisoned than the one they want to throw against Trump. they want to say that telling someone that they are loved is witness tampering. witness tampering is clearly stating that if they testify they are going to get hurt or worse.
The fact that Congress’s powers are questionable is a sad state of affairs and the best way to reaffirm the fact that they hold the power and they in fact grant power to the DOJ is to be bold and stop dragging they’re feet furthermore they need to show folks like justice kavanaugh that it’s a crime to lyi to Congress and they can do more than just impeach the little perverted cry baby 😭
This is nothing more than the hysterical death throes of a dying political party! The Democrats will lose the house the Senate and the White House because they declared war on the American people! 😤
What a joke the Jan 6th Stalinist Committee is! No CROSS-EXAMINATION of any witness is fair? Ha!
Anyone with any corroborating or contradictory evidence is welcome to testify under oath. What are they waiting for?
can some 1 tell me when u heard Todd ask a Question that u said wow good one, hes useless we need a new brand of journalists
The media and democrats ain’t investigating Trump,they’re looking for a crime to pin on him
That’s what the media has been doing for years,finding a crime to hang on trump to disqualify him from running
That is the minimum requirement. Keep him away from any public office. He would corrupt the dog catchers office if we let him.
He’s a domestic terrorist. PERIOD
Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up, Lock Him Up! 🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦🎦
I can not believe people lease pets! If you don’t have the money, don’t get a pet! At the very least don’t pay thousands, adopt a pet from shelters or rescues, because these “breeders “ are nothing more than puppy mills.
Still Pushing Bullcr*p Huh Todd.. Stuck On Stupid No Matter How Much The Left Hates President Trump And Been Trying For 5 + Years To Frame Him 2 Failed Impeachments There Has To Be Recorse That He Can Do Something For All Your Lies and Smearing His Name
Hey , Garland had better move “cos the clock is ticking. That’s why True thinks he’s above the law .
I cannot WAIT until I turn on the news and see the Feds kickin in Trumps front door with a search Warrant in hand ! Oh and him being arrested while wearing speedo draws and a house robe , looking all scared 🤔🤣🤦🏽♀️
Hold your breath, please, hold your breath!
There is a credibly sourced rumor that (R) staff in DOJ are actively stopping indictments of J6 Exec members, even where substantial evidence of planning criminal activity exists
There is a credible rumor that certain DOJ staff are actively stopping indictments of J6 Exec participants, despite substantial evidence of involvement in planning of criminal activity.
Nobody in America has the guts to charge Trump because there’s something about him and his followers they are extremely scared of.
Who are the people in charge of the DoJ anyway?
Are the SCJs also the top officials of the Justice Department?
Merrick Garland & the trumpo DOJ would rather play around in the goldfish bowl than chase the money fish in his back pocket
“Cevallos (says) ‘The DOJ Has Super Powers Compared To The [January 6th] Committee’” so let’s #ConvinceItForward
Ya nasty nancy and crew have lied out right Russia russia ! Stock deals ! Biden with holding foreign aid to stop his brat from being investigated out loud on tv ! Lock them all up !!!!
@Kate D take 5 minutes and look it up !!!
When the DOJ is running an investigation, NOTHING is revealed to the public until it is finished because it could jeopardize the actual trial, that does NOT apply to Congress running one.
Garland is Trump shill. He has no spine.
Or maybe he’s doesn’t feel the need to crow about it.
Chest pounding only works in politics. Our judicial system should be above that.
*WHY hasn’t AG Garland arrested even one single person violating federal law by protesting in front of the homes of the conservative justices??? Even AFTER an assassination attempt against justice Kavanaugh!!!*
I’ve only just realized… The reason I’m watching this J6 hearings is so I can tell my daughter when she grows up: This was when America fell.
Corrupt government ,corrupt judiciary, corrupt police , corrupt intelligence…can you trust DOJ TO DO RIGHT THING…
Everybody should contact the DOJ directly. The Dept. of Justice maintains a secure website. It takes 3-5 minutes to visit their Contact page; the online form needs only name and email, and if you take a screen print you will have a record with a timestamp.
Garland thinking to himself, why not wait until the midterms when the GOP wins back the house then kills the Jan 6th committee? Once there, might as well wait until after the 24 election to see whether or not the Traitor in Chief gets reelected and if so end of story.
I equate the DOJs “super powers” to that of citizens rights, if you don’t exercise them you don’t have them!
Why do you?
How is seditious conspiracy different from treason?
So proceed with tampering. Tax evasion brought criminal boss All Capone, put him in prison, got the ultimately desired result even without all his other crimes.
2020 saw Black voters and candidates alike turn out in droves. From Sen. Raphael Warnock’s
GOP Spanish-language ad hits Senate Democrats on economy
Georgia poll shows Abrams, Kemp tied and Warnock leading in Senate race
The Senate races that could be impacted by end of Roe v. Wade
(D) successful campaign in Georgia to Jaime Harrison’s unsuccessful Senate campaign in South Carolina, it seemed Black voters and candidates were lining up on the left.
But while the Democratic Party tends to have a lock on Black voters, that bloc is not a monolith. And Black Republicans are confident their ranks will continue growing ahead of the midterms and the 2024 presidential election.
“So many Black Americans have been raised in a conservative way,” said Paris Dennard, national spokesperson and director of Black media affairs for the Republican National Committee. “When you think about Black conservatism, that is being a strong family. That’s having a lot of faith, being able to work hard and have a strong and safe community.”
This year, Black voters’ support for Republican candidates rose to 27 percent, up from 12 percent in November, according to a March Wall Street Journal poll.
Meanwhile, Dennard said, the RNC tracked more than 160 Black Republicans who filed to run for office; of them, 120 are still running. There were more than 80 who filed to run in the House of Representatives.
“There’s no doubt that come November, the road to retiring [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi is going to be paved with new Black Republicans coming to Congress,” Dennard said.
Hey Todd, remember this line: “this investigation gives them a direct line to the white house!” How’d that work out for ya? ha ha ha ha BTW why haven’t we heard from Ray Epps? ha ha ha ha
We have. He’s not an FBI mole, if that’s your damage.
It doesn’t matter who many referrals they make. Merrick Garland is not going to prosecute ANY top level WH officials…especially Trump. Merrick Garland is afraid of public perception (Fox News) that somehow holding law-breakers accountable will be seen as partisan or divide the country. He’s proving that “justice” only applies to us peons. I.e. why didn’t he charge Mark Meadows with Contempt of Congress for defying their subpoena? Answer: Because he’s a coward.
big government married to NBC is bad for people….
Not only the US but the whole world is going to celebrate when these fascists /DJT get thrown in the slammer….it is coming!
🇺🇸 Happy Birthday United States!
Chuck Todd sucks!
Joe is criminal in chief and the so called democrats are organized crime !
CNN communist news network ABC Americans broadcast communism NBC nationals broadcast communism CBS communist broadcast service npr national Pravda radio New yuck times naacp national association for the advancement of communist people ….
Not this dude again! Was this dude on one of news some weeks ago showhis professional analysis that AH WILL WIN THE TRIAL!!!
Unfortunately mg is a Trump maga sympathizer
Still need evidence and the only thing ive heard is the same old ‘Orange man bad’ shtick.
Same routine as the Kavanaugh & Russia smears, they bring in another version of Christine Blasey Ford for sworn ‘here say’ testimony LOL. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. These “hearings” are literally ran by some the same liars who perpetrated the Russia hoax hearings which proved to be completely BS created by the Democrats themselves and cost taxpayers millions & millions all to GET TRUMP. Its not just Biden who is corrupt, the Democrats hid Biden in his bunker from the American people, the press, because they knew he had cognitive issues. Today’s Democrat party is corrupt to the core. This committee is a collection of anti Trumpers Thompson, Raskin, Shiff, Aguilar. Just another attempt to smear Trump and taxpayers pay the bill again. Pelosi handpicking two Republicans RINOS, Liz Cheney & Adam Kezinger to make it appear fair and non partisan is not only slimy but an insult to your intelligence. Zero credibility for this firing squad. Democrats aren’t even good at corruption. Hoax 2.0
Is your socialist state Rep listed?
Progressive Socialists (These aren’t Democrats) who voted “NO” on the bill to protect USSC Justices and their families. To this date the federal government has not supplied protection for the justices at their homes. Demonstrators at the Justices homes are in violation of two federal laws. Merrick Garland does nothing. This is the same group that voted for de-funding the police. Joyce Beatty (Ohio), Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.), Cori Bush (Mo.), Veronica Escobar (Texas), Adriano Espaillat (N.Y.), Jesús García (Ill.), Sylvia Garcia (Texas), Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Steven Horsford (Nevada), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), Brenda Lawrence (Mich.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Tom Malinowski (N.J.), Marie Newman (Ill.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Abdullahi Omar MN, Bill Pascrell (N.J.), Donald Payne (N.J.), Ed Perlmutter (Colo.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Mikie Sherrill (N.J.), Albio Sires (N.J.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Norma Torres (Calif.), Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), Maxine Waters (Calif.) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.) * 10 of the 28 listed are from NY & NJ.
Been a bad year for Joe and his Socialists. But a worse time for Americans. Russia hoax exposed created by the Dems themselves too GET TRUMP that cost taxpayers millions and millions, this new attempt is another bust and again taxpayers pay the bill, Dem’s campaigned for a certified moron in Biden who try’s to shake hands with invisible people, Democrats intentionally hid Biden in his bunker from the American public and press because of his dementia to win an election (so much for ‘country over party’ hypocrites), record high gas price’s, 40 year record high inflation and getting worse, 11 dead Marines, 71 billion in military equipment given to the Taliban and their terrorist friends in Afghanistan, Roe is history, abortion is now limited, millions of illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists crossing our southern border and Joe does nothing….still has done
nothing. This is a years time. You don’t deserve to be in power.
What will happen to all the people once Trumps not around. We can’t control what happens. We have been focused since 2020 to win midterms. The bottom line Is Democrats can never hold power again as President. Democrats made big political mistake and that was going after other peoples children. Democrats stole election and more than half country know it. The Trump thing is bigger to you all not us.
There is no privilege for criminal acts committed by the president.
Only the turning a blind eye to the crimes of the country’s leader.
He brags about the crowd.
Throwing charges out by a Politically motivated committee is like giving out Speeding Tickets at the Indianapolis 500 – I can’t see this going anywhere – Dems are trying to sway Voters for Midterms – Queen Cheney’s and kinzinger’s political careers are over
If Trump and his conspirators are not prosecuted I fear that our democracy will turn into an autocracy. Elections won’t matter. It will be rule by violence.
I’m sitting here waiting for my anti-aging cream to start working too.
And TWO IMPEACHMENTS…. He’s a psychotic criminal…
Let’s all hope the DOJ uses their “superpower” for good, and not b.s. justification for letting that trump guy go free.
The 2020 election WAS stole. Trump is the true President.
I am a proud never Trumper, and I have to say, he was even worse than I ever imagined.
Trunp will never ever be charged with a felony. Never gonna happen, dems are too spineless