Mississippi’s governor issued a state of emergency to residents as they brace for more flood waters. The Pearl River is expected to crest at 35 and a half feet overnight near downtown Jackson. The flooding is adding to the water still on the ground in Mississippi after days of excessive rainfall. This comes as 10 million Americans across the upper Midwest are at risk for severe weather, and the National Hurricane Center tracks four different storms developing in the Atlantic. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC
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#nbcnews #flooding #mississippi
How dare the rino govt tell people what to do. Don’t tell your citizens what to do!!!!!
My heart goes out to everyone 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve got a great idea!
Pray! That always seems to work so well during disasters. Haha
It is OK, we have our gun rights, so we can shot ourselves.
Pushing on the preparedness onto the RESIDENCE & CITIZENS, when they have been paying their TAXES & utility bills to HAVE THIS ALREADY PREPARED FOR THEM🤨🖕by the local/state government agencies.
They need to build new houses there anyway
This poor mayor has tried his best to get Jackson in order but has been stopped by all kinds of obstacles
Lmao. I live in MN. Dam news makes everything so extra dramatic. It hardly rain in twin cities. Fake news definitely
wonder why they flooded this time
Protect a life all the lifes the white supremacy have tooken please
When glaciers melt, more water is released into the atmosphere, causing more intense rain fall and flooding events.
They better get out cuz we know they cant swim😂
These things are always intentionally. The mayor knows the majority of the ppl have no where to go
How the stat is flooding but don’t have water. What!!????
Lot states going to be flooded America is corrupt full of sin God warning ⛔️
Life jackets, ZIPLOCKALL papers, save yourselves an pers. Air may for small kids, elderly people. Food water an stay safe
Another example of how our government doesn’t do its jobs! I wonder if that aid to the Ukraine would’ve covered this? They could probably pay for it with YOUR money from somewhere else? The pentagon can misplace 21 trillion! I’m sure that would cover it!
All these thoughts and prayers, yet people keep sending deniers to “protect them”. I believe this is definitely a sign that the Earth is ill and we have to come together to reverse these effects of climate change. Like the old saying goes, “there is no atheist in a fox hole”.
“CLIMATE CHANGE ISNT REAL” screams the red state Republicans. Lol
Just want all you Mississippi folks to know this your God punishing you for your abortion laws.
Put that in your Bible and smoke it.
Conservative leadership and “deregulation” on display. If you’re thirsty right now, then you should vote blue next tie.
To be fair a conservative can easily “own” you by bringing up flint. You may want to be careful.
HELP Jackson Mississippi, they are the first to help whenever there’s a crisis in America! 😇
You realize that Jackson is a city. Cities are not responsible for providing disaster aid to other cities, when they dont have the ability to aid themselves.
Move to New Mexico. No earthquakes, tornados or severe weather, 300 days of sunshine.
No fun either.
Finally, I can put my ability to spell Mississippi to good use.
The lord is not happy with the world 🌎 i wonder why ?… I will deal with them according to their ways 🔥
“Get Out Now”:
Republican’s answer to Climate Change.
Where is Joe Biden to sign executive orders to help his country instead of sending to Ukraine
Al Gore tried to warn the powers that be years ago. Is it too late?
This is awful. And the folks who need to move…can they even afford to do that?
This reminds me of Katrina. Weren’t there folks who were stuck where they were because they didn’t have the money or the resources to get out of the way?
Sending prayers
The storm in Minnesota wasn’t bad at all lmao when does the news ever not exaggerate?
King James Version
Revelation 22:18-19
This Book
Exodus 24:7
The Book
Matthew 23:9
John 5:19
I say unto you,
John 1:6-12
Matthew 23:9
John 5: 20
The Father which hath
Sent him.
John 5:39
Search the scriptures;
They are they which Testify
Of me.
Psalm 119:130
John 1:49
Thou Art
Exodus 16:14-18
Acts 8:6
Daniel 2:31-38
Thou Art This Head
Hebrews 7:2-3
Ezekiel 1:14-15
John 6:20
Be Not Afraid
Ezekiel 10:20
Jeremiah 8:21
I am Black
Song of Solomon 7:5
Thine Head
Psalm 18:9
He Bowed
John 8:17-18
John 12:43-48
The Voice of One
John 1:23
Psalm 95:7
Ezekiel 30:8
All her Helpers Shall
Be Destroyed.
John 20:22
Receive Ye The Holy Ghost
Ephesians 5:8
Save One
Luke 18:19
1 John 1:5
The Holy Ghost
1 John 5:7
Zechariah 14:9
His name One
John 5:20
Ye may marvel.
Children of Light
1 Thessalonians 5:5
While Ye Have Light
John 12:36
Yes..get out now!
Of Mississippi that is
If only we could set up interstate drain pipes where their flood water drains into a state/region with severe drought.
Pray for us Mississippians…we can’t afford to take any more devastating state of emergencies cause Gov.Reeves is going to make sure we do not recovery ….any kind of assistance that is for the ppl is turn away…we need help from the last storms,covid,p- ebt for the kids,just assistance to survive and he doing what ever takes for the ppl not to get anything but he packing his pockets and his buddies,that’s one man is going to suffer before he leave this earth …watch….just pure evil!
And go where mr.mayor
Good Lord. No water in the west and massive flooding in the south. Climate change is real.
Seems like every city in every state now has to deal with floodings whenever it rains now. When its dry its bone dry when its wet its devastating. Looks like we are in a no win situation these days.
Why people were allowed to buy in an flood area is beyond me
Oh. And having electric charger is bad. Yet this here is okay? Hmm
GOP’s response; Ah yes. Sorry about the infrastructure. We are busy drawing up bills on BS issues like CRT and forcing children to give birth.
Stay safe Mississippi. Vote for someone who doesn’t deny the effects of climate change.
So much water while the American West is in the middle of a 22 year drought.
* Verschrikkelijk! Afschuwelijk! De Oekraïense inlichtingendienst was geschokt om te melden dat Zelky zes Russische zware pantserdivisies was en dat 40.000 ton wapens en munitie was aangekomen en de Oekraïners had aangevallen. De VS en Groot-Brittannië en Zelsky werden misleid om te weten dat Rusland langzaam had aangevallen en dacht dat de Russen niet langer in staat waren om aan te vallen, en nu zagen ze dat de Oekraïense soldaten op de vlucht waren. Rusland heeft dus 60.000 manschappen en zes grote oorlogsschepen en ook Su 35 en gevechtshelikopters, Su 30 en ga zo maar door. Net gezegd dat het een totale tegenaanval was, nu ben ik in paniek. Het Amerikaanse en Britse militaire materieel dat op het punt staat aan te komen, is al te laat. Meer dan 560 soldaten werden vernietigd door Rusland, tientallen vliegtuigen werden neergeschoten, 26 tanks, 23 infanterie gevechtsvoertuigen, 5 tanks werden vernietigd. De Oekraïners leden zware nederlagen. De aanvallen waren slechts een meevaller om Rusland te misleiden, maar ze werkten niet. De dag van Zelky’s val was nabij.
Op 30 augustus meldden kranten dat het Oekraïense leger “de afgelopen dag 1.200 militairen had verloren toen het een aanval organiseerde op de troepen van Moskou in de regio Nikolayev-Krivoi Rog en andere regio’s.” Alleen al in de afgelopen 24 uur hebben Russische troepen 48 tanks, 46 infanteriegevechtsvoertuigen, 37 andere gepantserde gevechtsvoertuigen, 8 pick-uptrucks met grote machinegeweren en meer dan 1.200 Oekraïense soldaten geëlimineerd, “zei Konashenkov, erop wijzend dat Kiev niet was geslaagd en grote verliezen had geleden bij het uitvoeren van de operatie om Moskouse troepen in het zuiden aan te vallen zoals bevolen. President Volodymyr Zelensky. Toch hield Zelski zijn mond open dat hij de Russische regio’s en de separatistische milities zou aanvallen. Hier lacht de hele wereld om, alleen Biden gelooft het belastinggeld van het Amerikaanse volk als een zwart gat in deze oorlog te brengen.
* Nogmaals, Rusland maakte Oekraïne niet langer een gevechtspiloot gedood en gewond door ervaren piloten, Zelsky werd gedwongen om de piloot die leerde vechten mee te nemen, dus hij werd neergeschoten, vernietigd nu er geen piloten zijn die het vliegtuig besturen. Deze situatie is net als de VS toen het vliegtuig naar Hanoi werd neergeschoten, de VS hebben niet langer veel piloten om te bombarderen. Zelsky vroeg Polen, Groot-Brittannië, Duitsland en de Verenigde Staten om deel te nemen zonder dat een land daarmee instemde.
Rusland en de G7-landen verwelkomden beide de delegatie van de missie van het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) om de kerncentrale van Zaporizhzhia te inspecteren, Rusland en de G7-groep van geïndustrialiseerde landen op 29 augustus verwelkomden beide de stap. De wereld zal duidelijk het valse gezicht zien van Zelky en Biden die voortdurend drones deze kerncentrale laten aanvallen en vervolgens Rusland de schuld geven. Zelfs Biden heeft Rusland herhaaldelijk de schuld gegeven van dit gevaar. Biden zal zijn masker laten vallen, zijn bedrieglijke aard onthullen, en binnenkort zal hij bitter toekijken hoe Oekraïne wordt aangevallen door Rusland en de hoofdstad Kiep overneemt.
De komst van Trump heeft eerdere verkiezingsregels verpest en Amerikanen steunen Trump overweldigend, vooral omdat Biden de FBI op frauduleuze wijze heeft geleid om illegaal de residentie van de Trump-familie te infiltreren en de Amerikaanse economie keldert, de prijzen escaleren. Het Amerikaanse leven worstelt en het onweerstaanbare falen van Oekraïne en de Europese economie. Biden en de Democraten zullen het Congres in november en bij de presidentsverkiezingen van 2024 zeker verliezen. De pers moet nu eerlijk rapporteren als ze haar volgers niet verliest en het faillissement niet meer is zoals vroeger, het aantal kranten dat Trump steunt neemt toe, elke krant die kwaad spreekt over Trump wordt geboycot door Amerikanen.
* Het belangrijke nieuws is dat China Taiwan zou kunnen aanvallen in deze Russisch-Oekraïense oorlog. China wil zo handelen dat de VS en het Westen die betrokken zijn bij de Oekraïense oorlog Taiwan niet kunnen redden.
Iedereen weet dat Biden en de Democraten de afgelopen jaren hun intellect en inspanning niet hebben gebruikt om het land en de mensen die hen hebben gekozen te dienen, integendeel, ze zitten gewoon en vinden vuile complotten om Trump te schaden om dit land te verstoren, wapens naar Rusland te brengen om oorlog in Oekraïne te veroorzaken en er vervolgens op onverantwoorde wijze belastinggeld van mensen in te gooien. taken, zoals het verbranden van papier om mensen in financiële problemen te brengen, stijgende prijzen, stijgende benzineprijzen, Europese mensen die klagen over het veroorzaken van paniek in heel Europa van gastekorten en economische crisis, enz. Terwijl China vrij is om hightech wapens te ontwikkelen, bedreigt het slijpen van messen Taiwan en handelt het om de Amerikaanse economie onder zijn voeten te stampen. Waarom maken Biden en zijn partij zich geen zorgen over de omgang met Rusland? Zijn zulke mensen je stem voor hen waard? Terwijl de heer Trump een miljardair is die zijn inspanningen en geld besteedt om Amerika te laten groeien, geen salaris ontvangt, zijn zijn vrienden ondankbaar en stemmen ze op degenen die hem schaden. Waarom is dat? Denk er eens over na.
People can’t bathe wash clothes or cook what a time.
Meanwhile in the southwest they are running out of water. Building a Aqueduct system would certainly solve both problems. It’s been done all over the world for thousands of years yet for some reason we don’t consider it here. Insurance money alone from flood cost would pay for it. Just my opinion.
I would encourage people who
Live through out the mighty Mississippi River get out ASAP…🙏
And 🌎 through out coastal cities in the US 🇺🇸 sea waters are rising…
It’s heartbreaking 💔 praying for everyone
I appreciate the love all great Americans has shown my city❤ This is my hometown born and raised. Im sure all Jacksonians thank you all for your support 🙏
There is not enough bottled water on the Planet to save this City. It’s history. GET out while you can. Maybe next time don’t habitate in a Flood Plane.
Where they gonna go? 🤷🏽♀️
To bad we’re not getting no floods here. No rain all summer til just this month but not enough to flood. Barely any rain. I wish it’ll rain here.
You certainly don’t want it to flood there, also my Birmingham Stallions are better than your Pittsburgh Steelers
Get out and go where
Saturday, August 11th, 2012 @ 20:10
My dearly beloved daughter the rains which will fall all over the world represent the deluge of tears which fall from My Eyes as I watch God’s children wander so far off the path of eternal salvation.
The rains, the floods and the destruction of crops to come will be the result of a chastisement from Heaven.
The valleys of tears will spring up everywhere and it will be blamed on climate change and global warming. But this is not so.
So many people in the world do not believe in God. They do not honour me, His Beloved Son. Instead they are consumed with an obsessive passion for false gods.
What do I mean by this?
These people create heroes and idols in the world of TV, fashion, music and sport.
They then elevate them into human idols and they pay homage to them.
They then idolise them in ways which damage not only themselves but the person they have elevated.
They believe that these idols are sacred and do all they can to copy their lifestyles, their way of dressing, their personalities and even their physical appearance.
It amounts to paganism.
All of this has been foretold My daughter.
The world will idolise false gods.
These people are full of love for their bodies, themselves and with little charity or love shown for their neighbour in their hardened hearts.
Their hearts have turned to stone.
They do not love God. Instead they have fallen under the spell of Satan who has placed these beliefs and thoughts in their minds.
There is no respect for the human body.
The body is created by God and, as such, is a temple designed in which the presence of God should reside.
When Satan tempts humanity he focuses on the body and the pleasure it seeks through the senses.
This is why mankind now loves his own body to such an extent and he places it on a pedestal.
Never content with the way in which the body was made by God, he continually seeks to improve, change and amend the human body to suit his interpretation of perfection.
They way in which women, in particular, change their bodies and present it to the world in immoral ways disgusts Me.
Those women who have no shame in exposing their bodies commit sin yet they may not realise this. They think it is acceptable to abuse the body they were born with and flaunt themselves in way which can be the cause of sin.
Their love of self is one of the greatest sins of pride. They then convince young girls that it is acceptable to present their bodies in public in this way.
So many sins of the flesh are flaunted in the world and deemed to be acceptable.
Yet they are all punishable after death. Not only is sin being committed but it is presented as being a good thing.
Adultery is acceptable today and applauded.
Murder no longer shocks and there is no longer respect for human life.
Sexual immorality is rampant and justified.
The days of such sinful behaviour are drawing to an end.
Until humanity accepts that sin will always be sin they forfeit the right to enter the Gates of Paradise.
For every sin you are guilty of, the part of the body used when committing the sin, will be burned and purified in Purgatory.
If in mortal sin you will feel the pain of the fire tearing through that part of your body used to commit the sin for eternity. There will be no end to this torment.
Why, why do they not listen to their hearts? So many people know that what they do is wrong but carry on sinning regardless because it is acceptable in the eyes of the world.
The entertainment and media industries have created a false acceptance of such behaviour that many innocent souls have been corrupted by lies.
Only the Truth can save them now. They are being given the Book of Truth but will they listen? Satan and his fallen angels will do everything to ensure that they don’t.
It will be only be when the chastisements are showered down from the heavens that they will have to discard their empty useless and disgusting habits. For they will be too busy trying to survive and put bread in their mouths.
Sadly it will only be through such chastisements that humanity can be purified on this earth.
By being given the gift of purification, while alive, they are being given a chance to avoid the lakes of fire.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
The mayor should have done told people to get out . God bless everone . Prays going out to everyone. Be safe .
Feel sorry for the flood victims. Sad to see those houses and pictures documents damaged. Oghhh
70 percent will stay and not make it so sad
aqueducts, pipelines flood channels could of prevented all of this and all that water right now could of been heading to states in need of it while being ran through water treatment plants along the way. we have a interstate road system but no water system to stop things like this and supply the water to needed areas across america. just think with out things like aqueducts there never would of been a city were rome still sits today.
Getting Rid of Herpes with *Doctor Alued on YouTube* herbal medication was the best I’m so happy I’m cued from HERPES
President Biden needs to visit Jackson, MS ASAP!! I realize it is not a swing state and the modern democrat party only seems to visit swing states but this is a crisis that demands federal leadership and attention! Biden’s strong point is going to people in times of needs and despair, so Mr President come to MS!!
Get out of my car naw
Have an idea. Hire a ton of people. Build the biggest water filtration system that pures out into the hoover dam. I know it will not happen. But it’s worth the thought. Government is to busy giving money away to other countries and figuring out what a woman is, bc that takes priority.
Looks like the homeless population is about to take a big jump.
Heh heh heh.
Welcome to my world. We’ll see how YOU like it….
Expect the same help you’ve given me and ALL sincerely loving kindhearted beings…..none whatsoever.
Isn’t Divine Justice awesome?
Again and again flood water’s on the Mississippi River the world is n drought stricken state millions of barrels of water going to waste this is very unfortunate the only fear is 💲 cost shipping by train to drought areas could help millions of people n the U S
They should harness this water and redirect it to California, I hear they need it so much.
Wtf who voted this Mayor in
Laughs in Pakistani
Racist and evil state. God is speaking
Prayers for everyone.
I am.so sorry this is.happening. Please God you will.be alright .
Little late isn’t it?
C’est la colère qu’il ne faut pas hâter. Qu’Allah nous nous guide pour être du nombre de qu’il aime.
https://youtu.be/szZv3wElOPA How to make a DIY Emergency Water Filter
Can ever narrowing academic education return to Pre-WW-II time? to the days of Einstein and Plank? to what students trust can stop emptiness of graduated future leaders of our socio-political life? of public lost trust in current regime authorities & establishments?
Do these problems begin, grow, and may end only by free academia?
Who were the notable academic authorities that ruled pre-WW-II life?
Was a ‘PhD’ of the past, a bona fide Philosophy Doctor? a person of wide knowledge and eloquence outside his specialism?
Why & at what cost, did Western academia withdraw from the game?
Has empty specialism gained the highest prestige since WW-II?
Do educators today harbor not bona fide core classic philosophy?
nor teach well-verified science and globally tested “soft sciences”?
Indeed, contemporary professors vie with one another today in presenting fragmented lectures devoid of wide interconnected
content, for they can no longer hope to achieve popularity by
injecting verified-tested fundamental knowledge into what has
gradually become an ever narrower, disciplinary professionalism.
Did core classic philosophy was in part motivated by the desire to
appropriate science with the great past ‘prestige’ of philosophers,
and philosophers with the fast growing standing of physics?
Should science, in particular physics, return to high physico-philosophical grounds? was it adopted by most pre-WW-II authorities?
partly as ‘science among sciences philosophy’, or as ‘sum of all well-verified and tested sciences and soft sciences’?
Classical skepticism is usually the negation of a core, interconnected,
physico-philosophical system. Not so with Einstein’s methodology & skepticism. To start with, he advocated removal of mandated borders
between disciplines, especially between physics and philosophy.
While such attitudes add fuel to current teaching crisis, like in the U.S., the Einsteinian methodology leads to unification of most promising kernels of human knowledge, and a potential to rejuvenate academic life.
Our students are almost specifically trained by their expert
teachers and professors today not to ask fundamental questions in class, as a result of which inconsistent, or outright incorrect premises, are given a better chance of perpetuating themselves.
And as stated above, no mandated solution is at the door, but own academic freedom to recognize again their entrusted freedom to lead the best of humanity today
🎸🎹😎 NEW Philly sound on YouTube @
Republican states always fail as usual. They will now blame it on the democrats.
NBC News = liberal garbage. Fake News
I am originally from Louisiana. I left that horrible state because of all of the crime, humidity, trash, flooding, pollution, etc. etc. When will people learn. Stop rebuilding every single year and just move away from that horrible place. Mississippi and Louisiana are going underwater, literally.
Thanks Pricilla.
🌹SEPTEMBER 6, 2022🌹
“DO EVERYTHING in dependence on Me. The desire to act independently–apart from Me–springs from the root of pride. Self-sufficiency is subtle, insinuating its way into your thoughts and actions without your realizing it. But apart from Me, you can do nothing; that is, nothing of eternal value. My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on Me in every situation. I move heaven and earth to accomplish this purpose, but you must collaborate with Me in this training. Teaching you would be simple if I negated your free will or overwhelmed you with My Power. However, I love you too much to withdraw the godlike privilege I bestowed on you as My image-bearer. Use your freedom wisely, by relying on Me constantly. Thus you enjoy My Presence and My Peace.” (JESUS CALLING)
These are the component to create *Homeless Shelter Villages* [HSV] using _Pallet Shelter’s_ existing HSV products: the _Community Room_ sells for $37,000, the _Bathroom_ costs $35,000, and the _Services Office_ costs $9,000. So for only $81,000 a city can establish a HSV. The two person _Shelter 64_ costs $7,000. 100 X $7,000 = $7,000,000. For $7,201,000 the city can establish a HSV for 200 residents. For $160 million a city can establish 22 HSVs to shelter 4,000 residents.
Enter this video’s _YouTube_ title, _which is in italics,_ into the “Search” window above to see the best, *most perfect solution for homelessness.* Which is much better than having five roommates who snore: _LA’s First Tiny Home Village to House Homeless | California Live | NBCLA._
Enter “tiny home village” into the _YouTube_ search window above to see hundreds all over the country *which we will all need eventually due to runaway-AGW destruction of the world.* P
There is no rational reason to link a word that is *NOT* in the _KKBible,_ abortion, to its denial of the science and evidence all around it. *Of all our extinction by the year 2060 due to runaway-AGW.*
*Reducing rents in America by 50% part 4 of 4:* There is allot of land being ravaged by extinction by the year 2060, runaway-AGW extreme weather events. Using this land that will be ravaged again by floods 3 feet higher; to establish *Homeless Shelter Villages* [HSV]; _built on trailers._ So like a Native American village the entire community can be moved to follow the buffalo or avoid a flood. *No part of America will be left untouched by its procrastination to taking the steps to stop extinction by the year 2060; due to catastrophic-runaway-anthropogenic-global-warming [CRAGW].*
*Reducing rents in America by 50% part 3 of 4:* The war on drugs is just another form of *Democratic-voter-suppression* and a _war on poor folks._ Legalize all recreational-drugs, provide 178 million Americans with a $900 a month minimum income. Provide free childcare, healthcare, dental-care, and college educations. And there is no crime so all the raci$t, Qu Qlux Qlan PIGs are replaced by the superior, can-fly, *RoboCops* seen on My channel. Amen.
*Reducing rents in America by 50% part 2 of 4:* Just by *repealing and then converting the $2 trillion* tax breaks stolen by Massacre Mitch McConnell’s RepubliKKKguns to give billionaires and corporations money that did not create any jobs and which they did not need. Provides *Homeless-Shelter-Village* [HSV] accommodations and a *$900 a month minimum income to 89 million Americans* making less then $15 an hour with no healthcare or dental benefits. Remember that all of _Pallet Shelter’s_ *Homeless Shelter Village* [HSV] components can be taken down and moved in one hour; to escape floods.
*Reducing rents in America by 50% part 1 of 4:* By providing the 41% of Americans that the _Federal Reserve_ tells us make less than $15 an hour, *with no healthcare or dental benefits,* with *Homeless-Shelter-Villages* [HSV] from *Pallet Shelters;* where their rent is 20% of their net income. Will *reduce rents increased* due to extinction by the year 2060 runaway-AGW destruction of housing and *failed RepubliKKKgun policies;* by *50% across the entire country!!!*
The *harbinger* of the coming _”Ark Storm”_ as in *Noah’s Ark in California;* is massive rainfall and no snow in the California mountains. Followed by the _now common_ *1,000-year-event* cyclone-bomb, storm-flooding. *Which will make millions homeless,* _which will raise rents even more,_ *which will create more economic-refugees and climate-refugees;* homeless by no fault of their own.
Democrats can prepare for two feet of rain in a short period of time because the Joe Biden administration accepts the science of runaway-AGW and has completed designs, accepted by the UN to house the homeless, for floating cites that must be *built and anchored on land that will be flooded again; by floods 3 feet higher!* Amen.
The GEN-L made by _Watergen_ pulls and purifies 6,000 liters of drinking water a day from the air’s humidity. *Rather than waiting for racists to do the right thing.* The least-expensive, long-term, instant solution to Jackson, Mississippi’s and the entire country’s drinking water shortage. Is the $30,000 [whose price will fall to $15,000 when produced at scale] GEN-L made by _Watergen._ It will cost $400 to connect the GEN-L system to the home. $30,400 is a much cheaper and faster solution to Jackson, Mississippi’s long term water crisis; *than waiting for racists RepubliKKKAR15s to do the right thing.*
*Should all forms of education be free to give people the skills to earn enough money in order to NOT become homeless? Yes or no* anti-abortion [ the word abortion is *NOT* in the _KKBible_ ], sadistic, Nazi, democracy-terrorist, MAGA-Fascist, Qu Qlux Qlan, runaway-AGW-denying; RepubliKKKAR15??? No P
My heart goes out to these people I hope they get through it. Come on to Dallas Texas everybody else is. We’re up to 9 million people now. You’re more than welcome.
Sounds like a scandal folks well they f with our water what say you ?
that’s what happens when you live in that area. do they not know the history of it?
This is apart of the Great Reset/Agenda 2030.