Newly-minted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer addresses the Senate for the first time since the inauguration of Vice President Kamala Harris and the swearing-in of Democratic Senators Alex Padilla, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
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#ChuckSchumer #Inauguration #NBCNews
Schumer Gives First Speech As Senate Majority Leader: ‘I Am Full Of Hope’ | NBC News
Yup she’s the FIRST
Jim Jordan is your spine strengthening or are you still the spineless yellow belly son of a dog you’ve always been?
Shuman a schmo
With the Democrats in charge there is no hope of the United states is ever going back to return to normalcy unless God intervenes in this fiasco
Beautifully said.
CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉🎇 Senator Schumer, as a Senate Majority, and for the inspirational , introduction speech. Offering prayers 🙏, support snd love towards the 117th Congress of the United States! 🇺🇲📜🏛️🗽.May God Bless each members of Congress and our Troops. Warmest Regards, Linda M Cinnamond 💜🤗🙋
Nazi shumer famialy ties to the ss nazi ss his famile are lesbian imorral
Big Pinocchio nose crying Chuck
Schumer is the worst. A worthless politician who is trying to destroy America!
Please Schumer font Share Power with Mitch he ia a snake. He will slither and take your power. He didnt try to share any of his with anyone. He didn’t compromise or try to work with the Democrats.Georgia worked and fought too hard for you to let Mitch remain in cintrol. Using the filibuster he will slow down delay railroad any bill or law Biden tries to pass. Republicans are already showing their true colors. Complaining about spending on poor people but never complsined about giving the rich billions of dollars. We didnt work and fight for You, Schumer to share power with Mitch. We The People demand that you take your rightful place as Majority Leader.
Diane Feinstein does not look well in this video.
Blah blah blah….more BS from the commies
Scummer should be talking about National Guards slept in parking garages
The hope is that you go to gitmo soon
Working hard to build utopia on earth. Nothing ever went wrong with that idea.
The right man for the right job!
Coronavirus e annuncio del miracolo della guarigione senza vaccini o medicine
L’Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani
24 Rabi` al-Akher (Rabi’ II) 1442 (Anno dell’Egira)
09-12-2020 (Anno Domini)
ore 09:01 a.m.
(secondo il calendario ufficiale della Madre delle città [La Mecca])
Coronavirus e annuncio del miracolo della guarigione senza vaccini o medicine
Nel nome di Dio (Allah), Clemente e Misericordioso
Dal servitore di Dio ed il Suo vicario, Nasser Mohammad al popolo in generale e tutte le persone: O gente, io sono l’Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad, non sono solo il califfo ed il vicario di Dio (Allah) sullo Yemen; infatti, il califfo di Allah in tutto il mondo. In verità, per Allah, non c’è differenza per me tra uno yemenita e un cinese.
O comunità di leader umani e decisori tra la loro gente, ed a tutti coloro che hanno raggiunto la loro maturità tra gli umani, gli arabi ed i non arabi, i musulmani ed i miscredenti, ascoltate e razionalizzate ciò che vi diremo con la verità dicendo l’ultima parola decisiva e ciò che non è uno scherzo:
Giuro su Dio, l’Uno, il Soggiogatore, non conosco un vaccino o una guarigione per quello che c’è nel petto, dal castigo di Dio, fino a quando non implorate con questa supplica senza arroganza contro il califfo e vicario di Dio, Mahdi Nasser Mohammad; e le parole della rimozione del castigo di ciò che è nel petto, è che vi umiliate a Dio (Allah) e implorate Dio recitando quanto segue:
“O Signor nostro, abbiamo mancato contro noi stessi. Se non ci perdoni e non hai misericordia di noi, saremo certamente tra i perdenti”, e dopo essersi pentiti dovrebbero dire: “Oh Dio, io sono il Tuo servitore, ti chiedo per il fatto che non c’è altro Dio all’infuori di Te, e per il fatto della Tua misericordia che ti sei imposto, e per il fatto della grande beatitudine del Tuo compiacimento che è più grande della beatitudine del Tuo Paradiso; che tu mi guarisca dal castigo della Corona o lo rimuova da me; sicuramente io credo nel vero Araldo di Te. Oh Dio, allontana da noi il Tuo castigo che ci investe da ogni parte, così potremmo seguire il sentiero della verità da Te; e rendici saldi nell’adempimento di ciò che Ti abbiamo promesso, O che si insinua tra l’uomo e il suo cuore, sicuramente non abbiamo altro che la Tua misericordia che Ti sei imposto; se non ci perdoni e non hai misericordia di noi, saremo certamente tra i perdenti. Tu l’hai detto nei versetti espliciti del Tuo libro:
{ Il vostro Signore ha detto: “InvocateMi, vi risponderò” }
Ha detto il vero, Dio il Magnifico [Ghãfer_ 40:60],
{ وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ } صدق الله العظيم [غافر: من الآية ٦٠]،
Quindi la supplica e la preghiera da parte mia, mentre la risposta da parte Tua, in verità, Tu non manchi alla promessa. O Signor nostro, gloria a Te! la Tua promessa è veritiera e Tu sei il più Misericordioso dei misericordiosi; O Dio, rendici saldi nell’adempimento di ciò che Ti abbiamo promesso per seguire il Chiamante ed Araldo globale di Dio, il Vicario di Dio sulla terra, l’Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani; O Dio, rendi il suo invio come un favore ed una benedizione su di noi e non una maledizione ed afflizione contro di noi a causa del nostro allontanamento e indifferenza per il vero richiamo dell’Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani”.
L’Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamanih
Great unifier or just the latest version of Shylock in pursuit of his pound of flesh? “Unity?” Not with that hateful grimy New Yorker – he’s got scores to settle. Some things never change though Shylock was a far better dresser.
Somebody call DC Comics, we just found the new Justice League……
Warning ⚠️ Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi you’re going to put a target 🎯 on both your back’s if you move forward with ridiculous impeachment again. Remember 74 million Americans love President Trump and will absolutely despise you. Doing another ridiculous impeachment will only divide the country more, not to mention there’s crazy people both Democrat and Republican who are capable of doing crazy violent things. Your hatred for the president Trump will bring out the worst in those crazy people if you move forward with impeachment. Just go do your jobs and get the stimulus money out to people ASAP that are hurting. Many people already think you’re both incompetent career politicians part of the Washington DC swamp. With senile incompetent Joe Biden running the country may God help us all.
Don’t let us down, Sen. Majority Leader.
Let M€
Catch My Breath Also
Changes For Hope
A Great Amount Of Faith
Will Shine, A New Light
Of A Demo- Of Agreements
Not Left Or Right Or The Middle
Who Is Seem-Less. Or Sowing
A Bad Seed.. Of Dragging Their Feet And The Delaying Presidents Orders Of Progress
Please have things done … The people are suffering! Have stuff done please.
Hope isn’t the only thing that he is full of.
Chuck Schumer is getting played by Mitch McConnell.
Schumer should assert the majority power, disband the committees, reform the committees, seat the Democrat chairs, and push ahead as the Majority Party!
Mitch’s GOP will never cooperate with any thing the Democrats try to do. So, ditch Mitch and move forward.
If Chuck hasn’t learned anything about Mitch, then he should step aside and let a more competent democrat run the Senate. Shamefully spineless Chuck. Step aside!!!
Don’t forget these rioters are killers. True criminals , not hooligans!
With God all things are possible
Textbook swamp rat
Solzhenitsyn explains it best. “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
God bless you
Chuck Schumer would have made a good communist. Come to think of it, he already is.
Mr Schumer let talk truth is it fair to say the Joe Biden the is grounds to be inpechement what was his son doing ear force 2 and why did Joe go abroad was was it business O vice president thing what ever it was. Ether his son had no business Beeing on the flight
And what about your madam vice president Mr Schumer when are U going to impeach both your president vice president. With full on AVIDANCE and real threat. To the USA
Mr Schumer when are U going to impeach Joe Biden and karmala outing up the cash bail out people were burning America when are U impeach than U scum bag
\\ GOOD NEWS on one hand: “60% drop in hospitalizations for age 60-plus 3 weeks after 1st shot” [THE TIMES OF ISRAEL, ,Jan 24, 2021] v. Jan 27 BAD NEWS FOR NATIONS MARKED (**) \\ JHU v. REPORTING NATIONS >>>CORONA Deaths PER 1M-POP [JAN 26 v.27]: >Belg 1,822-1,828** >Itl 1,421-1,430** >Hung 1,231-1,231 >SPAIN 1,2O3-1,216** >Frnc 1,097-1,106** >Swis 1,074-1,081** >Port 1,043-1,100** \\ % Fatalities of those infected: Nov 2/Dec 4, 9, 12, 20, 24/Jan 26, 27 //// >[Germ] -1.97-.61-.67-.68-.77-.83-2.48-.52** >[NL]-2.11-1.78-.71-.68-.55-.49-.42-43** >[Finl]-2.20-1.54-.51-.51-.49-.54-.53-.50** >[U.S.]-2.51-1.95-.88-.87-.79-.77-.67-.68** >[Brazil]-2.89-.71-.66-.65-.59-.57-.45-.45 >[Fran]-2.69-.40-.44-.44-.47-.47-.40-.41** >[Spn]-2.89-.72-.72-.73-.72-.69-.08-.08 >[AU]-3.28-.25-.24-.24-.23-.21-.16-.16 >[Canada]-4.30-3.15-2.98-.86-.82-.76-.55-.56** >[UK]-4.51-3.59-.54-.53-.35-.21-2.69-.71** >[Sweden]-4.78-2.57-.39-.35-.18-.09-.01-.04** >[China]-5.39-.35-.35-.35-.34-.33-.20-.19>[Iran]-5.69-4.92-.75-.74-.63-.17-.14 >[Itl]-5.47-4.35-3.49-.51-.59-.54-.47-.48** >[Mexico]-9.92-.82-.49-.26-8.91-.48-.50** >US EARLIER: >Oct 22: 2.75, Jan 27: 1.68.////
Truth justice the American way with free speech for everyone is coming back whether they like it or not very bad day for censorship as it should be great job Donald J Trump and all Americans🙂🇺🇸🇺🇸🤗🇺🇸🙂🇺🇸🇺🇸🤗
DARKNESS …….DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
\\ YOUR LIFE DILEMMA TODAY? //// May escape corona-variants, say, by Simple-Diet-in-Stand-Alone-House-Garden, or by Health-Tourism/Immigration to a Simple-Diet-GROUP-A-Nation characterized by drastically low CORONA-PANDEMIC, some are grand islands or places: \\ 2 scientific methods, reported from 2 groups of nations listed below, indicate high CORONA-CONTROL in GROUP A, which, unlike Group B, is characterized by simple diet: ///// Method (1): % Fatalities of diagnosed in GROUP A reported on Jan 31/2021 by: \\ >Sngpr0.05 >Qatr.13 >FrI.15 >StVn.22 >Sycl.26 >Dubai.28 >StBrt.28 >Mldvs.32>Bhrn.36 >Tlnd.43 >Curc.46 >Reun.46 >Fr-G.47 >Iclnd.48 >Cay-I.51 >Kwt.58 >Cyp.64 >StMr.70 >Mrtnq.70 >Bora-Bora/FrPl.73 >Isr.74 >Mytt.74 >Npl.75 >Uzb.79 >Brb.79 > C-NL.83 >Cuba.83 >Arba.86 >Twn.88 >Brt-Il.88 >Mzmbq.96 >StMrt.97 vs. // GROUP B: >Germn2.59 >NL1.43 >U.S.1.69 >Brz2.44 >Fr2.39 >Sp2.06 >AU3.16 >Cnd2.57 >UK2.77 >Swd2.04 >Sws1.80 >Grc3.70 >Chn5.18 >Irn4.10 >Itl3.47 >Mxc8.51 >US EARLIER >Oct 22 2.75, Jan 31 1.69 \\ Method (2): COVID Deaths/1M JAN 26 v 31 >Blg 1,822-1,840 >UK 1570-1,588 > Itl 1,421-1,461 >Hng 1,231-1,276 >SP 1,2O3-1,248 >Fr 1,097-1,132 >Sws 1,097-1,100 >Prtg 1,043-1,185 //// daily reported from listed nations to JHU, WHO, etc. [‘in’, U-Tube, 10M-PLUS REFERENCES, Google].
One of the worst political actors. Dishonesty seeps from his pours. Divisiveness is what he means by unity. As long his speech was well written who cares right?
\\ BY SOLE, VALID, 1922 INTERNATIONAL LAW [LON-(UN) ]- Palestine is Our Home Land. 1947-TWO-STATES UN RESOLUTION they rejected, made war to eliminate us [I was 14 y/o], lost, tried again & again, lost each. We remember they murdered us since 1840, in all major ME cities. GIVE THEM ALL OUR LAND? THEY KEEP SAME [Verified facts at 46-49, ISSUU, Feb 21, 2016, “4 16, 2014, aa history” YET, WE WANT, WE CAN, COOPERATE AND RESPECT. RECENT MULTY NORMALIZATIONS PROVE.
You are full of something
Schumer shame on you. Trump is atrue america stop your lies. They should convict you for the wrong you have done this country. You should be impeach.
We need a Trump back he is a better president to lift america back.
Satan’s child.
Strike 2 Chucky boy… bye, bye!
Lucky the “guilty” senators are in USA, not in Burma.
Chuck: “equality under the law”? LOL
Just venting that biden said he would forgive studen loan debt pre election and today he said no. So here is what i have to say:
You effing POS BIDEN for not canceling student loan debt when you use our effing money to save for free all effing illegals and daca. Its not about elite schools pos! And said you would you lying pos filthy politician. Then give the usa back its debt you and obama caused and pay it back out of your assets and your paycheck. You effing pos disgusting lying hipocrite entitled creepy racist thief pos BIDEN!
No confidence, trust of faith in Congress.
that is too bad
Joe Mansion is swtched to the right. What are you talking about?
Garbage human
This guy is what is wrong with DC. Pathetic.
You mean he’s “full of dope”
So where is he when it comes to standing aside by side as an Israel Ally???!
Looooooser chuck, ya racist dork
this guy…couldn’t give meaningful directions to the men’s room….oh he knows full well where it is….people like me just don’t deserve to go where he might go from time to time…..and now he’s made a political ad that tries to explain how republicans want to take the vote away from black folks….what’s so great is the fact he knows that’s not the case and he is neck deep in a fantastic lie…..he knows, right now, that the vote was full of odd events….that would make any honest person wonder what the heck is going on… his mind he knows……if the election was so honest and without fault….doesn’t it make sense that the majority leader would ask….no….demand investigation on the highest level be done……we have never had rules that you vote anytime you want…it leads to questions and wonder about how honest the election has been…..with the possible hack of computers that help in the counting of votes …… hey chuck isn’t keeping a close eye on votes just the very smart thing to do….what exactly are you so afraid of chuck… comes across like you are trying to cover your rear…..are you trying to cover your rear chuck? come on buddy lets try being honest…..
Full of dope maybe!
We need term limits u would not think he was majority leader the way he gets punked and out manuevered by mcconnell
We remember what you did concerning Waco Schumer, you will pay!
Biden and Harris will also meet justice.
I am so happy democrats finally control the government again 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Bolshevik America is a reality
Dirt bag…
Your Full of lies. This is all on democrates totally and completely. Can fool americans anymore!!! 8 trillion in less then 6mos by dems for hoaxes and pocuses bc corrupt self interests is all they do. Your not grand the word is a disgrace. Quit trying to act like your a good person. Nope she is not nor is joe. Why do you all keep criminally inflecting yourself before us?????
This man speaks to demons on house floor In. His Chair???????? Unfit and gone wickedly bad ole Chuck
They try to act holy, wickedly
We good people sick of their lies and deceit is sickening literally. Bad bad representstives illegally placed in office
You should be trembling. Sorry chuck i cant keep up with your deceit and lies. Evil evil man. They only look for who to shift blame on and its all on them. The climate change bull crap and playing God???? Is monsterest decept
All jackals
Cant wait to see him Smile in a Prison cell
🤣And, here we are 8 months later. The Biden Administration has been the most disgraceful show of Democratic minds in “inaction” we’ve ever witnessed! Just waiting impatiently for it to end, with impeachment, preferably.
Mr. Schumer, if you become a target of harsh and cruel criticism (we watch committees and sub- committees in Washington and are clearly aware of how grueling and angry the members get towards each other), do not hide behind you ethnicity as the reason of the critique. The gist is not about Judaism because we know the history of the Israelites far more the the average “Jewish” American, and we also are aware of the diversity of the religion. You copy?
Congress people of all parties need term limits and not be allowed to trade on stock market. They should be forced to resign when using insider info for trading.
Great Quote 👉🏻 “Nothing in this country works. It takes years to repair a bridge that was built in far less time. Every big democrat run city has skyrocketing murder rates. China is about to take over the world even as we name Navy ships after pedophiles. And our reporters ask about the racism of our roads?” –J.D. Vance
Funny thing is Democrats now run these major crime cities and our federal government in Washington DC; which says it all. Everything the Democrats touch turns to $hit 💩! Oh Yes indeed I miss President Trump 🇺🇸
I have something to say to all of you out there the president in the house of Congress I don’t know about them there are not helping us because they want to shut down the stores and we won’t be able to get any food and they want to shut down the electricity and the headlight and gas and all this we’re not going to have money to pay for anything for food or clothing for our kiss our kids are not going to have Christmas this year all because of them and no food in our home so what are they going to do about this we need money here as soon as possible and use your need to be giving money to the people in the restaurant and the stores and all that because we give them money to buy the things so they get their money so regardless from other people you need to do something very soon are you going to have a big prices on your hand people going to be breaking into all the stores stealing all the stuff in the stores and still into people’s homes now you need to stop this before it happens
Who was the small Haitian girl you were kissing on the mouth? As you sat on the patio poolside on Little Saint John island!
hello senator schumer, we are the people of this executive office only – please thank all yourselves of who placed yours now head of the senate and the house made the 100 senators be who we all have now. i care that Hillary was the first lady that chose to work and carry our mister’s time more as a senator then as a secretary back to one last try. it is our chance to say we have gotten the chance again for Biden to carry where Hillary lost few years ago. She was from Arkansas but came for New York as his secretary – first lady. elle for GOP
With any luck moscow will never be majority leader or in the majority party again.
Schumer is why we need Term LIMITS
You are a disaster chucky boy.
Old baby killing communist
Criminal eres lo ponen en hol
Out corupto.le uitaton.los botos.crimen
This bloke believes there are no Nazis in Ukraine! I suggest he look to the bandera torch marches ! The right sector Nazis and azov are heavily involved in the Ukraine military! These type of people do no fact finding !
The devil in disguise right here man look at him.. Democrats nothing but baby killers.. you have to pay the price one day you’ll see… Have fun when you go.. pathetic
Still very lackluster on cell phone numbers.
The chip bill passed contingent upon getting built in USA, but at the last minute Crooked chuck Schumer changed it benefiting his friends in China. How evil of him