Scientists are warning that a crucial tipping point could be reached in 2025 – that would see the start of the collapse of the Atlantic Gulf Stream – if global emissions were not reduced.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, known as AMOC, drives the Atlantic’s currents – by pushing warm water from the Gulf of Mexico northwards, towards the Arctic, where it cools and sinks.
It last collapsed during the previous ice age around 12,000 years ago – and could have catastrophic impacts for humanity.
Sea levels would rise around the East Coast of North America – and storms would worsen in Europe.
While rains in Asia, Africa and South America would be disrupted – causing issues for food production for billions of people.
Matthew England is an ocean and climate dynamics professor at the University of New South Wales. His Antarctic-focussed work is very similar to this latest study. He Joins us live from Sydney to discuss this.
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#ClimateSOS #ClimateChange #AtlanticGulfStream #AMOC #GulfOfMexico #Arctic #AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation #AlJazeeraEnglish
It’s the North Atlantic conveyor. Without it balmy ole England will be a year round ski destination
Bull ssssssss
So once it stops means the ocean will freeze again on the poles I reckon the earth is just healing itself 🤓
These are NOT scientists they are Meteorologists! Meteorology is NOT a science and never will be and these frauds are liars and crooks!
Can’t even predict the weather accurately a week in advance 🤔
Maybe read up on chaos theory / butterfly effect. 👍
Global emissions ain’t the only problem. All this orbiting, all these expeditions to explore Earth’s atmosphere. This is also playing a major role in the change we’re experiencing on Earth. And no matter how much money you have, Space should be off limits. Just because you could don’t mean you should 😕 ❗Scientist,and Astronauts, should be the ONLY humans exploring. I truly believe ( MY OPINION) that continuing to break Earth’s atmosphere is also the reason for climate change.
capitalism is a death cult, for escapists living in a fantasy world of denial
He who controls the weather controls the world.
And that’s no one
Look at actual peer reviewed data, not globalist propaganda if you would like to know the truth. These people are trying to scare you so they can control you. Easy peasy.
As the Chinese build 20 more coal fired power stations. Why don’t the protesters go there ? Because they would be locked up within the hour
Luke 21:26 Men fainting from fear and expectation of the things overtaking the inhabited earth. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then will they see the Son of Man—Coming in a cloud with great power and glory. 28 And when these things are beginning to come to pass Unbend and lift up your heads, Because that your redemption is drawing near.
all your words will be gone
So much so, the wealthiest in the world have bought up every coastal front mansion on the earth. FOR CASH.
Good night Europe 😞🥶
The earth was and still is warming since the day the ice age was melting over 10,000 years ago
Oo another tax
Stop with the bullshit please….
I could write a hysterical report about climate change and the media would publish it. But reports using satellite data, polar ice records and going beyond the 20 century, peer reviewed literature – no sorry, doesn’t give us what we want, this actually disproves what we are saying. Move along people, we’re not hear to debate or consider anything other than what we want to tell you is ‘the truth’.
Whether it’s true or not doesn’t even matter, the fact is they want us so scared that we will give up everything we have to be saved – look at this while we steal everything you’ve got. Trouble is it works, they are way too clever for the average idiot.
meanwhile, many politicians still fly around in their private jets
The Gulf Stream cant collapse, its caused by winds which are generated by the rotation of the earth. You cant stop the Gulf Stream unless you stop the earth 😂
Also note, even if AMOC does collapse we still dont really know the actual consequences. They could be severe, or they could be mild, its extremely complicated to model and know for sure. This is one of the most divisive topics among climate scientists for a reason. So dont panic, theres no point. That being said, we need to take care of our planet and stop being dumbasses
Are these scientists that are warning of this the same ones that said Florida would be under water 20 years ago it’s one thing after another That they warn us about that never happens and no one says s*** They just forget about the last prediction where they said the world was going to end and move on to the next one
Hmmm ; and to think how badly Al Gore was laughed at and mocked back in the day. Who’s laughing now ? Nobody … So sad
The last time the earth was at 5 C hotter 95% of species went extinct. We are on track for around 4 C by 2100 other scientist state between 7 and 9 C by 2100. We don’t just reach 5 C and things stop, we have serious declines in water, food, habitable zones, trade and security. The changes between now and 2 C will be incomprehensible, expect serious declines in water, far more potent heat waves and severe weather events, serious problems in providing aid and rebuilding, expect countries to cease food exports while populations of net food importers are forced to migrate.
Between 0 and +1C we have seen serious change, between +1C and +2C we will see around half a billion to a billion people become displaced. These are incomprehensible numbers, with serious problems in food supply, aid and conflict.
India has now banned the export of rice. It has begun.
THIS world system is nearly over.
ST JOHN 3:16! ❤️
Here’s an idea. Let’s use the movie the day after tomorrow and hype it with fear during the dog days of summer when it’s hottest. Let’s weaponize fear itself and scare people into the belief that another ice age is coming. Now tell us when we can start running to the border. I think just in case you may want to make it snow during these hot days. I’m not so sure how you’ll pull this off but hey most goofy people will believe your narrative anyway. What a conspiracy theory mess.
The true obscenity is that the signatories to our climate agreements have aporoved active plans to increase emissions by 30-50% in just a decade!😢
Oh, goodness. These people have been saying garbage like this for 50-plus years. We had global cooling in the 60s, 70s then that didn’t work out. Then global warming. That didn’t work out. Now climate change. So it doesn’t matter which way the weather goes. These are the rich elitists, the 1% so many claim to hate. They want control of our lives while they go around driving in their limos, flying their private jets, driving their lamborghini around, putting more carbon in the air in one day than the adverage person puts in a entire year, not caring 2 cents about the environment. When I see these people start to live by the example that they want us to live by. Then maybe I will take them seriously.
I’ve been saying for a while that the ultra wealthy are intentionally terraforming our earth in order to force a global reform. All the signs are there, there is little doubt in my mind. Without this conclusion, the ultra rich would look like absolute idiots.
Except even after years of proof and signs that excessive carbon emission all in the name of profiteering has caused the earth to alter for the worse. The ultra powerful even double down on their propagandas and green washing. They show absolutely no signs of stopping.
Whatever secret society of ultra wealthy that exists have planned the demise of billions comfortably because they have already if not secretly built their impenetrable sanctuaries where they can live and rule by their own.
They have masterfully created a generation of people gullible to their manipulations and now people could barely do a thing for anything.
They have successfully silenced whatever voice was left and now people are confused. They cleverly divided the people and now we are unable to unite. They have become so powerful, a hundred fold even.
Today is only a matter of carefully analyzing what to believe or not.
So it’s true what john Moore said
Its just more scaremongering…
yeah you don’t want to be scared
Let the elites fly their jets into the sun. Co2 makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere. Earth produces 97% of the Co2 humans produce 0.0012%
This is the BIGGEST NEWS for everyone….forget about achieving NET ZERO for 2050.. it’s no longer about how to curb climate change but about how to ADAPT AND SURVIVE before 2050. Populations will shift dramatically..once fertile regions will become deserts and vis versa. Asia and other heavily populated areas along the coast will be catastrophically impacted… it’s getting worse…yet the mainstream never discuss HOW TO ADAPT but rather more concerned with economics and not survival as a country as a species…because more WARS WILL COME DIE TO FOOD AND HOUSING ..CLIMATE REFUGEES will be huge and yet people avoid in in mainstream it because the audience is purposefully being kept ignorant or is it because the audience is too ignorant to think beyond the present .
so much for global warming eh
He is no scientists lmao 🤣 empty shelf’s lmao 🤣
Only way to save nature is to go into steep negative growth in a very direct manner which would mean a total change from our capitalist economy. This would then mean a complete devolvement of power structures and population control which would surely lead to global wars and conflict. There is no way the ruling class will give up control on their own.
Its coming boys, 2025-2027 SHTF on the way
What they dont quote are the 1500 other scientists who say their research is biased and flawed. Its going to happen…in about 5 million years.
we stop the melting of Greenland which took 1.4 million years to form, and now we can fix it to stabilise the planet by cutting down co2 , which will heat up the planet rapidly and the 20 year lag we have will continue another 20 years sounds like an foolish idea , NASA quote on there site dig around , climate is IRREVERSABLE , WAKE UP game over enjoy while you can
its not to late 😂😂😂😂😂
‘acceptance is the key’
Scientists they have the answers.. 😂
they did you didn’t listen
THE rich will carbon tax us soon….so they can give the scientists the billions…$ to fix it…and the goverment gets richer an will live in the very best…
NO it can not be adverted! the Planet is changing by nature, look into the Earths magnet pole flip and how the Sun effects our plants weather
Good God, fearmonger much?
And in the meantime, Antarctic sea ice is thinning at an alarming rate. A whole lot of things are going wrong at the same time
Artic circle temp was 90 degrees lastvweek
spend these next few years loving your family, and most importantly loving complete strangers. your awareness is a gift 🙂
Bullshit.. we know the lies being told in an attemt to force humanity into slavery .and media is just as guilty of lying.
Lol, yea, well, if we listened to every prediction made by climate scientists, we’d expect Manhattan to be underwater by 2010, the polar ice caps completely gone by 2012, and Antarctica to be LOSING ice, instead of GROWING ice.
When your grant money and clout are directly tied to following a political narrative rather than where the science takes you, your credibility wains.
it is already happening.
nothing to do with “greenhouse gas”.
co2 is 0.04% at most.
it would get colder. endlessly.
Jumped up Chimpanzees are not going to do anything positive.
As if it were a movie, everyone is anxious for big events due to climate change to begin and, as in the cinema, the exciting parts of the tragedy will soon arrive, do not be impatient…
This is why the whole climate debate is a sham. They separate issues so you can see the big picture because their end goal is “alarm.” On one side you have scientists sounding the alarm about the rising temperatures of the Arctic that is melting polar icecaps. This makes them worry about rising sea levels. Then on the other hand, you have an ecosystem that is responding by shutting down warm water currents to those very same polar regions. The scientists say “oh no, the northern regions are going to get really cold winters!!” Lol any idiot can see what’s going on. The earth is making needed adjustments to achieve homeostasis. Sure, we may suffer the consequences of those changes and we’ll have to adapt, but I think the earth is much more capable of regulating itself than we are. The obvious incompatibility of the climate change messaging is what really turns me off though. So dumb that they can’t even be consistent with what they see as a positive and a negative.
So let’s get this straight in the 70s. We were in fear of the globe being too cold. And the 80s it was the ozone layer. Now it is global warming. I just watched the video this morning. That said that the polar jet, something. Something could go away and North America could be in an ice age. Or a polar vortex at the very least, for years. So which is it cause? I’m not buying it as soon as I see mainstream media’s name on it.
Just turned ac up 3°
Its the rich companies and world leaders! They screw this planet up and blame it on the consumer…
120,000, and 12,000 years ago, there were NO CARS/Machines spewing exhaust out into the atmosphere. “Climate Change” is 100% Political and 0% Science.
If humans immediately quit using fossil fuels worldwide the decrease in Co2 would negligible. Co2 in our atmosphere is 0.04%.
No problem we have nuclear winters coming soon it will definitely cool Earth.
1 Book of Enoch 34:1-3
1 And from there I went towards the north, to the ends of the Earth, and there I saw a great and glorious wonder at the ends of the whole Earth.
2 And there I saw three Gates of Heaven; through each of them north winds go out; when they blow there is cold, hail, hoarfrost, snow, fog, and rain.
(Job 37:9-10), (Job 38:28-29)
3 And from one Gate, it blows for good; but when they blow through the other two Gates, it is with force, and it brings torment over the earth, and they blow with force.
We need Greta Thunberg to lead the fight against the Gulf Stream collapsing. How Dare you!
Haha remember when the kkk was so proud of their industrialisation and their civilizations. 😂😂😂
Humanity is too dumb and greedy to make meaningful change! We are all in danger
And with our force and might be shall conquer nature 🫠
Scientist are not saying this at all. He never mentions the Gulf Stream he is talking about AMOC. The AMOC and Gulf Stream are different. The Gulf Stream is caused by the earth’s rotation so no it won’t collapse unless the earth stops turning. You may have talked to a scientist but you like many other outlets added spurious information. You should correct it.
Let us recup, 12000years ago, People had bit carbon footprint, and that is why that guld stream colapsed and there was ove age…
Or parhaps, you wish to to human climate managing to avoid what would happen on anny case, new ciklus that earth gores thrue…
It’s not the gulf stream, it’s the AMOC is in danger. The Gulf stream is the surface part of the AMOC.
Yet back in the 70s we were being told we were heading towards an ice age. They then worked out there’s no money in that.
We have already started…in high gear
And what made it collapse the last time? Or the time before that? Humans aren’t to blame for everything, nor can we control the planet.
Good luck everyone!
Keep telling people it’s not to late and they won’t take the steps necessary
Bullshit! Lies and manipulation! The wind is not going to stop in 2025. Climate Change has another name, WEATHER! It changes! Phuc Eeng Ahs Holes!,
Chomsky is correct! Donald trump is being used as a distraction from climate catastrophe & nuclear war. That’s why this is being drugged out so long. Miss leaders in the US wanted to focus on woke stuff. Immigration guns, abortion all that bs. Our misleaders in the US are not going to admit there’s a climate crisis until Florida is completely underwater and it’s maybe a hundred and thirty
We must AT ONCE stop burning fossil fuel, forbid driving petrol and diesel car and only permit electrical cars. Otherwise our planet – as we today know it – will be history in 10-15-20 years.
All ice on and around Greenland and Antarctis Will melt in 3-5 years, our sea level will rice with 200-400 meter and cities like New York, London, Antwerpen and so on will be history.
All this will happend in just 3-5 years.
You really have drunk the Koolaid 😂😅😂
Greenland isn’t an ice cube in a glass 🤣😂🤣
We must at once forbid all news papers, all TV-channels and also of cause all channels at Internet that dont agree with the alarmism.
We all people must TODAY start working against this ”fossil-fuel-world”. Only if we do this we MIGHT have a chance to save the planet.
its too late to “forbid”
People have no control over the climate the Co2 level in the atmosphere is 0.04 percent. Scientists classified water vapor as a greenhouse gas and that makes up 90 percent of the atmosphere humans have no control over the world climate cycle do your own research they are playing you.
Yeah, more end of the world predictions that never come true. Remember Al Gore?
I like the part where he says, don’t tell people its too late, because any little thing they do will help
us survive a little longer. Listen people don’t worry, be happy. “Because its to late.” your toast.
Nature will win 👁️
The only way the AMOC will stop is if there is no ice at the North pole…If there is no ice at the North pole its because its too warm i.e. there will be no real winter in the Northern hemisphere anyway….so it doesnt matter….
Its also worth noting the Gulf stream will not stop as long as the earth is revolving!!
We are a cancer to this planet and I am ashamed to be called a “human”. We are the most selfish and destructive species to ever curse this world. I am glad she will soon be rid of us.
You poor thing – so weak and pathetic and self loathing – grow a pair
The damage is inevitable. All that is left is trying to mitigate it but we are in for some good pain in the coming years and frankly we deserve it.
The carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are actually beneficial. Benefits include increased agricultural yields (main effect) reduced winter heating costs and fewer deaths from hypothermia.
@John Geier LOL, the idiots have moved to “actually climate change is good, so let’s continue doing nothing”. Meanwhile it’s boiling where I am along with many other places, and wildfires are running rampant.
It’s not a problem to be solved but a predicament to be faced.
I support doom to doom prophets.
There are reasons for the climate problems we have. Do you ever do anything but work promoting fossil fuel industry propaganda? I hope you are paid well.
It’s happened many times in the last 2.5 million years. It’s like clockwork.
The AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) plays a crucial role in global climate patterns by redistributing heat from the tropics to higher latitudes. If the AMOC were to collapse, it would have significant consequences for regional and global climate systems.
1. Cooling of Western Europe: The AMOC transports warm water from the tropics to the North Atlantic, which helps keep Western Europe relatively mild and warm compared to other regions at similar latitudes. If the AMOC collapses, it could lead to a rapid cooling of Western Europe, potentially causing colder and harsher winters.
2. Changes in precipitation patterns: The AMOC influences the distribution of rainfall patterns, particularly in regions surrounding the North Atlantic. A collapse of the AMOC could alter these patterns, potentially leading to changes in rainfall amounts and distribution in affected areas.
3. Sea level rise: The AMOC also affects sea level patterns. A collapse of the AMOC could cause sea levels to rise along the eastern coast of North America due to a decrease in the transport of warm water away from the region.
4. Impacts on marine ecosystems: The AMOC plays a crucial role in the distribution of nutrients and the movement of marine species. A collapse of the AMOC could disrupt these ecosystems, potentially leading to changes in fish populations, migration patterns, and overall biodiversity.
It’s inevitable, imminent, and routine. There’s nothing to be done.
Go VEGAN if you care about the climate and biodiversity emergency.
Another anemic person talking utter insignificant rubbish
The only is you scumbag liars. Making up fake bullsh*t
Did you graduate?
@Spock Rogers Only brainwashed idiots would measure facts by degrees. “Because everyone knows that people with masters / or bachelors degrees don’t lie and are never wrong”. Your comment shows how easy it is to brainwash any idiot that doesn’t question anything they are told. As long as they have a label next to their name that impresses them.
Question what you’re told. Don’t be an idiot. People like you believe anything as long as the quote says … Scientist say, experts believe, studies show… Etc. Don’t be an idiot. Question everything. And look up every angle . Instead of asking why do I believe what I commented. Your response was “did I graduate”. It’s an idiotic brainwashed way of thinking. You’ll believe any stupidity anyone says. As long as it says he’s a scientist or an expert.
well for alot of us we been waiting since the 70s when they said it would happen before the new millennium but here we still are all waiting lmao
Media: What can be done? Science since 1965: STOP BURNING FOSSILE FUELS.
Also go vegan! 🌱
Nikola Tesla predicted this when humans chose oil over free energy generated by the planet. (JP Morgan, what would we sell to the people?) carnage and destruction I guess. Half of the idiots on capital hill thinks it’s a hoax 😂! Low iq mffers representing we the people….
You can reduce all you want it’s too late to stop what’s coming. # Feedback loop
White concrete roads instead of black asphalt. Government really don’t care. Their lobbies an special instead pay them big money to sell America on there product. If they were serious they would of used concrete instead of asphalt. At least it would of been a governments attempt. To show serious. What is government really really doing other than pushing solar an electric cars. Make them flying vehicles cheap. Mite quit using roads at all. Kept the people stupid. If we still here in 50 yrs we tell the children of government lies
Some of us better make plans. Where to go what do die like roaches on a hot plate. Mite already be turning to ash
The main regulators of climate are Milankovitch cycles, continental drift and stellar evolution of the sun.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration only plays a minor role on this planet which has 70% surface oceans.
We are currently in a geological ice age at a time of minimal glaciation. Both the current mean surface temperature of Earth and the current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are suboptimal for plant growth.
A modest increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will have the net beneficial effects of increased agricultural yields (main effect) reduced winter heating costs and fewer deaths from hypothermia.
There is now a long history of melodramatic doomsday predictions about the climate being proven wrong by history.
The doomsday predictions about collapse of the Gulf Stream have been circulating for decades.
Climate scam ✅
No this is just belive noncense. Just giving us a laugh😅
More taxes will not stop ANYTHING….. You all waist my time…
Seems reminiscent of the day after tomorrow…