Ongoing conflict in northern Omdurman, Sudan has killed and injured civilians. Ceasefire talks resumed but past truces failed. Asma Hamid’s home in Khartoum was hit by an artillery shell fired by the paramilitary rapid support forces into northern Omdurman, where the Sudanese army is located. This previously safe area has been hit by hundreds of artillery strikes in the past month, killing or injuring dozens of civilians. The shelling has prompted people to leave to safer areas outside the capital, but the fighting and insecurity has been spreading. While ceasefire talks have resumed, previous truces have collapsed. The Sudanese army and the paramilitary group say they want to end the suffering of those caught in the crossfire, but many are skeptical and waiting to see if this round of negotiations will be any different.
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#Sudan #ceasefire #paramilitary #NorthernOmdurman #Khartoum #civiliancasualties #peace talks #RapidSupportForces #emergencyresponse #conflict
Al Jazeera why you havent cover the protest against Israel of muslim league in kerala. Millions participated in the rally
Countless being killed in so many other wars all over, but the world doesn’t care.
السودان 😢
These Saudi and united arab know how to fight and destroy only Muslim countries specially the poor
Israel went to sudan to fight. It is among themselves. But no protests
may Allah ease the people’s sufferings-Ameen
Free sudan!!!!!!
What the f is wrong with this world. Conflicts developing left and right and we havent gotten to the “water wars” phase yet. Im afraid of the world we leave to our children😢
We are really near The Ultimate Day: THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT BY ALLAH=GOD
Everything has been desecrated 😔
Finally Al J have other world news
They did
حماس: إنهم يخطفون النساء والأطفال والرضع ويغتصبونهم. الأطفال أيضا. هذا بالفعل مريض. لقد جمعوهم جميعًا معًا واغتصبوهن جماعيًا بأكثر الطرق وحشية.
كما أخذوا امرأة حامل وأثناء اغتصابها قطعوها وأخرجوا طفلها وكله في برك من الدم. كم هم قساة. إنهم ليسوا البشر، وليسوا الحيوانات، إنهم شياطين. اعتقدت أن النازيين كانوا الأسوأ، وهناك المزيد.
كل ذلك بسبب الكراهية المجنونة لليهود، وليس الإسرائيليين لليهود. فأخذوا الأب والابن وقيدوهما بالحديد ونزعوا أعضائهما وهما على قيد الحياة. لقد قتلوا تحت التعذيب. في أي عالم أعيش؟ أطلب منهم حقًا أنهم إذا جاءوا إلي، فأنا أريد رصاصة فقط. فقط لا تعذبني كما فعلوا. أخذوا فتاة تبلغ من العمر 10 سنوات واغتصبوها. لماذا لا يستطيع العالم رؤيته؟
حماس هي داعش. لا يجب أن تدعمه. لا يهم عربي أو يهودي! نحن نقاتل ضد منظمة إرهابية وليس ضد الفلسطينيين!!! متى سوف يفهم عقلك ذلك بالفعل؟ اليوم نحن، وغداً أنت! لا، نحن لا نكره العرب.
Sudan, turn your weapons to the colonizers in Israel, not each other. Know your true enemy
Uh huh …
*Sudan’s Burhan Defends Israel Normalisation*
~Barrons, 5/17/21
Yes Africa pls unite
بعد ان انهي شعب السودان الاحتلال البريطاني لارضه ..لم يهنٱ بالعيش بٱمان متمتع بخير أرضه كثيرٱ وعصفت بهم رياح قوية مثل إعصار قوي ..دمر البلد بٱكمله
Africa pls unite 😢Palestine will be free
Is Palestinian like more precious than that of Sudan
@man with no name ask Israel.
They involved in Sudan too
@Zaheda Mohamedsyes isreal even involved the earth quake in morroco and Afghanistan weeks ago
@R T and the earthquake in Turkey.. They have the technology to prove it.
Peace to you dear precious soul. Please repent before the powerful rulers remove many millions of us through war and other planned disasters within weeks.
Please do not be deceived by the devil. We plead with you to please humble yourself, fast, pray and ask your Creator for divine peace, wisdom, and power to overcome the deception of these inhumane creatures and save your children and loved ones. We love you dear fellow human being.
All your people are always in conflict, that’s all you know! Peace is a concept that is alian to you!
😢 Sometime since have read an article about Www3 could taking place in a diff way , Small nations fite 1 another due to old lands Or mistreats .
Btw, 4 month later Russia war started 😮 This planet named earth is upside down ,Mum nature also is severe much more .
In the Gaza Strip of Palestine, the terrorist Jewish government is carrying out a brutal genocide; Then the terrorist state, the American government, expressed its full support by directly sending troops and warships to help the Jewish infidels. But our Arab rulers could not take any military action on behalf of the Muslim people of Palestine! But why? In fact, Arab rulers work for terrorist America. Because the freedom of expression of common people of their own country must be preserved in power. This is why they never use weapons against Israel. Therefore, the Arab people should immediately remove the monarchy and the pro-American government for their own benefit and establish a democratic government and establish an Islamic system of governance.
Free palestten
Free sudan
In islam no peace.. islam is religion of brainwashed and brain drain
Shame on the selfish leaders of Sudan instigating such conflicts on their own land !!