A man who described himself as a soldier with the Israeli army was arrested for ‘racially aggravated assault’ after verbally abusing a Muslim woman at a London train station. Witnesses say he pulled a woman’s headscarf, triggering the altercation.
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Shamima aktar was disowned by Uk laws
Now we have a British citizen doing the same
Are we still at Britain
Love the UK..
She should go to Iran ,,then her life would be in real danger
So you think a man taking off a women’s head covering is acceptable? You are a POS
Foreign soldiers should not be among civilians.
Justice served! U dumbhass 😂
They will release him and give him some AIPACK compensation
To the IDF soldier …. Please come to South Africa…..repeat what you said… my brother….you will be crying to your ancestors for help ….you Coward.
PS respect to the Lady who stood up to him…👊
He is going to cry auny cement now 😭
IDF always picking on unarmed women and children…when men turn up they look for their diapers 😂
It is sactioned behaviour which has been displayed for centuries and recently been givien the OK to onleach on the world. Palestinine is only the beginning as the Facist might is let loose on the world in order to control and surpress our freedom and faith.
So this is why Al Jazeera was kicked out of Israel 🇮🇱 😂
IDF Terrorists
Love you ❤
Could you imagine the outcry from the anti semitic lobby if someone was to pull off a Jews kippah or yarmulke.
The entitlement. The arrogance. The supreme belief to be above the law and norms of decent behavior. The racism. The sense of superiority. The cowardice. Zionism engineers the worst people
Does he realize that arabs are also semetic?
So SEMITIC people are for the most part Arabs and Hebrews. Giving that Anti-Semitic apparently now is being Anti Jews. So how would you call Arab hating? I love how this term was just monopolised!
He brags about being a terrorist and then thinks he’s being tough trying to intimidate a woman
He proved that he is IDF soldier, no doubt with behavior 😅😅😅
Aljezeera is a terrorist funded channel…everyone knows it
It is not about aljazeera , it is about the video itself
That proves that oppression and being mean is one of the causes of humility you bring upon yourself….😂😂😂😂
He is right about dirty mzzlm
Pamper force idf😂😂😂
He seems to be pretty weak as an iof soldier
His 1st sentence is a contradiction, just like everything they say and do.
A small example of a zionist!!! They think they’re above all but lack that they’re all below being a human or an animal!
Battyman Brigade clearly
Yes typically IDF soldiers. He proudly claims to be an IDF soldier, after assault a woman
The most moral army USA have funded
I believe he peed on his diapers when he got confronted by that black man.
Lol he was acting so buff around the woman but when the 7 foot guy came along he let himself get pushed around like a puppy he is lol
Free Palestine!
IOF terrorist should be banned all over the world.
He should know that UK police are shariah compliant. He doesn’t live in the UK anymore.
Is anyone elase in cuffs? (While in cuffs) There he never stop
He is not IDF soldier when he faces men 😂
Putting hands on women 😂😂
These are the same women who say they are equal to men!
If you want to act like a man, expect to be treated like a man!
Typically coward they only go women and children , look at his face when the man came😂😂
Ofcures you are IDF that whay you trying to fight with women and children
He thinks this is Palestine
Strange how you won’t show the pro Israel protests that are getting larger and larger every week! 🤭
shame on IDF
Tipico pendejo
And this is what happens when you’re kicked out of every pints and pies!!! Lol the guys a total IDF goat!!😂hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
🤮 I. am a D.mF. 🤪
Stupid evil 😈 his power to women and children toilet man evil
They are just simply showing their identity to the world, nothing surprised!
They are brain washed clowns 🤡
An example of thebmost moral army personnel army in the world.
Aaah oui it’s only IDF solder is stupid he kills women and children like him😅,look at him
Don’t entertain a conversation with a brownie
Is that a soldier 😂😂😂
When redneckskilled NATIVE AMericans… same EUROPEAN colonizers…
IDF cowardness revealed! Ok to fight against women and childs but stepping back against a real man!
IDF = 💩
IDF – Isr4eL Diaper Force
Disgusting zio nist
Down right disgusting behaviour from a man .
Always with phone in their hands and then she lies about being mma fighter?!?hahahaha what?are you ok?
Islamaphobia to the fullest
Coward Fascist IDF!
The way real black man shift things around
Si banci hanya berani terhadap anak anak dan wanita begitulah tentara banci israel😂
Where did all the idf supporters go?
They swarm the comments of all other videos…
Yeah seems about right coward when the man came over.
Fully trained to work at kfc
Attacking women and children and running away from men, you must be an IDF soldier
75 years ago and onward they could do this and deny it. Now there are phones everywhere documenting their vile behaviour.
If he is an IDF soldier, I am Chinese
Disgusting fact: an israeli n a former IDF soldier admitted of raping palestinian women, especially underage girl age 14 or so.. just like any other idf soldier. The most moral army in the world they claimed.
Typical behaviour from their type
Your typical zio***t, throw xenophobic remarks, get blowback, calling other anti **mitic.
He’s saying he is IDF soldier like it’s something to be proud of..deluded stupid Babies killer, attacking women.. It’s say it all about what kind of people’s theyre.
Ask him to explain or define Semitic ..He have no clue..semit is the descending sons of Sam the son of Noah.. Arabs as much as the Jews are descending from Sam, actually Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic is the three Semitic languages, only Hebrew and Arabic survived ..
We live in a time where every people try so hard to own a race/ religion/ skin color and even clothes and hair style …pathetic
IDF are bunch of POOSIES!!!!😂😂😂
He hasn’t been slapped in hua life yet😂
Anti semetic…she is more semetic then you!! You are a europen zionist
The antisemitic card as always
Lady is 100% right ,
Got scared the moment a bro stepped in
The hate they have for the believers is insane typical i am wrestling with God
Des qu’il ce font attraper ils chier sur heu
He was claiming to be and IDF soldier because she was claiming to be a UFC fighter
It always amazed me when i heard someone put the word dirty in the same sentence as Muslim because they wash more than anyone every day. Its an Oxymoron
Die Semiten, die Sem, dem Sohn Noahs, Friede sei mit ihm, zugeschrieben werden, beziehen sich normalerweise auf die Völker, die auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, in Mesopotamien (dem alten Irak) und in der syrischen Region (Bewohner Syriens, des Libanon und Palästinas) leben ),
Mit den Hamiten, die Ham, dem Sohn Noahs, Friede sei mit ihm, zugeschrieben werden, sind die auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent lebenden Völker mit ihrer bekannten Farbe und ihren bekannten Gesichtszügen gemeint.
Aber im Islam heißt es in der Sunnah, dass die Araber Semiten sind, und dies wurde im Hadith des Propheten des Islam, Muhammad, festgestellt: „Shem ist der Vater der Araber, Ham ist der Vater der Äthiopier und Japheth ist der Vater.“ der Römer.“
الساميون، وينسبون إلى سام بن نوح عليه السلام، وعادة ما يشار بهم إلى الشعوب الساكنة في شبه الجزيرة العربية، وفي بلاد النهرين (العراق القديم)، وفي المنطقة السورية (سكان سوريا ولبنان وفلسطين)،
الحاميون، وينسبون إلى حام بن نوح عليه السلام، ويقصد بهم الشعوب الساكنة في القارة الأفريقية بلونهم وملامحهم المعروفة.
ولكن في الإسلام تقول السنة أن العرب هم ساميون وذلك جاء في حديث نبي الإسلام محمد:«سَامٌ أَبُو الْعَرَبِ، وَحَامٌ أَبُو الْحَبَشِ، وَيَافِثُ أَبُو الرُّومِ».
Il voulait tapée presque une femme vous les connaissez maintenant c’est lâche
IDF cowards
Thats some bad genes right there
Un renoi il est devenu jaune
Islamophobia is so wrong. It’s just a religion and doesn’t tells anyone to do anything bad.
Zionist does not respect the Jewish black people immegrated from Ethiopia to occupied Palestine, do you expect such racist sycho to respect non-Jewish people?
No matter what he does, Zionist will always play the Jocker card to shut you up; Anti-Semitism card, even if he is talking to an Arab who is more Semite than him!
A rat wanna be a lion. When the lion showed up, he turned him back to a rat.
The entitlement is gross
I am Christian from East Europe i support everyone who is against cult Islam…
He is still level -9000 Idf solfier 😂
Genocidal european zionist converts showing true colors. Only known to fight women and children.
The black gal is pro rape and kidnapping of women