Archive List for inside story

Fitch Downgrades USA’s Credit Score | AJ #shorts

The financial Ratings agency Fitch has downgraded the USA’s credit score. It’s citing concerns about governance over the past 20 years and the fact that the government seems to borrow so much money year in year out with very little comeuppances. The US is living beyond its means and that’s why interest rates are seeming going to be quite high for the foreseeable future. The US Treasury Chief Janet Yellen is absolutely furious. She sees it as an attack on the dollar and is warning that potential investors may be weary of the US. How will this impact on political parties because they are blaming each other over the downgrade? […]

Ethnic violence in India’s Manipur | Inside Story

Ethnic violence has engulfed India’s northeastern Manipur state since early May. More than 100 people have been killed and tens of thousands displaced. India has deployed thousands of security personnel. Manipur has suffered ethnic tension and conflicts involving armed separatist movements for decades. But now it’s experiencing its worst violence since the 1990s. How did the 2021 coup in neighbouring Myanmar add to the tension? And can New Delhi end the conflict? – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News #InsideStory #Ethnicviolence #India #Manipur

Can Ukraine defend itself? | Inside Story

Russian troops have taken several towns and cities in Ukraine, and also the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. Now they’re attacking the capital Kiev. The U.S., EU and western allies have imposed more sanctions on Russia’s financial sector. But Ukraine’s president says the response is not good enough, adding that his country is being forced to fight alone. So what are the options? Can Ukraine defend itself? Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom Guests: Halyna Yanchenko – Member of the Ukrainian Parliament. Dmitry Bridzhe – Russian Political Analyst. Andreas Krieg – Assistant Professor, Defence Studies Department, King’s College London. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us […]

Ugandan commander says mission in DRC is limited to ADF rebels

Ugandan soldiers crossed the border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo last week. They are taking part in a joint operation to track down gunmen from an armed group known as the Allied Democratic Forces. For people on the ground, there is hope – but also unease about the partnership. Al Jazeera’s @Malcolm Webb reports. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #DRCongo #Uganda

What’s next for Germany after Angela Merkel? | Inside Story

For 16 years, Chancellor Angela Merkel steered Germany through economic meltdowns, refugee crises and, most recently, a global pandemic. But her leadership has come to an end. Incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces numerous challenges, including rising COVID-19 infections, climate change, and tensions with Russia and China. So what’s next for Germany and Europe? Presenter: Hazem Sika Guests: Ulrich Brueckner – Professor of Political Science, Stanford University in Berlin. Rebecca Christie – Non-resident Fellow at the independent think tank Bruegel. Matt Qvortrup – Chair of Applied Political Science at Coventry University and author of ‘Angela Merkel: Europe’s Most Influential Leader’. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: […]

Can Iran’s president persuade the world to end sanctions? | Inside Story

After nine months and seven rounds of talks, negotiations to limit Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief seem to be heading towards a stand-still. Leaders of the new Iranian administration resumed talks in Vienna last week. The United States says Iran isn’t serious about returning to nuclear compliance. As a new draft deal nears completion, European negotiators accuse the Iranians of taking a step backwards. President Raisi is also promising to tackle Iran’s long running economic problems. Are both aims achievable? And will he be forced to make concessions? Presenter: Kim Vinell Guests: Hamed Mousavi, Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran. Sahil Shah, nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament […]

Uganda and DR Congo join forces to fight a common enemy

Nearly 2,000 Ugandan soldiers have crossed into the Democratic Republic of the Congo to fight alongside troops there. The move is part of a joint operation against an armed group, the Allied Democratic Forces, which operates along the border of both countries and has been blamed for dozens of attacks. Al Jazeera’s @Katia Lopez-Hodoyan reports. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #Uganda #DRCongo

Haiti security chief of presidential palace in custody

United States President Joe Biden says a limited number of US Marines would be sent to Haiti to secure the American embassy there after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise. Haitian police have arrested the head of security for the presidential palace, as they investigate the murder. Al Jazeera’s Katia Lopez Hoda-Yan has more. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #Aljazeeraenglish #BreakingNews #AlJazeeraLive

India migrant workers flee capital as COVID batters economy

Bus and train stations in India’s capital New Delhi have been overwhelmed as thousands of migrant workers flee the city. The latest restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus have seen many daily wage earners losing their jobs. India is struggling to stem the world’s largest rise in cases. Al Jazeera’s Elizabeth Puranam reports from New Delhi. – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #India

Will U.S. sanctions work against Russia? | Inside Story

The White House says the measures are a retaliation against a major Russian hacking campaign that breached vital federal agencies, election interference and other hostile acts. Biden insists the U.S. is not looking to kick off a cycle of conflicts with Russia, but wants a ‘stable and predictable’ relationship. But the Kremlin’s already threatened to respond in kind. So, how will this move affect the many challenges pitting the U.S. against Russia? – Subscribe to our channel: – Follow us on Twitter: – Find us on Facebook: – Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #InsideStory #Russia #UnitedStates