Archive List for simple living

Minimalism isn’t working

I don’t like who I was becoming. A major shift was needed. Instagram ➤➤➤ Twitter:

10 Things I Buy As A Financial Minimalist

In this video, I will show you some of the things that I continue to buy as a financial minimalist. Although I have sold most of the items that I own, I found there are some things that I need in order to function at a high level of productivity. The purchases that I describe in this video fit one of three criteria: 1. It saves money 2. It increases efficiency in my life 3. It makes me happy Get 70% Nord VPN when you use this link: Follow me on Instagram ➤➤➤ Listen to two audio books for FREE by signing up for an Amazon Audible 30 […]

My Minimalist Apartment

While moving into my new apartment I came to the realization that I have too much STUFF. There is really no other way to put it… In just the few short years that I’ve lived on my own, I had acquired enough stuff to fill multiple U-Haul trucks. How was this possible? Why do Americans have so many belongings and are they necessary to feel fulfilled in life? When I moved into my new apartment in August I wanted to try something new. I made the decision to adopt a way of living known as minimalism. Contrary to what you may have heard, the goal of minimalism is NOT to […]