Ben Habib, an MEP candidate for the U.K.’s Brexit party, discusses the EU elections, Brexit and British politics.
EU is making a free trade deal difficult, Brexit Party candidate says | Squawk Box Europe
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Ben Habib, an MEP candidate for the U.K.’s Brexit party, discusses the EU elections, Brexit and British politics.
Great interview, I have to agree with him.
That’s because you’re a bunch of clowns.
@Repulse theMonkey You are asking a lot to expect a rational reply but good luck …
how true. and yes we can rule our waves . bloody press yuk !
One of many great candidates for the Brexit Party.
Corbyn is not interested in anything other than a general election to the cost of those he so earnestly pleads the plight of.
He can never be PM.
Ben Habib, a sensible business man and I agree with him too! He has my vote…
It’s always the dupers and the dupees isnt it. Thanks for that wisdom Frank Reynolds. Good luck with your “vote” dupee.
Con & Lab’ MPs are looking like professional amateurs 😅😅
Howdy Britain, this is America. We’ve got a sh*t ton of corn and soybeans we need to sell. China won’t play fair. Hurry up and get out of the EU so we can make a deal.
The Boss……. Keep your soy beans, soy turns men into girls lol
The interviewer was like a frantic Remainer …
@So Angry OK. Some producers Will be better. But you must look on import to. Weak currency mean lower wages for workers. If you import a lot its problem. IT is more complicated. And UK is service economy not industrial giant.
@So Angry I think UK is in weak position against EU. World is not stable. We have trade wars. UK politic is mess. IT will be interesting time to live.
@Gar Sm “Habib is an Arab name. His company is an international property business, active in central Europe. No doubt they are eyeing up “bargains” in the UK as the pound falls further.”
So fucking what you racist bastard. No his businesses are based HERE and operate around the world., He pays his taxes HERE. And if there are any bargains explain how a UK business benefits from a lower currency? IO thought all you Remaintards had us in dire straits because of a lower currency?
Useless Troll.
“No doubt, like Farage he has a driver”
Yes quite probably., Most very busy business people do some are even called taxi drivers and train drivers and pilots. Even ships Captains! TWAAAT!
” …maybe even also paid by tax-exile Aaron Banks”
You complete and utter fucking imbecile Aaron Banks is NOT a tax ‘exile’. Jesus H Christ he lives HERE. He pays his taxes HERE. He runs his businesses HERE. He does not siphon of jack shit to anywhere else before paying taxes HERE. His last payment in tax was some £1.8 Mn. Some avoidance that you stupid prick.
“….The UK should be working within the EU to close all the tax dodges these people exploit”
Oh you mean like Jean Claude Juncker? The man who was working so hard to create Luxembourg as the tax avoidance place to go for big business? Companies like Starbucks siphoning off profits from the UK to Luxembourg so they AVOID paying UK tax?
What a total numbnuts you are. Full of the Remaintard trigger phrases and copy / past abuse.
@So Angry That IS trade in goods. But you sell service to
EU. A lot of services. On WTO rules you can not sell services to EU. If you go on WTO rules. I think Japanies companies will lose money. And I think they Will go to WTO i Will seek compensetions. Me English is bad. Sorry. 😥
@1chish WOW – well said
What an idiotNo clue how the single market works nor the rules of the WTO .
Vote for these dumbos.Good luck in the stone ages!
Simple fact, who wants to remain part of a stagnating or even shrinking trading block that punishes the young of its member states to the exclusion of having better deals with the rest of the world.
The EU is a busted flush, based on an outdated 70 year old ideology that is not fit for purpose in the modern world.
The press and media are always going to project, prodject fear! That’s the only angle they have to provoke the Brexiteers into their way of thinking, which they think is the right answer to their problem! They are in denial and void of any sense of truth
UK STEEL had to get a loan of $120 Million Pounds to PAY the EU for “Carbon Credits”? What a SCAM, and the UK Parliament fell for it. You are leaving and you continue to pay, RIDICULOUS.
Unfortunately The UK Parliament didn’t “fall for it” they know it’s all a scam to divert finances to The EU leaving UK in more debt.
Well said!
Out now on two rules, fuck the corrupt eu no political union with the stinking eu let these bastards make their own money and stop robbing their member states for their own purpose. the eu is scum elite controlled and not fit for purpose. Out now no deal on wto terms. fuck the eu just a bunch of wasters, and for good measure fuck the bastard rothschilds elite a more inbred bunch of psychopaths you have never seen they should be next on the remove the enemy within agenda.
Excellent Brexit Party Candidate, very professional.
Who is making a free trade deal difficult? Have those negotiations started already? Thought that the withdrawal agreement still needs to be accepted first.
The withdrawal agreement it’s self makes a free trade deal very difficult. However that is not the whole point we do not want to be governed by the failing EU.
No one in their right minds would allow a competitor to make laws governing our industries that obviously they would do to suit them to the detriment of us.
If people can’t see the obvious pit falls then I suggest their is a lack of clear thought.
Obliterated more like annihilation, the vote today will mirror the vote the Conservative party will get in the imminent general election, all because of that deceitful woman
Always the same blindness, who are you, UK, to think that you have the same bargain power of the EU. Who are you to claim that EU has to give you a good deal?
@OutaDaDark if a brexit without withdraw agreements allowed the UK to negociate in strong position with the EU, the hard or clean (as you want) would already done. The reality: EU, China, usa, japan have a more powerfull bargain power than Uk, so you will have your onw deals, but with less advantage than deal bluit by EU.
@chris livings think you missibg the point of free trade, it doesn’t mean bulling or being gentle with Uk, it means building the most advantageous deak for EU on the EU side, it is just bargaining power and what can you give if we give you something.
Look at the japan negociator, they don’t want to give to uk the same that they gave to EU, and at the time, david Davis din’t understand. The position of Japan has been clear if you want the same free accesses that EU, you have to open more than the EU the British Market for Japan companies.
Just a question of economical power.
The USA already warm the a trade deal with UK will have to open the food market for chlorined chicken.
@chris livings who care about Uk, who care about your political choices (austerity), who care about that you vote for a millionaire clown who don’t want the pover. Nobody, even with the help of USA, you lost the vote in the UN about the decolonisation of a Indian ocean island.
Seriously, you don’t even understand that a no deal brexit will use by EU to bite, sector by sector the UK ecenomy. We will give you temporary exemptions with enough time for the companies organize their move into EU.
And the power in EU is in the hand of European council where seat the european prime ministers and cheifs of state
@chris livings i except nothing, i contemplate, with delight, the real bites little by little the claim of brexiters, i see, without smile, a uk officier told “yes iraniam militia are preparing to attak” when he had told the contrary gew day before, because he had to knee in the front of USA, i saw Uk lost a vite in UN about a small island, i saw a wto court without british judge, first time scince the creation of the court, i saw for the fisrt time the republic of irland with more bargain power than UK.
But of course, brexiters are right
@chris livings the problem is not to have authority over uk, we don’t care. The problem is just to put a price for the services that uk want to keep.
Uk want to keep access to the military gallileo sginal, you just have to apply for a agreement, as norway, and pay. You want to stay in euratom, same apply and pay, but you can produce your onw medical nuclear supplie on your side.
Eurosky, you will pay. Interpol data, same.
And now republic of irland czn integrate schengen area, it lezns that brexiters with a delir of border control will construct the border.
The farage claim aboutno border in ireland in case of hard btexit is a stupidly
We all have rules how can this interviewer be so ignorant? We can only trade with those with whom we can agree in some way.
Probably making it hard because this government hasn’t a clue what it’s doing .
It’s nice to hear someone talking sence on Brexit. What a guy
No they are rightfully protecting the interests of EU members, they are not going to give a better deal to a third country, Cameron got an exclusion for the UK from ever closer political Union as well as no adoption of the Euro, by the way.
Here it seems that too many people think that when the other party protects their own interests, just as the UK does, it is the enemy. The EU has to follow its own rules, no organisation would favour an ex member with a better treatment than its own members. Ridiculous UK demands which simply cannot be met, and then we blame the EU for the logical no. Typical blaming circle when people are unable to understand what negotiating means. Start with realistic expectations, not “having and keeping the cake” and other stupid slogans for stupid people.
Get your democracy back United Kingdom! Wish you all the best.
The language of the europhile interviewer is tediously repetitive.
the brexit party ( LOL ) .
ask them who’s funding them !
The British people are funding them .We need to leave now we are hated by EU anyway
@Paul Williamson I guess we’ll see about that 🙂
Ben Habib candidate for Brexit party sounds sensible and solid well spoken and presents himself very well, when Farage becomes PM I will put him as his right hand man.
We need to clear the trash out of that building first. 487 traitors need to be removed.
The quality of the Brexit party candidates is astounding, these are people who have been and lived in the real world. Not like our career politicians who do not seem to have a clue and spew out their lies and project fear to frighten people into voting for them.
Yes, when a candidate refers to the man in the street as ‘the layman on the Clapham omnibus’ you know you are dealing with a regular bloke.
Habib for pm!!
Big Ben!
Hail the mighty farage
UK government should problem. UK government should go ahead and do business with Japan. Canada. USA. Brazil. South Korea. Indian
Commentator is dumb. A vote is a Vote. Leave won by 4%. 1.4 million votes.
losers constant moaning, grow up and stop the bullshit.
The EU just seen May coming and took the piss because she never wanted to leave. Only the brexit party can deliver Brexit
since the referendum in 2016 what has come to light, how corrupt, horrible, nasty and vile the people who voted to stay in the EU really are. just look at the presenters who quiz these brexiteers their voices is full of hatred and contempt for the brexiteers. when we get out we need to kick them out as well. they have no part in the future of this country because they have no interest in it.
it seems the brexiteers have ruined there selfish greedy little world and they are having a temper tantrum trying to get their way, and the closer they get to losing what they want the nastier they are becoming. The EU sympathisers really are a piece of work.
Layman on the Clapham onibus lol
I could listen to this guy all day
who is this wanker of an interviewer? does he not believe in this country or is he too easily bought
he is right. there must be real change and more accountability to the public too
Habib speaks sense. Interviewer talks from his brainwashed arse.
I like this guy, we need to hear more from him.
Remainer public need to be lead, they are weak and don’t really know what’s good for the country.
He speaks for us all here. I like this man.
Why the hell did the interviewer mention that he is Pakistani what difference does that make ? he is a British citizen with a view to leaving the EU, I wish the media were more professional.
@Ile Adura so who said it was a thing of shame? Can you read?
They were discussing the EU ,he is a business man that agrees with Brexit do you think if it was a white man he would have said ” you’re an English business man” ,no he wouldn’t, i dont get the relevance.
@Ile Adura ok you clearly have issues, leave it there.
@Ile Adura oh! so you’re racist, should have seen it, you don’t have to feel inferior.
I confess to never having heard of Ben Habib before these elections, but I like what I’m seeing and hearing. It’s not just Brexit that’s at stake, but Democracy itself. Needless to say I voted Brexit Party.
I just find it so funny that people think that the EU-regulations are so bad: The regulations and laws of the EU are like 99% of the time just basic food health and safety rules and the like. As the same rules and regulations apply for all, it allows the free flow of trade in the EU. If you say, no: We will not follow your rule and regulations… Then why would you be free to trade in the same way as the ones that follow the common rules and regulations.
If you do not want to follow any of the import nations rules and regulations? Fine. Do you want to export something to the US? What if the US says that you will have to maintain standard X, and standard Y? For the transport and storage, to be allowed quick access to the US market? Well i do hope the response is you guys getting ontop of a pile of UK produce, taking a dump on it while giving the food safety people in the US two middlefingers.
Your democracy is not being hijacked by following a few basic rules and guidelines. Any real issues in your nation are not linked to the EU.
@chris livings That makes no sense: There are no EU rules stating that you can not exceed the minimum requirement while being a EU member. If the EU standard says that the maximum PPA level of some compound in milk is 4.2: You are still free to have 3.5 or 2.5 in your product.
If you look at US food standards and EU ones: You will find that there are quite a few things in US food products that are outright banned in the EU. Or the max allowed PPM of a chemical is higher in the US. So food safety is more strict in the EU: So EU exporters to the US surpass the requirments.
The food safety rules of the EU are not poor by any international standards: Stricter rules then the US, stricter rules then Canada.
@chris livings If you read the title of the video and listened to it: He is complaining about EU making it hard to make a free trade deal. This as i mentioned before is nonsense: The EU can not require the member states to follow the rules, and let the UK skip following those rules as a non member state.
The UK has members in the EU parliment that is representing the UK, aswell as your turn to have the EU presidency. The power that the EU ‘takes’ from you is as i mentioned are trade and safety rules and regulations. When you listen to the pro-Brexit crowd it seems like it is not the rules and regulations themselves that are the problem, only that the EU is the one making them.
If you are not worried, or care about exports to the EU and establishing any kind of a deal then that is fine. But videos like this is trying to say that the EU is being difficult when in fact the EU is asked to agree to impossible demands. When there is a non deal Brexit (Not really an if) the EU is not the one to blame for what happens.
@chris livings Norways deal with the EU (That the UK will not agree to, or the EU even offer) was negotiated over a long time, Norway making a lot of concessions to get that deal. The EU bending over backwards to give the UK a really good deal, giving the UK all the benefits you like, and none of the things you do not like… The whole Brexit affair has injured the EU project, and to give the UK a really nice deal would harm the EU project even more. So why would the EU work really hard to help get the UK that deal?
It is not a matter of pride, but necessity: If leaving the EU is something along the lines of: “Sorry to see you go Poland, but i guess we have to make the best of it and create a great deal between you and the EU…” Then with the next major crisis nationalist/populists all over will push for leaving the EU (Despite it not being the problem) and everything falls apart.
I was not that aware about the Greenland deal, but it seems that Greenlanders are EU citizens, and through Denmark follow EU rules and regulations: And are even eligible for EU funding for various projects, and can take part in EU parlament politics.
To the criticism that the EU is less democratic in a sense i actually agree to some extent. But as i previously mentioned it is 99% about issues like CE marking and standards, safety rules and regulations. Things that anyone sane is for, you might disagree about some specific numbers but that is about it. If you feel that is giving up to much influence that is fine.
But the ‘price’ for me does not seem that steep: What you get in return is worth it.
@chris livings You sure have a lot of ideas, and as you yourself state it would be seen as grossly unfair and getting the existing EU nations to go along with it would never happen. Another thing to consider is that the EU project besides being about just trade helps instill stability and safety in europe. The poorest EU nations receiving a lot more EU funds back then say Germany or the UK: And that has led to increased growth and a higher standard of living: Not racing to the bottom as some anti-globalist complain about but pulling the poorer EU nations up. The Balkans, that is the current area for EU expansion was the place where WW1 was triggered, and the only place where there has been war, and war crimes commited in modern european history. The balkan countries joining the EU will help with security and stability, in many ways as it has done in Northern Ireland by ‘removing’ the borders. Disputes between Greece and now Northern Macedonia being put to rest. The EU trying to find a way to somehow resolve the Kosovo/Serbian issue (Waving that big carrot around to both of them.).
The part of being ‘technically’ in the EU is as you already refered to is not enough. Greenland is interesting, but in reality, it is the EUs 103rd largest trading partner: And 92.7% of Greenlands exports are to the EU. This leaves the EU with such a strong hand that if they like to crack the whip they can get Greenland under their thumb in no time at all. The EU is however busy with other things, Brexit, expansion into the Balkans, Growth of the euro: So Greenland is hardly a priority. Also, that Greenland will rejoin the EU(They really only left the EG) is not unlikely, a hard brexit is likely to push them to it.
If Greenland was not so tiny, i think the EU would have been busy with getting Greenland into the fold. Expanding the EU outside europe (With weird things like, getting benefits that European countries pay for, but you do not have to as an.. African nation?) is not something that will happen. Turkey is the prime example, it is in Europe, and.. In the middle east. The EU has established a lot of trade relations with Turkey, not quite at the level of Norway but not far off.
The problems that come up are these: Eu members complaining that Turkey is not really european. The real reason as i suspect it is, is that Turkey with its size and GDP would overnight have the second most EP seats, just behind Germany. So the existing powers that be, do not like that. Then of course, with the more recent developments in Turkey any talk of Turkey joining the EU is completly dead.
The EU, being a large trading bloc is sure to make beneficial with non-EU nations. But no EU politican, or political scientist i have heard has included the idea of pushing the EU outside the european borders (Except the existing small colonial holdings that still exist outside the EU). You still have european countries like Albania, that despite clearly being in europe, and wanting to join the EU is so far off from the basic requirments that it will probably take 20 years before they are even ready to start the process of joining.
It has been a difficult and long journey (It really started in 1945) to create an European union. So maybe in 2070 they can start working on that global union.
Habib hit the nail on the head!! ”We need to change the way that building (Parliament) works”!!!
I proudly voted for the Brexit party
Loving this guy. He knows that we’re better out than in. We’re a great nation and proud and don’t want to be governed by other entities. The Brexit Party will have proper negotiators driving a hard bargain, not the lilly livered bunch currently in power.
“Parliament itself is in contempt of the people.”
Great candidate for the brexit party!
Brexit is an impossible idea! Forget this fake idea from your MISleaders!
Very astute views from this fellow Brexiteer, the remainer MPs need to listen to these guys
Well said Habib, it’s the MP’s on all sides that are stopping us leaving, 75%on the EU gravy train are anti democratic traitors. All they care about is themselves with most going against their constituents wishes to leave. Time to drain Parliament of these scumbags.
Money-laundering slimeball Habib. The leader Britain deserves.
@Raymond Bewick Yes, a real WANKA.
what fucking control are we taking back?….the EU have made us the 5th richest country on the planet…and this idiot wants to throw it away and try again from scratch….no fucking wonder we are a laughing stock with these people bullshitting us.
What all this boils down to is the people’s will vs the political *WONT.*
So it’s a great opportunity? Tearing up all our trade deals and then who would you like to renegotiate them all better than they were before? 20 alone for the US. You’ll need someone with acumen, credibility, experience and staying power to hard-ball negotiate against conglomerates of US lawyers backed by the likes of Monsanto. Would that be Boris or Nigel ? ….. not a hope. We’ll be the toxic dustbin of the world. Nigel knows this but he’s no stayer. He’ll be long gone with even fuller pockets before it hits the fan.
… and the women on the Clapham Omnibus too. Or should they know their place?
Ha. Got ya. This man is right on the money. The Tories have lied to the their own people. its clear and simple
He’s totally correct. The rump parliament, many of whom have a vested interest in the EU project, do not side with the people who elect them and have used their position to stop brexit happening. Well, they’d better start complying now or the brexit party will be the next party of government after the next election.
habib is stunningly impressive
Great stuff! Lets get our country back!
4:05 “..Parliament itself is in contempt of the people….4:24 (we need to) change the way that building works…”
What the hell was that woman at the end talking about?
The brexit party do have some really great candidates
Remainers scaremonger because they don’t have the skills to take the UK forward in an international market outside of the EU. They are happy to be under the cushion of the EU, which is in decline and may not exist with rising nationalism. The UK receives less revenue from the EU each year and continues to be the second highest contributor to the EU next to Germany.
Only people with courage and ambition know we have a prosperous future outside of the EU as long as we take this opportunity.
WTO Brexit gives businesses certainty for everyone so we can all move on together. That will unite our country.
Ben Habib – Intelligent, articulate, charismatic and blessed with common sense. If this fella ever gets to be our Prime Minister Britain will be Great again. 🤞
@swave158 Nobody is perfect.
Theresa May deliberately manufactured all the Brexit chaos. Donald Tusk offered the UK an ADVANCED tariff-free trade deal in March 2018 – but May and her No 10 cronies rejected it BECAUSE it meant leaving properly., the LAST thing they wanted.Theresa May is a total utter con-artist
Wrong —– the moment May pampered to the racist element in herself, her party and the Brexit blinkered it was never going to happen, the bring back control of our borders which we never lost control of. Tusk said repect the 4 freedoms have a deal- au revoir, chow, auf, do widzenia. Go beyond The Sun for info.
The Good Friday agreement is not manufactured it’s international law
Habib was correct in every point he made, I couldn’t agree more with him.
Just look how that interview is filmed, camara positioned in such a way to make ‘the establishment’ big and Ban Habib look small. Well all I can say is………..”DAVID and goliath” 😀
Ester McVey, strong Brexiteer.
One more dustbin for you and a full pocket for him ,tax dodgers.
Gets my vote – talks sense.
grief this guy has no idea what he is talking about. First paragraph of Brexit paper —- The British Government has always been sovereign.
This old trope again, the EU does not ‘govern’ the country never has done, every country has a veto over any proposed laws.
A favourite rant of Farage and his crowd of circus performers is about the commissioners one of which are appointed by each country – as we would a Home Secretary or Minister of Transport (but not idiot Graying). As for the powers they have, let’s cross over to the London School of Economics for some facts (you know, what the Brexit Blinkered ignore)
“…the Commission’s power to propose legislation is much weaker than it at first seems. The Commission can only propose laws in those areas where the EU governments have unanimously agreed to allow it to do under the EU treaty. Put another way, the Commission can only propose EU laws in areas where the UK government and the House of Commons has allowed it to do so.”
(source: LSE).
The biggest impact has been protecting workers rights, so If I was a successful business man like this guy is? I couldn’t wait to leave the EU so we can get rid of workers rights —– if you doubt that why was May touting protecting workers rights in new laws to Union officials and the Labour party.
P S Farage is pretty racist or is that an ugly racist.
This ‘interviewer’ is an asshat!!!!
Bollocks to Cable.
I think we are seeing a future statesman here. Nigel was right about the quality of his candidates. Hes right in the ball , really in touch with whats going on the world and here. Welcome to British Politics Ben Habib. K
The interviewer tried his best to crush Ben Habib with no joy. Ben is an amazing guy with great worldwide business knowledge.
No-one’s questioning the Brexit Party as of today (27 May), well done from a Brit living in Canada.
Journalists now are total arseholes. Totally biased. Promoting their Globalist masters rhetoric. Habib was lovely and to the point.
Don’t listening
Well done & many congratulations, Habib! 👍👏🙌
Ben Habib is a voice we would benefit from in Parliament.
Let us not forget business doesnt need politics and politicians it was happening between countries for centuries before politicians started to regulate business primarily so they could raise taxes.
And as is clear from every other trading block in the world you dont need to ceed sovereignty to develop trading blocs, that is a uniquely EU notion that gives the lie to the notion it was ever intended to be JUST atrading bloc.
Anyone else think his voice sounds remarkably similar to Tony Blair?
We the people have voted to leave not a deal but to leave….. NOW
these morons only ever wanted just privileges and no compromises, brexit WITHOUT A DEAL
That Building is redundant, it doesn’t work, it’s not meant to anymore. The key was mentioned there, that Nation is what works in the World, the opposite (the EU) has removed enough of it and that’s why it no longer works except for administration.
The Deal wasn’t a Deal, it was something that didn’t work either and also wasn’t meant to. The only way out is out, then make a trade deal with the EU etc, we can’t make a Deal or talk while we’re in because theres nothing to discuss, only when we’re out is there anything to say.
Parliment can’t block No Deal if an extension isn’t asked for, they are blocking Leaving,
not No Deal, there’s no such thing as No Deal, there’s _No preparations to leave_ is what
they mean by No Deal.
That man is an idiot.